Just share any moment where someone said or did something that swept you off your feet.


Not romantic but friend related- I got diagnosed with cancer in October 2020. I had major surgery scheduled only 2 weeks from the day I got diagnosed. I was in shock and didn't know what to do about taking care of my many animals-dogs, cats, chickens, ducks and geese. I knew it would be at least a month before I'd be able to care for them myself. I reached out to one friend, who, within 24 hours, organized a team of people to take turns feeding my animals, checking up on me and bringing me food until I could take care of myself. I'm on the shy side and it was hard to ask for any help at all, but the love and support I got was simply overwhelming. I'll be forever grateful.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

honey people do stuf like that only for people who they really like...you're obviously a good person :-) hope you recover soon

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    Without me asking, my bff (also my ex from 10 years ago) got on a bus in his city, rode over an hour to my city, and walked to my house from the bus stop on unshoveled sidewalks 2 days after a blizzard that dumped 3 feet of snow on us. Why? To shovel my car out for me so I didn't have to do it. I didn't even have anyplace to go or any need to leave the house for the next 3 days, by which the snow was gone anyways bc temps rose and it rained so much the snow melted. Oh, and he's 46 and a 20+ year smoker, so it's not like he's some super healthy young guy, either! May not sound romantic in the traditional way, but damn, he treats me better than any other man ever has.



    Was taking a martial arts class with a friend, and we were practicing Shaolin foot sweeps. (Basically you kick their legs and they fall over).
    He accidently did it a bit to hard and I couldn't walk properly for a week.



    He mailed me a card after we had gone out a few times and were definitely hitting it off, but hadn’t gotten too hot and heavy just yet..he just wrote something cute on a goofy card about how happy he was that we’d met and how every time he said goodnight at the end of one of our dates, he immediately felt like he couldn’t wait to see me again. It was really sweet, but what got me was that he actually took the time to get a card, buy a stamp and mail it to me, so I was pleasantly surprised to find it with all the junk mail that’s usually waiting in my mailbox. I almost never get personal mail anymore…who does? Amazon doesn’t count! My friends thought it was adorable. Ultimately we didn’t work out ( he was a nice guy, no big dramatic reason or anything) but my now-husband has always been impressed by the card-guy story. He’s like, “that is a KILLER move…doesn’t cost a lot, it’s thoughtful and it’s cute and kind of romantic if the girl is on the same wave- length, it’s just enough to sway a girl who’s kind of on the fence about you, but it doesn’t cross the line into creepy needy desperate guy territory. It’s brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that move when I was dating?” My response is, “ yeah, why DIDN’T you?!” Lol.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am old enough to remember when this was common...I used to send my love at least a couple cards a week because nothing says 'thoughtful' like a handwritten card. Handwritten thank you notes are still a requirement, as far as I am concerned, but then, I am pretty old.


    In high school, I had a French teacher, Madame Onda, who was little, feisty and totally inappropriate at times…we loved her! I don’t remember how it started, but her son and I (we’ve never met to this day) started flirting through her. One Valentine’s Day, Madam Onda showed up with a dozen roses and we all commented on how romantic her husband was. She then handed them to me and it turns out that they were for me, from her son, Pierre. I have brown skin, but I blushed that day. It was unexpected and romantic. I sent him a thank you card, and we flirted until I graduated from that school. 💐


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is so sweet. I was really hoping this story would end with "and we've been together ever since" but flirting is good too.


    I was 29 and had finally decided that I had had enough of my nine year on again- off again relationship. I had my heart broken to a million pieces in about a million different ways by my ex. I had come to the conclusion that some people are meant to be happy and some people were meant to be sad and I was just meant to be the latter. I had totally given up hope of finding the love of my life and I had decided it was time to just come to terms with that. I was set up on a blind date. He was good looking, funny, interesting and a great listener. We talked, went to a movie, walked on the beach, talked some more, watched videos, talked had breakfast, went to the park, talked some more.... It ended up being a 42 hour blind date. We had talked and talked about everything under the son, including about how I had given up hope of finding love or even of being happy. Yes, I know, kind of a bad choice of topics to have on a date. But he just went on to tell me how important it was to keep hope in my heart. He was sweet and caring and just amazing to talk to. At the end of our date when he dropped me off at home, I leaned into the car to give him a kiss and then walked towards my house. He called me back to the car. When I got back to him he held out his hand to give me something. When I looked into my hand, there was a rock with the word HOPE carved into it. I looked at him and said, You just happened to have this on you?" He just said You should always keep hope close. ...and I melted!!
    The next day a brought a bouquet of flowers to my friend who set us up on the blind date with a note that said, Thank you for introducing me to the man I am going to marry. We will be married 22 years this May.



