They say a man's home is his castle. That may be true. But only until a cat invites itself over and claims the place. And that's not as rare as you might think. Just head over to the Facebook group "My house, not my cat" and you'll see.

Its 40.8K members constantly share pictures of the unexpected visitors they receive. From sleepy tabbies to playful gingers, it looks like exploring random strangers' cribs is universal across all felines, too.

Continue scrolling to meet the intruders and after you're done, feel free to check out Bored Panda's earlier publications on the group as well: part 1, part 2.


This Is My Garden. These Were Not My Cats. But They Are Now

This Is My Garden. These Were Not My Cats. But They Are Now

Mamala, the tortie, hung around for years bringing various kittens into the yard to show them off and have a quick meal, then scurry away. We could admire them from afar, but could never touch her. Finally she brought these 4 beauties to us and decided to stay in the yard. One cold snowy winter day, she and the kids walked through our slider into our bedroom and two years later she's still with us with two of the babies. All are now spayed and neutered. Two found homes elsewhere. After living rough and being almost continuously pregnant for years she's decided she never wants to go outside again. Never once has she asked to.

Barbara Markus Report

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Brian Bennett
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Mama is a beauty and she is very smart not to want to go out in that cruel world ever again!

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As you can see, not every feline that gets featured on "My house, not my cat" is homeless. Some of them are wearing a collar and feel really comfortable around humans. Pet parents are often puzzled as to whether they should allow their cats to venture outside. Some do, some don't.

"It would be wonderful if it were safe to let our cats out. It would be an ideal life for them. But unfortunately, due to predators, traffic, and bad people, it's just not safe," Samantha Bell, Cat Expert for Best Friends Animal Society told Bored Panda. "Luckily, there are ways to let our cats enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of the great outdoors while still keeping them safe from harm: you can build a catio, train them to walk on a harness, or take them on cat-stroller rides. We should also bring elements of the outdoors inside for our cats by providing cat grass for chewing, tall cat trees to climb and scratch, and wand toys with little mice and birds on the end so they can satisfy their hunting instinct."


This Is Loader (Freeloader) He Showed Up One Day. No Chip, No Owner. He Cried And Cried Until We Let Him In. He’s The Bestest Boy

This Is Loader (Freeloader) He Showed Up One Day. No Chip, No Owner. He Cried And Cried Until We Let Him In. He’s The Bestest Boy

Lisa Martin Report


Early This Morning... I Hear Crying. I Get Up And Start Looking For My Cat

Early This Morning... I Hear Crying. I Get Up And Start Looking For My Cat

Maybe she fell behind something??? Then... I realize my cat is asleep on the daybed. ??? I open the front door... and this little thing looks up at me. Is this how you get a new cat? I'm 50 and single... is my cat sending out invitations ???

Val Rose Report

Dr. Marci Koski, a certified feline behavior and training consultant, agreed that this topic is a difficult one, especially because cultural and social norms vary throughout the world.

"For example, in many places, people wouldn't dream of confining a cat to be exclusively indoors (believing it to be cruel to keep cats inside), but here in the U.S., people often keep cats indoors for safety reasons," Dr. Koski Bored Panda. "For me, it's a personal question that depends on evaluating the risks and benefits of letting your cat outdoors where you live."

"Let's start with the benefits: first, cats evolved over tens of thousands of years to be predatory animals — they spend their days hunting and exploring. The outdoors provides cats with the physical and mental enrichment they need! It's difficult to replace that with an indoor environment (although it can be done, with plenty of vertical space, toys, active playtime, and even the addition of catios). A cat who can express its natural instincts in an enriched environment (like the outdoors) may be less stressed and happier."


My House, Not My Cat. It's The Cat Of Our Neighbor, She Told Us That The Cat Is Wild And She's No Longer Welcome In Her House

My House, Not My Cat. It's The Cat Of Our Neighbor, She Told Us That The Cat Is Wild And She's No Longer Welcome In Her House

I feel pretty sad about it, maybe we made her wild but she actually became pretty soft with some patience and care in this house. Oh and she walk around with toys.

Gies Vivas Report


Two Months Ago A Stray Cat Adopted Us, One Month Ago We Adopted A Dog. This Afternoon A Random Cat Appears At The Back Door, “Hey, Is This Where Everyone’s Getting Fed?”

