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Rasa Žilinskaitė
BoredPanda Staff
Rasa is a photo editor at Bored Panda, they have a college degree in photography and are currently studying sewing. Ever since childhood Rasa was interested in visual arts, including painting, photography, knitting and so on. When not at work or studying they like to knitting, cooking and spending quality time with their cats.
Signing up for a payment plan...for tattoos. I met a woman on a dating app once that had her whole body almost covered of tattoos. She had a low income job so I wondered how she could afford them. Turns out she was on a payment plan with the tattoo studio and I was like 'yeah, no thanks.'
Buying designer shoes and expensive jewelry for your baby. eliettgrace replied: I've heard seen stories where parents send their kid to daycare in Gucci and other designer s**t like that and then get mad when the clothes are messed up cause the kid had fun. 1lilhedgehog replied: I once saw a meme that showed tiny preschooler feet in Jordan’s and it said, 'You spend all that money for your preschooler to go to school in Jordan’s...just for them to be jealous of all the kids who have the light-up Paw Patrol shoes. lol too true.
tell_no_tale reply
Golf. Let's cut this forest down so we can build hundred of km2 of field for the most boring sport in existenceAdditional-Bag-1961 reply
Even though I enjoy the taste, collecting ultra expensive wine and not ever drinking it. Technically it can be an investment, but if they never sell it then its not really an investment IMHO.AchillesNtortus reply
12 metre yacht racing. Like standing fully clothed in a cold shower and tearing up hundred dollar bills. By the million.gutsplatter reply
Rich christian people traveling to impoverished countries and calling it a "mission"zerbey reply
Buying an expensive car and then keeping it in your garage without ever actually driving it.Big-Buy8579 reply
Being cheap. One of my friends has the money to buy the restaurants we eat at, but if we split an item she’ll fraction out how much she puts towards it. “I only ate 1 slice of pizza and there are 6 in total, so I’ll put down 1/6.” She also factors this into tipping. Drives me mental.Smegma_Surfer reply
Collecting the same Rolex in different variations. And never wearing any because it's in a safe.woodbarber reply
Seeing a a behemoth of a pickup truck with all the bells and whistles parked in front of a mobile home in a trailer park.alterperspective reply
Going into debt for a wedding. armyofsnarkness replied: This is so true. A close friend is still paying off her wedding but the marriage ended last year.The_Lawn_Ninja reply
My friend's roommate once asked him to borrow money so he could order novelty fart-smell spray from Amazon, instead of waiting for his paycheck. There are worse financial choices than going into debt for a can of fart spray, but it's certainly the funniest one I've heard.710AshburyStreet reply
People who refinance their home in order to take a vacation. You took a week off and only thirty years to pay for it. Brilliant idea, bozo. AssicusCatticus replied: The neighbors across the street maxed out $25,000 in credit cards to take the family on a 'dream Disney vacation.' She said she'd be paying them off forever, but it was 'worth it for my kids to have this experience.' I was absolutely dumbfounded. Downtown_Cat_1172 replied: Kids don’t need that much. Seriously, give them a bunch of super soakers and let them loose at a picnic ground by a lake. They will talk about it for years. TJ_Rowe replied: If you go to any hotel with a pool, they'll be talking about that pool for years. I'm not kidding.Meet Ollie! 2 Month Old Kitty, That We Adopted Yesterday From The Shelter! He Got Himself Between The Mattress And The Wall And Instantly Fell Asleep. We Love Him Already So Much!
Before you hand your bags over to the airlines, use your cell phone and take a couple of pictures of them, and if it has an extendable handle, shoot one with the handle up, and one down. If your bag is damaged in transit, you now have evidence that it was not in that condition before you gave it to the airline.