Many people think of celebrities as these quasi-perfect hoomans with big fortunes and equally big hearts. And think of thousands of fans who’d do anything for Oprah’s autograph or a picture with Zendaya; of course, they expect the A-listers to be friendly and nice individuals.

But according to this Reddit thread, this is not always the case. Someone asked people on Ask Reddit “Who is the rudest celebrity you've ever met?”, and they delivered a bunch of interesting stories. And oh boy, we didn’t see that coming!

Get prepared to be let down after reading people's encounters with rude and entitled famous people and don’t forget to take them with a pinch of salt. We can’t guarantee these are facts or fiction, but hey, who knows?!


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Oprah didn’t tip me on a $200 lunch — instead, she signed a napkin for me and acted like she was doing me a huge favor. The kicker was when she walked in, they gave away all of my other tables so she didn’t have to wait for anything. So I made $4/hour for two hours for the privilege of serving Oprah, and she went on and on about signing a napkin that I never asked for.

MommaBearJam , wikimedia Report

To find out more about our society’s fascination with celebrity culture, Bored Panda spoke with Claire Sisco King, the Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Communication Studies at Vanderbilt University. King explained that celebrity is defined by a number of paradoxes. “Celebrities often become sources of identification for their fans; audiences often imagine them as relatable or ‘just like us.’ At the same time, celebrities are aspirational figures who seem to lead extraordinary lives that are out of reach for most people.”


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Okay, so a quick disclaimer first - this wasn't me, but my friend Dolly who was a flight attendant for a well known British airline until she died. She'd been with them since year dot, and as a result of her seniority would work in the First Class cabin. In her own words, she preferred it at the front of the plane, the nylon carpets at the back played havoc with her bunions..


One day she had a British "celebrity" called Katie Price onboard. Ms Price is famous for... umm.. having boobs and falling out of various bars, I think.

So, Ms Price comes on board, spots Dolly, and proceeds to spend five minutes listing her demands for the flight - namely that she should have total privacy, that anyone coming near her should be escorted away, that no crew approach her unless she calls them, and that Dolly herself would be held responsible if she was bothered at all, heads would roll, etc..

Dolly waited for her to finish her demands, and then said "Certainly madam. And you are.......?"

tl;dr No name "celebrity" makes OTT demands on plane, gets cut down to size by elderly Northern lady.

[deleted] , wikimedia Report

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mrzipperface avatar
Mr Zipperface
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes the currently bankrupt Ms Price has recently been seen on social media showing off her most recent plastic surgery and luxury foreign holidays.

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Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities I was an extra on X men: Days of Future Past. They were all nice. Jennifer Lawrence was the one that was the more meh with other people. I don't blame her too much... Peak hunger game popularity at the time I get it. She was probably afraid people would try to always give her too much attention...

However the other actors didn't care about that. The NICEST ones by FAR were Hugh Jackman and James McAvoy for what I saw.

For McAvoy, one of my friend was one of the extras right behind him in a scene and we were shooting 14 hours a day in cooking 40 degrees enclosed green screen bordered set in bright sunlight. We were running in high heels and wearing winter jackets... Basically a hellish day. And we couldn't sit anywhere! Well McAvoy saw my friend wasn't doing right and he let her sit in Professor X's chair and have a bit of his water bottle. And with that said, the dude would just talk and chit chat with everybody, despite the very strict non-conversation with actors contract we signed. He's just so chill.

Hugh Jackman literally signed autographs in between shots and high fived a bunch of people all the time.

Michael Fassbender told all set workers passing by him after a very long day of work battling in water to have a nice day. I was a huge fan of his at the time and it made my whole year at that point.

F*ckin Peter Dinklage was dancing disco during the heatwave day to cheer people up.

Cam_Paq Report


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Ellen Degeneres is a bona fide b*tch. Incredibly rude, my Uncle worked with her(he's an architect) on some project and she treated her help like total cr*p. I couldn't believe it at the time, but I've heard similar accounts of her bad behavior over the years.

notacreativeuser8 , citas Report

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mrzipperface avatar
Mr Zipperface
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

She successfully hid it for years, making money from her "caring" persona, another arsehole who doesn't deserve screen time.