Two Months Ago A Stray Cat Adopted Us, One Month Ago We Adopted A Dog. This Afternoon A Random Cat Appears At The Back Door, “Hey, Is This Where Everyone’s Getting Fed?”

Valerie Quintrell Report

However, there are many drawbacks to letting cats outside as well. "Depending on where you live, your cat may be at risk of being hit by a car or getting trapped (unintentionally) in a neighbor's shed or garage," Dr. Koski explained. "Further, there are risks of getting killed or injured by other animals, contracting a contagious disease, eating rodents that have been poisoned, and ingesting toxins found in anti-freeze or plants."

"Less serious (but still potentially life-threatening) are the risks associated with parasites such as fleas and worms. I've made the decision to keep all of my cats indoors; as a child, I lost one cat to poisoning and another to being hit by a car, and I don't want those things happening to any of my kitties now. We built a catio for the cats to enjoy so that they can get safe outdoor time, but letting your cat out in a yard that has been cat-proofed with appropriate fencing, teaching your cat to use a harness/leash, or even enjoying a stroller can be additional ways of letting your cat enjoy being outside in safe ways. Not all cats (particularly those who have been indoors the majority of their lives) want to go outdoors though, so make sure to respect the wants of your kitty."


Ultimately, the decision is yours, but remember that a cat roaming the outdoors will probably use up its nine lives faster. It's a controversial topic, with pros and cons on both sides.

But if you are just welcoming a feline guest, all you need to know is how to introduce yourself to it. To learn how to approach an unknown cat, Bored Panda contacted Lucy Hoile, a Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB) who also specializes in these mischievous little creatures. 

"Come down to their level and hold out a loosely closed hand to invite them over to meet you," Hoile described the first step. "Speak softly to avoid startling them and give them time to sniff your hand and show you are friendly."

"If they rub their face on your hand, that’s a great sign the cat is happy to meet you. If they walk away, they're not so keen — let them go so they learn to trust you," Hoile explained.

The most important thing to remember, according to Samantha Bell of Best Friends Animal Society, is to let the cat call 100% of the shots. "[If they] feel in control of the situation, [they] are more likely to approach and be friendly," she said.


My House, Not My Cat

My House, Not My Cat

I recently moved to a new house. About a week or so of living here I was coming home from the grocery store so I propped the door open so I could carry in my groceries. As I was heading back outside I noticed a kitty run into my house so I got my last bags and took them to the kitchen quick and went to see where the cat went. I found him like this (the first pic) in my living room. So I gave him some pets and then ended up like this (2nd pic) for the next hour. He’s so sweet. He kept coming over every day to watch tv on my lap and then going to the door to leave when he was ready. He was wearing a collar but it had no tags so I decided to write a little note and attach it to the collar. I asked if he had a home and what his name was. The very next day he returned with a note back saying his name was Finn and his address which was 4 houses down & also a phone number saying to text if I wanted to so I did. We were texting about the cat on and off all day and then we came to realize that we actually knew each other from high school. Which I thought was hilarious. Anyways, I now share custody of Finn and he is just the sweetest boy and I look forward to seeing him every day!

Joanne Gentzler Report


So A Month Or So Ago, My Cat Apollo Carried Home A Little Stray Kitten Who Was Definitely Not Ours! We Chalked It Up To A Serendipitous Moment And Welcomed Her Into Our Family

So A Month Or So Ago, My Cat Apollo Carried Home A Little Stray Kitten Who Was Definitely Not Ours! We Chalked It Up To A Serendipitous Moment And Welcomed Her Into Our Family

Temika Jayne Report


I Hope This Counts

I Hope This Counts

I rented a house for a few nights, this beautiful cottage in the country. When I woke up the first morning I walked into the kitchen, sun slanting in, open up the door to let the morning in, and I thought to myself “the only thing missing is a cat”. 
I turn around and this absolute legend bulldozed around the cottage and then promptly decided to show us who the boss was.

Sara Alves Report


My Fireplace, My House, Not My Cat

My Fireplace, My House, Not My Cat

Jayne O'Connor Report

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Nadia Montera
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Recipe to make a "not my cat" appears : a cup of cosy + a cup of warm + a gallon of carpet, stir in front of a warm woodfire : voilààààà

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My House, Not My Cat... Not My Ducks Either

My House, Not My Cat... Not My Ducks Either

Susan Glass Report

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Brian Bennett
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That cat is something of a bird watcher, maybe you should adopt all so none of them will have to travel!

