Boycotting something is a good way of showing your principles and what you believe in. For example, in 1980, the USA didn’t send their athletes to the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow to show they don’t support the Soviets invading Afghanistan in 1979 and 60 other countries joined the boycott. 

This is a boycott on a huge scale that affected many parts of the world and went into history. But all of us have our own principles and morals that may lead us to refuse some things in our life. 

Bored Panda went to Reddit and found a couple of discussions where people were talking about what are the things they are boycotting till the day they die. Redditors came with some interesting answers and we compiled a list of the most intriguing answers. So enjoy and feel free to let us know your thoughts. Maybe there are things that are missing in this list? Sound them off in the comments. Also, don’t forget to upvote the answers you agree with the most.

More info: Reddit | Reddit


Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Any Trump product.

No-Caramel-4417 , Loadmaster Report


    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days A circus with animals.

    Runkerryrun , Liz Henry Report

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    Charlie grace
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Anything where animals are used for 'entertainment' for humans. E.g. donkeys having to have huge people sat on them whilst they traipse uphill. Makes my blood boil :(

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days PETA. Tells us how to take care of our pets while abusing animals themselves

    BillMan111111 , David Shankbone Report


    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Cigarettes. Destroyed my father and mother life.

    soZehh , Gerald Rich Report

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    Orion C.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, thank you. Secondhand smoke is dangerous and smoking kills your lungs.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Lifelong Republican here... the Republican Party.

    Thumbszilla , Jim, the Photographer Report

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    Orion C.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm a liberal, but really the Republican party isn't the issue, its the misinformed, stupid and racist Republican party.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Multi-level-marketing schemes. They’re s**t companies that attract s****y, and sometimes desperate people, and train them on how to profit off of their friends and families. They destroy lives and I refuse to support them.

    btw Reddit is the reason I found out how predatory mlms are. The anti-mlm community, especially here on Reddit, has done a great job informing people who might otherwise be vulnerable to these schemes on what they really are

    ClearBlue_Grace , Brentano Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Watch the Loula Rich documentary on Amazon (not sure on spelling) the audacity of the company directors is astounding. Very interesting to see how they were able to build such a vast business, and how quickly the MLM collapsed. They were still millionaires tho when it collapsed and most of the people affected were never compensated or reimbursed. Owners of MLMs should be banned from starting new businesses and companies forever.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Basically any cosmetic line that tests on animals. There is too many to list.

    SylbaRose , Mainstream Report


    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days I have been boycotting Carnival cruise line ever since I found out they are dumping plastic into the Bahamas. They even admitted to it and received a 20 million dollar fine.

    googlyevileye , Chris Gent Report


    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Facebook. It divides and dumbs down people, contrary to what it should do.

    Berserk__Spider , Xiaobin Liu Report


    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days The sun newspaper, and anything else Rupert Murdoch related.

    Mikey3DD , Mikey Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This should float to the top after knowingly trying to divide the US and largely succeeding.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Nestle. Bill Cosby. Ticketmaster. Wells Fargo.

    All should be in jail.

    DerekPaxton , The World Affairs Council Report


    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days TikTok. Never used it, never will.

    I remember when it was first introduced to the world with its horrendous clickbait, cringey advertising and marketing, really skin crawlingly cringey "singing and dancing" videos from questionably aged girls. People swore it'd never catch on, but those same people are the short-term-memory idiots fully buying into it now.

    But it goes deeper than that. I hate TikTok because of what it's done to the other media sites, particularly Instagram. It's created a culture of sensationalist, narcissistic, egotistical behaviour, as that has become today's sell point. And as a result, Instagram for example have now tried to turn their own platform into TikTok v.2. I use Instagram for my mates, nothing more. I don't want f*****g reels thrown in my face all day, "celebs" talking s**t about products they never actually use, people making fake videos for views, clickbait thumbnails, sponsored ads at a ratio of 1:3 posts, and even a f*****g shop.

    tl;dr: TikTok and today's online culture in general is cancer.

    Draiganedig , Aaron Yoo Report

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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Aaaaand that's why I hate tiktok and the tiktokkers. It's also so dangerous because young kids love it.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Giving a s**t about the royal family.

    orcus74 , Mark Jones Report

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    Emma Byrne
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When the Queen dies we should just quietly retire the lot of them. Bunch of freeloaders.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Murdoch Media - News Corp, Faux News etc.

    rudalsxv , Marc Nozell Report

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    Thorfin Wolfsbane
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just a reminder - Hitler started his political career calling all the news he didn't agree with "Fake News" (technically he called them the "Lying Press"). Then he blamed all the countries problems on a minority community of immigrants. Then came the policies whereby citizins could turn in other citizens for not being patriotic enough (hyperpatriotism). It's the fascist playbook.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Nestle.