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The professor explained that this tension between celebrities’ imagined ordinariness and extraordinariness seems to drive much of this fascination. “Because of their intense visibility, celebrities become almost like mirrors for their audiences who look for their own images in them; sometimes audiences see idealized versions of themselves in celebrities or versions to which they aspire.”

King continued: “Other times, comparisons to celebrities can leave fans feeling inferior. That sense of imagining or defining ourselves in relation to public figures, whether we find it pleasurable or painful, is a big part of much celebrity fandom.”


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities I haven’t met many but Lenny Kravitz stayed at the hotel I worked at. He had the hotel sign an agreement that the staff were not to look at him or talk to him.

Snoop dog was cool. He left a bunch of booze and weed behind in his suite. The house keepers got a bunch of top shelf hootch and weed after he left.

eatmysh , flickr Report

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mrzipperface avatar
Mr Zipperface
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's just a pity so many people looked at him when he was trying to become famous otherwise they wouldn't have to not look at him now.

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Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Tyra Banks.

This takes place when UPN and WB were merging into “The CW”.

She comes into town for an ANTM cattle call. Demands we repaint the office she was going to use (for three days) makes our pregnant programming director cry, flips her shot and tries to get me fired when I wouldn’t get her a bottled water.

My response was “have one of your people get it, I have to get back to the board, commercial break is up in 40 seconds.”

Opposite side, Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are two of the nicest celebrities I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.

We had just gotten “that 70’s show” in syndication and they came out for promo shoots. Super friendly.

Phantom_61 , wikimedia Report


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities I’ve worked as a maintenance worker at a concert venue for a few summers and have bumped into several celebrities, but Carrie Underwood is the one who sticks out because of how demanding she always was. She refused to use a toilet if someone else had sat on the seat before her — cleaning them was never good enough, so we had to buy new toilet seats every time she came. Considering how much we already had to fix, the last thing we wanted to do was pointlessly replace perfectly good toilet seats. In contrast, Reba McEntire would always eat lunch with the staff and was always super chill.

kiilluas , carrieunderwood Report

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oriolus_ avatar
New Prometheus
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why would somebody go and actually buy a new toilet seat? Why to give in to this kind of bullying and nonsense?

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Moreover, there are also cases in which audiences take pleasure in disidentifying with celebrities, the professor argues. “For instance, when they are involved in a scandal or make public missteps. Or, when celebrities experience tragedies, fans might find themselves identifying with the celebrities’ pain but might also feel relief that they themselves did not experience the tragedy.” Therefore, King argues that our fascination with celebrities is often characterized by mixed emotions and by vacillation between feeling close or similar to celebrities and feeling distant from or unlike them.


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities My dad is a pilot and he frequently deals with celebrities. His company has all the staff sign NDAs, but my dad usually doesn't even know who the celebrities are unless they've been in the news. He said that Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are incredibly rude to their own staff. Personal assistants were terrified of them.

trolldoll26 , flickr Report

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mrzipperface avatar
Mr Zipperface
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Incredibly rude to their own staff, tells you everything you need to know about these arseholes.

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Years ago, us kids waited for Jim Belushi and John Candy after they shot Only the Lonely in Chicago. I asked Belushi for an autograph, and he literally called us a bunch of pieces of sh*t, stupid kids, and to get the F out of there. Then came Candy with a big old smile and cigar hanging out of his mouth, and he spent the next 10 minutes signing autographs and thanking all his fans.

urboy23 Report


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Randy Jackson. He was invited to a telethon hosted by a hospital for children with severe disabilities, where my little sister lived until she passed away. Whenever the cameras were off, he would hide in his hotel room and seemed disgusted with the kids. Didn’t want anything to do with them. When the cameras were on though, he was all smiles and hugs. It was so disheartening and disappointed. Almost 10 years ago and I still remember it so clearly.

tatertotski , wikimedia Report

What’s also interesting about celebrity culture is that famous people also have a great deal of presence in people’s everyday lives—in film and television, on magazine covers and advertisements, and across social media. “And yet,” King states, “most people never actually come into contact with celebrities and experience them at a distance or only virtually.”In this way, they are visible to us but almost always out of reach. “This tension between presence and absence also seems to drive people’s desire for celebrities,” she explained.


