Cooking is an art. To truly understand what flavors best complement one another takes lots of experimentation. A chef must be brave enough to try new things and take risks. Even if a combination turns out to be repulsive, at least the artist learned something. Plus, you know what they say: one chef’s trash is another man’s favorite questionable food combination. (Or something like that...)

Recently, Reddit users have been sharing their favorite meals and snacks that other people just don’t understand, and we’ll warn you, some of them might cause you to raise your eyebrows. So below, we’ve gathered some of the most intriguing culinary concoctions that people absolutely swear by, as well as an interview with the Reddit user who sparked this conversation in the first place. As controversial as these may sound, we think that if you keep an open mind, you might even find a meal or snack that’ll make it into your regular diet as well. 

Be sure to upvote the suggestions you find most shocking or that you would actually be willing to try, and feel free to share your own beloved yet misunderstood food combos in the comments. Then, if you’re interested in expanding your palette even further, you can find Bored Panda’s last article featuring questionable snacks and meals right here.


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Mashed potatoes. Sunny side up runny eggs. Flip the egg over onto the potatoes. My comfort food. My boyfriend thinks I’m crazy whenever I make it with leftover mashed potatoes.

ikogut , Paul_Cowan Report

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“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Dill pickle and extra sharp cheddar cheese. Bite of both at same time and chew and its amazing.

digdat0 , Karolina Grabowska Report


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Once in a blue moon I'll microwave a frozen French bread pizza instead of baking it--it's objectively much worse this way but it tastes just like the bad microwaved rectangular pizza at the pool when I was growing up, which hits me right in the nostalgia. All it's missing is bits of paper plate stuck to the bottom.

advena-curiosa , Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Report

Depending on whether you’re a picky or adventurous eater, this list might affect you in a variety of ways. If you’re open minded when it comes to food, many of these might sound delicious, or even completely normal. As a person who will try anything (as long as it’s vegan), I have to admit that very few of these combinations sounded strange to me. In fact, for people that don’t have any dietary restrictions or preferences, I would say that many of these pairings sound perfectly delicious! 


But food is sometimes a sensitive topic. We get set in our ways (and sometimes assign moral value to things, like saying that pineapple on pizza is wrong) and often forget that there are infinite combinations out there that might actually blow our minds. So to learn more about how this conversation started in the first place, we reached out to the Reddit user who asked others to share their favorite meals and snacks that no one understands. The author of this question, who wishes to remain anonymous, told Bored Panda, “I asked the question because I have a favorite weird favorite myself, and I was curious what others would say!"


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Grilled cheese with strawberry jam. The sweet and savory contrast is delicious.

NeverSawOz , Jason Reed Report

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popapach avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In Greece it's very common to eat cheese pie with honey. Or fried feta with honey.

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“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Strawberries dipped in sour cream and then brown sugar.

hotrodford , Eljay Report


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos A coworker once brought corned beef hash to work and ate it on a toasted english muffin with cream cheese schmeared on. She had enough to share and everyone passed on it, but me. It's one of the best things I've ever had.

Thepandamancan23 , Kathy Maister Report


“My favorite weird food is a fresh baked garlic bagel from a real bagel place,” the author who sparked this conversation shared. “The kind with crunchy garlic bits covering the outside. Toasted with butter, salt and honey!” Honestly, that sounds delicious.

We were also curious what she thought of the replies her post received. “Nothing really sounds gross to me, but I didn't try anything I saw in the comments.” And when it comes to whether or not there are any combinations that should be considered truly bizarre, she’s open minded. “It's just a matter of preference!”


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos The day after a roast meat meal. Roast beef, sliced cold roast potatoes, mustard, cold gravy on buttery white bread sandwich.

Back off.

tt5b , Vitaly Report


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos I have soft boiled eggs on toast for breakfast nearly every day. So many people look at me weirdly when I tell them. Its like only poached , scrambled or fried exist. Some will be like “ ooh do you dip bits of toast in it?” And I’m like “nah, I peel it and put it in my toast (sliced in half, yolk runny, white cooked). Delish and healthy.

