Many people, many minds. Especially when it comes to something as important as money and pricing. At different moments in our lives, we might believe some things are way too expensive, and then a situation may come when we feel like Shakespeare's King Richard claiming: "My Kingdom for a horse!"

In fact, every person has their own ideas about what is cheap, what is expensive and what should actually be cheap but at the same time, for some reason, costs as much as a private jet. You definitely don't need to be a PhD in economics to form your own mind on this.

There's a thread on Reddit where people try to figure out which things are actually too expensive for no particular reason. It is really popular with more than 22.3k upvotes and over 18.3k comments.

BoredPanda made a curated list with the most popular and witty opinions for you. So feel free to scroll down and have a good time reading, watching and of course commenting. After all, as we have told before: many people, many minds...

More Info: Reddit


40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Insulin

Since this is getting unexpected visibility, editing to add: Don't forget to check for manufacturers' Patient Assistance Programs, pharmacy discount cards, and for ways to bring the price down (in the U.S.)

gorosheeta , Alan Levine Report


40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Jane_Flowers69 told:
Dental care.

magikot9 agreed:
Me: breaks bone

Insurance: we cover that.

Me: breaks tooth

Insurance: sorry, but you didn't buy our Premium Bitey Bones package.

Jane_Flowers69 , Matteo Martinello Report

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kfidei avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My sister has been struggling for decades because of this. She is lacking an enzyme that keeps her teeth healthy, and has spent tens of thousands of dollars over the years, trying to save them.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group -eDgAR- said:
College textbooks.

I had a professor that was really against the college textbook industry and said it was a huge scam, so for the class I took with him he used a textbook that he wrote and provided a PDF version of it for free to all of us.

lilephant replied:
I had one require a book that he wrote himself….. but it wasn’t free and actually was similar in price to others. Ironically he was my ethics professor.

-eDgAR- , textbookrebellion Report

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nubisknight avatar
Nubis Knight
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My Professor of economy gave us a 50 % off of his self written textbooks and allowed everyone not able or willing to pay the 50 % off to copy his books for use in his lectures (way before PDFs were a thing).

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group I honestly can't believe that nowhere in this post as of right now can EDUCATION be found. Now, college doesn't have to be free, but recently the prices have gone through the roof and based on this post, it seems to have been normalized.

AnonymousMemeing , Caitlin Regan Report

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gemmelltastic avatar
Got Myself 4 Pandas
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Again, depends where. My kids can go onto further education for free in Scotland. Yeah they'd need a job for living expenses but everyone does unless their parents are taking care of them

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group knockfart told:

ur_canadian_brudda replied:
Hi, I install and maintain headstones for a living. Preplan and PREPAY FOR THAT SH*T. Or at least make a will. It saves so much arguing later.

Almost nobody wants a gazillion dollars spent, but for some reason grieving peeps always feel like the $5500 casket that gets buried seems like a better deal than the pine box.

knockfart , Scary Side of Earth Report

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kfidei avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have already arranged to donate my body to science... I don't care what they do with it, since I won't be needing it any longer. They cremate what is left and return the cremains. I have arranged to have those placed in a completely organic cemetery, in the middle of a 21000 acre nature preserve, where a small brass plaque and a tree will commemorate my passing. Total cost, about $350 and all arrangements are already made and paid for.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Because of inflation at the moment it feels like everything. Why do I have to pay so much for food? Why is the gas so expensive? How will I keep sustaining my car? Will my wife and I ever own a home? It’s debilitating man

terequiro , Nick Farnhill Report

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kfidei avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My heart really goes out to people just starting out these days. It was hard enough in my day, but things are almost impossible now. I think people will really need to turn out and make changes at the voting booth... trump undid a lot of the consumer protections Obama put in place, and without them, the rich get even richer (and not taxed, if the republicans have anything to say about it).

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Feminine hygiene products.

There is no reason to spend 30 bucks a month for something that isn’t even my choice.

I don’t want to bleed for 7-10 days . If I could I would just rip out my ute**s.