    Chronically Ill my husband did every night with our baby. Also makes me coffee every morning. Best human I have met



    I met a silly, clever boy who raced me up a hill to get away from our friends. He asked to kiss me, then asked if he could take me out. We will be married for ten years next week. Gentlemen, let the girl (or boy) you're interested in know, even if you think you're making a fool of yourself. Ladies (or gentlemen) let yourself have some fun, you never know how long the fun can last when you really get along.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've stopped bothering showing interest because really it's not worth the hassle. If someone is interested in me they must just drop a non-subtle hint like "Hey I want to date you" or something. Anything less I won't assume it's an interest because basically I don't want to ever ever ever be accused of harassing. If I look back at my past where I showed interest overtly, I now feel that it looks too assertive and I feel ashamed so I won't do it again. "Game is not worth the candles" as the old saying goes. I'm done.

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    Not romantic, but I recently had my first play at school. It was small, I was only on stage for a few minutes, but it was huge to me. Two of my older sisters came with their partners and kid, and my niece and her husband came as well. After the bows, when I went to look for them, I just expected to be taken home and that would be it- but instead, my niece gave me flowers, one of my sisters gave me pocky and chocolates, and the sister that took me home took me out for ice cream. It made the whole night really special, as I wasn't expecting any of it.



    Today in my geography class my crush and friend were fooling around while I was sitting between them, and long story short I ended up being hit the head with a Chromebook. My crush is the one that accidentally hit me with it and for some reason his instant response was to just...pat my head I guess? Except he didn't end up patting and kind of just held his hand on the side of my head while he asked if I was okay. And, my gosh, if I had been standing up I may have not been able to stay standing. I swear sometimes he's so annoying, but I still fall harder for him every day because he does things like this. I don't think he's meaning to do this stuff, but honestly I'm glad he does.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A very sweet gesture. As far as I am concerned, stroking my cheek, cradling my face in your hand, stroking my hair are all HUGE.... each will make me swoon.

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    I play an online game called sky children of light, on this game you can unlock a chat option. So, one day i was doing my own thing and i met someone who wanted to be my friend, little did i know i was about to become friends with one of the most awesome people in the world! What made him awesome was that not only did he have a since of humor, but he also had a serious side and was a great listener. You might be wondering what happened next, well we are still GREAT friends and still play together to this day and don't show any signs of stopping. The thing that really makes my heart jump is how he will stay up till' midnight just to talk to me! if you are reading this Emir, I just want you to know that I am thankful that I took that candle.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Very nice. I know a few people who met their SOs on gaming apps, which to me seems a lot more natural than dating apps.

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    I had my adored cat Linus to be put down last week. this morning I went to the vet to pay the bill and discovered they paid to have a little urn with his ashes, and gave it to me as a present. I cried so much again. welcome back home, my love


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Linus looks like a beautiful and sweet guy, and I know that every furry loved one takes a piece of your heart with them when they go. I think we'll see all our lost loves again some day, and Linus will be there, waiting to see you again.

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    My uncle was knocked off his feet, literally. His story knocked me off my feet. In his 80s, he had returned from the doctor's office and was telling me that the doc asked, "does anything else hurt?" And he said "my knee." "How long has it been hurting?" He thought for a second and said "about 62 years." Then he told me the story. In 1930 his small college was playing an eastern powerhouse, Bucknell. His knee got hurt when a Bucknell all-American fullback ran over him. My uncle died shortly thereafter from the other pain - cancer. I decided to look the story up. I found that the two teams met, and that the star fullback not only was an all-American but is in both the college and NFL Hall of Fame (he played for the Packers for ten years). Look up Clark Hinkle, who once scored 50 points in one game. My uncle added: "I always took comfort in the fact that my bad knee was courtesy of an all-American player."


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have two bad knees and zero good stories from it, so he did very well, all things considered.

