Scroll through Twitter threads and you will find a variety of GIFS- arguments and people trying to promote their soundcloud - but not on this thread. You might be familiar with people posting tweets where they state their opinion and say something like "fight me" or "don't @ me" to get a rise out of people, recently user @DozznutOperator did this but with an ulterior motive.
The user said that their cat was cuter than anyone else's, which of course caused quite a stir among other cat owners. The thread was quickly filled with photos of adorable kitties - which as it turns out - was the plan all along.

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Congratulations on getting your first job cat! You'll make a good engineer
Here's a pic of my husband telling me he picked up more cats at the dollar store. Sammy-Lucy...8765fe.jpg
Cotton candy those little feets poking through it 😍
At least the cat doesn't eat the box like mine does. IMG_201304...206967.jpg