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This Tiny Guy Showed Up In My Loft On The Full Snow Moon In February After I Had Left The Patio Door Open Accidentally

This Tiny Guy Showed Up In My Loft On The Full Snow Moon In February After I Had Left The Patio Door Open Accidentally

He has a wonky eye, but it doesn't bother him.
He never left, despite our efforts to find his home. Now he lives inside with us and eats fancy cat food and sleeps in my daughter's Sage!

Tiffany Horne Report


This Is Not My Cat

This Is Not My Cat

I was upstairs in the office (/play room) working away and heard cat feet on the stairs. Door opens, I’m expecting my black and white cat Bowler to come in, and instead this looks in at me.

Claire Dyer Report


Not My Cat, Became My Cat After A Severe Ear Infection,and I Felt Bad For Him. Picture After I Spent A Boatload Of Money, And Finally Decided To Neuter Him, No Cone Of Shame, Equaled The Plate Of Shame...

Not My Cat, Became My Cat After A Severe Ear Infection,and I Felt Bad For Him. Picture After I Spent A Boatload Of Money, And Finally Decided To Neuter Him, No Cone Of Shame, Equaled The Plate Of Shame...

Stacy Bernholtz Raasch Report


Hobocat, Pork Chops, And Friends

Hobocat, Pork Chops, And Friends

So those that have been following me and Hobo Cat... Hobo Cat now has brought a friend along .... who i have named Pork Chop.... Pork Chop is also not my cat... not quite as feral as Hobo Cat. But they eat together... Only arrive at night Never see them during the day... Pork Chop came late yesterday and brought a possum along which was eating next to Pork Chop... Hobo Cat sometimes arrives with a deer, which I posted pics of.. Some strangeness going on Opossum, raccoons, and Mr Fox now come as well

Jimmy Lynch Report


Picture It: Early Morning In Nw Georgia. My Husband Wakes Up To Go To The Bathroom And As He Walks Down The Hallway He Hears A Little "Mew" And He Thinks, "What The Heck?"

Picture It: Early Morning In Nw Georgia. My Husband Wakes Up To Go To The Bathroom And As He Walks Down The Hallway He Hears A Little "Mew" And He Thinks, "What The Heck?"

Picture it: early morning in NW Georgia. My husband wakes up to go to the bathroom and as he walks down the hallway he hears a little "mew" and he thinks, "what the heck?" And walks into the kitchen only to see a Smudge of something on the floor. Upon closer inspection he finds a kitten and now everyone is awake. We took him to the vet the very next day and learned he is a boy and between 6-8 weeks old. We named him Smudge. He was scared and shook a lot because we aren't a quiet group but now he is living his best life and is as happy as any kitten can be. Before we decided to keep him this was definitely my house not my cat. ETA: This is what we think happened! We think he came in through the attic. The long story is a couple days before he showed up my husband came inside after smoking a cigarette and told me he saw this cat carrying a tiny gray kitten in its mouth and that it jumped onto our roof. Then one morning shortly after this gray kitten shows up in our kitchen so pretty sure it's the same one. We think it came in through the attic, but we are only guessing. We have checked and there is no mama cat to be found and there are no other kittens either. So we decided to keep him. 

Alison Branum Report


This Is Tupac, My Neighbor’s Cat

This Is Tupac, My Neighbor’s Cat

Tupac is very mean but decided he liked my house better a few months ago. Now I text the owners if he is here too long, they bring him home, and he comes back in a few days. But this time, he’s in my piano

CM Schulz Report


A Few Weeks Ago This Was Not My Cat. But Then She Walked Her Butt Into Our Home And Now I Guess She's My Cat?! She's Also Full Of Kittens

A Few Weeks Ago This Was Not My Cat. But Then She Walked Her Butt Into Our Home And Now I Guess She's My Cat?! She's Also Full Of Kittens

April Kitchen Report


My Baby, My Pram But 100% Not My Cat. Not Quite In My House But Was Still A Surprise For Sure

My Baby, My Pram But 100% Not My Cat. Not Quite In My House But Was Still A Surprise For Sure

Shelby Jenkins Report


My Car, Not My Void

My Car, Not My Void

Climbed into the car when we pulled up, walked straight across my husband's lap and cuddled up to me. Suckled on my cardigan while making biscuits on my neck. Such a beautiful kitty .I did not want to let him go!

