This Online Group Is All About Fails That Fit Under The ‘You Had One Job’ Phrase (50 New Pics)
Nobody is exempt from making mistakes. It’s what makes us human. In fact, we manage to mess up even in rare cases when we're faced with a task so simple that failure just seems not to be an option.
And probably nothing shows how good we are at being bad like the subreddit r/OneJob. It’s a fun online community slash depository dedicated exclusively to those occupational mishaps that make you scream the classic phrase, "You Had One Job!"
We at Bored Panda love visiting this corner of the internet and have already covered it here and here, but these folks have kept themselves busy and discovered plenty of new fails since our last publication, so we just had to make a new one!
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Not Sure If It Quite Fits Here But...
How This Got Through Is Beyond My Understanding
To learn more about why sometimes people struggle at work, we contacted life coach Dr. Mariette Jansen.
"There are a number of reasons, which are either related to internal demotivation or external demotivation," Jensen, aka Dr. De-Stress, told Bored Panda.
"Internal demotivators are connected to someone's mindset, values, and thought processes and are often carried over from one job to another."
Ah Yes A Therapist That Doesnt Give Therapy
Bruh "Please Don't Have An Emergency At This Location"
yep sure thing, i'll take the murderer to the next emergency phone and tell him to kill me there
Suicide Prevention: Reducing The Number Of Suicidal People
According to Dr. De-Stress, some examples of internal demotivators are:
- Not having a strong work ethic – work is a means to an end, not a passion or fulfillment;
- The personal values are not reflected in the current job – it is hard to motivate yourself when you are a vegan working in a meat factory;
- Being fatalistic and negative and not seeing the point or thinking how you are contributing to the wealth of the board;
- Hating the job.
It's About Time Someone Presented The News.
This Is Close To Impressive
Ah Yes, I Would Like Satan For Christmas
While external demotivators can be:
- Not feeling valued by the manager, team, or colleagues;
- Feeling underpaid;
- Being suffocated by the work environment, such as being micro-managed, not heard, or not stimulated;
Never Knew A Maze Would Be This Easy!
What Did Children With Diabetes Ever Do To You?
as long as they don't get meds, I think I'll be able to take them
I’m A Stocker, And Found This Gem. They Forgot To Add The Pickles
The pandemic hasn't things easier, too. A survey from the Pew Research Center showed that 42% of US adults under the age of 50 feel difficulties in finding the motivation to work since the beginning of the pandemic.
But the older folks seem to concentrate a lot easier, as respondents aged 50 and over said the same just 20% of the time.
This Bike Sign
if you've got sever constipation I guess the feces can act as a rock to prop your bike on?
I Don’t Think The Person Who Made This Understands What It Means When You Put A Line Through A Word Like That
Dr. De-Stress said that the first step toward regaining motivation at what you do starts from within by "becoming aware which demotivators are at work."
This allows you to consider which ones are within your power to change, but if it is not possible to better your situation, it might be a sign that you need to start looking around for another job.
He Probably Meant It
Disabled Parking
Keeping Everything In Place
"It is the personal energy someone puts in that determines the motivation," Dr. De-Stress highlighted. "People have more power than they realize and greater abilities to make the changes they desire."
"The 'As If' principle as presented by Richard Wiseman, proving that our actions can prevail our negative feelings and create positive ones. It is the 'fake it 'til you make it’ and pretend, intend and mend."
Time To Fix This Speed Sign!
Math Classroom
the moral: no matter how many degrees you have, you can never be too confident to check your designs twice
Press The Green Button...huh?
For Your Brown Eye
Yes Boss, I Installed The Hand Sanitizer
These Lights
I Think They Didn't Get The Topic
At Fred's Inflatable Funeral Home, we put the FUN back in FUNERAL!
Good Grammar Saves Lives
The Water Goes Beyond The Hand Washing’s Drain, So I Can Wash My Feet
Oh Thank You
Youp. I Think I Miiiiight Be Alone In This
A Hanukkah Ham
Florida Man Spells School Wrong, Twice
It's Prone
Back To School
Contractors Misspelled Mph 8 Times In A Neighborhood Called Alphabet City
As Advertised??
Mosaic Tiles. They Form A Larger Pattern
Seems I Have Not Moved For A Period Longer That I Have Been Alive
It Should Be Working, No?
Haven't Seen This One Before Soo Here We Goo
This Is So Annoying
I Don't Think A Caption Is Even Needed
High Quality Bike Lane
Delivery Failed
How Did This Happen
Someone dug a hole and didn't put the blocks back in the right places, you can see the outline of the digging