No one else does it and everyone gives me strange looks.

MrMarcusRocks , AntonMatyukha Report


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Picked this up from my Dad.

A piece of cake, doesn't matter if it's slightly stale, in a bowl, with milk poured over it.

Paula_King , Joy Report

We also asked the author if there were any combos she would never dare to try. “I would try anything vegan or vegetarian,” she told Bored Panda. “But I'm really picky about meat and other animal products.” That’s understandable. I feel some sense of comfort knowing that my chances of being food poisoned are significantly decreased by not eating animal products. But more power to those of you who have absolutely no fears when it comes to food! Bon appétit!


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Dark peppermint chocolate eaten with salt and vinegar potato chips. Making sure you have a bit of each in your mouth at the same time.

michaeldaph , Thad Zajdowicz Report

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aerose101 avatar
Amanda Rose
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love both of those things separately but never thought of putting them together. I may have to try that some time.

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“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Baby carrots and peanut butter. It’s so good! The carrots are sweet and have a high enough water content to help break thru the peanut butter. Perfect snack, in my opinion.

barryandorlevon , Kona Gallagher Report


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos A slide of cheddar cheese and a raw onion.

It’s [bad] on your breath so I have to save it for when I’m off work and not wearing mask otherwise I’m tearing up all day. But super yummy, creamy cheese with a snap of onion, perfection.

Nurse49 , alleksana Report


Some of the responses to this post were repeated many times, meaning that those combinations aren’t actually that bizarre. Apparently, lots of people love pickles and peanut butter! And while that is one pairing I have yet to try myself, I can already say that I know I would like it. I will be making a PB&P sandwich very soon. (Maybe even add some sriracha on it!) But it should not be shocking that some of these combinations work because a lot of cooking is just pairing various flavor profiles. For example, something salty, something sweet, something acidic and something creamy or fatty all in one dish is often a hit. There are infinite opportunities for what can be used for each of those components.


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Whole pickled jalapeños, take off the stem end, dump out juice, fill with mac n' cheese and enjoy!

Awholelottasass , Bradley Gordon Report


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Cottage cheese with a c**p load of cracked pepper on top of garden herb triscut cracker with a zip of siracha

eathatflay86 , VadimVasenin Report


What is considered a “weird food combination” is also incredibly subjective. There are so many different cultures around the world eating a variety of different diets, so what is perfectly normal to one person might sound repulsive to someone on the other side of the world. That doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with either person’s palette, though. They just have different preferences. One classic example is how loved the peanut butter and jelly sandwich is to Americans. I have met many Europeans who say the combination sounds disgusting. And although they have heard of it and know it’s a staple for American kids to pack for lunch, I’ve met many people who wince at the thought of trying it. Sort of how I feel about eating baked beans on toast, a favorite of many Brits. I love an English breakfast, but I never ever touch the beans. 


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos mint chip ice cream with peanut butter

ltwtrower , Gloria Cabada-Leman Report


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos ketchup on mashed potatoes. hey. don't knock it, til you try it.

u/dianthe Report

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williams-101 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm with this one, used to do it a lot as a kid. You'll put ketchup on fries, hash browns, wedges, or home fries, but not mashed? It's all potatoes!

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“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Bacon jelly sandwich. Two pieces of white bread toast with bacon and strawberry jelly. Goes well with a glass of orange juice

FlyfishDailyMT , Ann Larie Valentine Report

One of the most controversial food combinations of all time is pineapple on pizza. Most people have an opinion on this topic. And while I never felt passionately one way or the other, (I’ve enjoyed the occasional pizza with pineapples but it’s certainly not my go-to), I finally understood how people could be so shocked by the idea when I moved to Sweden and saw people putting banana on pizza. That was a new one for me. But the famous Hawaiian pizza came onto the scene in the 1960s, when an Ontario-based pizza joint owned by Sam Panopoulos started experimenting with creative toppings. And while the pizza flavor still sparks debate around the world, it’s simultaneously a cult classic. 