Cole McLister Burns Report


Finn Is My Messenger Kitty With Whom I Wrote The Note On His Collar After He Snuck In My House While I Was Carrying In Groceries & Then Just Kept Coming Back

Finn Is My Messenger Kitty With Whom I Wrote The Note On His Collar After He Snuck In My House While I Was Carrying In Groceries & Then Just Kept Coming Back

I got a note back the next day with a phone number!!! ( I thought that was so neat) After speaking to his owner I found out he was jealous of their new kitty and not doing well at home. With permission from his owner he now lives with me! He does go visit his old home from time to time but lives with us now! His owner said he just wants him to be happy and that seems to be with us ( which I do feel bad about but he assures me it’s ok) I just love him sooo much! He even guards our toddler and alerts me when she’s crying & plays with her outside by racing her down the yard and back. He even gets in her way when she goes into spots in the yard where she could fall! He’s just the sweetest boy!

Joanne Gentzler Report

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Brian Bennett
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

He made his choice - you did not take him away - you accepted him and added affection. Gave him a job looking after kids. Sound like a win - win situation to me!

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My House, Not My Cat... But He Very Much Wants To Be, Judging By How Many Windows We’ve Seen His Face In

My House, Not My Cat... But He Very Much Wants To Be, Judging By How Many Windows We’ve Seen His Face In

Amber Haglund-Pagel Report


Minding My Own Business Trying To Read My Book At My Mum's House. Not My Cat, Or Hers For That Matter

Minding My Own Business Trying To Read My Book At My Mum's House. Not My Cat, Or Hers For That Matter

Dudley Wright Report


My Tortie (Baby Fuzz) Has Full On Tortitude. She Doesn't Let Me Touch Her, She Refuses Pets. I Have Never Held Her In The 3 Years Ive Had Her

My Tortie (Baby Fuzz) Has Full On Tortitude. She Doesn't Let Me Touch Her, She Refuses Pets. I Have Never Held Her In The 3 Years Ive Had Her

My ex mother in law texts me a picture of her carrying my cat around and said "baby fuzz won't leave me alone, she's making me carry her around the house" I'm thinking what voodoo has this woman put on my cat??? As you can see by this cats face, she's sick of everyone's shit. So I have to investigate. Sure enough, baby fuzz let's me pic her up, love on her, and im in heaven. After a whole day of everyone gushing over how sweet baby fuzz has became and we don't know why, the REAL baby fuzz decides to show up. YALL! WE CARRIED A CAT AROUND ALL DAY THAT WASNT EVEN MINE!!! PIC IN COMMENTS OF THE FUZZ & THE INTRUDER SIDE BY SIDE

Leighann Maynard Report

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Demi Zwaan
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm very surprised people don't recognize their own cat (from up close at least). Especially one with a pattern that is definitely not the same. One of these cats has a red nose, the other black. Even I see that and I don't know them. Paws are different, tail, ears, and their behaviour too. How can you not tell?

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Look What My Dog Found In The Backyard Today

Look What My Dog Found In The Backyard Today

I heard him crying for the last couple of days in another neighbors yard, but when my dog heard him in my yard today, my dog claimed him as his own (We live in a town FULL of stray cats). I'm guessing he's about 5-7 weeks old, if that (he only has 4 canine teeth). I gave him a good bath and spent almost 2 hours picking fleas off of him with tweezers, and we gave him some kitten replacement milk. As you can see, he is happy as can be asleep in a blanket now. I'm not sure how to explain this little guy to my boyfriend when he gets back to town tomorrow, but it was his dogs fault

Rachel Floyd Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is why trap neuter return programs are so needed. Try the Kitten Lady on you tube for solid info. ( I am NOT her, or anything, just think she is brilliant.

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See Also on Bored Panda

Bought A New House. This Is My First Neighbor To Welcome Me

Bought A New House. This Is My First Neighbor To Welcome Me

Renee Marie Report


My House, Not My... Cat?

My House, Not My... Cat?

