Life is all about managing expectations - or managing the high expectations of others. So when the marketers promise more than they deliver, we feel betrayed. How can we fight that? By revealing their false advertising lies to the public.
Bored Panda has put together this list of expectations vs. reality in ad campaigns to show you, dear Pandas, that it's all for naught. There aren't two scoops of raisins in your cereal box unless those scoops are fairy-sized; Crocodile Mile isn't a fun, water-filled activity for your backyard unless belly-flops are included in your definition. From comedic package designs to straight-up advertising fails, we've spared no one in this list. Which bit of false advertising gets you the most riled up? Vote! Or submit your favorite examples of ads vs. reality deceit below.
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The Easter Bunny Is A Master Of Disguise
Ah, There It Is
We Bought Alien Balloons
Much Cranberries Much Fun
It Is Just A Bag Of Cats
it has been archeologically proven that the bones of the dinosaurs were actually a gigantic feline species but were relative in size of our cats to us as they were to their giant alien masters.These toys are historically accurate in every way.
We Got An Artificial Tree This Year
My Dog
Nailed It
Remember The Ice Cream That Was Supposed To Look Like Cartoon Characters?
You Sit On A Throne Of Lies
It is clearly said that you have to use it with milk. Then you have calcium ;-)
Plenty Of Filling If You Like Disappointment
With A Sprinkling Of Oregano
They don't look like that normally.. This is my daughters favorite and it looks like the picture on the box normally.. Something vent wrong with that one
Musical Instrument
Bag Of Broccoli Cuts? Nope, Just Stems
Come on! The product should at least KIND OF look like the photo on the package!
I Guess I'm Not Making Salsa
I Would Have Liked At Least 3 Mushrooms
Looks Exactly Like The Box!
Yep, Thanks
Spongebob Popsicle. Wait, What?
Was I Wrong To Expect It To Be Bigger?
My Life Is A Lie
Canada is technically in North America just as much as the U.S. is .. Just saying.
Pocket Chair
But I Want Coke
Economy class biscuit
"May I Have A Scooby-Doo?" I Asked
So Much For "Two Scoops" There Kellogg's
Notice they never say how big the scoops are that they use for measuring.
Fresh Onions?
Not Quite Regulation, But Close Enough, Right?
Now With 80% Less Fun
Not A Single Nut
Chocolate Filled Hostess Twinkies
This Was So Disappointing
Pop Tarts
This Is What You Get When You Buy A 'Steak' At The Dollar Store
Waiting For The Rest Of Tomatoes To Show Up
The plant obviously does not have enough sun to grow properly....all stems.
F**k you, Photoshop
Grow Your Own Crystals?
Good One, China
Pizza Hut Hot Chocolate Brownie
And Here I Thought It Was Only An Ice Cream Truck Issue
Ball Not To Scale
Golden, Glittering Kinetic Sand, They Said
Decorations For A Bachelorette Party. The "Dick" Balloons Were Disappointing
Fine. I Didn't Like Rainbow Bits Anyways
Well, That's Half The Size
Seems Legit.
How Do You Forget The First Ingredient?
How Ice-cream Betrayed You
This Is Theft If You Ask Me
Wouldn't the weight have been suspect? Or maybe they were in a vending machine. That's just disappointing!
Ben & Jerry's "Jam Core"
...and It Tasted Bad.
This is all wrong- it says champignon but there's ham on the packaging.
It's Just Apple Goop
It's almost like someone ate the apples then took a picture. Feel like I'm on Reddit.
Never Trust The Package Of An Inflatable Pool. Never
False Advertising
Santa, Is That You?
Crust On My Uncrustable. Great
Ice Cream Expecation Vs. Reality
Well, What Do You Expect For $5
Beef Kabob
Chips Ahoy Filled With Oreo Creme. More Like Chips Ahoy Filled With Chips Ahoy
Beetroot In Vinegar
In Australia is how we buy our beetroot its Brined which means it can be in vinegar
Lemons Indeed
I've Spent Three Days In Dublin Looking For This Bridge
That is the Millennium Bridge in London leading to St.Paul's Cathedral
My Star Trek Captain Kirk Doll Finally Came In
Chock Full O' Lies!
Not really false advertising. "Chock full o'Nuts is a brand of coffee originating from a chain of New York City coffee shops. Its unusual name derives from the eighteen shelled nut shops founder William Black had established under that banner in the city beginning in 1926. When the Depression struck he converted them to lunch counters serving a cup of coffee and a sandwich for 5 cents." from Wiki.
Go - Fruit
So This Was A Can Of Soup I Got From My Local Supermarket
I've purchased soups at different "health food" stores and have been disappointed every time. The product never came close to the label.
Nada Moo "lotta Mint Chip" Really Means One Chip
False Advertising At It's Finest
Close Enough
How lazy u have to be, to not being able to male yourself a sandwich