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities William Shatner said he would give me an autograph in Hawaii when I was about 10 . He said ‘lemme get a pen’, got in his limo and drove off.

cptgonzo , wikimedia Report

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dundun avatar
DUN DUN (she/her)
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's a kid whose hopes you hyped up and then left him hanging there >:(

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Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities I'm from Vancouver, Canada (big film industry town), and a close family member of mine has worked in film here for 20 years, so I have too many stories to list. How about some rude ones, and some nice ones.

Gerard Butler. Around nine years ago he insistently pursued a friend of mine at a club/lounge. She wasn't interested and told him so. Instead of respecting her wishes, he approached us, her friends, and attempted to get her number from us without her knowing. He would not respect her boundaries, or respect that no means no.

Dedee Pfeiffer (Michelle Pfeiffer's sister) attempted to have my female family member (crew member) fired from the movie of the week they were working on because Dedee was threatened by my family member's appearance. This is not hyperbole. A producer told my family member "She's threatened by you because you're a petite blonde, like her, and you're outgoing and popular with the other crew members". My family member wasn't fired; Dedee was presumably told to cool her jets and focus on her job. Dedee Pfeiffer's ego really is, apparently, that delicate that she can't handle another woman around her having any kind of positive attention. Later on in the shoot Dedee was purging in a set toilet (she is bulimic) and her gag reflex wouldn't stop gagging, so she passed out and an ambulance was called.

David Duchovny circa X-Files. Frequent hissy fits on set, flipping garbage cans over, etc. Probably contributed 90% of Vancouver's stripper and escort income during the show's run.

John Travolta. Kind, professional man on set. Arrested while here filming Look Who's Talking in Stanley Park for soliciting sex from an undercover male VPD officer and discretely bailed out of jail at 2am by a producer.

fkyoursigninpopup , flickr Report


Eric Roberts was a guest at a small, local comic convention. Thought it would be cool to get a signed pic of him as the Master.

He pretended people weren't there until they paid his manager fifty bucks.

My wife's parting shot as we walked away? "Loved your work on Celebrity Rehab."

Caretaker14 Report

“Finally, celebrities often represent larger ideals or values. For instance, in the United States, we often interpret celebrities as illustrations of the American Dream,” King suggested. “Attachment to celebrities often derives from people’s attachment to the values or ideologies with which they are associated.”


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities My daughter was at a store in orlando and ran into LeBron James when he was with the Heat. 13 yo girl asked for a pic and he got pissy, told her she wasn't worthy of a picture with him, did she even know who he was, he didn't have time for this. Walked away leaving her crying so bought her an ice cream.

xceptn2therule , wikimedia Report

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earloflincoln avatar
Martha Meyer
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow, not being in the mood for a pic with a fan is one thing, but this is on another level.

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Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Sean Penn. F*cking douche at the movie theater I worked at.

On the other side of that are Robin Williams and Lars Ulrich. Two of the nicest, most genuine dudes I ever slang popcorn to.

PsykoFlounder , wikimedia Report

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kayblue avatar
Kay blue
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've always thought Sean Penn was a complete arsehole, until I watched his documentary about his work in Haiti, so now I only think that he is mostly an arsehole.

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Chad Gray, singer of Mudvayne and Hellyeah. I was in an autograph line where you had to buy the album at the show to be in the line back in 2005, at the peak of Mudvayne's success. This kid was in line in front of me, maybe 19 years old. He gets to his turn and says "hey man I've spent every free dime I have to see you guys when you're in the area since before your first album. I don't have much, but I love you guys so much, I saved all year to buy a festival ticket because of the meet and greet opportunity, it would make my dreams come true to take a picture with you guys" and takes out a sh*tty disposable camera. The rest of the band starts moving to take a picture when Chad tells him "no f*cking way" and directs security to confiscate the camera.