Edit: for all the people out there suggesting me stuff thank you but I don’t need it anymore. I got the IUD 3 years ago and I hardly bleed. I just use a panty liner now and it’s super cheap. This was just how much I use to spend back when I bought pads and tampons (I had to use both …. Very heavy flow )

notafoetoallenpoe , Marco Verch Professional Photographer Report


40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Glasses! I saw an interview on 20:20 or some news show and the brand name frames rep they were talking to, when asked why they charge so much for things that cost so little to produce, roughly responded “the glasses are worth what people are willing to pay for them 🤷🏻‍♂️”

CozyReader881 , langfordw Report

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adambelaire avatar
Adam Belaire
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You can request a copy of your prescription and buy online. is really good. And if you have any old pairs of glasses you like the look of, they can put new lenses in for far cheaper.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group emik7133 said:
Diamonds. Complete scam.

ThePlooker answered:
Yeah, I came to say this. Ya beat me to it. If it wasn't for DeBeers, diamonds would be about $20 per carat.

emik7133 Report

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emmabrown_2 avatar
Emma Brown
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love diamonds but we are saving to pay off our debts so my engagement ring is moissanite. It's 1 carat, white gold and cost £60! It's absolutely beautiful, you cannot tell the difference and its so much more ethical.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group splitting_bullets said:
Housing. Everyone needs one, birth rates are predictable, people are better utilized when housed and not struggling too much

Unsteady_Tempo answered:
The lack of affordable housing is the consequence and failure of cities/counties not being more proactive in creating zoning laws that would require more density in new construction, fewer short term rental permits of non owner occupied homes, and limits on for-profit ownership of more than a few single family structures.

splitting_bullets , bambe1964 Report

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kfidei avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Housing is such a volatile market lately... and prices just keep climbing. The lack of low cost homes and rental accommodations makes a real difference in quality of life for ALL of us. Cities who can't house their workers become dangerous for everyone...especially the people experiencing homelessness who are often preyed upon.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group shadysamonthelamb wrote:
The grocery bill is killing us. I feel like I get 5 things and somehow it's $50.

Dear_Program6355 replied:
You get to buy things?

I step in a supermarket, buy nothing, and somehow I've spent $50.

shadysamonthelamb , The Unwinder Report

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kfidei avatar
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's like the joke I heard recently... I spent $38 on apples at Whole Foods, and then I dropped them both!

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Gr8_Ape_7 said:
NFT.....its a monkey

imvital replied:
You misspelled “money laundering”

Gr8_Ape_7 , pinguino k Report


40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Being healthy. Eating right cost more, gym and exercise time money time and commitment. This should be encouraged and supported not dragged down with extra cost.

Beefy_Peaches , Aarni Heiskanen Report

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trevornicholson avatar
Trevor Nicholson
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There's a chain of gyms in Quebec that actually gives you a rebate on your gym membership for actually using your membership. If you got a 1 year membership and went 4x a week, it's like 30% they give you back

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group DanTheTerrible wrote:

OneGoodRib answered:
Oh that's a good one. I get that just because it's a digital item that doesn't mean the author and publisher shouldn't make money off it, but it makes no f**king sense for the ebook to be $2 less than the hardcover. There's significantly less costs to the publishers with ebooks, why do they cost so much?? It's so f**king annoying to go on Amazon and it's like "$36 new hardback, $30 new paperback, $28 ebook, $10 used hardback". Why would I want the ebook when it's that expensive?! And I saw this as someone who is incredibly low on space for books and who doesn't even mind reading ebooks.

DanTheTerrible , Richard Smith Report

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tenrec-12 avatar
Kylie Mountain
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This. Why am I spending $12 on the Kindle book when I can spend $5 to get a used paperback? You're screwing up your own business model, people; I guarantee it costs more for them to ship me a hard copy, sharing some percentage of the price with whatever third-party seller I picked, than to download a file to my device, which I also bought from them.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group pghreddit wrote:
Hearing aids.