For those of you who remember my post about the sweet nebelung kitty that was coming around our backyard - well, she turned out to be a he named Bodhi, who’s mom let’s him explore quite a bit. He comes by for breakfast every morning, and I just assumed that the empty bowl meant he was eating well. Turns out this little dude has been coming around for Bodhi’s leftovers. The audacity!

Alex Henninger Report


This Is Our Little Cat Family That Happened Because We Had Been Feeding This Sweet Homeless Tuxedo Who Decided To Come Inside Our House And Have Her Babies

This Is Our Little Cat Family That Happened Because We Had Been Feeding This Sweet Homeless Tuxedo Who Decided To Come Inside Our House And Have Her Babies

She is so sweet,we named her Candy. We decided to keep all four of them and I’m so thankful we did. Since the babies were born during the pandemic,we named the twin girls Faith and Hope. Their big brother’s name is Finn. They have brought so much joy to our lives!

Eunice Lineberry Mendez Report


I Have Two Stray Babies That I’ve Been Feeding And Petting And One Of Them Just Had Babies

I Have Two Stray Babies That I’ve Been Feeding And Petting And One Of Them Just Had Babies

We put out a box for her last night, but I was hanging out with my apartment door open today because it felt nice out. Well! Momma came in with something in her mouth and I thought it was a mouse (this happened once before, long story!) and I went to run her back out. But then I realized it was one of her babies! She and I fought for a few minutes about wether or not she could stay, but she ended up winning. Now there is one stray momma and 3 baby kitties living under my recliner.

Sherry Staub Bryant Report


My Car, Not My Cat

My Car, Not My Cat

Found this little baby under my car this morning. She/he is pretty beat up with a huge gash on her head infested with fleas and very skinny we are awaiting at the vet right now.

Tiffany Hillson Report


The Renegade Rapscallion, The Carousing Casanova, The Heartthrob Heartbreaker, The Serenading Scallawag, “Sinnry,” Has Been Fixed. And Is Now Doing Yoga In The Living Room

The Renegade Rapscallion, The Carousing Casanova, The Heartthrob Heartbreaker, The Serenading Scallawag, “Sinnry,” Has Been Fixed. And Is Now Doing Yoga In The Living Room

Tangerine Bolen Report


Mr Fluffy Bum, My Name For Not My Cat

Mr Fluffy Bum, My Name For Not My Cat

Surprised me today when I went to water some plants. Didn't stop him from going right back to sleep in the sink!

Margaret Thompson Report


This Is My Porch, Not My Cat

This Is My Porch, Not My Cat

Jordan Patton Report

See Also on Bored Panda

Searching For My Cat Wakanda Downstairs In The Complex Car Park Only To Look Up To See My Cat, Not My House!

Searching For My Cat Wakanda Downstairs In The Complex Car Park Only To Look Up To See My Cat, Not My House!

Paul Murray Report

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Brian Bennett
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I am a balcony of contentment, I won't stay but I do like the view and the humans don't seem to mind. I'll be home later never fear!

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My Kitchen, Not My Cat

My Kitchen, Not My Cat

I left the window open whilst washing up and Hugonotmycat popped in. Our conversation went something like this...
Me: 'Shriek! S**t, you made me jump! Are you here for your second dinner?'
Hubby: 'You do realise Cat that you have to pay us in cuddles?'
Me: *snort*!! I don't think Hugo knows how baby cuddles work!! He will learn, oh yes he will!!

Sue Bird Report


My Dog, Not My Cat! This Is A Feral Cat That Hangs At Our House. She Is Tolerant Of My Hubby & Me, But Loves Our Boy Kane!

My Dog, Not My Cat! This Is A Feral Cat That Hangs At Our House. She Is Tolerant Of My Hubby & Me, But Loves Our Boy Kane!

Debi Brady Report


My House, Not My Cat

My House, Not My Cat

My husband heard this crash against our cat flap (it was locked since our old cat passed away 6 months prior) and found this poor cat crying to get in, obviously my reaction was to let her in immediately.. Then she wouldn’t leave! Made herself quite at home, loved my daughter, didn’t mind my old English sheepdog either! We had her chip scanned which showed she came from Spain, we are in the northwest of England.. We posted to a local rescue group and eventually, someone knew this was her cousins cat. She’d moved from Spain 2 days before to our street a few houses down. The owner had the door open when the cat came out of quarantine and she ran. Poor thing was terrified until we let her in. We were sad when the owner collected her, she fitted right in!