    I may inadvertently grab one of it's products, but when I see the name, i always put it back.

    TradePrinceGobbo , Greenpeace Polska Report

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    Emma Byrne
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nestle is a pimple on the carbuncle of the words a**s. Capitalism sucks.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Roman Polanski.

    odd_neighbour , Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    whos down voting people for not liking pedophile celebrities? 90% of the people on here arent even old enough to know how Woody or Roman are.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days The Oscars. Screw the Oscars. That Hollywood circle jerk has absolutely no business telling anyone what cinema is. 2017 Boss Baby got nominated for best animated feature, but Your Name didn’t? Excuse me? Wtf?

    Then 30+ people die in an arson attack on an animation studio in Japan and not so much as a single word during the in remembrance section? If that happened to Pixar… they would have given them a full-on twenty minute segment.

    Greg_In_Japan , BDS2006 Report

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    R Carson
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Any elite functions-little people don't count. Bunch of out of touch Aholes.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Any company or brand that puts advertisements on boat billboards that trawl the beach and f**k up my horizon line. That's not a fair spot to try to capture my attention.

    azocrye , Will Richardson Report


    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Cosmopolitan magazine. When I was 15 in the early 2000’s I consciously decided to never purchase or read any of their magazines or any magazine like it. I felt all they did was prod at young girls/women’s insecurities and encouraged a woman’s self loathing/dissatisfaction to flourish.

    NYC____1234 , thebrandery Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What's funny about Cosmo (and lots of other mags) is that it's pretty much the same magazine, year after year! "Look Good!" "Turn on your Man!" "Latest STDs to Worry About!" "Another Forgettable Celebrity Profile!" "Are Your Arms Too Fat?" "Secrets of Makeup Artists!" "Dating Mistakes You Made this Month, Dumbass!" The same stuff, for decades. Source: I am old

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days R Kelly. Kills me I can never hear Ignition Remix ever again. Such a banger.

    redoutlaw23 , WBEZ Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't get why it has taken so long for this guys reputation to take a hit. Pictures of him peeing on that girl were doing the rounds in the early 2000's around the time of Ignition Remix. He's a sick man.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Hobby Lobby.

    Jrsygrrl , JJBers Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The owner of this tripe shop is now being forced to return stolen antiquities to the countries of origin.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Susan G. Koman Foundation - they employ alphabet soup & lawyer speak to defraud millions. NOTE: THEY DO NOT FUND RESEARCH NOR DO THEY HELP PATIENTS! THEY ARE AN ADVERTISING COMPANY. THEY ADVERTISE CANCER AWARENESS (because someone may be unaware of cancer s)

    MADD - same as Koman, they promote anti-drunk driving awareness.

    msmame , SiobhanHansa Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    same as Bono, hes never paid taxes and has Never given money to a charity. he just makes You aware of charities

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days K-Cups. I think the Kuerig is a good product, but the disposable k-cups are so wasteful. I have a Kuerig, but I use a reusable pod that you can put ground coffee into. , Dennis Sylvester Hurd Report


    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days I used to try and boycott amazon. Never ordered anything from them, didn’t go on sites like goodreads or IMDB, didn’t shop at stores they had shares in. Then I discovered AWS. Tried to run a custom script that would block any site hosted on AWS, but that made using the internet nearly impossible. The final nail in the boycott coffin was when I needed to use it for a web development class.

    Now that Amazon has bought MGM, I’m not sure how anyone will ever be able to participate in society without filling Bezos’ pockets.

    snoort , Mike Mozart Report

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    Sue Hazlewood
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Was going to add this if it did not appear. They treat their employees like slaves with no rights whatsoever

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    Chris brown.

    Not just for the Rihanna thing he’s been a piece of s**t well before and after that. But yes also for the Rihanna thing.

    HarperBallad Report


    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Casino. My family was addicted to gambling a couple of years ago and it destroyed a lot of relationships.

    pinkiscosmic , College of Continuing and Professional Education at KSU Report



    Diverswelcome Report


    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Caskets, headstones, and burial plots.

    rpapafox , dion gillard Report

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    Blair G
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Caskets are a waste. We are such an amazing collection of elements which should be recycled back to Earth.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Starbucks.