Zelda_cat22 agreed:
As an audiologist, I 100% agree! Unfortunately the prices are the way they are due to two problems. One is most clinics “bundle” services. This is mostly because insurance doesn’t like to pay for our testing or rehabilitation/counseling we provide. Also-if you’re a small clinic the manufactures that make the hearing aids sell them at a higher price to you. For example, a small office might pay $1,500 for a pair of hearing aids. Whereas Costco, who can buy a lot more, only pays $100 for the same hearing aids. Its sucks because to become an audiologist you have to get a doctorate. You go through all that schooling just to end up “selling” hearing aids. One of the biggest reasons why I’m not practicing right now.

pghreddit , Mike Cofrancesco Report

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yumikopark avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

why are the most necessary and needed things that expensive? because we can't affort not to buy them?

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Running for office in America.

The cost to run a successful campaign in America for virtually any state level or higher political office is simply unattainable for the common person and prices out anyone but the ruling class of oligarchs and those with connections to it. Sure there examples of candidates outside the typical wealthy and ingrained political establishment, but they are the rare exception, not the rule.

With US House races costing over $2 million and Senate races costing over $16 million the average person, no matter how well educated and how well qualified, is automatically eliminated without a vast amount of personal wealth or connections to the individuals, corporations, and parties that do hold that power. So the halls of congress and the seat of power is never filled with our best and brightest, but instead those with the wealth to attain that power and the conviction to maintain that status quo at virtually any cost to the people.

Pursuitofsleep , Miles Heller Report

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kfidei avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is a big part of the reason campaign reform is so important... nice normal people can't successfully run most of the time.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Drugs. They say it's to pay for R&D but there were meeting minutes leaked from a big pharmaceutical company where they were like how much should we charge for this drug? $20? How about $50? Why not $100? Why not $300??? So they went with $300/pill.

c**p_whats_not_taken , George Redgrave Report

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bumblebee_4 avatar
bumble bee
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The real kicker here is that most R&D is funded by the NIH, or in other words OUR TAX DOLLARS. This needs to end ASAP

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Fresh fruits and veggies in comparison to a McDouble

Wicked-elixir , Marco Verch Professional Photographer Report

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fredneobob90 avatar
Huddo's sister
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It amazes me, not being American, that it does cost so much less for junk food there than fresh food!

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Buying and/or selling a house. There are so many people with their hands out that literally push paper and make a few phone calls. Total scam

ProposalVegetable230 , garann Report

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heather_arnest avatar
John Edgar Werner Philips
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And it's always a percentage of the selling price. Right, I'm sure the work is twice as hard when the price is twice as high.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group PH0T0Nman said:
Adobe Products.

It’s a massive scam that they switched to a monthly fee as it’s killed any incentive for them to make meaningful improvements and they kill or buy up any competitors

_Dague_ replied:
Someone tweeted about pirating Photoshop and Adobe liked the tweet. They are well aware they have the most pirated product, but they know if they become an industry standard they can make their profits off companies buying 20 licenses at a time at $10 a month. They aren't concerned with amateur photographers stealing Lightroom.

It wouldn't surprise me if Adobe was releasing the cracked versions online to get more people using their products. Several other companies have adopted that business model of giving out a freeware version and then charging businesses for the premium.

PH0T0Nman , Piqsels Report

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k-haslam avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Gimp. It's an open-source Photoshop. And Microsoft Office is completely obsolete, what with Open Office and Google products.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group moonflower19 wrote:

[deleted] answered:
Ask any man in your life to be your bra. I know I'd walk around all day holding my wife's t**s.

CrazyCatDog04 agreed:
Can confirm, I asked my partner to do this and haven't had to wear a bra in years

moonflower19 , Gabriel White Report


40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group zzzz_bbbb said:
Everything associated with weddings.

meaganannmorrison commented:
This was my first thought too, trying to plan a wedding within an actual budget is HARD

zzzz_bbbb , Jonathan Day Report


40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group mildewmoisturizer told:

nikon78698 commented:
What do you mean? $630 for the titanic is a steal…..

frozenuniverse added:
I dunno, it's a bit rusty by now, I don't think I'd pay $630 for it after all that time underwater

mildewmoisturizer , David Luders, Peter Blackert Report

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fredneobob90 avatar
Huddo's sister
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Even with 'sales' Lego is expensive, but I think it is better quality than the knock offs as it doesn't break as easily. Being reusable and having lots of open-ended (ie pieces that can be used for a variety of representations) pieces means you can buy a couple of sets and leave it at that if you can't afford more. I am looking forward to finding out what the bamboo ones are like too.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group slyblueisblu told:
Theatre tickets. Stop being snobs and let us poor folk experience live Broadway shows too please

It seems a big part of the “value” of items like this is the expense keeps the r**f-r**f away.