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    The time in 7th grade I jumped on a frozen puddle to show my friends how grippy my shoes were



    Ok this is going to sounds corny but here goes. Fell for a quiet girl a while back, spent a lot of time pinning for her (we're together now but this story happened during that time). One day we were at some event together and neither of us were having fun. Usually I'm the impulsive one but she just grabbed my arm and pulled me away and we booked it out of there. Eventually we found a spot to sit down and rest and we were both laughing pretty hard form our sudden dash. Watching her flop down on the grass out of breath and smiling after running away from everyone and just seeing that side of her made my heart go WHOOP and I've been hooked ever since. ...we did get in trouble for separating from the group though lol



    Many years ago, right after my devastating divorce from a sociopath, I had gone out with friends on a Saturday night to a blues club, and met a guy while waiting at the bar for drinks. We hit it off, and spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing... it was the first really good time I'd had in a while. He asked for my number, but for a couple days, I heard nothing, and was very disappointed because I thought we'd sparked. Then on Tuesday he called and said "I don't know if you remember me, we met on Saturday night, and I have been dying to call you, but I thought if I called on Sunday I would seem too desperate, and then I thought no one calls on a Monday night, so I decided to hold on until Tuesday... is Tuesday too soon? I had a really good time, and I've never laughed so much while trying to suck in my gut before." I think I fell in love with him right then.



    This isn’t a romantic one, but my friend knew I was single and sad last year on Valentine’s Day, so she texted me “HAPPY PLATONIC VALENTINES DAY, LOVE IS FOR LOSERS!!!” I started smiling at my phone and my sister asked me if my boyfriend had told me happy Valentine’s Day. Lol nope, even better, my super cool swaggy friend!!! :D I’m gonna return the favor with my other friends as well this year because it’s quite honestly genius :)


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    Leah Miles
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Y’all should go out together and celebrate ‘Galentine’s Day’!

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    Boyfriend is having friends over tonight for a cold outdoor gathering/bachelor party for his friend. He's been stressing about getting the house cleaned (we're currently in the midst of a remodel so everything is nuts in here) and getting everything ready and perfect. When I got up this morning before work, I was making a mental checklist of all the tasks I had planned to take care of once I got home. I had a crummy day at work, but had every intention of cleaning tonight. Boyfriend looked exhausted when I walked in and informed me that everything had been taken care of and he wanted to make sure it was before I got home because he knew how tired I'd be.

    It's the simple things, and he executes every single one of them.

    (Group of guys aged 45-65 are sitting outside around a fire having a great cold time, while I'm in here drinking whiskey reading bored panda ;) )


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was thoughtful of him to handle his own gathering like that. Too bad you can't join for a wee dram at least.

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    I met my current boyfriend of 6 years on a dating app. He was the first guy who actually read my profile and asked me about stuff on it.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I met my second "person" on a dating app and was with them for 15 years so it's totally possible to find a long term on those apps. The trouble with them is there's so many non-suitable people and their filters are terrible so it's really hard to narrow them down.


    I was living in China (I’m Canadian) and met an Irish bloke when I visited Beijing. We hooked up and then he helped secure a cab to the train station. I ended up leaving (and thus loosing) my bags in that cab. I went back to the Hostel and that man helped me in every way possible. I didn’t speak good mandarin at the time but he did and drug me around town, paid for part of a new ticket as I didn’t have enough, tried to get my bags back as much as he could, bought me beer and food. He was a great lover to begin with but then went well beyond the extra mile. I still think of him often and actually recently reached out to him. Yeah, he swept me off my feet from the get-go but his kindness after the fact really left an imprint.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's the actions that speak loudest. Kindnesses seem to say in our memories, and I hope he reached out to you when you contacted him. Very sweet.

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    My husband and I have known one another since high school, but didn't date back then. We reconnected about 10 years after we graduated (hadn't seen each other that whole time), and have been together ever since.

    We bought a home after being together for maybe 9 years and married for about a year, and about one year after that, we adopted a puppy. I had been yearning for a dog of my own for a long time, and a rather large litter of pitbull-boxer mix pups were being adopted out from a reputable place nearby.

    I had the luxury of working extremely close to our home, so I was able to tend to daytime puppy needs and provide attention and really proper "all-day" crate training because I could come and have him out every couple of hours when he was very small, and lengthen the reasonable crated time as he got older.

    My husband and I are both supporters of the idea that you can effectively communicate with and train a dog with both non-verbal cues, and by talking to them "normally", and it has worked well for us. (And, well, our dog is just such a good boy anyway!)

    About a year into our puppy "journey", I realized that my husband NEVER used whistling as a training tool or attention-getter...

    Because I can't whistle.

    Pretty sure this is one of the sweetest and most genuinely thoughtful things anyone has ever done for me.


