It’s that time of the year when people put all of their focus on the holiday rituals. Decorating trees, singing Christmas jingles and looking for the right gift for their loved ones. No one can deny that exchanging presents is a significant part of the whole celebration. We all know it feels great, right? Especially if you receive something special and thoughtful that lets you know much others care about you.
When it comes to relationships, creativity, kindness and humor are very important in keeping the spark alive. And there are plenty of boyfriends and husbands who can’t seem to stop surprising their partners in the best possible way. We at Bored Panda want to show off some of the most wholesome and dreamy Christmas gifts people have ever given their SOs, so we put together a list for you to see.
Scroll down, upvote your favorites and let us know if you find them inspiring in the comments below! Also, don’t forget to check out our previous post about it right here.
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Husband Spends 2 Years Planting Thousands Of Scented Flowers For His Blind Wife To Smell And Get Her Out Of Depression
When it comes to thinking of the right gift, there are plenty of factors to consider. What the person enjoys, what is the message you want to express and how to surprise them with it. We already talked about how some people ended up getting the worst gifts ever and what were the mistakes behind them. If you wish to avoid getting involved in such stories, just remember that there are two main goals when it comes to buying things for your loved ones: to make them happy and to strengthen your relationship.
In order to achieve them, you have to come up with a memorable gift that will show how much you care about them. Usually, people think that the most special gifts are the ones they come up with themselves. But more often than not, people tend to be happier when they receive something they actually wished for. So the obvious solution is to ask them directly, although it may seem like failing in the thoughtfulness area.
Often, spending so much time thinking of the perfect gift can really make you feel anxious. What if the person will think this is a terrible gift? Or what if others will buy something better? When it comes to this, there’s always a social risk involved. A thoughtful gift can strengthen your relationship and make you feel even more connected to each other than you were before. A bad gift can do the opposite.
My Dog Passed Away Last Month And My Boyfriend Got Me Flowers In The Shape Of My Dog And I Am In Love
Research shows that undesirable gifts can have an impact on the way we see our partners or spouses. Gifting plays a big role in determining if there’s a similarity in tastes and interests between the two people. After a couple of experiments with 62 participants, it became clear that the things we buy have an influence on how we see the future of our relationships, and sometimes not in a good way.
When people received an undesirable gift, "men viewed themselves as relatively dissimilar from their girlfriend and reported a more negative outlook on the relationship’s future. Women responded to their boyfriend’s poor gift choice by inflating their reports of similarity to him, leaving their relationship outlook intact," the researchers explained.
"Although we suggest that this gender difference emerged because women marshaled psychological defenses in response to the threat posed by receiving a bad gift, it is possible that women were less displeased with the bad gift than were men."
“Safety Glasses” That I Made For My Wife’s Optometry Office
He's One Heck Of A Wholesome Boyfriend
If done right, gift-giving can actually be one of the best ways to manifest your love. In 1992, Gary Chapman released a best-selling book called The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate which revolutionized the way we can see our relationships. According to him, there are five romantic ways people give and receive love: physical touch, quality time, acts of service, words of affirmation and gift-giving.
And today, we are particularly interested in the gift-giving one. It means that we actually "speak" through the way we choose and give presents to our better halves. This does not mean that people who identify themselves with this love language are constantly buying statement gifts and doing grand gestures. It’s mostly about small tokens and cute surprises and not about greediness at all.
My GF Loves Fairytales So, To Propose, I Built Her A Fairytale Storybook With Secret Puzzles Inside
Made My Girlfriend A Custom Desk For Her Tiny Apartment So She Can Stop Working At The Kitchen Counter
Mark Williams, a licensed mental health counselor and relationship coach said, "If you or your partner’s love language is gifts, that means you feel loved [or that you’re demonstrating love] with a tangible item." It doesn’t matter if it’s a pair of comfy Christmas socks or a brand new car, the important thing is the idea behind it—showing that you are always on their mind. There’s also a sentimental value to it, because every time you’ll look at the present, it will remind you of the experience.
This Lady Getting A PHD Graduation Postponed But Also Getting A Graduation Gift From Her Husband
My Dad Surprised My Mom For Their 30th Anniversary And Had A Bench Dedicated To Her At The Park Where They Always Walk Together
My Mom's New BF Literally Built Her A Wall To Display Her Collection
My dad used to get so mad every time my mom would come home with a new coffee mug (she likes to collect them). This is why we don't settle for loser boys, ladies.
That is a very nice thing to do and it looks great. If collecting something makes someone happy then why not (as long as it doesn't over take your home)
It’s not always easy to determine what love language your partner prefers most. “We often speak the love language to our partners that we ourselves want to receive. Meaning, if your partner buys you an album two days after you talk about how much you love a new band, or gets you a subscription to a magazine they think you’d like, it’s likely that their love language is gift giving,” Williams explained.
My Husband Is A Firefighter And He Built This Indoor Playhouse For Our Foster Children
Today’s My 25th Birthday, My Husband Is A Pastry Chef And Made Me A Cake
I Made This Tree Skirt By Quilting My Daughter's Old Baby Clothes For My Wife This Christmas
I’m a novice sewer and this was my first go at quilting. I’m kinda proud, to be truthful.