There’s a comedian in the UK who jokes about how he now has a posh wife now so they go to expensive restaurants “for the ambience”. He eventually figured out what ambience was…. A lack of poor people being around.

Aloonatron answered:
Another fun bit from that routine is him asking for ketchup in a posh restaurant, so the waiter brings out a small discreet dish, which he samples, and then says “that’s great, I’ll have a bottle please.”

slyblueisblu , Christian Harrison Report

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saragregory0508 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Riff-raff?! Seriously? That doesnt need to be censored! WTF! Stop sanitising our language!

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group [deleted] said:
Having a roof over your head.

frederick_ungman answered:
Heck..just replacing a roof is crazy expensive. $21,000 for mine.

[deleted] , Ash Raymondo Report


40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group thotkeys told:
Xyrem. It can be absolutely life-changing for people with narcolepsy. However, most insurance doesn't cover it, and the out-of-pocket cost is about $6k for a 1 month supply.

Inevitable-Effort186 agreed:
My poor baby sister took Xyrem for a couple years. Completely stoped her seizures but the taste made her almost vomit every time ): also I don't remember it being expensive? I think we were on assisted state insurance then.

thotkeys , Xyrem Report


Taxes. Most of the money we “give” to our government either disappears or gets pissed down the drain. If the government cannot responsibly spend OUR money, then they really have no business handling it at all.

RDEnergizer7000 Report

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Luther von Wolfen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

USA - it isn't taxes, it's inefficiency. Most of northern Europe pays more than we do, but they have funcitioning governments, so they get value for their money. We're just flinging money into a hole.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Vanatru told:
Bottled water

trevg_123 answered:
Get a water bottle and refill it, price takes a deep dive toward zero. You’re paying for the convenience, plus the inconvenience of adding trash to the planet

Vanatru , Mike Mozart Report

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saragregory0508 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Very much depends on your area. In some places, tap water is not potable.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Down_Low_Too_Slow told:
Shaving razors

unoriginal5 answered:
I noticed even Dollar Shave Club, who was supposed to revolutionize the market, is on the shelf next to Gillette with the same high capacity cartridge at the same price. I switched to a safety razor, and buy 50 blades that last a week for $15.

m19honsy was curious:
You use 50 razors a week!! How many times you shave exactly.

Down_Low_Too_Slow , Mr.TinMD Report

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rstone avatar
Bexx 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you’re female, always check male shaving product prices - often you’ll find they’re cheaper :) good ol pink tax

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group MiaLedger wrote:

7 dollar drinks are crazy

Senpai59210 answered:
I feel like the type of people who buy Starbucks regularly are the type of people who aren't concerned about the price of their drink

MiaLedger , Michael Allen Smith@INeedCoffee Report

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kfidei avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think people are willing to pay Starbucks prices for a daily coffee must not have any need of the money. Considering what it costs to buy excellent coffee and make it at home, buying every day is a pointless expense to me. Even if you buy a $3 coffee every working morning, that's $60 a month, which would cover the cost of my internet and subscriptions.

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NishantWubaluba told:
Popcorn in movie theatre.

[deleted] answered:
Anything in the theatre is expensive honestly lol

NishantWubaluba Report

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heather_arnest avatar
John Edgar Werner Philips
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's not the movie theatres' fault (entirely) though. They earn practically no money from the ticket price because of the studios' "conditions". Which are, btw, getting worse (looking at you Disney).

