“This Is Violently American”: 45 Posts From A Facebook Group Dedicated To Things That Could Only Come From The States
Giant portions, big trucks, and nigh-on endless refills of soda (poo or cola, depending on your location) might all be part of everyday life or something you look at in wonder on the internet. We are, of course, talking about the parts of life that, to use the parlance of the time, might “send people into a coma.”
This Facebook page is dedicated to content that is perfectly described by its one name, that is, “violently American.” So scroll through, upvote your favorite posts, and comment your own experiences with things that are unmistakably and authentically American.
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Used my $5 off $20 purchase at Safeway. Used it to buy Schar sourdough.
If I could UP vote by a 1000 votes I would...no questions asked?!!!!!!!!!!
In the UK we use feet and metres. Does that make us all bi in some way?
One of the more obvious signs of “American excess” is, of course, the massive, breaded pork tenderloin sandwich, a regional specialty of the Midwest. Now, the eagle-eyed among you may notice that it bares a very close resemblance to the classic Wiener Schnitzel (Wien is just the German spelling of Vienna), however, the American variant uses exclusively pork loin, while the traditional Austrian variant uses veal, though these days one can find variants using almost any meat or meat substitute.
After all, deep frying isn’t rocket science, but American cuisine has gotten pretty good at it. One can find nearly everything cooked this way, from pickles to whole sticks of butter. Of course, it must be said that the origin of many of these items comes from European cooking traditions, where settlers took methods from the old world and applied them to the more readily available American food items. For example, Scotland can boast of creating the deep-fried Mars bar, which spiritually seems like an American food item.
This must be a joke? Okay calm down I mean there some dickheads out there who might be seriously suggesting it.
I am gonna say yes, however most states have a victim impact fund that assist. Every hospital in USA is required to give a certain percentage of earnings back in the form of VHARITY. They do not advertise this fact. PEOPLE MUST ASK FOR IT!! 😡😡
Another question many have about the United States is why they love pickup trucks so much. Most people are not actually transporting things regularly, but will happily trade half the space in their vehicle for the ability to hypothetically transport an ATV or some firewood. It’s important to understand that Americans don’t just like pickups, they like vehicles in general. The United States is a big, open place, where one really needed a horse and/or carriage to get anywhere.
It’s no surprise that the first, readily available and mass-produced car, the Ford Model T, was invented precisely in the US, as there was a great deal of demand for something that could get you across great distances pretty quickly. While in this day and age, most people are not doing manual labor and trucks have replaced smaller vehicles as a means of overland transportation of goods, the popularity of the pickup has not diminished. Modern models still have enough space for your family, for example, as the design shifts to meet contemporary needs.
Why is there a gun?
A more annoying part of living in the United States is the constant reminders of safety, “warning, hot coffee, do not eat this sandwich wrapper” and so on. Many point to this as representing some degree of public stupidity, but this isn’t accurate. Americans simply love to sue companies that have done them harm. Americans spend roughly 310 billion dollars a year suing someone, making it easily the most litigious country in the world.
The result is that most businesses will do their utmost to limit their liability. There is an abundance of lawyers in the US and the nation's common law system and the use of “juries of your peers” give regular people the ability to demand compensation from corporations, if they can prove some form of injury. So when McDonald's tells you that coffee is hot, they don’t think you are dumb, they are just trying to prevent another Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants.
Had to look this guy up - Indian comedian who also tweeted, "I come from an India where a comedian is held to higher standards of accountability than the elected prime minister of a democracy." Sames in America, sames.
While not unique to the US, Americans do love their highways. As a nation where the car is more accessible and common than in most places worldwide, the US built a massive amount of public infrastructure allowing citizens and visitors alike to go all over the country from the comfort of their motor vehicles. However, this over-dependence on cars has made transportation lopsided, so car-based infrastructure gets the majority of resources which continues the cycle of car dependency.
All those words are spelled correctly. That's what you call English. Not the bastardised language called American English.
When we ran out of hotdog buns because Marines can't math so they gave us a hamburger patty instead
Is this really an American thing? I would imagine that there are people all over the world who do stuff like this?
Ah yes, on 'health' bread. Who needs health care when you have health bread
I genuinely do not know what he means by "rippin' lips", and I'm also genuinely scared of whatever it does mean
Let me break it down for yall: first, we will never be European. We're from the states. So, we have a culture unique to the US. We have our own style of humor, we have have distinctly American hobbies. We have our unique cultural idiosyncrasies. We do admit we have room for improvement, and we're working on it. In closing my TED talk, let me remind yall that Europe isn't the bastion of righteous perfection either. Also, I apologize for Trump and Christian nationalism.
We don't have a unified culture in the US any more than the entirety of Europe has one unified culture. I live in New England. I briefly lived in the Southwest and felt like a stranger in a strange land the whole time I was there. Nothing about the Southwest was familiar to me. I've been in the Deep South, and everything there is unfamiliar to me, as if I'm from a different country. And most of the garbage in this article was completely strange to me.
Load More Replies...Do you Americans from the USA get sick of people taking the p**s out of you.
Fück yes, we do, but dare to say anything about it and you get downvoted into oblivion.
Load More Replies...Let me break it down for yall: first, we will never be European. We're from the states. So, we have a culture unique to the US. We have our own style of humor, we have have distinctly American hobbies. We have our unique cultural idiosyncrasies. We do admit we have room for improvement, and we're working on it. In closing my TED talk, let me remind yall that Europe isn't the bastion of righteous perfection either. Also, I apologize for Trump and Christian nationalism.
We don't have a unified culture in the US any more than the entirety of Europe has one unified culture. I live in New England. I briefly lived in the Southwest and felt like a stranger in a strange land the whole time I was there. Nothing about the Southwest was familiar to me. I've been in the Deep South, and everything there is unfamiliar to me, as if I'm from a different country. And most of the garbage in this article was completely strange to me.
Load More Replies...Do you Americans from the USA get sick of people taking the p**s out of you.
Fück yes, we do, but dare to say anything about it and you get downvoted into oblivion.
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