A job interview can be stressful, in some cases exciting, quite often confusing, too; especially if you get a question you didn’t see coming. Quite a few people have likely learned firsthand that no matter how much one prepares for such an occasion, there can always be a question that’s impossible to predict.

Redditors recently discussed such questions after the user ‘TinyTbird12’ asked them what was the weirdest one they’ve been asked at a job interview. The redditor also wanted to know what happened later, and the netizens were more than happy to share. Scroll down to find their answers on the list below, and see for yourself just how unexpectedly such interviews can be derailed.

Bored Panda was curious to learn more about why ‘TinyTbird12’ decided to start the thread, so we reached out to them and they were kind enough to answer a couple of our questions. You will find their thoughts in the text below.


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) My GF was recently asked on an interview:

What weapon would you want to have in a zombie apocalypse?

She answered 'light saber"

They asked why.

She said because it doesn't run out of ammo or get dull.

They seemed to like that answer she said.

freezingprocess , Anna Shvets Report


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) "What would you do if someone started shouting at you in a meeting?"

I responded that I'd just leave the meeting. I don't get paid to babysit. if someone wants to act like a child I'll leave them to it. The interviewer seemed taken aback while the other guys where chuckled.

Turns out the guy who asked the question had a habit of raising his voice to people who disagreed with him.

I ended up getting the job and found out the guy was just super invested in the product he was developing. Like he had patents on it, books written, etc. So when he's in a meeting and gives an input, and someone disagrees with him, he will not let it go until they are on board because in almost every case he IS right. He was a great guy and I miss working with him.

He never raised his voice with me, though.

shaidyn , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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soniborah_1 avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why don't I have such answers. Last time someone raised his voice during an interview, I shouted back and for me till was all downhill from there. It was technical round so I just answered without any enthusiasm and sounding really irritated. Even told my partner that there is no way i am getting this job. But for some reason they still hired me.

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“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) During an interview my insulin pump went off (it does this quite often). My potential boss asked me if I had to wear it all the time. I said yes and explained I was a type 1 diabetic. They then asked me if I could leave my insulin pump in a locket for a 8 hour shift. No, I can’t. It got awkward. I didn’t get the job.

kayguy55 , Pavel Danilyuk Report

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frank-wissler avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why would anyone have something against a required medical device? Might have dodged a bullet by not getting that job.

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The OP told Bored Panda that the reason they decided to ask this question was the stress before an upcoming interview. They thought posting it might make them less nervous; also, they believed it was “a good general question for the lovely people of ‘Ask Reddit.’”

“I came up with the idea late at night before I went off to bed, and posted it,” they said.

The OP is far from the only one who feels worried before such an event, though; recent studies reveal that as much as 92% of US adults feel anxious about job interviews.


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) "I understand that you are profoundly deaf. [...] Will you be available for a phone interview with the HR?"

I was overwhelmed by the stupidity of someone who made 80K a year.

Schwarzes__Loch , SHVETS production Report

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frank-wissler avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Got some bad news for you. That's the tip of the iceberg in the corporate world.

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“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) I got hired and quit this same day. I turned 19 and was looking for something full time. I got a call for an interview at some promotion business. I get called into a room where my new boss was sitting, he was very friendly and nice but it all became very very weird very quickly. He asks me normal interview questions: “What made you want to apply? Do you have experience in promotion work? Where do you see yourself in this company?” Eventually he trails off to make small talk which would be normal if it wasn’t weird. He asks, “How old are you? Oh wow you’re young. I think you’ll have an easy time here, you’re very beautiful. Very beautiful. You know, as soon as you walked in here I just felt something. You have such a strong energy, I don’t know if it’s that smile or your charisma.” I was very shy, I did not have a bubbly personality at all. He sent me “out on the field” along side another girl to test the waters I suppose. We stood infront of a well know bar where our “mentor” told us that the promotion at his stand was to sell backpacks for kids in need of school supplies. After he explained that, he called my boss and said I was a good fit. Immediately after that my boss called and was like, “I KNEW you had it in you. Ahh, I don’t know what it is about you *my name* but you just have something amazing going on. I already decided not to go with *the other girl I was with* because it’s your name I want to see up here with mine.” I told him I was late for class and sped back to campus where I told my teacher why I was late and what had happened. He instructed me to quit immediately.

Advanced_District789 , Thirdman Report


I'm a paraplegic. I've been asked in a job interview, "How could you possibly use a computer?"

Another time, I was asked, "Do you really need to use that wheelchair?" They were worried about how a wheelchair could negatively impact the office culture or environment.

