50 Times People Had Such Wild Solutions To Their Problems, They Were Celebrated In The ‘Redneck Engineers’ Group (New Pics)
Metal rusts and velour can be torn, so it's only a matter of time before your old Honda Civic breaks down. Of course, if you have money and you bought that car because you love the way it looks, you can probably just take it to the mechanic and let them fix it. However, if you're broke and that was the only reason why you got that pile of junk in the first place, you'll probably have to bring it back to life yourself.
But fear not, you'd be amazed to know how much is possible with so little. And the subreddit r/RedneckEngineering is the perfect example of that. It has plenty of funny, surprising, and creative DIY projects that simultaneously make sense and appear completely useless but can definitely inspire you to pick up a wrench and start working on that metal pony of yours.
Continue scrolling to check out recent posts that went viral within this online community and fire up Bored Panda's earlier article on it for more.
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Cut A Pool Noodle In Half To Make A Comfortable Armrest For The Truck. From Australia
It Makes Sense
When my colleague Liucija contacted the founder of r/RedneckEngineering, they told her that the term “redneck engineering" is still open for interpretation. However, the Redditor reassured that it's also “the kind of thing you know when you see.”
For example, “It can range from something as common as using a hand mirror to replace a side-view mirror to something complex like building a backyard water slide with a loop-de-loop.” The members of the subreddit give “bonus points if it'd make an OSHA inspector cringe.”
Not The Prettiest, But It Gets The Job Done!
A Plunger And Hot Water, Who’d A Thunk It
Who's Laughing Now?
The biggest difference between now and the old days in 2013 when r/RedneckEngineering was created is growth. The founder said that he used to be responsible for most of the posts, but the community has become really self-sustaining over time.
When it comes to submissions, you’ll see all kinds of bizarre makeshift gadgets and very questionable workarounds. Most posts generally come from people finding “low-budget workarounds to everyday problems with a few high-effort engineering projects and other submissions sprinkled in.”
The pandemic might also have something to do with the subreddit's increasing popularity. According to a national survey by The Freedonia Group in December 2020, 39% of consumers reported undertaking home improvement projects because of changes associated with these trying times.
Czech Engineering
How To Keep Your Drone From Falling Down Into A River
The Birdhouse Booby Trap Device
I Work At A Warehouse In Sweden, And Recently They Halved The Speed Of All Forklifts (From 16 Km/H To 8 Km/H) For Safety Reasons. I Just Thought They Put Some Limiter In The Software, But No. They Found A Far Smarter Solution…
Homemade Roller Coaster
All Y'all Doing Yard Work Like Scrubs. Here's The Real Way
Found In A Group Called “Stairs Designed By People Who Aren’t Afraid To Die” But I Still Quite Like How Simple And Cheap A Solution It Is
Adjustable Wrench
Disinfecting In A Beiping Market, Smart And Timely!
This Has To Count
Fixed The Downspout
Anti-Theft Protection
In the USA, having a stickshift is a theft protection on its own. (It's just a joke, don't hate me)
My Father Built His Own Observatory
Absolutely nothing wrong with this. This is how the first observatories were built and even became a thing in the first place!
This Guy Built A Wooden Gym So He Could Train
I Couldn't Find Any Washers That Would Fit Over The Heads Of Screws... So... Yep
Smart! I like this solution. I rarely have washers around, and bottle caps are just trash. It's smart to reuse them.
Safe As Houses
Humane Rat Trap
I did this once when we had some baby mice trapped in our garage. We set them free in a park nearby~
Someone Suggested This Would Fit Here
Our Doorbell Has Been Broken So We Had To Improvise
This Man Is Before His Time
Home Made Drone
A Pvc Pipe Basketball "Hoop" I Made So That My Son Could Practise
Love it. I'm sure the son does too ^-^ that show caring as well as ingenuity
Does This Count?
Found This On An Old Project File, I Was Ahead Of My Time
This Was Very Smart
Using tree limbs chained to the wheels to free a stuck tractor.
When You Finally Decide To Re-Purpose Those Old Bombs You Had Laying Around...
Saw This Volume Limiter On R/Hometheater Thought Of This Sub
Portable AC Unit (Pumps Ice Cold Water From Cooler Through Copper Coil Over Fan)
the cooler shouldn't be in the same room or the it would generate heat to cool
Ain't Stupid If It Works!
Back In 2006 When We Lived In Thailand I Couldn't Find A Guitar Hero Guitar For My Playstation 2 So I Hacked A Knock-Off Dualshock Controller And A Mosquito Zapper Into A DIY Guitar Hero Controller - Complete With A Mercury Switch For Star Power
My 96y/O Great Grandma Was Having Trouble. Her Apartment’s Ac Vent Blew Directly Into Her Eyes To The Point She Couldn’t Watch TV Or Read Anymore. I Made A Cardboard Vent Cover To Go Over The Vent & Reverse The Air Flow Direction
Feast Your Eyes… My Brother’s Gaming Chair
Oculus 2 Weight Balance Fix
Kinda dumb that the makers of this device (and other makers of devices like these) didn't even bother to solve this issue themselves to begin with. Unless they intend for your neck/head to get sore after a while to purposely limit how much time you use the device for??
The 80s In Switzerland
Pharmacy Ran Out Of Iv Holders. They Suggested To Hold It With My Hands. I Lasted Half A Bottle
Well It Surely Works
My Dumbass Solution To The Problem Of High-Hanging Fruit
Ramen Fix
Only Had Two Batteries, And Also This Thing Was Crazy Bright
The messed up part is that it has a three battery compartment if it never needed that much power to begin with.
Redneck Rotisserie
Hah, amateurs. I know of somebody with an aeroplane engined race car that has a sausage rotisserie attachment for the side of his car and he flame grills sausages with the exhaust. It even has a couple of toast holders. Sausage butties wherever he goes! Edit: Can't find footage of the rotisserie, but this is the car: https://youtu.be/Ua-0wSn0azs