When we last posted a collection of before-and-after dog photos, we were overwhelmed by a flood of photos from our readers their own photos of dogs growing up. We love these photos as much as you guys do, so here's a new list of before-and-after dog photos for you guys to enjoy and add to!
One thing you'll probably notice from these photos is that dogs grow REALLY fast! Depending on the size of your pup's breed, they can reach their full size in 6 to 18 months with some of the largest breeds sometimes taking up to 2 years.
Feel free to add photos of your own pooch from their earliest puppyhood and how they look now. Write the time elapsed between the two photos too so that we know how much they've grown!
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One Year Apart
Still Best Friends
Cute Malamute Puppy Turns Into A Giant Fury Beast
Fourteen Years Apart
It's Just Not The Same Anymore
Eleven Weeks Old, Eleven Months Old. Still Smiling In His Sleep
He Finally Grew Into His Ears
The Day We Got Our Puppy And Eleven Years Later
Past And Present Lily
The Difference Two Years Make
Hello, Is It Me You're Looking For? One Year Later
Two Years Later. Chico Has Grown Too Fast
One year apart
What A Difference A Year Has Made
Brandy And I 14 Years Apart
Then And Now
Tyler And 15-year-old Zelda
Three Months Apart
Fiona And Shrek. Three Years Ago And Now
Six Months Apart
Tahoe Before And After...
Three Years Later, Same Happy Smile
This Guy, He Never Learns
Thirteen Years Of The Best Dog A Kid Could Ever Have
Doreen One Year Apart
Steve Has Grown Up To Be Such A Handsome Young Man
Forever A Snow Dog
Twelve Years Apart
Four Months Of Growth For An English Mastiff Puppy
Years Apart
Sharing The Couch
Oscar, 6 Months Later
Three Years Apart
One Year Apart. My Wolf Bear Cub Scarlet Has Grown
When You Buy A Puppy, You Never Think That One Day He Will Become A Beast :d
Beans One Year Later
Celebrating A Decade With This Old Pup
My Dog Thirteen Years Apart
Hipo, 7 Months And 30 Kilos Later
My Girlfriend And Her First Dog Eleven Years Apart
Daytona Three Years Apart
Still Curious- 7 Years Apart
Four Months Apart
Berlin, 8weeks-1year
It's Amazing How Much She Has Grown In Just Four Weeks
Then And Now
My Babies Then And Now At Two Years Old
3 Years Apart
3months To 6years
Our Rescue Dogs Neo And Mia... Year And A Half Later And Neo Is Still An Awesome Big Brother :)
Meet Gracie - Then And Now
He's Grown A Lot In Ten Weeks
One Year Of Candy
Leo 2 Months, 6 Months And 2 Years Old
Rogue And Tuesday 11 Months Between
Ufo - Two Years Apart
One Year Apart
Kido Senshi 1.5 Years Apart
Piper My Husky Puppy At 5 Weeks To 8months, Such As Big Difference.
7 Years Later..
The Evolution 8 Weeks To 10 Yrs
Ozzy Two Months Apart
Sheba, 10 Months Ago And Now
Marlo Watchdog Pt 2
Jackson...it's Still My Bed...10 Wks. And 1 Yr.
Kaia, 11 Years Apart
1 Year Makes A Big Difference
Same Guys, 2009 And 2015
Oscar -5 Years
Smallest Baby Turns Into Biggest Lover! 1 Year Apart.
Cooper 2.5-9.5 Months
Barney, Our Flat Coated Retriever
2011 Barely As Big As My Shoe! 2015 Takes Up The Whole Bed In The Cabin At The Lake.
5 Months Apart And He's Still A Baby
Astra. One Year Difference.
Charles Coal Black (charlie) 1 Year A Part!
My Little Monster :*
Hey! I have a puppy that I rescued who looks very similar to yours. Do you have any idea what breed yours is? I'm really curious about it. Thank you! :)