Also, if your SO is extremely enthusiastic about the gifts they received from you and brag about them to their friends, that’s also a pretty obvious sign that gifts could be their preferred love language. "If you pass a bakery every day on the way home from work, look at it through the lens of ‘My partner really feels loved when I bring them gifts’ and stop in for a pastry before heading home. They don’t have to be big purchases, and they don’t have to be all the time," Williams suggested.
I Made My Girlfriend A Smart Mirror For Her Birthday
We Were In A Long Line At The Grocery. This Man Said He Had To Go Use The Restroom, But Instead He Secretly Bought Flowers For His Wife And Hid Them Behind His Back
My Boyfriend Told Me I Had To Come Home Late Last Night. Surprised Me With This
If your other half’s love language is gifts, it might be really beneficial for you as well because it turns out that giving might be even better than receiving. According to research in Psychological Science, it seems that happiness does not decline or at least decline slower for those, who repeatedly gave gifts to others, compared to people who received those same gifts over and over again.
That's A Thoughtful And Beautiful Anniversary Gift
My Wife Asked For A Gold Bicycle. I Bought An Old 70’s Ross Kids Bike And Turn It Into A Low Rider
Fixed My Makeup After Ugly Crying From The Gift My Husband Gave Me
"If you want to sustain happiness over time, past research tells us that we need to take a break from what we’re currently consuming and experience something new," Ed O’Brien, experimental social psychologist and co-author of the research, said. "Repeated giving, even in identical ways to identical others, may continue to feel relatively fresh and relatively pleasurable the more that we do it."
My Husband Made Me This When We First Started Dating
All the guys at his work were making fun of him at first until he was done and then they wanted him to make them one for their girlfriends. I just wanted to share his talent somewhere.
Wedding Day Gift From My Husband. Inside That Glass, Ball Is Crushed Up Petals From The Very First Bouquet Of Flowers He Ever Got Me
Those Everyday Life Things Of Knowing Each Other So Well
I'm doing this every year for new years. such a great way to capture what happened that year.
One of the experiments that researchers did was giving 96 university students $5 every day for 5 days to spend on the exact same thing every time. They were randomly selected to spend the money on themselves or on someone else and at the end of each day, they reflected on their experience and overall happiness. And it showed a clear pattern: "Those who spent money on themselves reported a steady decline in happiness over the 5-day period. But the happiness did not seem to fade for those who gave their money to someone else."
A Bouquet Of Chicken Nuggets
He’s Definitely A Keeper
My Husband Built My Dogs A Dream Dog House
One reason behind this seems to be that people who focus on the outcome, like getting paid or receiving a gift, tend to become less affected by the experience itself. However, when people focus on the action, they are not thinking about or comparing the outcomes but rather focus on the experience which brings them happiness.
My Girlfriend Loves Giraffes – So I Made Her One
Boyfriend Goals
Outstanding Gift
I love this charming book case and that fact it will benefit children :)
Looking through the list makes you think that these boyfriends and husbands should feel just as happy and excited as the sweethearts who were pleasantly surprised by such thoughtful and wholesome gifts. But remember, the most precious thing you can give your significant other is actually pretty simple: your attention and your love.
My Husband Had Rotator Cuff Surgery Yesterday. I Found This On Our Whiteboard This Morning And He Must Have Wrote It With His Non-Dominant Hand
My husband has taken pride in what he’s dubbed “Fresh Flower Friday” and hasn’t missed a Friday in almost six years. It’s the best bouquet he’s ever given me.
My Wife Needed A Background For Her Zoom Calls. So I Made This
A Picture I Made For My Wife To Celebrate 10 Years Of Marriage
Something I Made For My Girlfriend. Been Practicing A Lot Since September And Here’s The Result
My 35 Year Wedding Anniversary Gift To My Wife
He Has The Biggest Smile Right As He's About To Give His Girlfriend Her Valentine's Gift For The First Time
My Long-Distance Girlfriend Loves The Outdoors, So For Her Birthday, I Made Her An Automata
On Our First Date, I Jokingly Told My Boyfriend I Loved Jeff Goldblum’s Half-Shirtless Scene In Jurassic Park So Much, I Wished I Had A Giant Painting Of It
Four months later on my birthday, he gave me this painting.
My Wife Wrote A Book, So For Her Birthday I Bound It
My wife wrote a novel over the course of the last 2 years. It's the first book of a trilogy. For her birthday I got the idea to hand bind it so she could see what will one day be a printed reality in bookstores across the world!
A Genius Idea
It says: "One year. One year of laugh, love & memories. I want to spend so many more years with this woman. She brought a light into my life that I never knew could of existed. I love you Sophia, happy one year baby. Tim"
My Boyfriend Made Me A Pretty Paperlamp With My Travellers In It
Thank you so muuch I love youuu and thiiis AAAH.
You can change the color of the lamp with a remote too.
It's My Birthday. My Husband Made Me A Blanket Fort In The Living Room, Bought Me A Season Of Bob's Burgers And A Bottle Of Wine. He's A Great Man
This Is What I Have Waiting For Her Instead
My wife got up at 2 am this morning to hike a mountain with some friends. She's on her way home right now and probably thinks she's going to have to immediately take over taking care of the kids so I can get my work done.