    They are f******g farmers in the a*s for coffee beans and underpaying them meanwhile making millions of dollars from coffee.

    Bubbly_Temporary5340 , Joachim Fenkes Report

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    A C
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Starbucks actually has practices that protect farmers and farmers cooperatives.

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    Autism Speaks. Among other things, they way they treat autism like it’s some kind of horrible personality disease is unforgivable.

    paperbackartifact Report

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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They also have zero autistic individuals on there board.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Walmart . I worked there and hate it with a passion

    chevy1500 , Mike Mozart Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The pay and working conditions were miserable when I worked for Walmart. I had people who worked for mine and other departments who were on food stamps and WIC benefits.

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    Microtransactions in video games. Literal cancer.

    ckm509 Report


    Kat Von D makeup. Even now that she’s supposedly not part of it anymore, I’m not risking it.

    She’s a trash human being, her husband is a trash human being, she’s anti-vaxx (and yes I saw her “apology” video and denial video, I’m not buying that either.) Her makeup line was all I used for a very long time cos the quality was great, but after I found out how s**t she actually was, I stopped using it.

    xpoisonvoodoo Report

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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Never heard of it but the anti-vaxx thing gets upvote for boycot.

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    Bank Of America ! F**k those f*****g f*****s.

    sunday_fundae Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had been trying to close my late husband's account there at BOA. Red tape and run around at every step of the process. Once they finally had the "OK" from the corporate office on the phone to release the funds to me, the office manager had the audacity to ask me if I wanted to open an account with BOA. I laughed all the way out of the bank with my cash in hand.

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    Lulu Lemon.

    Disgusting corporate brainwashing tactics and lack of size exclusivity. Also price. I've never once set foot in a store. I read an article about its corporate "retreat" before it ever opened in my country. My mother loves it so I hear all about the price.

    I love my old navy leggings.

    dinosarahsaurus Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They've actually added sizes for bigger women. I still won't buy them though, I prefer the super soft leggings I get at TJ Maxx.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Mac Donald's and Coca Cola. Very original, I know but to be fair, I don't lose much and these companies make me sick.

    Sohiacci , Thiago Barbalho Report

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Lifetime Fitness. It really pains me to write this, because I really love their gyms. I had a membership at Lifetime on and off through college. I went to a very large university with great amenities, so I didn’t need the membership during the school year. I tried to cancel at the end of one summer. I was at the gym one day and I asked about cancellation. I was told to come back at a certain time frame the following Wednesday to cancel. I complied. When I showed up the “person doing the cancellations wasn’t there.” I was told to return the following Wednesday. Surprise, surprise, the person wasn’t there again. I told them I was going to stop the payment through the credit card company. They responded by telling me that they’d take me to collections then. I ended up escalating through their corporate offices to get the membership cancelled. They managed to get 2 extra months of fees out of me. After that year of college, I shifted over to LA Fitness, and maintained that membership for about 10 years. When I moved away from LA Fitness, I joined the YMCA, where I’ve been for the last 5-6 years. I will always have a gym membership, but I am committed to not joining a Lifetime Fitness again until am reimbursed. It’s really a loss for both of us.

    IGuessIamYouThen , USAG- Humphreys Report

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    Vicky Z
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's ridiculous! It reminds the episode of friends where Chandler wanted to quit the gym

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days State Farm. Thanks to some whistleblowers, they got busted committing fraud against their customers and the federal government after Hurricane Katrina. They told their claims adjusters to classify damage as flood damage, rather than wind damage, so that they could reject the claim and tell customers to file a federal flood insurance claim.

    hells_cowbells , State Farm Report



    isaomarquez Report

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    Eric C.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Disney period. It infuriates me to no end that they bought both Lucas FILM and Marvel Studios.

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    Lena Dunham.

    Motocrossx23 Report

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    Dre Mosley
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Amy Schumer isn't funny and she steals jokes. Getting up on a stage and talking about your p***y isn't funny.

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    Pet smart, my aunt works there and said she is surprised that every animal in there has not passed away yet.

    Volleyball1213 Report

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    Anything advertised on youtube. There was one service I already liked and used advertised on there, and I genuinely considered stopping using it.