The year prior, a kid asked Cradle of Filth for a picture. The security guard moved in to confiscate the camera, and Dani stood up quickly, yelled at the guard to stop, and said "we tour this f*cking country once every two to three years and you're going to tell a loyal fan who paid money to meet us that he can't have a f*cking picture. You're taking the picture now. And you're going to take it enough times that we are sure he will have a perfect shot."

Definitely polar opposite ways a band can handle the same situation.

RenegadePM Report

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jennylewis880 avatar
Jennifer Lewis
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've never heard of Cradle of Filth (not surprisingly, I'm old), but now I want to give them all of the money.

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“In this regard,” King told us, “the tensions between identification and aspiration come into play. If I imagine I am like a celebrity who achieved what I define as success, then I can imagine that I might achieve similar levels of success as well; but because most of us do not achieve the level of wealth or renown as celebrities, the drive to keep following them, and even in some cases imitating them, persists for a lot of fans.”

Moreover, “the phrase 'keeping up' in the title of the Kardashians’ reality show really captures that impulse: fans follow celebrities in the hopes that they might emulate them or enjoy the kinds of privileges they seem to experience,” the professor concluded.


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities I worked with Gwyneth Paltrow's children for eight weeks at a camp, and we got paid $5 an hour. Parents usually tip $100 or more at the end, but she didn't tip at all.

mattymo56 , quotepark Report


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities I met a lot of celebrities while working for an airline, one of them being Hugh Grant. One time, he sat in First Class 1A on a 747 (which is right in the nose of the plane), so there was nothing but a wall in front of the seat. It's standard procedure for the cabin manager to go around to every first-class passenger and personally introduce themselves. When my manager got to Hugh, the conversation went something like this: Manager: 'Hello, Mr. Grant, my name is...' Hugh: 'Oh, F*CK OFF.' My manager proceeded to swiftly move on.

lightningpaw_ , wikimedia Report

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debbiebarnes66 avatar
Debbie Barnes
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Unfortunately, he is known for his rudeness and lack of manners. Someone who thinks he's above everyone else. Horrible man.

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Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities My wife worked at a hotel for many years and met literally every major celebrity you can think of. She said Snoop was the coolest person she ever met and Bill Clinton was the biggest douche even though I find it hilarious. My wife was walking outside back into the hotel, saw Bill and stared until she smashed herself in the face with a tree branch. Bill started laughing so hard he was having a hard time standing. The secret service ran over to help her and Bill, laughing so hard he could barely talk, told them to leave her because they had to keep walking.

Amazingly hilarious.

donutshopsss , wikimedia Report

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ner_diz avatar
Serial pacifist
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, not as douchy as it could be. The not helping part downscores the whole thing.

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Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Bam Margera showed up in Seattle once to film an episode. Talked a lot of sh*t to the wrong local skater. I watched Bam get knocked out by said local. One of the funniest things I have ever seen.

Optic1 Report

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rabbitcarrot avatar
Rabbit Carrot
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Bam is a mess. He’s got substance abuse issues and is self destructive. I wouldn’t be surprised if he pissed that person off on purpose to get knocked out. A few of his friends have died and he thinks he needs to suffer for it. Dude needs serious help.

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Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities When I was about 7 years old in the '70s, I was at the airport with my mom and her boyfriend and a friend of mine — my mom's boyfriend told us that Evel Knievel was in one of the lounges. He was sitting in a back corner, drinking a glass of some kind of booze, and engulfed in a cloud of cigarette smoke.