Laura Edmunds Report

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Brian Bennett
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I would have been more than just sad. But I would adopt a stray as soon as possible it will dry your tears!

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It Snowed Last Night So Dexter The Feral Snuck In For A Heccin' All-Day Snooze... My Guest Bedroom, Not My Cat

It Snowed Last Night So Dexter The Feral Snuck In For A Heccin' All-Day Snooze... My Guest Bedroom, Not My Cat

Codruța Filip Report


I Left The Window Open One Day And Came Home To This Cute Kitty Just Chillin' In My House

I Left The Window Open One Day And Came Home To This Cute Kitty Just Chillin' In My House

He acted like he owned the place. We found his original owner and she said she "got another cat" and didn't want him anymore. We always teased that he didn't live here (even had a tag made stating so). Although he pissed off the other cats, I absolutely adored this kitty. We named him Benjamin Gato and he spent the rest of his life with us.

eresa Hazel Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wtf, you just don't get a new cat and trade off your old one. You keep them and love them forever.

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My House, My Grandson, Not My Cat

My House, My Grandson, Not My Cat

My grandson Jackson came for a visit and drew a picture of Fatbutt. I'm pretty sure other neighbors are feeding Fatbutt because she's looking mighty hefty again. Nevertheless, she's staring into my door for hours on end.

Sash Johnson Report


Christmas Babies!!! Final Count: 6

Christmas Babies!!! Final Count: 6

April Kitchen Report

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Brian Bennett
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What a present -wonder what their names are Goldie. Frank, Purrh, Jose, Merrie Lamby!

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This Precious Baby Showed Up Several Days Ago And Seems To Be Trying To Adopt Us Hard

This Precious Baby Showed Up Several Days Ago And Seems To Be Trying To Adopt Us Hard

We're giving him food and water and a warm bed while we try to find his humans (but all signs point to abandoned cat so far). Probably have a "My house, my cat now" situation on our hands. The delivery people sure seem to be taking a shine to him.

Zo Chapman Report

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Brian Bennett
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You just gotta help this sad baby - all it takes is food, water, lots of love and a litter box

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Here’s Lando Catrissian’s Mhnmc Story

Here’s Lando Catrissian’s Mhnmc Story

On November 25, 2019, my ex and I were doing some cleaning in the house and moving junk into the basement. So we had the front door propped open. I happen to turn around, and this guy is swaggering into the house. He was dirty, hungry (obviously hadn’t eaten in several days), and walked with a bit of a limp. He climbed up in the recliner, plopped his ass down, and looked at us like he was saying “hey guys, I live here now”. We gave him attention, and a piece of salami. We left the door open to see if he’d leave, but he instead familiarized himself with the house. He found our bed and took a nap. We looked at each other, shrugged, said “guess we have a cat now”, and dropped everything to go to PetSmart and get everything he needed. About a year and a half later, he’s my chonky best friend.

Josiah Bennett Report

See Also on Bored Panda

My Catnip, Not My Cat

My Catnip, Not My Cat

This is Squiggles, named for her congenitally kinked-over tail. She belongs to our neighbors but likes to hang out in our yard, taunting our indoor cats and rolling & huffing our catnip patch. Last summer, we were in our house when we heard a big cat commotion coming from the bedroom. Squiggles was inside, our cats were freaking out, but all windows & doors were closed—how’d she get in? Turned out she’d climbed on the roof, wiggled under the half-open skylight, stepped on the screen, and dropped, along with the screen, onto the bed below. She was as surprised as we were!

Stephanie Rosenbaum Klassen Report

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Brian Bennett
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A break and enter cat, guess we can blame it on the catnip, don't forget your her dealer!

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My Bed - Not My Cat

My Bed - Not My Cat

I thought I would share this precious moment from when I was a kid and a cat sneaked in and decided to deliver kittens right in my bed!
It was amazing taking care of the cat and kittens, eventually though we found homes for them because of my asthma, but I'm so glad this cat decided it could be safe enough in our home to deliver

Alice Claire Forssblad Report


My House, My White Cat, And The Strange Grey Floof. Now Kishhh

My House, My White Cat, And The Strange Grey Floof. Now Kishhh

Dakota Rai Crawford Report

Note: this post originally had 113 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.