Wizards of wholesomeness. Kings and queens of kindness. Sultans of support. Teachers and professors can be very powerful forces of good in their students’ lives, helping guide them and unlocking their potential. Today, the team here at Bored Panda is paying homage to some of the best educators out there. That’s why we’ve collected some of their most wholesome and heartwarming moments.

It’s proof that educators really don’t get paid enough. We’d love to give each and every teacher and professor on this list a wage bump and a hug to thank them for being such awesome inspirations for us all. Don’t forget to upvote the pics that warmed your heart as you continue scrolling. When you’re done with this list, we’ve got some more teacher and professor wholesomeness waiting for you here and here.

And remember, Pandas, if you’ve ever had a great teacher or professor who you still remember fondly to this very day, why not tell them how you feel? Send them an email, give them a call, or drop by your old school. We’re pretty sure they’d appreciate your appreciation. Sometimes, a simple ‘thank you’ is enough to make it all worth it.

Bored Panda got in touch with Lisa McLendon, the William Allen White Professor of Journalism and Mass Communications and the Coordinator at the Bremner Editing Center at the University of Kansas. We had a chat about how educators can motivate students and about some of the nicest things that Lisa and her students have done for each other. You'll find the full interview below, dear Pandas, so make sure to read on.


Chicago Public School Teacher Dwayne Reed, Who's Wife Is Eight Months Pregnant With Their First Child, Requested To Work From Home To Minimize His Covid Risk

Chicago Public School Teacher Dwayne Reed, Who's Wife Is Eight Months Pregnant With Their First Child, Requested To Work From Home To Minimize His Covid Risk

His school district said no. So Reed's teaching remotely - from right outside his school.

TeachMrReed Report

"Just this week I put a current student in touch with an alum who was looking for a summer intern—I knew the student and what the alum was looking for, and I thought they’d be a good match. By Thursday she had the internship!" Lisa, from the University of Kansas, shared one way that she recently helped one of her students.

"It’s always nice to see when your students flourish. I also encourage (and have gotten the university to fund) students to attend an annual professional conference, to see what professionals in the field are doing and start to build their network. Every year a few students go, and they’re always happy to have had such an experience," she said.

"As for nice things students have done for me, I keep a folder of the handwritten notes I’ve received from students, telling me how they value what they learned from me or just thanks for being their teacher, and I read a couple when I have a bad day, to remind myself why I do this job," the professor revealed that these notes can help motivate her.


Special Education Teacher Has Her Entire Class As Members Of Her Wedding Party

Special Education Teacher Has Her Entire Class As Members Of Her Wedding Party

Lang Thomas Photography , Report


Lol Kids Are So Wholesome

Lol Kids Are So Wholesome

huffingscuttle Report

Speaking of motivation, the professor explained to us what educators can do to help guide and inspire their students. According to her, it's important that professors show the purpose of everything that they're doing at university.

"Relating concepts and skills to real-world activities can help many students understand not just what they’re doing but why. Explaining the purpose of big-picture things like a whole course as well as small things like individual assignments can help students understand why what they’re doing is relevant. Also, putting concepts and skills into the larger field can help students contextualize what they’re doing and see how it relates to things they’ve done before and things they’ll be doing at the next level," the professor told Bored Panda.


This Is Wholesome

This Is Wholesome

heathertday Report

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kyirana avatar
Lilla Ontherun
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We should treat everybody this way, everyone has their personal hell hidden inside.

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This Retired Chemistry Teacher Completed A Cross-Stitch Periodic Table After Two Decades Of Stitching

This Retired Chemistry Teacher Completed A Cross-Stitch Periodic Table After Two Decades Of Stitching

He meticulously hand-stitched every inch of the 58' x 54' embroidery. ⁠The table and border took six years.

martin.sellner.7 Report


Teacher Posted This To Parents - So Thoughtful

Teacher Posted This To Parents - So Thoughtful

Superb_Repair4353 Report

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Kea Lander
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This this this! Some people need extra support sometimes and if you don't pry, I imagine lots of people will feel they can use this when needed

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Meanwhile, we were curious as to how educators could subtly let a student know that they should put a bit more effort into their work. "The 'sandwich' method usually works pretty well: Tell the student something good about their work (bread), tell them how something could be better (filling), then tell them something else good, either about their work or about your confidence in their ability to do it (bread)," she explained the sandwich method of criticism.

