The answer to what is the perfect height truly is a conundrum, just ask Alice about her time in Wonderland. When people are short they wish to be taller - but the people on this list, on the other hand, probably wish they could just take just a few inches off to make life simpler. Bored Panda has compiled a list of photos of tall people trying to perform ordinary tasks, travel, and just get through funny problems in a world that was not designed to accommodate their height.
From awkward bathroom stall and dressing room moments to doorway safety hazards who knew that there were so many tall people problems out there. Scroll down below to laugh out of sympathy or relatability and don't forget to upvote your favorite funny photos!
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I Said, "How Tall Are You?" He Handed Me This:
A tall friend responds to people who ask him if he plays basketball, "No, do you play miniature golf?"
In the 18th and 19th centuries, America was home to the tallest people in the world, but today that title now goes to the Netherlands. Dutch men and women average 6 feet and 5 feet 6.5 inches, respectively. U.S. men's average height is 5 feet 9 inches and women average nearly 5 feet 4 inches tall.
The Problems Of A Dutchman In China
Did you know your height, like your weight, can fluctuate during the day? “The discs in your spine get compressed from being upright all day,” says Todd Sinett, DC, a New York City-based chiropractor and author of The Truth About Back Pain. As you sleep, your spine decompresses, and you regain the lost length.
Being 6'11'' Can Make Fitting Rooms A Bit Awkward
This Is How My Mum And I Hug Now
Born 22 February 1918 Robert Wadlow holds the title as the tallest man who ever lived. Born at an unremarkable 8.7 pounds and the son of average-sized parents, the towering American man measured at a staggering 2.72 m (8 ft 11.1 in) tall when last measured on 27 June 1940, becoming the tallest man in the world. And we just couldn't imagine the everyday problems of this person!
Taking Passport Pictures
A Friend Of Mine At A Recent Checkup
According to one estimate, someone who is 20% taller will build up twice as much kinetic energy during a fall. This is why tall people are much more likely to suffer from injuries across their lifetime; women taller than 5ft 8in are twice as likely to fracture their hip as women who are just 5ft 2in.
So I Bought One Of Those Shirts
My BF Is 198cm (6,6ft) Tall. We Have Been Traveling Through Europe A Bit And I Started Taking Series Of Pictures
Sure you might be in more danger of hitting your head but there are some benefits that come with being tall. A classic study in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that people make $789 more per year for each inch above average height they are. The majority (58%) of Fortune 500 CEOs are over 6 feet tall. And 38 of the last 43 American presidents have been taller than average height (5 feet 10 inches).
Giraffes United Against Ceiling Fans
Spotted In The Washroom At Work...
I Can Only Sit In A Plane Like This If There Is No Seat In Front Of Me, Normal Seats Are 100% Impossible Or I Will Block The Walking Path
A Dutch Employee Gets Interviewed By Chinese Media
My Way Of Dealing With That "I Am Too Tall For That Kitchen Problem"
I'm Moving Away From My 4'9" Sidekick. I'm Going To Miss This
Tall Guy Problem Solved. Solution: Extra Mirror
What A 6'8" Groom And 6'4" Bride Look Like (Next To Normal People)
At 6'5", NS Premier Stephen McNeil Looked Pretty Tall On Election Night. At 6'9", I May Have Shattered That Illusion Today
Go To Italy They Said... It Would Be Fun They Said
Went On Vacation On Our Family's Boat... This Is My Attempt At Taking A Shower
Spotted This At A Bar Last Night, Tall Girl Problems
I Got All Of The Typical Tall Questions When I First Started Working At Starbucks
Pinning these to my apron helped reduce the amount I hear them.
I don’t understand *shakes head* Asking how tall someone is, okay, that’s just information you want. But the one about basketball and the one about weather? Do these people think they‘re funny? Original?
So My Two Tall Buds Decided To Sit Opposite Each Other On The Bus
Love Window Seats
I'm 7'3" And Have Arms Like A Gorilla
I Love It When There’s No One Sitting In Front Of Me... My Legs Need To Always Improvise, Adapt And Overcome
Dealing With A Tall People Problem
I Have An Extremely Important Question And I Need Your Help!! What’s The Better Way To Hug - Shoulder To Shoulder Or Hip To Hip?
Since Everyone Thinks They Are So Tall. Here Is My Friend And I In A Kitchen In Copenhagen
I Didn't Fit In My Hospital Bed
Just be careful if someone puts a tag on your toe and carts you off to the basement.
Tall People And Small Cars
I Can Forgive Short Mirrors Since I'm Ugly, But I Will Never Forgive The Evil That Is Aku
When You Know You're Too Tall
does anyone else remember the sad day they realized they were too tall for the monkey bars?
I Love My Job, But Can't Wait To Get Hired Into A Larger Airplane
New Apartment, New Thing To Smack My Head On
My Almost 2 Meters Tall Friend Is Having Some Trouble At The ATM
My Tall Friend's Solution To Using An Elliptical
Small Room Or Big Hat?
When You're 6'10 And Want To Drive Your Aventador
Tall People Problems
As A 7'0" Tall Guy, I've Held Back On The Rage. I Just Go With It Now
7'6 Tacko Fall
I’m 6’6” And This How Much Leg Room Was Available On Spirit Airlines. Luckily It Was Only A 4 Hour Flight
Four hours is still really long to be that cramped. I'm only just under 6 ft 2in, but I've been to concerts where the seats are too close. Even two hours gets to be too much.
Jumping On The Work Desk Bandwagon
It Can Be Hard To Do It When Looking Into The Eyes Of A Good Friend
First rule of urinal etiquette, NEVER make eye contact. Second rule, conversations are only allowed if the other person is very (emotionally) close to you. Third rule, don't drop your pants... it should be obvious.
I Feel The Pain
So This Is Me (18, 6'7) Next To My Pal In Their House. I Hate Their House
Tall Guys Got Problems Too
My Coworker Was Too Tall For Her Childhood Dance Recital Photo, So We Fixed It
Beyond stupid that front row is kneeling & the tall girl isn't in it