People have NO CLUE how to interact with disabled folks sometimes.

buckyhermit Report

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brendaspagnola avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

How about treating them like you treat anyone else? Why would you treat them differently? And no, I just use the wheelchair because I'm too lazy to walk. Idiots!

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The OP told Bored Panda that they were quite amused by their fellow redditors’ answers; some—including people not understanding the question or having shockingly bad experiences—they found surprising. 

Examples of the latter included a person being bluntly asked about their political views and a redditor sharing an appalling story about their workplace, which was later debunked as a lie by the Reddit community.

As for their own personal experiences in regards to bizarre interview questions, the OP admitted they didn’t have many to share. “I haven’t had the ‘luxury’ of many interviews in my life; however, I had a weird setting for an interview, when an interviewer took me to the business cafe in the reception-entrance area to conduct it. Another time, the interviewer was an old friend of one of my teachers, which was also weird. 

“I haven’t had many weird or wacky questions sadly, but I hope to have some later on in life,” the redditor shared.


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) Him : You're not into older women are you?

Me : umm... I guess not. Why do you ask?

Him : I came home one day to find my boss f*****g my wife. I'm making sure nobody f***s my wife again.

I had tears in my eyes trying to hold back the laughter. I got the job though.

Peter_Dujan , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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frank-wissler avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you caught someone doing your wife why wouldn't you make sure no one "did" your wife again by divorcing her? Sorry, demonstrated unreliability is a deal-breaker.

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“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) Last question in an interview for being a bank teller “if you could be any kind of fruit what kind of fruit would you be and why?” I said a mangosteen. Years later I asked him about that question, he said he just wanted to know what people would say. He said there were no wrong answers.

Traditional_Dot776 , RDNE Stock project Report


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) What's your pet peeve? Told em it was people talking on their phones in public with the speaker on. Panel of 6 and four were guilty of it. I did not get the job.

No-Part833 , NordWood Themes Report

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frank-wissler avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah, people are usually not happy when someone points out that they're being jerks.

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In the middle of an IT job interview I got a "who do you consider your most inspirational historical figure?"

I couldn't think of anything else on the spot so I said "Joan of Arc", then listed the details of the Joan of Arc campaign from Age of Empires 2.

I got the job

Bagel-luigi Report


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) Interviewer: "You don't have any kids?"

Me: "No, not yet."

Interviewer: "You're Mexican, aren't you?"

Me: "You can't ask that during an interview."

Dude went bright red and apologized immediately before I burst out laughing. The interview was going well and I already had the job in the bag. At this point we were more or less just chatting.

messonamission , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) "Do you like to laugh?" -asked by the most stoic woman who worked in that office.

I laughed in response and got the job. Apparently I answered correctly

Danceinthepurplerain , Gary Barnes Report


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) "If you were given a Black Rhinoceros and you couldn't sell it or give it away, what would you do with it?" I don't know what that question tells anyone. I said something along the lines of "I think they're endangered so I wouldn't kill it for meat. I would lend it to a zoo that could house it for me and take care of it in return they can use it for breeding and research." They liked the answer.

agbmom , Magda Ehlers Report

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frank-wissler avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The only reasonable answer. I'd be much more curious about who could "give" me an endangered animal.

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“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) If I hire you as the HR manager will you go and F all the nurses? Because that is what the former HR manager did. (let's call this guy Hospital CEO)

heartofgold48 , RDNE Stock project Report


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) Are you comfortable dissecting sheep organs? Around the same time, I was asked if I was comfortable handling a live tarantula at another interview for a different job… For clarity sake: I do not work in any animal centric/husbandry related fields.

Rough-Culture , J. Schiemann Report

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frank-wissler avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hmmm, maybe they were trying to see if you were interested in their hobbies.

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“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) "You mentioned on your background information forms you've pointed a weapon at someone and you've handled explosives, care to explain that to us in extreme detail?" At my interview for King County Sheriff's Department 😅 found out from the HR they didn't fail me for that and actually like my answer to it. Instead they failed me on the question of it's almost the end of my shift and I pull over someone appearing to be under the influence, it's the chief of police/sheriff of the next county/city to you, how do you handle this, and follow up, what if it was your own Sheriff? I told them I'd treat them exactly the same way I would for anyone else driving under the influence, only difference is I'd give my supervisor a courtesy call to tell them what's going on. They were not happy with that 😅

Edit:fixed some auto-corrects because my phone is dumb

WrecknballIndustries , Artem Podrez Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not an organization you'd want to work in. Lack of ethics is a huge warning sign.

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“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) Other than the pay (20k less) being less than what was originally offered to you, do you have any concerns about the job?…

I was offered the job and turned it down. They were surprised I didn’t take on the opportunity.