"Some students want simple, direct feedback on what to fix, but many want to know that they’re at least on the right track and that their teacher thinks they can do it."


Last Minute Before The Graduation. Student Comes To Me In A Panic. He’s Like, They Won’t Let Me Graduate Because I Don’t Have The Proper Shoes For The Dress Code

Last Minute Before The Graduation. Student Comes To Me In A Panic. He’s Like, They Won’t Let Me Graduate Because I Don’t Have The Proper Shoes For The Dress Code

In total disbelief, I go down to confirm. And sure enough, the lady down there tells me the same thing. So then it becomes a no-brainer to me, a no more questions-asked scenario. I gave him the shoes on my feet. Here’s the funny part though... My shoes were 2 sizes bigger than his, so when his name was called, he had to slide his feet like sleestak across the stage to receive his diploma. We had a good laugh.

John Butler Report

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samlomb avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is deeply stupid. Why would you be so insistent on "the right shoes" (which are often reflective of White ideas of "appropriate" and are classiest as many people can't afford dress shoes) that you would deny a child the chance to graduate and be recognized for his hard work

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My Very Considerate Professor Allowing Me To Bring My Cat To Class

My Very Considerate Professor Allowing Me To Bring My Cat To Class

Bethmphetamines Report

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sonja-szabrotska avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

every school should have its own cat. Or... every cat should have its own school, your choice

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Teachers Tom Rose and Jack Pannett from the UK told Bored Panda during a previous interview that being an educator can be very stressful yet rewarding. Teachers need to be able to deal with a lot of unexpected situations. Planning is important, but being flexible and nimble enough to react to (sometimes unpleasant) surprises is vital, too.

“Box breathing’ is our ‘go-to’ method if we are stressed and want to calm down. Box breathing is a practice where you breathe in for 4 seconds, hold breath for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and repeat until your heart rate slows down," Tom and Jack shared with us how they calm down if things get a tad too stressful.


The two teachers told us that it’s important to know your students well and to be aware of who might pose the most challenges. That will make it easier to manage their behavior in the future. What’s more, educators have to be very aware of their students’ parents as well. It’s very useful to be diplomatic when speaking to them or giving them advice about their kids. Parents also gossip. A lot.


An Email From My Computer Science Teacher, Who I’m Not Even Taking A Class With This Semester. Genuinely Want To Cry Right Now

An Email From My Computer Science Teacher, Who I’m Not Even Taking A Class With This Semester. Genuinely Want To Cry Right Now

spoopy_gay Report

Teachers Tom and Jack told Bored Panda that a lot of staff members are so busy taking care of everyone else that they can forget about their own health and wellbeing. They noted that teachers have to remember the basics: eating, getting enough sleep, taking time off to unwind after stressful periods.


According to psychotherapist Silva Neves, from the United Kingdom, human beings are hardwired to be kind. However, at the same time, human beings are constantly thinking about their own survival. So there’s an ongoing battle inside everyone about whether or not to be altruistic and to go the extra mile for someone else.


So My Professor Reached Out To Me Few Times Before To Check On Me Because I Haven't Been Attending Classes Since I Dropped Out This Fall Semester And Look What She Said And Did

So My Professor Reached Out To Me Few Times Before To Check On Me Because I Haven't Been Attending Classes Since I Dropped Out This Fall Semester And Look What She Said And Did Report


I Came Out To My Very Religious Family A Few Years Back And Haven’t Been Allowed Home Since. I Just Got This From One Of My Professors And Had To Share It. I’m 100% Going

I Came Out To My Very Religious Family A Few Years Back And Haven’t Been Allowed Home Since. I Just Got This From One Of My Professors And Had To Share It. I’m 100% Going

snooppii Report


This Brazilian Sign Language Teacher Signs Her Entire Wedding Ceremony For All Of Her Deaf Guests

This Brazilian Sign Language Teacher Signs Her Entire Wedding Ceremony For All Of Her Deaf Guests

Emerson Garbini Report

“Being kind is good for us because it gives us a sense of purpose, it raises our self-esteem, and it releases feel-good brain chemicals,” Silva told Bored Panda earlier.

“It [kindness] is also good for others, obviously. So kindness is actually something that we, humans, are naturally driven to be,” he said.


Higher Learning

Higher Learning

Original_Vaughn Report

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k_white avatar
Karen White
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What an incredible teacher and a gorgeous baby. Who doesn't love carrying a baby.

