You've probably heard of the notoriously funny British sense of humor, or American comedy that cracks everyone up laughing, from visitors of the famous comedy cellars to viewers of legendary sitcoms like Seinfield and Friends.
But many may not be familiar with the Scottish sense of humor, something an entire corner of Reddit with 766k members has dedicated itself to. Named Scottish People Twitter, the subreddit is a place for some of the hilarious things Scots have posted online, and it's pure comedy gold we didn’t know we needed.
“Scots generally have a dark, dry, and direct sense of humor," Veloglasgow, the moderator of the community, told Bored Panda sometime ago. So it’s virtually impossible not to like it! More Scottish People Twitter gems can be found in our previous features here and here.
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I Also Want A Latte With Oat Milk
Chaotic Good
International Decorators In Glasgow!
"Scots generally have a dark, dry, and direct sense of humor," Veloglasgow, the Reddit user and moderator of the ScottishPeopleTwitter subreddit, told us a while ago. He added that "Observational comedy where someone points out something that everyone accepts as day-to-day reality but which would be absurd to an outside observer also goes down well." However, not all posts make it to the sub’s feed. "Most posts that make it through the mod queue are representative, any posts that use 'fooken' or 'fecking' for fu*ken/fu*king are generally removed as no Scot hears how we say those words as that way phonetically," the moderator explained.
Something Something Blitz Spirit
oh how the turntables. reminds me of the american version, like how the people making fake vaccine cards hate undocumented immigrants
Some Festive Cheer From This Auld Yin
That's beautiful. I'm going to do that once the little freeloaders I gave birth to start making their own five dollar bills.
Fair Dos
wow and they must be well-versed in their culture to know his name was stephen and not phteven!!!!!
Meanwhile, Larry Dean, a Scottish stand-up comedian, believes that defining “Scottish” comedy is a really tough question. “First off, there’s the assumption that a nationally shared sense of humor exists at all,” he said and added “Is it really possible for five million people to make the same kind of jokes and find the same things funny?”
Dean continued: “if there’s one thing we Scottish like to laugh at, it’s ourselves. Which is useful when facing internationally reinforced caricatures every time we turn on the telly. (Think of Groundskeeper Willie from The Simpsons.)"
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20% Struggle With The Question
Finding It Hard To Know Who To Believe With This Vaccine Carry On
It is mindboggling that so many people would rather believe a Whatsapp post than actual scientists.
The novelist Jenny Colgan argues that there are two views of Scottish humor. “The first, to quote PG Wodehouse, is that it is seldom difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman and a ray of sunshine. Think Gordon Brown's overhanging manse brow, and Lars von Trier's Breaking the Waves. The Presbyterian suspicion about things that are comical, musical, or in any way distract you from 12 hours a day of back-breaking toil runs deep in the national psyche - what Irvine Welsh calls the 'you'll have had your tea' school of grumpy inhospitableness,” she explained in a piece for The Guardian.
You Absolute Prawn
Amateur! You don't even need the appendix....let's us know when you kill a kidney or a
Dalek In The Windae Too
"In Ye Get, Carol. Get Yersel Up The Road Safe Now. Mind And Give Me Two Rings When You And Billy Are Back Home
Fair Enough
Colgan continued that there is the other side too: the belief that Scots actually have a great sense of humor “(because it is free - yes, yes, ho ho ho).” She wrote: “And this view is probably the more accurate. Without a doubt the free-ranging Glaswegian barrowlands native wit is alive and well - at a recent concert by the Blue Nile, the famously beautiful and gloomy Glaswegian bedsit band, the heckle went up, ‘Could youse no' play something a bit mair wistful?’”
Here Fishy Fishy
A Wee Thing That Floats In The Sea
Angus Getting Straight To The Point
Good Rationing There
Pure Inspirational
"...and two deaths..." -make that three. I'm going to throw a clot if I don't stop laughing unreasonably hard at this.
Failte, Joe!
Big Nicola Laying Down The Law For Eid
Canny Believe This Hasny Been Posted
"Who's the cat stuck in the door now Linda? Huh? Who's the cat now?"
Do I Sense A Netflix Original In The Works?
Scrapping With Peter Pan
Service Please!
The Rare, Understandable Scottish Men
While Having A Pish
Sorry Pal
It’s Dracula
Great way to try to lead us off your trail Dracula....we know he was right!