Some comics are more relatable than others and these comics perfectly fit the first group.
Clare Kayden Hines is an artist from California who shares her observations about crazy, strange, mundane scenarios of everyday life in a form of achingly relatable comics.
Clare started drawing at a very young age. "I started drawing after I got my first dog, Buttercup," she told Bored Panda. "I was 5 and I was so obsessed with her that all I wanted to do was draw her on every piece of paper I could find. I eventually expanded to drawing other subjects beyond dogs. I’ve taken a few drawing classes, but in general, I just doodled and drew for fun… mostly during class or boring meetings. Probably way too much. My classmates started noticing me drawing in class and would ask me to draw pictures of their dogs for them!"
When asked about the start of the webcomics series, she explained that she's quite new to the comic artist game. "I’d never done a “true” comic until I started this account in October 2017. I was working at a large tech company and felt starved for a creative outlet. I dreamt up an illustrated alter ego, Kayden Hines, who reflected the tension I felt between doing everything I was “supposed” to do, and my growing resistance to doing so."
"I started illustrating Kayden as she went through various awkward, ridiculous, mundane, and funny situations of life. There’s something so funny to me about our constant battles with ourselves to be functioning human beings. It’s like our brains are constantly at war with our sloth-like selves to get stuff done."
And what's the best and worst thing about drawing these funny comics? "The hardest part is definitely when I have a drawing idea or concept in my head, but I don’t have the technical skills or ability to make the cartoon drawings look how I want," Clare explained. "It can feel very frustrating! The best part for me is making people laugh and having them see some part of themselves in my comics. I love that I can take an insane thought or observation that exists in my head, turn it into something tangible, and put it out in the world. Seeing people say they relate to my work or that they share similar experiences is such a cool feeling and makes me feel less alone in this crazy world!"
The author shared the importance of the cool drawings to her by saying "it is my way of finding humor in the most mundane aspects of life, and making them universal and relatable. My goal—beyond my account being a creative outlet for me—is to make people feel less “alone” by seeing themselves in my posts."
More info: Instagram
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YES ALWAYS AND then the other person is like what are you looking at
I just have one and set it to snooze so it repeats every 5 minutes. But recently I've been keeping my phone on charge overnight on the opposite side of the room so I have to get out of bed to turn it off (although quite often I make the mistake of going back to bed for a "rest")
3 types... I could never deal with my icons on the right hand side of the screen lol
How does one is not prepared for a "no internet" problem? I have music, games, movies downloaded on all my devices, plus a big a*s library and candles for a "no electricity" problem.
I did more unpacking, organising and tidying yesterday than the entire last year combined, so yup! All too true
...Or you could get out of bed early and beat the tourists. It does work
I stopped buying sexy lengerie so long ago. Turns out, it was itchy and nobody cared about it.
Look it's the same dog as in the `can I pet it ?` cartoon ! Told you it was stuffed :D
As long as "we're all going to die" isn't mentioned I don't care what he says or how he says it.
I honestly don't understand peeing in the shower. I know it's supposed to save water, but as I live in Norway, it's never been a consideration. It just seems... Well, I don't think I'd feel completely clean afterwards. (Obviously incorrect, but still).
The only thing worse than answering a call is having to listen to a voicemail and call them back!
Me with dinner: "oh mom I can't eat anymore. Me two minutes later: "I'm hungry what's for desert
1) go to sleep earlier. 2)open the bag, dump all the things in the middle of the house, you're forced to clean up sooner or later. 3)cauliflower pizza, keto pizza. 4)go for the series, they keep you occupied until a better series comes .