Obama And Clinton’s Hug Was Perfect, Until Internet Trolls Ruined Everything
After Barak Obama hugged Hillary Clinton following his speech at the Democratic National Convention recently, Photoshoppers everywhere were quick to respond to the Reddit call to battle, and it looks like they've really gone to town on this one. Whether they're sharing a blanket at Woodstock, reenacting Kate and Leo's famous Titanic scene, or sharing a special moment at the high school dance, Barak And Hillary's warm embrace is sure to be remembered for all the wrong reasons.
Think you can do better? Give it your best shot! Add your picture to the list below and don't forget to vote!
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A Wild Putin Appears
A New Era In Foreign Relationships
High School Dance
We All Know How's It Gonna End
Michelle Is Watching You
By The Time We Got To Woodstock
Power Is Nothing, Without Love
All The Proof I Need
Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn
Beauty And The Beast
Kanye 2020
This Is Fine
The only person who should be in Africa right now is you Cowgirl Camo. Alone. In the desert without water.
Big Hug!
Oh Boy!
You Met Me At A Very Strange Time In My Life...
1st rule of fight club is...there is no fight club, ER classified emails, no fight club...
Zoidberg For America
We Helped Syria
Mount Rushmore
The Ooold Switcheroo
All We Need Is Love
Why Did I Make This?
Those Aren't Pillows!
The U.S. Government Was Founded In Philly
And I... Will Always Love You
So You Can Be Ready When The Moment Is Right
How It Should Be
Is Obama Feeling The Bern?
We'll Meet Again... Don't Know Where... Don't Know When...
Giant Meteor 2016 Won!
They Needed A Little Rest
Who Does She Think She Is?
We're Done. Time To Leave The Planet.
What's Up With That?!
At Least We Still Have Eachother
Melody, you do have a good point. But some people would rather just enjoy the picture.
Romance Novel
Gotta Catch 'em All
State Of Silence
Bill And Michelle
Group Hug!
Stranger Things Have Happened...
I Immediately Regret My Decision To Make This
Kim Jong-Hillary
Couple Of Liberty
It Seems, This Might Be The Near Future
Meanwhile, In A Parallel Universe
Obama And His One True Love
Gone With The Wind
Feel The Love Deep Down.
Berning With Love
Deep Impact 2: High Energy
Everything Is Fine
It's The Thought That Counts....
Lovely Vacation
Gotta Catch 'em All.
Just After...
Quick N Dirty
They Were Sworn Enemies, Only One Thing Could Bring Them Together
I'm The King Of The World, Whoo-hoo
Follow The White Rabbit.
Just In Time...
Happy Slappy Squirt Day From Squirtman
The Usa-kiss 2
I'm Watching U
Obamaclinton In Ulaanbaatar
Don't Give Up
Field Of My Fathers Dreams 2
We're Going Home...
I Just Can't Get Enough
Wanted Poster
Field Of My Fathers' Dreams 1
The creativity of some folk just NEVER ceases to amaze me! lol - This was no exception. :)
The creativity of some folk just NEVER ceases to amaze me! lol - This was no exception. :)