    Krankenstein20 Report

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    Vicky Z
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you show me your product during my favourite Playlist I will hate you and your product for the rest of my life!

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    GameStop. I got a double copy of a game for Christmas, went to return the second copy, didn’t have a receipt because it was a gift, and the manager told me they couldn’t take it, but I could open it and trade it in as used.

    Telling me to OPEN the game in front of you and devalue it so you can give me less money is nonsensical.

    Bloodragedragon Report

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    Assistant to DJ
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is the rule at every retail store worldwide. Why are you complaining? No proof of purchase means they have no obligation to refund you. The game might not be stolen, but you could have bought it from a competitor like Best Buy and be trying to defraud GameStop for the money. They offered you the ability to trade in the game instead of offering nothing. Get off your high horse.

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    Plastic straws, drinks in plastic bottles, household items like soap, laundry detergent, shampoo etc. in plastic etc. I love animals, deep sea animals being some of my favorite and when I found out about the plastic crisis in our oceans I changed how I shop.

    Did you know you can go to your local co-op or natural foods store and refill your soaps with the same bottle, over and over? There are laundry strips now instead of liquid and I actually use less of it too.

    I'm finding it doesn't really cost me anymore money to go with reusable products and oft times, it's either a wash or a save money in the long haul.

    We need to try and step away from single use plastics. There are so many other options out there now :) if you can't, try to upcycle your plastics and give them new life

    dissapointings*x Report

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    Beth L
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did you know a bunch of us don't *have* a local co-op or natural food store, let alone a budget that would allow such frivolities when there is Suave at the dollar store?

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days EBay.

    Escaped an abusive relationship, and was changing all my passwords to random combinations. Set it to log out all devices and force the password to be re-entered. It wasn't actually doing that. (I tried from multiple devices so it wasn't a keylogger or anything my abusive ex was doing. I also confirmed if I logged in on other devices, reset password and clicked to log out all devices it was not logging other devices out).

    Abusive ex was bidding/winning auctions. I called ebay to report the issue. They said it isn't that my account has been hacked/fraud because I know who is doing it. They would do NOTHING. Said I would just have to take the bad feedback and be blacklisted and that I should pick better partners.

    Didn't matter that they had a major security flaw. All I could do was remove the payment methods from my account so he couldn't pay for his auctions.

    I will never use them again.

    TribalMog , Mike Mozart Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow, this is awful. Not what you need when you've been brave enough to leave

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Expedia and all the sites they own/control. Which is a LOT of them.

    Expedia screwed me over in a bad way, and then their Customer Service people insulted me when I tried to call attention to the serious issues. Ultimately, they offered me a gift card as a Take It or Leave It solution to the entire issue. I left it, and went on a crusade to slam them on Twitter. I did it for a long time but got bored.

    The Issue - their website let someone use my email address to buy plane tickets. The person didn't need my PW, and I believe they just made a typo that resulted in them using my email address in a Required Field. When I got an email confirmation about "my" airline tickets, I called to say it was wrong. Expedia canceled the tickets (?!?) and called it settled.

    When the actual customer arrived at the airport and their tickets were canceled, they called Expedia. The rep from Expedia told them I canceled their ticket, and then gave this angry person my full name and my cell phone # so that he and I could sort it out between the two of us.

    The guy was pissed and made vague threats, so I contacted Expedia Customer Service to get this addressed. When I refused their offer of a $50 Expedia gift card, they told me I could suck a soft di*k or a throbbing hard co*k, my choice. I declined to do either, and we parted ways forever. The End.

    Darth_Corleone , Daniel X. O'Neil Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would say this is a perfectly valid reason to never use Expedia again.

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    Tom Cruise. Til Schweiger and Matthias Schweighöfer movies.

    KatafalkKalk Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Til Schweiger might have inspired mumble-rap...he was the first mumble-actor in the 90s (yes, I hate his movies with passion)

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    Sirius XM radio. If you’ve ever dealt with the customer service when trying to cancel your subscription, you’ll understand why.

    pijaxz Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just let it lapse. It makes them foam at the mouth when you don't renew.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days I used to live in an apartment next door to a pizza place. Pizza was decent so I went there at least once a week. There was a woman who worked there who usually wasn't the most friendly, but I never really had any issue. I wasn't the chatty type, but I was a regular so I'm pretty sure all the employees recognized me.