Remarkable_Horror906 , Headway Report

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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Smart move, considering they showed you right up front they weren't trustworthy.

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“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) I was asked, “What is best in life?”. I answered, “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women.” I got the job.

Nullunit2000 , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) “Why do you know [insert name of childhood best friends older sibling] on Facebook?” That was the first question. I had to explain the story and it turned out they dated. Turns out we had 35 mutual friends and went to the same high school, grew up in the same area, and she cried (super pregnant at the time) and hugged me and told me I had the job if I wanted it.

i_eat_gentitals , Ivan Samkov Report


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) For residency, I was asked why I didn't do a bunch of research projects my intern year. Because I was working 95 hours a week like the rest of the interns? C'mon, man.

BAT123456789 , Tim Samuel Report

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soniborah_1 avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was passed over for a job so I resigned. They asked me to think over it. Said in next 3-4 months if I can do projects besides my usual work (which I was doing all this time) , they will 'think' about promoting me. No, I didn't take my resignation back

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“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) Had an interview with a panel of three guys. Each would ask questions. It was a very professional environment and job position. All normal questions thus far then the lead interviewer said okay, I have one last question. Can you kick or throw a ball farther. I thought odd but said kick a ball farther. Then the next one chimed in and said what kind of alcoholic drink to you prefer, beer or hard drink. I said both. The last guy wanted to be part of this and just said ‘penis or vagina’ I was quite shocked of the question but played the game with them and only responded with, depends on which alcoholic drink I had earlier. They all laughed and said the job was mine. I didn’t take the job and ended up at a different company and much more successful end.

freefootn , fauxels Report


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) “Tell me about the lowest point in your life.”

This was after living through the pandemic, postpartum depression, and the death of over a dozen family, friends, and my dog in the span of two years. I kept it light and relevant to my career so not to trauma dump, but in my mind I was replying with a very loud “TF is that!?”

JijiSpitz , Andrea Piacquadio Report


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) Mall Security Guard:

" There a reason your legs are crossed like a f*****g woman?"

Meanwhile I had the boss man's Muscle standing right on my a*s breathing heavy.

The rest of the interview was weird. Just a speech about not beating up people, but they made it seem like that's all it was.

F*****g super glad I didn't get that job.

2ferretsinasock , MART PRODUCTION Report


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) "What do you think about the Reagan Youth? Or are you one of those hippie types?"

This was in 2007 for a cashier job at CVS.

petrovmendicant , Kindel Media Report

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frank-wissler avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"Reagan Youth" sounds very fascist. "Hippie types?" This person is stuck in the 60s.

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“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) There was a section that they required you to fill out a writing in cursive. I asked them why and they said they would send it out for handwriting analysis. Nope out of there pretty quick.

ClumzyMunky , Karolina Grabowska Report

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grant-mcinnes avatar
I agree with you but...
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

HR is full of nonsense. Handwriting analysis, Meyers -Briggs assessment. What color is your parachute nonsense... It goes on and on.

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See Also on Bored Panda

For the job I have now, “there’s no dress code, no drug test, and people learn things the hard way here.” Didn’t quite understand that last one, until I split my middle finger open with a hammer and was handed hydrogen peroxide, gauze tape and a few band aids. Also cut my palm open with a skill saw (my own dumb a*s fault trying to do something in a hurry, was told, well you got another hand.

I do love my job though.

Dragonborn83196 Report


My favorite swear word. (It was an interview with someone I’d been working with for years and he was mostly kidding, just asked to break up the seriousness!)

I pretended to take it seriously and answered honestly. And got the job.

mahjimoh Report

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bobbrooce avatar
Bob Brooce
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't curse all tat much, but every know and then I find "F**k, f**k, f**k!" to be useful or appropriate.

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“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) Well, I already know your weaknesses ( have no idea what he is talking about ), What are some of your strengths?

JoshuaByer , charlesdeluvio Report


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) “How do you tie your shoes?”

Opening question. It honestly helped calm me down and made the interview easier to get through. I brought up the TedTalk on how to properly tie your shoe and the lesson I learned from that.

i_like_pretzels , Hanna Auramenka Report


“What Is The Weirdest Question You’ve Been Asked At A Job Interview, What Happened?” (30 Answers) "Did you take [one of my committee members]'s methodology course? So, back when I took it, he'd occasionally throw chalk at us if we weren't following along, does he still do that?"

Turns out, he'd mellowed with age.

Stark_and_Zhaan , The Jopwell Collection Report

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Note: this post originally had 53 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.