Here Are Some Of The Most Displeasing And Annoying TV And Film Characters Ever (30 Examples)
Every movie or TV series has that one character that gets on your nerves. Remember Skyler from Breaking Bad or Geoffrey Baratheon from Game Of Thrones? There’s just something wrong with them - their silly stubbornness, unyielding character, and zero grip on reality are probably what makes them so irksome. Although in Skyler’s case, that is the impression when you watch Breaking Bad for the first time as with further viewings, you really start to get her. However, these two are definitely not the only annoying characters on your silver screens; there are plenty more! So many, in fact, that we’ve dedicated a whole list to the most annoying TV and film characters. So, ready to get bothered?
As mentioned above, things like blind stubbornness can make a movie character an inherently annoying one; however, there are plenty more factors that make them so. One that we’d like to mention is bad character writing - how could a good actor make a persona likable when all his dialogues are as smart or as witty as a potato? This might be the case with some Twilight series characters - sorry if you’re a fan! Another thing that makes a film or series character an irksome one is their silliness - although it might be fun, once it is overdone, it just gets on your nerves. This is our take on what makes a character into a very hateful and annoying entity, but if you have your own theories - be sure to mention them in the comments section!
But shouldn’t we check out our picks of the most annoying TV and film characters first? From animated series to TV shows and to some huge Hollywood productions, it seems that no one is safe from such bothersome types. However, we still have to decide who is the most annoying one, so give the character of your choice a vote!
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Bella Swan, The Twilight Saga
Dolores Umbridge, Harry Potter Franchise
Joffrey Baratheon, Game Of Thrones
That young actor was so good at his job it went bad for him. Stupid people would harass him...
Nellie Olson, Little House On The Prarie
Carrie Bradshaw, Sex And The City
Barney, Barney & Friends
I love you .... You love Me ... we're a happppy family ... I had that ringtone with the kid gunning him down and shouting 'shut the fluff up' many moons ago
Caillou, Caillou
It was the song ..... and now it's in my head and I want to ....arrrghhhhh SHE HULK SMASH!!!!!
Jar Jar Binks, Star Wars Universe
Veruca Salt, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
Buzz McAllister, Home Alone Series
Edward Cullen, The Twilight Saga
Caledon Hockley, Titanic
Andrea, The Walking Dead
Lori Grimes was much, much worse. "Oh, I think my husband died 5 minutes ago. I'll just f**k his best friend and blame it on my grief."
Ross Geller, Friends
Prince Hans, Frozen
Lori Grimes, The Walking Dead
Anastasia Steele, Fifty Shades Of Grey
Christian Grey, Fifty Shades Of Grey
The Annoying Orange, Annoying Orange
Scrappy-Doo, Scooby-Doo Universe
Prince Charming, Shrek Series
Viserys Targaryen, Game Of Thrones
Pat, Saturday Night Live
Back in my university days I know someone who sounded and looked exactly like Pat. And this was their regular behaviour. It was weird.
Cousin Oliver, The Brady Bunch
Dora The Explorer, Dora The Explorer
Kimmy Gibbler, Full House
Dawson Leery, Dawson's Creek
The Cat In The Hat, Dr. Seuss' Cat In The Hat
Skyler White, Breaking Bad
She gets way too much of a bad press. Yeah she was a wee bit annoying but you know what? Don't blame her for the way she reacted to her awful husband. He was a liar, a thief, a murderer, a drug kingpin and ruined everyone's life. I think some of her behaviour can most definitely be justified.