I mean, who doesn't like baby animal pictures?
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My Cat Luigi A Year Ago
Our Two Rescue Babies The Day We Adopted Them, Jethro And Macgyver
Baby Squirrels!
Our Prince
James And Snowflake At 6 Months
And Another One
I took in a stray just like her 2 years ago, she must’ve been no more than a year old, American shorthair is she???? Love her to death, I wished we got her sooner, I always ask her where did you come from, our lil angel
Not Exactly A Baby, But Here Is Little Shelldon!
Thanks for all the love for him! It means a lot to me because he escaped in December, and, although we live in an area where he is not in danger of being eaten, I miss him.
He's Still A Baby, But He's Growing Fast
damn i think this is the most upvotes i’ve ever gotten on a submission lol
Smudge And Her Armadillo Stuffed Toy. 12 Years Later She Still Has Him Though He Is Way Rattier But So Well Loved
Kittyshark In His Pillow Fort At 8 Weeks. Soft And Sharp And Waiting To Chomp
Baby Parakeet (Does Younger Brother Counts Too?)
Timothy, Found In The City Park After Easter, Now Weighs Five Times More And Will Soon Be Ready For A Free Life
The First Time She (Zosia) Was Able To See The Outside. I Had Her For Nearly 18 Years
Ripley At 8 Weeks...who Knew She Would Grow To Be 120 Lbs!
This Is My Baby Girl Peebles!
Baby Whisky!!
Smokie The Tortoiseshell And Merlin The Lovely Grey & White Boy. Four Weeks Old In 2017
Merlin was run over by a taxi driver just before his second birthday. The taxi driver was trying to watch a video on his phone. Has been caught by passengers doing this numerous times until someone recorded him on her phone and the police eventually took action against him. Lost his licence but I miss Merlin so much.
4 Years Ago… 🥲
Linus, Who Preferred Sleeping Dangerously. And Blankets
Laka Tha Puggle
Snafu James And Fubar Jones At 8 Wks
Baby Otto
Lissa! Now A Queen At Age 12
Our Great Pyrenees "Portnoy" (Who Now Weighs 120 Lbs). Named After One Of The World's Best Drummers
Lucy, When She Could Fit In A 1” Gap. I’d Post Her Face, But This Was More Common
When we moved from our 1st house my husband and I both guarded a door while the movers took stuff out. When it came time to pack up our 5 cats 2 were missing. I was frantic, called around the neighborhood, and had people looking. We had left only 1 piece of furniture in the house to move later, a small hutch, with only about 1-2 " clearance. My husband moved it away from the wall and they were asleep under it. Both weighed over 20#'s, still don't know how they managed it.
Curtis - Present For My Daughter. He Is The Best Cat And Huge!
Teeny Tiny
This Is My Other Kitten. My Little Baby Boy Panda!
My Sweet Little Girl
Cj On Gotcha Day. She's 10 This Month!
My 1 Year Old Bunny Named Ace Mocha Chino
I just wanted to make a update to say that sadly ace has died of unknown cause as of 1 week ago
Kitten Cuteness Overload
Baby Marlowe The Morning After I Brought Him Home 13 Years Ago
Valkyrie, Approximately 1.5 Months
My Baby Boy, September 2022
Our Kitty When We First Got Her Almost 2 Years Ago
My Sweet Baby, Pixie
Ah, a tortie. I've lived with a couple. They have VERY unique purrr-sonalities.
From Top To Bottom: Sally[our Rescue], Qiara Our Olh & Ivy Our Siamese
The Triplets. Babies Lost The Mom At 4 Weeks. His Is At About 7 Weeks
Bailey (black/white) 16 now. Cotati (black) died at 18 months. We still don’t know why. Mauser, (orange) the only girl in this family was found in garage with severe injuries. We thought a coyote got her. Turns out someone shot her! This happened a month after cotati. We had to have her front leg and shoulder removed. That day Bailey and Mauser never went outside again. Mauser, our Queen passed at12 from intestinal cancer. I’m still not over it. Bailey who was once the weakest, is a strong healthy boy.
This Is Curtis - He's 3 Now And Becoming The Biggest Love Bug
Pepper Basking In The Sunshine
Baby Jack And Proud Mom ❤️
Baby Bunny
Shadow Does Not Really Understand The Concept Of Personal Space
Nick, Nora, And Asta
About 2005 a friend was walking along a city street (here in Pittsburgh). There was a taped-up box in the garbage; from the box he heard faint meowing. He opened up the box and found four three-week-old kittens. He kept one and gave the other three to us for temporary shelter until we found homes for them. We still have the kittens, grown into happy furry purrers. (Top: Nora. Classic calico. Middle: Nick. Crazy wild and playful. Bottom: Asta. Fat and lazy. Enjoys food and hugs.)
I’m A Tough Guy!
Sisters, Sophie And Gracie, Adopted At Three Months. Last Two Of The Litter
Dolly And Dollar
Indigo And Tai
Let me guess...the one on the left is Indigo and the other is Tai. Siblings?
My Rotti, Idol. She's Now 6 Months. She Looked Like A Little Bear When We Got Her
Puppies Happy And Peanut Love Each Other!
Baby Glory Loves Eating Grass
Glory is adorable! Btw, dogs and cats often eat grass when they have an upset stomach. Maybe check with your vet. :)
My Cat, We Think She’s Only Part Maine Coon
Emeline Can Be Prickly And Finally Settled In A Lap Other Than Mine
She doesn't look very comfy but my guess is she probably refused to move anyway.
Leo, He Is Currently 8 Years Old, This Is Him When He Was 2 Months Old
Harry, Went Otrb Last March And Broke My Heart
I’m very sorry. The heartbreak can’t be put into words. Rest in Peace sweet Harry.
Stinkerbelle At 6 Weeks Old. 😁
The Day I Fell In Love
Basket Full Of Puppies
Baby Mango (Senegal Parrot) Eating His Veggies :)
When I Got Her, She Was 5lbs. And Now Shes 22. (Chihuahua/Yorkie/Pit Mix)
My Havapoo. He Came From A Puppy Mill. And Was Absolutely Terrified Of Me. I Started To Brush Him, After Being Able To Catch Him, And Hes Been My Side Kick Since. (Now 1 Year 1 Month)
My Baby Boy When He Was 1 Years Old (His Name Is Naughty)
Keiko (Shiba Inu)
Oreo (Left) And George (Right)
Our Precious Pup Turns 6 Next Month!
Bruno (Shiba Inu). Saw Him At A Pet Store On My Husband’s Birthday. 8 Months Later, We Brought Him Home From The Spca On Father’s Day In 2015
The birthday and Father’s Day were a coincidence. We were looking for a second dog as a companion for our other dog. He loved her at first sight.
Three Babies Before Becoming A Trouble Maker
Lucky, 3 Weeks Old!
Vada...darth Vada
My Kitty Spot. He's A Lot Bigger Now!
This Is Sophie At About 3 Months Old! She Is Such The Sweetie Pie! She Is Now 7 Months Old.❤❤❤❤❤
These Are Our Babies! Ivy And Jasmine (Now 10 Yrs Old) Sunflower (1 Yr Old In July) Tulip And Lily (6 Yrs Old) And Carrot (5 Yrs Old I Think)
Ivy's ears now stand up, and Jasmine is turning grey on her muzzle. Lily and Tulip got a lot bigger, 14 and 12 pounds! Sunflower is now 6.4 pounds and not expected to get any bigger. We found Carrot outdoors, when he was a kitten. We love them all dearly, and the family was finally complete when we adopted Sunflower <3333