My friend and I approached him excitedly, and after he autographed some napkins, he looked at us and said, 'Before I give you these, I'm going to teach you something.' My friend and I looked at each other totally starstruck, and grinned like idiots. Evel proceeded to tap both of us on the arm and asked, 'Does that hurt?' and we both shook our heads no — then he poked us lightly on the chest and asked, 'Does that hurt?' and again, we both said no. Then he made fists out of both of his hands with the middle knuckles sticking out, and brought them down sharply and simultaneously onto both of our heads. 'Does that hurt?' he asked, and neither of us could answer — I was holding back tears from the pain. He waited a few seconds and said, 'That's why you wear a safety helmet,' and then handed us the napkins.

msjtx , wikimedia Report

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Kristen Stewart. I was waiting with friends outside of a pool hall for an uber when Kristen and her girlfriend come walking out of the building laughing all loud. We naturally glance over and move out of their way. Then she comes up to us and says "WHAT." , with her arms out like shes ready to brawl. Then they walk away laughing again.

We didnt even realize who she was till they were walking away. She should really be careful who she talks to like that, someone might actually go for the punch.

666chelada Report

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loggersink avatar
Loggers Ink
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Does her solemn always glum face move when she laughs? Never seen her face crack a smile.

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Around 1998, Julia Roberts and Benajmin Bratt stole a cab from me and my girl on a really cold winter day in the West Village, NYC. They were laughing as they drove by, we both gave them a perfectly synchronized middle finger, which was fun.

[deleted] Report


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities EASILY John Mayer and it's not even close.
If you've ever thought John Mayer was cool, know this;
John Mayer is a whiney man-child that just wants to smoke weed and watch South Park and play Call of Duty all day. Met him at an awards show thing about 10 years ago. WOULD NOT STOP quoting some sexist joke from South Park. Everybody around was just laughing awkwardly because it was weird. Also every word out of his mouth was a sarcastic joke, but like a MEAN sarcastic joke about somebody that I was supposed to find funny. But they weren't funny. They were just weird. And mean. Got mad at me and called me a butthead when I didn't laugh.

NOT_a_famous_person_ , johnmayer Report

See Also on Bored Panda

About ten years ago I worked for an airline and some flights were cancelled, due to weather. I got a call and this lady said, "I can't believe this is happening to me. I'm a celebrity. My name is Tovah Feldshuh. I'm a celebrity."

She literally said this 20 times. I got a manager on the line while she begrudgingly went on hold and relayed the info and that this was a celebrity. I stayed on the line while the manager had to explain that the flight's cancellation was for everyone's safety and nothing could be done about this.

She was so rude. After we got off the phone with her we looked her up and she was in a couple episodes of Law and Order, I think. She was recently on Walking Dead and I freaked out when I recognized her name in the opening credits.

Anytime she appeared on screen I had to say, "She's a celebrity!!!! I can't believe the zombie apocalypse is happening to her!!!! She's a celebrity!!!!"

Itsmethatonegal Report

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mrzipperface avatar
Mr Zipperface
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah we've put on a special flight just for you, please strap yourself into the garden chair while maintenance fills the balloons.

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Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Madonna! She comes to my job few times a year. And every time she comes she's comes with 5-7 other people wearing a big hat, sunglasses and tries to blend within her friends or whoever they are. The people she travels with are so needy and always have some sort of special request to ask for. No thanks no nothing when they leave no tip and also leave a big mess. Can't stand them. No hi and no bye. I'm like bye b*tch.

Besides that a lot of the other celebrities are nice!

iphon4s , madonna Report

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Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities I met Ed Westwick from Gossip Girl at Coachella. I never watched the show, but I recognized him — he grabbed my slice of pizza, took a bite out of it, and then spit it out and gave it back to me.

tdee94 , edwestwick Report


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Eminem. I was in Denver once and I was waiting for an autograph with my little brother. It was a really cold and we waited for like 3 or 4 hours. He just said no.

Nach0Man_RandySavage , wikimedia Report


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities I’ve worked with Nicki Minaj before and while on a set with her, I was told not to look at her face. She also had people move out of the room before she would come in the room. It was a whole ordeal.

alannan4bf3ecfa1 , flickr Report

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oriolus_ avatar
New Prometheus
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Whenever I read about these people denying eye contact, requiring repainting of temporary offices etc, it makes me think that they desperately try to act the way they think that rich and famous people should act. It's sort of a game and facade they put up because they don't know how to behave in their position, they have just got the idea in their heads that this is what rich stars must do everywhere.