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We Are In Lockdown In Australia. My Daughter Got Some Mail From Her Teacher

We Are In Lockdown In Australia. My Daughter Got Some Mail From Her Teacher

impicklericks Report

“The sense of kindness is in competition with our survival mode, so, as human beings, we tend to live in contradiction, between kindness (opening our arms) and protection (closing our arms),” the mental health expert explained to us that there’s a constant flux between being helpful to others and prioritizing what’s best for us.


New Office Neighbor Has A Very Sensible Office Door Policy. Last Point Is A Nice One

New Office Neighbor Has A Very Sensible Office Door Policy. Last Point Is A Nice One

aezro Report


Spanish Male Teachers Wore Skirts To School After A Student Got Expelled Over It

Spanish Male Teachers Wore Skirts To School After A Student Got Expelled Over It

borjamusico Report

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chung_hiu_man_claire avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why would anyone get expelled over something as ridiculous as a skirt

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Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Imadisneyprincess2014 Report

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kyirana avatar
Lilla Ontherun
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Homework is not just something to make feel the kids that they are controlled, owned by the system even outside of school?

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Helping others can make you feel far more positive about life. What’s more, acts of altruism can also help put things into perspective and make you, well, happier. Kindness also has a way of spreading. Doing wholesome things for others inspires them to act in a similar way, in turn. Kindness leads to more kindness. And wholesome teachers create more wholesome students.


In Mexico, School Was Cancelled Because Of The Pandemic. This Teacher Turned Her Pickup Truck Into A Portable Classroom

In Mexico, School Was Cancelled Because Of The Pandemic. This Teacher Turned Her Pickup Truck Into A Portable Classroom

She drives two hours a day to teach children with autism who don't have books or access to the internet.

akkitwts Report


Teacher's Positive Words

Teacher's Positive Words

gfishandnuggets Report

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slbimrie avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Young ones LOVE to see their artwork hanging up! I used to hang my son's pictures by tiny clothes pins on a string that stretched across my dining room wall. Friends & family also enjoyed the artwork when visiting.

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This Little Heart On My Hand Is Called A "Cuddle Button". Since My Wife Passed Away Last Year, My 4-Year-Old Daughter Has Hated Being Away From Me

This Little Heart On My Hand Is Called A "Cuddle Button". Since My Wife Passed Away Last Year, My 4-Year-Old Daughter Has Hated Being Away From Me

Her teacher draws this on both our hands when I drop her off at school and every time we press it, it sends a hug to the other. It helps her feel connected to me.

slightly-simian Report

Sarah Vero, from ‘Action for Happiness,’ explained to Bored Panda earlier that happiness is closely linked to the concepts of duty and purpose.

"The 10 keys to happier living are giving, relating, exercising, awareness, trying out, direction, resilience, emotions, acceptance, and meaning. We are likely to be happier if our lives have direction, meaning and purpose and if we are part of something bigger than ourselves," Sarah shared with us.


This Is Pure Genius

This Is Pure Genius

tomsavagar Report


This Teacher Wore Anatomy Bodysuit To Teach Science Class

This Teacher Wore Anatomy Bodysuit To Teach Science Class

mikemoratinos Report

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A Professor In Afghanistan Is Taking Care Of A Baby While The Mother Is Busy In Her Exam

A Professor In Afghanistan Is Taking Care Of A Baby While The Mother Is Busy In Her Exam

alifilorux Report

"Giving or doing things for others is another example. Relating is about being connected to other people and being part of a community. Duty and purpose don't have to be serious things, being part of a cause that you care about or taking part in charity fundraising, all these things make us happy and fulfilled. We should see these things as acts of service that help us to be happy and help other people at the same time. Awareness is about appreciating each moment no matter what we are doing at the time,” she went into detail about the things we can all do that lead to happiness.


This Drawing That My History Teacher Did On The Whiteboard

This Drawing That My History Teacher Did On The Whiteboard

QEDification Report

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Thanks To My 6th Grade Teacher

Thanks To My 6th Grade Teacher

KimikoYukimura420 Report

Thinking about others, not just ourselves, leads to more satisfaction with our lives. Altruism benefits everyone.

"Think about how you can reach out and do things for others, help a neighbor or volunteer for a cause, we get happiness high from helping other people,” she suggested.