    One time though I walk in and it's her and another employee working there. The woman is in back so I order my usual two slices with the other employee who puts them in the oven, and stand by the counter watching TV to wait. A minute later the woman comes in on the phone and asks me "did you order?" and I said "yeah I just got the two slices". For some reason she assumed the other employee hadn't done anything so she puts two more slices in the oven. I wasn't really paying attention so I didn't think anything of it.

    A minute later the other employee walks back in, takes the two slices she put in for me and boxes them up. That's when the woman realizes what happened (I still didn't realize) and completely loses her sh*t at me. She starts screaming "Why didn't you say your slices were already in?!? Now I just wasted these!" and dramatically dumps them in the trash, "what's wrong with you?!?". The whole place just goes dead silent and everyone is staring at me. I'm just standing there bewildered and trying to make sense of what just happened, so I just blurt out "sorry" and walk out.

    As the shock wore off and I replayed the events in my head, realizing I didn't really do anything wrong or at worst was just an honest misunderstanding, I got pretty upset that I got yelled at like a child, especially after being a regular for years. At that moment I decided I'm never stepping foot in that pizza place again...and I didn't. I lived next to it for another 3 years and not once went in or even ordered from it.

    ess_oh_ess , Franklin Heijnen Report

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    Vicky Z
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The worst part is that they just threw the pizza!! Such a waste!! Why do that?

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    FedEx - as much as I can help it.

    I obviously can't boycott them if it's the only delivery option on an e-commerce website, or if someone/company happens to ship me something via FedEx.

    But I have literally chosen to pay more on an e-commerce website, to specifically not use FedEx as a shipping service.

    Reason: When I bought my Pixel 3, the first day it was supposed to arrive, I worked from home that day to sign for my package. They never arrived, and on the tracking, wrote that I wasn't home to receive the package.

    I was furious, so I spent the next two days working from home, and even did my work in the kitchen, so that I could physically see if any delivery driver actually walks up to my door. 3 straight f*****g days in a row, not a single person comes up. Ring doorbell even doesn't show them walking up, but they have THE MOTHER F*****G AUDACITY to claim I wasn't home 3 straight days in a row.

    I ended up having to pick it up at their facility. Just because they LIED 3 times in a row, even after a phone call each day the first two days, the customer service person even told me I probably missed them when I went to the restroom or something -_- Can't even own up to the f******g fact that everybody in their company are a bunch of f******g liars.

    So for that reason alone, I pay more for shipping as long as it's not FedEx. I've specifically driven a further distance to get something printed at Staples or Office Depot just so I don't step foot into a FedEx store.

    Boycotting FedEx until the day I die.

    needtobetterself31 Report

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    Kyle D
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm not that strongly adamant but I had two instances, both on Saturdays oddly enough, where they stated something had been delivered. They hadn't but on the Mondays I got my packages. I haven't had any problems since, not that I use them that much, but it was headscratching how & why they claimed they delivered something but I didn't get in until two days later.

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    Any food delivery App, support the restaurants not those leeches!

    SirLucDeFromage Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You cant support them when you cant eat inside and you cant order from them stop being stupid. I have family who work at a restaurant. they use every delivery app there is to get orders out. they do just fine

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    Johnson & Johnson. Their baby powder gave my sister stage 3 ovarian cancer at 29. She’s on her 4th recurrence and just turned 32 and is about to enter hospice. Went from top of her career field in demand all over the country to living with our parents (and me to help care for her) and can’t even walk up the stairs without help. F**k them.

    kiwias Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am sorry for the tough time your family and especially your sister are going thru :( to go from a strong independent women to having to rely on others for basics like walking is my worst nightmare and I wouldn't wish it on anybody!

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    MrLongfinger Report


    EA games. Everything they have done to the gaming industry, an industry I love, is poison.

    minisrugbycoach Report

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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    bro they should just give back PopCap man. I miss my plants VS Zombies.

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    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days Shaw Academy. Sleezy little f***s. Their lies in advertising, and nearly impossible to cancel a subscription with them.

    Tried doing a course that was "a free 4 week course". The course was free for the first 4 weeks but the way they sold it was that the course itself was 4 weeks and free. They say you can finish a course as fast or long as you want, but I think it caps out at 3 lessons a week making you stay in the program for a few months, paying monthly.