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John Cusack drove me insane. He stayed at the hotel where I worked and would call every five minutes after he asked for something to "politely" ask what was taking so long. It took more than five minutes to get from the ground floor to his room, let alone prepare a snack ordered off-menu with ingredients that were already put away because it's 11PM and you're ordering goddamn breakfast, John.

I have dealt with royalty that is less demanding.

That said, Taye Diggs is amazing. He can live here for all I care and I honestly would like him to come back sometime. And Princess Nisreen El-Hashemite is, like, one of the most wonderful people I've ever met. Also, she's a superhero in the making, judging from her backstory.

Ilunibi Report

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melodydiermyer avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Do yourselves a favor and read up on Princess Dr. Nisreen El-Hashemite. She is incredible!

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Van Morrison. He's just a shouty rude man.

I tried to pick a fight with Sting once, about alternative medicine. Turns out he has a great sense of humour and we had a fun argument about it instead.

Porrick Report

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feckerkehoe avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Van Morrison is the dreariest, most joy-sucking gobshite. If you ever get a chance to see him live, don't take it. Unless you have insomnia, of course.

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Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Peter Mayhew aka Chewbacca.

I accompanied my friend to a comic-con, who’s hobbies include getting autographs and photos of celebrities.

He was very short with us and didn’t care we were fans at all. He interrupts my friend in the middle of complimenting him for his work, stating the costs of a photo and an autograph.


We ask if we can take a photo instead of one his photos he selling and he tells us we’ll still pay the full price of one of his photos.

Also fine.

As my friend goes to walk around the table to stand side by side, he shouts at us to stay on the other side of the table.

So we try our best to not look insulted, and take a super awkward picture of an annoyed Mayhew and my friend trying to lean back to make it look like they are posing for a fan pic.

We try to thank him right after but he brushes us off as soon as we hand him the cash.


In contrast, we met Margot Kidder aka Lois Lane. She was super nice and even let us take pictures pretending to be flying with her like in the movie! And it was her suggestion, too!

ray_area Report

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ohxrkqra avatar
Kira Okah
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was expecting something like this to crop up for Meyhew, having good friends among staffers at comic cons. He was a stellar and wonderful man, who was in chronic pain, and many comic cons for some reason had a thing about BARRING HIM FROM TAKING HIS PAIN MEDS! He was often short to people at comic cons because he was in serious constant pain that he was being prevented from being able to treat for up to twelve hours! The guy was amazing and loved his fans, but to meet them the event organisers would force him to writhe in untreated agony ¬¬

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Tim Allen. I worked at an Apple Store that he frequented. We all scattered when we saw him come. No one wanted to help him. We’d spend an enormous amount of time assisting him at the Genius Bar only to have him threaten us with calling Steve Jobs. One of the nicest celebs to come in the store was Robert Morse. Love him.

sharon58 Report


Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Aziz Ansari. Absolutely full of himself, zero self awareness. Literally forces himself into conversations with no understanding that he isnt wanted there.

satanshonda , wikimedia Report

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lambersoncorona avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A lot of these stories could possibly be attributed to neurodivergence having to deal with being famous.

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ashleysovig avatar
Ashley Wright
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Never heard of him. Honestly, who is Aziz Ansari. I guess I’ll have to Google him. I’ll get to it one of these days.

rileyhquinn avatar
Riley Quinn
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Could be he has zero self-awareness, or perhaps he's a socially-awkward nerd.

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Mike Rodrick
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sounds like Ivanka trump who got the cold shoulder & was ignored by other female leaders when she tried to butt in on a conversation they were having. Loved it!

justacatontheinternet avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Kinda acts like the character he plays in Parks & Rec, it seems

kirk_6 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

How do you people not know who these people are? Do people actually live in caves?

millsmollie39 avatar
Mollie Mills
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The man's just pointless! Always the side kick never the main roll

heynsdesigns avatar
Shirley Heyn
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Maybe it is his drink. . . what is that anyway??? Looks "girly" to me!