Another Expo Drawing By My History Teacher

Another Expo Drawing By My History Teacher

QEDification Report


His Smile Makes My Heart Happy

His Smile Makes My Heart Happy

nai_march Report


A Film Class At UCLA Was Analyzing The Movie "Get Out" And The Professor Surprised Students With A Special Guest

A Film Class At UCLA Was Analyzing The Movie "Get Out" And The Professor Surprised Students With A Special Guest

gangkang Report


My Dad Is A College Professor. When One Of His Student's Babysitter Didn't Show, She Had To Take Her 4 Month Old Daughter To Class

My Dad Is A College Professor. When One Of His Student's Babysitter Didn't Show, She Had To Take Her 4 Month Old Daughter To Class

She started to get fussy, so he did what any good dad would do. They spent almost the entire class like this.

owls_everywhere Report

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"Free Math Classes" This Math Professor Helps Random People Who Want To Learn Math For Free

"Free Math Classes" This Math Professor Helps Random People Who Want To Learn Math For Free

PostalAzul Report


Anatomy Teacher With His Drawing Lecture On A Chalkboard

Anatomy Teacher With His Drawing Lecture On A Chalkboard

itsmeaidil Report


A 5-Year-Old Girl Was Being Teased By Her Classmates For Looking Like A Boy. Her Teacher Chopped Off Her Own Hair To Support Her

A 5-Year-Old Girl Was Being Teased By Her Classmates For Looking Like A Boy. Her Teacher Chopped Off Her Own Hair To Support Her

gangkang , Report

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a_jmilne avatar
A.J Milne
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't find it insulting when I am told I look like a boy (which is too often). I am very thankful, cause I look just like my dad.

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High School Teachers: Your College Professors Won't Be Nearly As Laid Back As I Am. My College Professor

High School Teachers: Your College Professors Won't Be Nearly As Laid Back As I Am. My College Professor

liv_reed17 Report


Professor Of The Year

Professor Of The Year

x0_rissa Report

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ᶜʰᵃᵒᵗⁱᶜ ˡᵉᵍᵃˡ
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

tell me he's getting paid for his time. TELL ME HES AT LEAST GETTING PAID FOR HIS TIME *more infernal screaming* WE LOVE YOUUUUUU!!!!!

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My Teacher Is Currently In The Hospital Suffering From Stage Three Kidney Failure. And Still Makes An Effort To Teach

My Teacher Is Currently In The Hospital Suffering From Stage Three Kidney Failure. And Still Makes An Effort To Teach

-BrokeBoi Report

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So One Of The Students Came In With Her Kid Because She Couldn't Afford A Babysitter. The Kid Started Crying In Class And The Professor Took The Kid And Calmed Him Down

So One Of The Students Came In With Her Kid Because She Couldn't Afford A Babysitter. The Kid Started Crying In Class And The Professor Took The Kid And Calmed Him Down

TDare2bcool Report

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qcrhngd6gx avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The whiteboard reminds me: there are lies, damn lies and statistics.

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I Tutor A 6-Year-Old In Reading Who Prefers Math. This Is How I Keep His Attention, I Am The Reading Tooter

I Tutor A 6-Year-Old In Reading Who Prefers Math. This Is How I Keep His Attention, I Am The Reading Tooter

Kellyshmo Report


Teacher Picks On Student, Wholesome Edition

Teacher Picks On Student, Wholesome Edition

_ablackguy Report

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Abdul Rahman Falih
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was told once by my wise vice principal: "teachers are your second parents", and today im glad to see that teachers are proving it right.

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You Don't See This Everyday

You Don't See This Everyday

findinghani Report


A Teacher's Message To Her Students

A Teacher's Message To Her Students

rationalcomment Report

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Piet Puk
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"Dear white students, you are not all considered entitled racists."

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Professor Won't Let Fire Alarm Stop Students From Learning, Proceeds To Teach Using Storage Container

Professor Won't Let Fire Alarm Stop Students From Learning, Proceeds To Teach Using Storage Container

MLBClubbie Report


Wife Is A Kindergarten Teacher. A Couple Of The Teachers Started A "Comfort Closet" At Her School For Needy Kids To Get Hygiene Supplies And Clothes. All Donation Based

Wife Is A Kindergarten Teacher. A Couple Of The Teachers Started A "Comfort Closet" At Her School For Needy Kids To Get Hygiene Supplies And Clothes. All Donation Based

Terevok Report

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rbarrattpeacock avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Took me a minute to realise that translates to 'kids in need'. In my dialect, someone is 'needy' when they whine a lot for no good reason. Quite the opposite to these kids!

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Note: this post originally had 88 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.

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