Parenting ain't all sunshine and bubblegum. Kids just don't know how to act, and this can lead to some explosively disastrous accidents, like the epic kid fails in this list. They might be having fun, but that's because they're not thinking about the clean-up process. Yet.
If you have a great picture from the darker and more disastrous side of parental life, we'd love to see it in this list! Upvote your favorites, too.
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A Table Is A Table
It’s Ok As Long As You Let Me Sleep
My Daughter Likes Me To Wear Hair-bows With Her
Just Being A Dad
Really Bro?
"It wasn't me, I didn't do it, you can't prove anything!!!" - Bart Simpson
She Wanted A Swing So I Became One
10th Anniversary Today, Thought We'd Capture The Romance
This Tattoo Artist's First Customer
I feel sorry for her future passed-out-drunk friends ... her game's already on point.
Good Morning!
Letting His Daughter Practice
My father let us play with his hair - we'd scoop it up into a ridge at the top of his head and he'd make the Woody Woodpecker call. Love!!
It Totally Looks Better This Way
Dads Are The Comfiest Chairs Ever
You Have To Rescue Kids From Themselves
Whatever You Do, Don't Tell Mom
Letting Your Daughter Do Your Make-up
Potty Training Is Not Going As Planned
Napping Dad = Playmat Dad
Playing With Flour
Looks like baby powder since that is what is sitting right next to her.
Young Make-up Artist
You Mean That's Not Where The Magazines Go?
Wonder How Much Sauce She Actually Ate
There Can Only Be One
Playing With Mother's Clothes
Just Kids Being A Bunch Of Little Assholes
Hitman Baby Takes No Joy In His Work
Fish Out Of Water
Little Human Alarms
My Daughter Playing With A Toy Dolphin And Bath Paint
Parenting Level: Over 9000
Playing In The Car
When Kids Have The Last Laugh
One Word: Sharpie
ok from all these pictures i learned a future note for myself - keep sharpies away from child's reach!!!
Trying To Escape Through The Vent
What Parenting Really Looks Like
son has done this so many times. But most memorable was when he did it in back of car whilst In car seat.. made a right mess!
The Lipstick Massacre
You Could Tell Them To Grow Up, But This Is One Of Those Things That Gets Worse As You Age
Yes, That's A Tampon In His Mouth
Painting With Hair Remover Wax
This Baking Thing Is Easier Than I Thought
Evil Kid
Kid Being A Little Asshole
The Little Ones Sneak Into The Pantry And Find A Container Of Frosting
Both Refused To Take Another Step (and You Can't Pretend To Walk Away With Gators Nearby)
Hi My Name Is Aaron And I Like To Play With Butt Paste!
I'm sorry, what the hell is Butt paste? Is it lube or hair remover, because no child should be able to get their hands on that.
Some Mornings You're Just Too Tired To Stop Your Kid From TPing The Dining Room
It is mild in comparison to some of these. And he isn't hurting anyone :)
Taking A Nap On A Plane Aisle
Playing In The Kitchen
Grandads Make The Best Seats
Wrestling Is Always Fun.
Young Interior Designer
Potty Training Fail
What? What Did I Do?
Family Home Destroyed By Avalanche
This Kid Wanted To Make His Own Peanut Butter Sandwich
Kids Play With Paint And Get It All Over Their Faces
This Is What Happens When Your Kids Blink...
Forget It Sis, This Is My Bedroom!
Little Aleena With Her Little Diaper Butt Stuck!
Now Who Is Climbing The Walls!?
So I Got My Ipsy Glam Bag Today
Fridging Just Got Easier
You Travel To Space Before Leaving Bed
It'd be cute if this was about the kid instead of this basic b***h mom's narcissism .
You Left Your Kid Home Alone? Get Ready For A Surprise!
Falling From Unexpected Places
Get Up Dad!!
Plumbing Apprentices And Horsey Horsey
And What?!
You're Just Another Stuffed Animal To Me!
At Least She Fell Asleep.
Mom, I Have A Present For You!
So Tired
Baking Is Fun!!!
Santa Is Scary!
No Plate? No Problem! Helping With The Cleanup
A Little Brother Is A Perfect Canvas For A Budding Artist.
Human Canvas
I Love Charlie C. Mum!
Mom's Mascara
Don't Lick That!!! Lol
...any Problem??
Pysne Paluski,co Nie...
Enjoy It!
A New Spin On Keeping Clean
Look Mommy... Now I Look Like Santa :)
Classy Meal Time ☺️
Yummy Chocolate Croissant... Taste So Much Better With Some Sand :)
Lipstick Application Gone Wrong
Look Baby Pretty Mommy!
Multitasking At It's Best
How sanitary.. eating whilst pooping/peeing. of course there's absolutely no risk of food poisoning at all!!
Another Distroyed Chanel Lipstick...
Taking A Nap On A Plane Aisle
Pj Party Gone Wrong. Who Invited The Dog's?
Tenth year anniversary romance is one of the best ! One pic surely explains parenting life ☺️ Luv it