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Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Neil deGrasse Tyson

I worked at the bookstore in college, and would pick up extra shifts working late night events when I had time. NDT was giving a speech, and holding a little meet and greet afterwards. I signed up to run a table selling his books.

After his speech, he comes in to the hall where I've got my table set up. He comes over, introduces himself, and asks which of the 2 books I liked better of his. 20 year old me has no idea who is he and didn't read either book, so I replied "I actually haven't read either. I'm just picking up an extra shift for the store". Well then he starts a 2 minutes rant, berating people my age for not being interested in science, didn't know who he was, blah blah blah. He finishes, I gave him a dumb blank stare, and he walked away. Talked down to me in a way that just made me feel like sh*t.

[deleted] , wikimedia Report

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baconycakes1337 avatar
Bacony Cakes
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Roses are red. Violets are violet. Neil DeGrasse Tyson tries to kiss himself in the mirror not on the lips. This does not rhyme at all.

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See Also on Bored Panda

Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Tim Duncan - Former Basketball player for the San Antonio Spurs.

I met him at a Walgreens Pharmacy in San Antonio. I was trying to get batteries but he was getting batteries too. He was in my way.

So I said “excuse me, could I just get through really quick-”

He stopped me mind-sentence and said “Nah, I don’t take pictures. Just let me do what I gotta do.”

“My bad. I’m just trying to-“.

“Hey, look. I don’t want to take pictures right now so just stop.”

He left.

I got my batteries.

odysseyproduction , wikimedia Report


Once I met Mark Ronson at a music festival in the UK — my ex-boyfriend was a huge fan, so he asked for a picture. He was really cool and happy to be chatting with us, but there was someone standing next to him who repeatedly rolled her eyes at the two of us: Lily Allen. She continuously whined, 'Mark, Mark, Mark' while my ex was chatting with him — at one point she actually stomped her foot and gave us the finger when Mark's back was turned around. We had acknowledged her, but she just rolled her eyes at us.

ComfortableBrick Report

See Also on Bored Panda

My brother met Gene Simmons backstage at a show he was playing in. Gene complimented my brother highly on his guitar playing, but then said, 'Too bad you'll never make it' and just walked away.

[deleted] Report

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cinzabeary avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

He seems to be threatened by other bands and musicians. Insecurities for sure.

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Folks Online Reveal Why They No Longer Respect These 40 A-List Celebrities Busta Rhymes came into the jersey shop I managed in Atlanta and got pissed off that I didn’t have a hat in his size. He called me a dumb f*ck - which hurt because I was a huge fan of his going way back to Leaders of the New School.

Same store - Tyler Perry said he would “buy me and sell me” after I told him that the OnField 5950 Yankee hat was dark navy blue and not black - even though he demanded a “black Yankees hat like they wear on the field”.

Snoop Dogg, Michael Vick, Terrell Owens (esp Terrell Owens, and Birdman were cool as f*ck.

BosskHogg , quotepark Report

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lmelville avatar
L Melville
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I would seriously hit Michael Vick with my car for what he's done to animals. That guy can suck a bag of d***s. Like....the JUMBO sized bag. What a POS.

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One day in the Hamptons, I ran into Alec Baldwin and his wife and their two dogs. I was 6, so I wanted to pet their dogs. Mind you, they left their dogs outside of the store, so I didn’t know they were theirs. They quickly yanked their dogs away from me and yelled at me. I was f*cking 6.

dhockey Report

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jevanderwerf avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nope. Teach your kids to NOT TOUCH strange dogs. Not a difficult concept. I would yell at 6 year old you too. If mY dog panics and lashes out because of your behavior the dog pays the price. I hate parents who tell their kids it's ok to go pet the doggie. No you dumbass YOU ALWAYS CHECK WITH THE OWNER FIRST.

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