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos I like to eat popcorn and milk like cereal

Electrical_Key_9626 , Report


Cottage cheese, mashed with a fork, mix with vanilla, cinnamon and a sprinkle of sugar. Spread on toast, top with more cinnamon, stick under broiler for just a minute.

Grandma called it a cheese danish. She and I are the only ones who ever ate it, and now it's just me. Hubby and kids think it's disgusting.

ElenasGrandma Report

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giulia-arrigoni21 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm not entirely sure what cottage cheese is but we eat ricotta cheese with honey, stir it well and you got yourself dessert.

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“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos I think you have to be Australian to get this. Here goes; a buttered soft vegemite roll stuffed with Samboy BBQ chips. Anyone else?

CatBallou3 , foam Report

Pickles and peanut butter is often regarded as strange craving pregnant women have, but apparently the combination came about nearly a century ago. During the Great Depression, resources were incredibly sparse, and people started to get creative with their rations to find cheap, filling meals. Thus, the peanut butter and pickle sandwich was born. But the combo makes perfect sense, as peanut butter can certainly be used excellently in savory meals. Ever had a pad thai with chopped peanuts on top, summer rolls dipped in a peanut sauce or a thai peanut curry? I would highly recommend all three!  


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Mac 'n' cheese topped with apple sauce. Something about the hot and cold contrast as well as the salty/ creamy and sweet/smooth contrast. Idk, it just works for me. I've been eating it this way since I was a child.

sixacorns , Vancouver Bites! Report

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acey-ace16 avatar
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is an imitation of a classic mountain dish called Alplermagronen (in various spellings across Switzerland). Macaroni and small potato chunks in a creamy cheesy sauce served with apple puree and crispy fried onions.

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“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Dried instant ramen with the season packet sprinkled on it.

I put my cream cheese on the top of my everything seasoning bagel to seal in the seasoning, then invert - it raises eyebrows, but whose car and lap and shirt isn't covered in bagel sprinkles, hmm???

bigmamapain , I G Report

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r_17 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This actually came out as an actual snack series called 뿌셔뿌셔 in South Korea (I am South Korean to know this)

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Slice of ham, put like a tsp honey on it, fold and eat it like a taco.

Correct_Silver_5813 Report

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Vanessa Richardson
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This one isn’t weird at all. We’ve probably all had honey ham! (In the US, at least.)

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Are you salivating just from reading these responses, or have you lost your appetite for dinner? Whether you’re feeling inspired to get more creative in the kitchen or not, we hope you’re enjoying this list. Keep upvoting the combos you find particularly intriguing, and please feel free to share any of your personal favorites in the comments down below. I’m very interested to know what you pandas like to make when no one is around to judge you! And if you haven’t checked out our last article on the same topic yet, you can find it right here


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Avocados mashed together with cold condensed milk.

Darwin343 , goblinbox_(queen_of_ad_h Report

See Also on Bored Panda

“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Original lays or ruffles chips- doesn't matter the brand, as long as it's plain salty chip with caramel sauce (litehouse tub). Freaking delicious.
My depression food is a flour tortilla with some Nutella. Haven't had it in awhile but daaaaang it was satisfying.

-epm , Reuben Strayer Report

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Lindsey Rose
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love this soook much. Used to make this for 'running-hella-late breakfast for my daughter when she was little. If I ran out of nutella, I'd do PB roll-ups instead. Not a damn thing depressing about this. Yum.

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“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Dill Pickle and Peanut Butter sandwich. I first tasted it when I was stoned nearly 40 years ago and I still eat one two or three times a year. The two ingredients just mesh in a way I can't really explain.

Desertnurse760 , L.A. Foodie Report


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Canned pears with miracle whip and shredded cheese

gardenclue , Ann Larie Valentine Report


“What Is Your Favorite Meal Or Snack That No One Understands?”: 30 People Share Their Beloved But Weird Food Combos Peanut butter pizza. Dad made it as a joke when I was a kid and I still make it today.

cataclyzzmic , u/MarioMedina11 Report

Note: this post originally had 63 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.