    Trying to cancel is a nightmare. Sifting through pages and pages of "are you sure you want to cancel", "here's a 5% discount", "fill this form out, now this one, and now this one". All to get to a phone number that is only valid to call for a couple hours a day. When you finally get to call.. it's an automated message. 10 minutes of a robot telling me it cares about me and wants me to stay. Only to FINALLY press 2 to cancel my subscription.

    F**k. Shaw Academy.

    AdoptedMexican , ITU Pictures Report


    James Corden.

    OldManLoPan Report

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    Ganta S
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Pathetic piece of... I don't know the kind of person who might find him funny

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    Stubhub's handling of the pandemic, which included modifying its regulations during peak pandemic to allow individuals to either receive credit or resell their tickets rather than receive cash for cancelled events, was ludicrous.

    No_Client7651 Report

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    I got a side salad with my meal that had a huge sticker on a chunk of lettuce that I discovered when it was in my mouth. Spat it out and called the waitress over to show her and asked for the manager.

    The manager comes over to my table and says "What's your problem?"

    'Uh, I found this sticker in my salad and it hurt when I bit down on it.'

    "That was in your mouth? Gross! What do you want me to do about it?"

    'I don't think I should pay for it at a minimum.'

    She snatched the salad away from me and I never saw her again. The waitress brought my check and lo and behold there was a salad on it that I had only tried to eat one sticker cover bite. I protested and she said, "The manager thinks you put that sticker on it to get a free meal."

    F**K YOU DENNY'S!!!

    Qlinkenstein Report


    Ashley Home Furniture. They sold my wife a $300 mattress pad that was slicker than snot on a doorknob and refused to refund our money.

    I will never set foot in their store ever again.

    bigedthebad Report

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    Amelia Bedelia
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you spend $300 on a mattress pad, it's kind of your own fault.

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    Don’t know if it’s been posted but Game of Thrones. A massive cultural phenomenon wasted away. Nowadays, you can’t find anything of them, no merch, no books, and even their box sets are 10 bucks!!! Shame.

    airborneking Report

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    James Dansie
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The final season ruined the whole thing....the very definition of taking a s**t with your trousers on!

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    Hashtag trends. Pop rap music.

    Any type of internet speak: that feeling when… xyz really out here…

    Also boycotting the incredible disrespect to English verb conjugation, particularly the verb “to be.” And the lack of apostrophes. Boycotting the lack of apostrophes. Boycotting all lowercase and lack of commas.

    Cajun_Lawyer Report


    After this week, f****n Activision and/or Blizzard, however that s**t is structured.

    Lamprophonia Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This one appears to speak of gaming but my limited vocabulary is preventing me from understanding WTF this is about??!!

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    Kohl's and Old Navy. I picked something out to buy and am trying to hand you money. You won't take it until you spend long enough wasting my time about rewards and credit cards and points and my phone number. Online shopping wins for me. I click buy and that's it.



    Folks In This Online Community Are Boycotting These 40 Things, Brands And People Until The End Of Their Days I was boycotting Blockbuster for charging me late fees because they lost the tape I returned in their evening return slot. F**k those guys they ain’t getting my business!

    c0nduit , EvelynGiggles Report


    I wish I could boycott / avoid those stupid Huel adverts with that grinning idiot in the hat "heeeww thenks hewwwll ive more eenreeeregyyy thewn mi twenttieees" - so whack!

    Glove-Ancient Report


    Orange sticks. Around ten years old, I ate the whole top layer (14 sticks I think), and a little while later vomited five times in a row. I know it was my fault, but I can't look at them anymore without thinking about that.

    LoveSwissMiss Report

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    Assistant to DJ
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You're complaining about an inanimate object because of your own stupidity?

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    Pretty sure the man’s a p**o.

    Well__s**t Report


    Samsung. I bought a tv from them that broke after 6 months. Went through their warranty department and had a horrific time getting it fixed. Ended up getting a refund 3 MONTHS LATER because they couldn't repair it and didn't have any replacements in stock. What really made me mad was they had a different model that had all the same specs and cost about the same on stock but wouldn't send it to me.

    Jointhamurder Report

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    Assistant to DJ
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It broke, you complained, warranty dept. tried to fix but couldn't, so after 3months they had no option but to refund you. You realize that's an extremely fast turn around for claiming on a company warranty? When my ex's Xbox broke in the UK, their UK repair centers were overloaded with backorders of Xbox's needing repair, so they sent him a box and shipping label to ship his Xbox to GERMANY for repair, took him 9months to finally get it back fixed. Calm down, Karen.

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