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    Years ago, one day I went to answer the doorbell, and standing in front of me was a delivery man, who asked if I were the person he named from the delivery card. When I affirmed that I was, he then presented me with a long , narrow, white box wrapped with a red, satin ribbon.
    When I opened the box, there were 2 Dozen Long ⚘Stem Red Roses enclosed!! I was Stunned and Thrilled when I saw them!!!! I didn't know who had sent them or why, until I read the card inside stating: "Happy Birthday" 🎈and "Love"❤ and my Boyfriend's name.
    My parents and brother were curious as to whom had purchased them and had them Delivered, rather than bringing them in person. One Dozen of Those Roses would have been Wonderful,
    But with 2 Dozen, I felt like a Princess!!! 👑 🤗


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    The dog that failed to stop and made me do an unwanted somersault as I was on the way to see the practice nurse at the doctors surgery. She was still laughing a week later.


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    This sounds silly but he held my hands looked me in the eyes and asked me to be his girlfriend.


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    I fell in love at 16 with a young man of the same age that lived 6,000 miles away. He was on holiday and we spent a magical 2 weeks together until he had to go home. We were devastated that we would be separated even though we knew it was unavoidable. We corresponded by mail for 8 months before he could afford to come back and visit me for another 2 weeks. My parents had us sleep in separate bedrooms, but we were not having sex yet, so it was fine. We had a great time while he was here and we were both desperately sad when he had to leave, again. This was before the internet or cell phones, so international calling was extremely expensive. A 30 minute call cost US$50, the equivalent is over US$200 in 2021. We continued writing letters, but it took 2 weeks for my letter to reach him and another 2 weeks for his reply to reach me (I still have all his letters after more than 30 years). After another 8 months of corresponding, I had saved up enough money to go visit him. It was winter break of my last year of high school, a few months before my 18th birthday when I finally arrived in his home town. While there, we went shopping for Christmas presents. We were walking in front of a jewelry shop, on our way to the local department store a few buildings away, when I stopped to look at the displays in the window. I was immediately drawn to a small silver heart-shaped locket and told him that I planned to get something like it for my baby sister who was just about to turn 3 and maybe one for myself, too. He told me that my comment was so sweet, gave me a quick kiss, and we continued on to the department store where we separated so we could shop for each other. After about a half-hour we met back up and shopped for Christmas gifts for his relatives and friends. It was the best holiday of my life and he did so many things that swept me off my feet, it is difficult to choose just one instance. Besides giving him my virginity and him responding in the most loving and sweet way possible, the next most memorable part of the entire vacation occurred on Christmas morning. After all the gifts had been opened, he handed me a small box. When I opened it, my heart skipped a beat, as laying inside was the small heart-shaped locket. Swept off my feet throughout the entire relationship, but this one moment has stayed with me more vividly than most. I still have the locket in my jewelry box. I broke up with him when I went off to college (so sad), but I did not want to live in his country and he did not want to live in mine either; it was time for us both to move on. We lost touch for a decade, until he tracked me down using the internet. He came to see me again and I returned the favor, and, although neither of us ever married and we still care deeply for each other, we are not compatible for everyday life together. We agree on this: he still strives to be Peter Pan and I grew up. It is much easier to stay in touch now with texting and email, so we do so several times a year. He and I remain close to this day.


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    My husband started his sentence with... "this might sound bad, but..." and then proceeded to say the most romantically practical thing you can say to someone you've chosen as your life partner. "I just don't get tired of you." I cherish that. I don't get tired of him, either.


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    I was talking to a young woman at a club (I was about 1 year older, just in case you are worried). Talking about 20 years ago now. She eventually just said "why haven't you kissed me?!?" ... I appreciate that kind of directness because as ASD I do not understand hints at all.



    My friend platoniclly kissed me on the cheek. I swear to god I was so supprised but since I'm a touch starved mess (I hate hugs and i can't initiate physical contact I don't hate) I was so happy for the rest of the day? Never happened again though =(


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This may sound silly, but I too sometimes become touch starved... I live alone and I am not a huggy kind of person... but paying $15 for a chair massage can usually take care of it in a totally platonic, safe and non creepy way. Ditto mani/pedis, facials, etc