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Life itself

MercilessIdiot , erules123 Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Life has always been too expensive for many of us. I know I am very lucky to be able to donate to the food bank and the housing charities in my town, and wish everyone who can help would.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group ReeG said:
Canadian internet and mobile plans

trentonl commented:
Rogers that

ReeG , Susanne Nilsson Report

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breannecoish avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As a Canadian I can attest to this! My current plan is $104 a month on a 2year contract and if i wanted to pay the phone outright it would have been $1500.00....fricken ridiculous!!

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group HodorsAB***h told:
“Designer” clothes, like, it’s a plain white top with a logo for £800 wtf

sprunk_bois disagreed:
That’s where I’m gonna have to disagree with you. What you are generalizing might be true but most designer clothes, while might not be worth their price to the penny, are still made with high quality material and a lot of designer products are hand made which would make them more expensive. Like the $700 Gucci watch I have is made with very good fabric and high quality silver. Also the Gucci wallet I have is made also with high quality fabric and real Italian leather. I could keep going but my point is that some products might be what you described but most aren’t and there’s a reason they’re that price

zigojacko2 commented:
It's got nothing to do with the materials used and purely the fact you are paying for the recognized brand... 🙃

HodorsAB***h , Stacie Report

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kfidei avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Personally, I don't care even a tiny bit if designer stuff is expensive, because it only affects people who think designer stuff is important.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group m100896 wrote:
Curtains and blinds.

popjunkie42 admitted:
Yes. Why? One of the bad secrets of owning a home. Rugs are expensive as hell as well.

m100896 , Miia Sample Report

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Trevor Nicholson
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I bought two pride flags for $40 and and some hooks at the dollar store and it does the job. I don't need to live in a cave with no sunlight, I just need a little bit of blockage.

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Housing prices in major cities. Shops are closed, alot of things are moving online, people are leaving and houses are vacant. Why are prices going up.

outcastedOpal Report

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kfidei avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I read somewhere recently, and I have no idea if it's true, but the article said there are 28 vacant dwellings for every homeless person in America. I know where I live, in a heavily entertainment based city, people can't afford to rent even studio apartments anymore.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group Xendarq's opinion:
Nintendo Switch games

nousername808's answer:
Any proprietary Nintendo games never go down in price. Like Mario for wiiU is still $69 in 2022.

Xendarq , Mike Mozart Report

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adambelaire avatar
Adam Belaire
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Same price if you buy online too. That is what kills me. For years they said the price is high because of manufacturing. Now it's "to protect their IP" it's bull.

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40 Expensive Things Whose High Price Tags Don't Make Any Sense At All, As Shared By Folks In This Online Group the-alchemist11 wrote:

I426Hemi answered:
A girl I dated about a decade or so ago worked at a Panera and asked me to come have lunch with her once. I though Panera was just a cutesy little coffee and sandwich place and had an actual moment of "what the f**k is going on" when I saw the prices vs what you get.

the-alchemist11 , Mike Mozart Report

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kungfookate said:
Lobster. So much work for so little meat. You have to wear a bib to eat it in case the carcass squirts at you. You have to use tools and your own strength to even get at the edible part. Then when you finally pull your sore, red, wet fingers out with that precious tiny morsel, it doesn't even taste good enough on its own that you then have to dunk it in butter.

beetlehunterz answered:
Back in the day lobster used to be considered poor people food.

DerpNinjaWarrior commented too:
This us why I stick with lobster rolls. Which are still overpriced.

kungfookate Report

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isbe avatar
Is Be
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just don't eat it and save a poor creature from a horrific death.

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ExtensionAnybody467 commented:
Modern Art, like, wtf how does a boulder cost $2M!?

MagentaLea answered:
Easy just title it Tax Evasion.

jbergcreations commented:
Also actual boulders that aren’t art, if you want some rocks in your yard those things are expensive but someone found it for free in the wild and didn’t have to feed it or anything until it got to your house

ExtensionAnybody467 Report

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kfidei avatar
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Any art only has the value people are willing to place on it. If you are willing to spend $5m for a red circle in a blue square painted by a famous person, bless you. How much will you pay me to do the same thing? It's often more about the snob appeal of the signature than about the actual art.

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Note: this post originally had 52 images. It’s been shortened to the top 40 images based on user votes.

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