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    Mine was when a man managed to sweep me off my feet 20 years after I last saw him. We dated regularly for 5 years, from time I was 14 until 19ish. Our lives were anything but conducive to star crossed love. I was a poorly supervised teen regularly living on the streets between hitch-hikes. He was a young man without family, trying to find any form of stable work that could keep him housed. Not an easy task for any man in rural Montana in the late 90’s, especially one of the only 3 black men living in our little version of deliverance. When I finally found stability by going to college, we both thought the opportunity for me to come visit him in his hometown in Suitland would be a refreshing change of pace. He welcomed me, and made every preparation on earth, even a surprise that he was almost done with training to obtain an entry-level job with the IRS which he believed could provide him stability, and he begin introducing me as his fiancé. I was 19 and had just found my first home myself in a dormitory, looking back I realized the prospect of marriage was too overwhelming for me at that young age. When I flew back home to Montana I couldn’t bring myself to answer the phone to tell him. I didn’t want to hurt him.

    He called me every single day for two years. Some people might say that’s creepy, but when you never get an answer, I can only did you say that it was actually real love that kept him calling reaching out for me. It took me in tome my late 30s to understand this and I begin looking for him so that I can make amends. I found his brother I never knew he had. Who informed me that Deron died alone of pneumonia in 2009 at age 40.

    Even before I knew he was gone, the fact that it took me 20 years to understand the true love behind his actions now that I have the wisdom of age and the benefit of hindsight, is when he finally broke through to my heart.

    I turned 40 myself in 2021. I like to believe that even though he likely suffered because of my actions, it is because of his actions that I will be able to teach my own daughter better how to recognize genuine love, so that she might avoid the sin of spurning it in her youth follows this next 20yrs of shame and regret I well carry with me.


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    I was walking next to my crush to my next class and some dude who is way taller than both of us starts telling me that i'm stupid my crush who i actually didn't even know was next to me put his hand on my shoulder and didnt leave my side until the dude left


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    That time my friend blamed me for calling CPS.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That “friend” must have been doing something wrong, and knew it. They probably blamed you because you were around frequently and knew they were an a**hole…an abusive a**hole. If if you didn’t call, perhaps you should have. ⁉️

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    Not romantic in any way but made my day better:

    I was feeling kinda down this one day. I had read a sad book, wrote the funeral scene for one of my characters, was feeling a bit homesick (We moved 1.5 years ago), and just didn't have much self-esteem that day. And one of my friends- being the dad friend that he is- pulls a cake that he had made the day before out of his pocket, and offered it to me.

    For whatever reason, I turned it down.


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    My husband and I just celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary last week. Rewind to 1999, as we were getting serious in our relationship. My sister and I ran into my future husband and his best friend walking out of a jewelry store. I immediately thought, OMG I'm getting engaged!!! He had to know what I was thinking and immediately cut my excitement short, promising he'd start saving for a ring when we got back from the vacation we were taking with friends later in the month. Fast forward a few weeks and we're in the smoky mountains jumping off a 20-30' cliff into a river. The cliff is on a road of waterfalls and we had jumped off it the past two vacations. You start by going over a small waterfall then swim as hard and fast as you can to grab a rope that helps you climb up the cliff. Great times the past two years, this year, I cut my toe on a rock. Further up the road is a gorgeous waterfall that you can literally walk behind (Dry falls, NC) but I didn't want to get out of the car because my toe hurt. He was able to talk me into coming out to see it where he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I can't think of a more romantic proposal and I almost ruined it twice. At the mall when he was picking out the ring and the day of because my wittle toe hurt.



    I play in my school's string orchestra, and so does my crush. We recently went to a competition, and we woke up extremely early to be able to get there on time. (The competition was being held at a school that was in another town, one and a half hours away.) We got on the bus at our school at six am (It was also a Saturday, so people were complaining) and we talked the whole way there. After the competition, everyone got back on the bus and we all went to the mall. We shopped, ate lunch and then went back to the bus. On the way home, I accidentally fell asleep on her shoulder, because I hadn't slept correctly in days and we woke up early. When I woke up, her head was resting against mine, and she was drawing. She didn't notice I had woken up, so I closed my eyes again and we stayed like that for awhile. We got back to our school, and then we both went home.

    TL;DR: One tired bass player fell asleep on her crush


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    Life is all about the simple things. My crush always holds the door for me no matter what. ❤️


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    After 35 years, he always holds the door open for me, and I always thank him.


    I was tubing down a snowy slope and was waiting at the bottom, when someone tubed into my tube I had next to me. It bumped into my feet and I ended up falling into my tube


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    got fired from a very popular brand for having covid and not coming to work.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Years ago I was fired from a medical post because I "took too long to recover" from open surgery to have a kidney removed.

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