Every morning, I eat a satisfying breakfast, take my vitamins, drink a cup of delicious, energizing coffee, and I feel prepared to start the day. But sometimes, taking care of my physical being just isn’t enough. My mood can still feel off until I get that daily dose of wholesome content my heart has been craving. You know the kind: videos of puppies pouring out of a car, kittens cuddling like humans, or a kid explaining his undying love for corn. But you know what makes this kind of uplifting content even better? When it simultaneously makes your day and teaches you something!

Below, we’ve gathered some of the most heartwarming and smile-inducing facts that Reddit users have shared online that you might have never heard before. So prepare to start uncontrollably radiating sunshine as you learn these fun facts that will be like a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies for your soul. Be sure to upvote all of the responses that melt your heart, and then, if you’re interested in learning even more wholesome facts from Bored Panda, we’ve got another list for you full of them (specifically about adorable animals) right here!


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day A train station in Japan had plans to close but noticed a student was the only one using it. They decided to close when she graduates from high school

bisk0ot , Telegraph Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day The number of public libraries in the US is far greater than the number of McDonald's.

FewEquall , Olivija_photos Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day The last time Lichtenstein went to war they sent out 80 men and returned with 81 because the soldiers made a friend.

darkLordSantaClaus , Threetails05 Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day - Bob Ross would receive letters every week from his regular viewers. When a regular would stop writing to him, he would call them and make sure they're ok.

- Bob Ross also once got a letter from a colorblind viewer who said they can't paint due to their colorblindness. He then did an episode where he made a painting entirely out of gray colors to prove that anyone can paint.

- Mr. Rogers hand-wrote letters back to everyone who wrote to him.

anon , Josiah Sanchez Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day The brain of an elephant reacts the same way to seeing a human as a human brain does to seeing a puppy.

Batunikitty1 , Chalabala Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Dogs will modify their play with puppies to let the puppy win. My dog treats our cat like a puppy and will lay on his side only using his front paws to "defend" himself. He usually lets the cat win and then she struts around. It's adorable.

zerbey , katrinasid Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day I'm over 5 years sober. And I never have to drink again.

Ridiculizard , friends_stock Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day There is a tribute sculpture of silver feathers in County Cork, Ireland called "Kindred Spirits".

It commemorates the 1847 donation of $170 (about $4,700 in 2019 dollars) by the Native American Choctaw People to Irish famine relief during the Great Hunger, despite the Choctaw themselves living in hardship and poverty and having recently endured the Trail of Tears.

I love this fact because I'm from Cork in Ireland ☘

xHermanTheGermanx , Gavin Sheridan Report

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lordmysticlaw avatar
Lord Mysticlaw
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In South Africa we have a monument dedicated to the Irish soldiers who fought with the Boere republics (against the British empire) during the 2nd Anglo Boer War.

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50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day In New Zealand, if you need to call the Emergency Services you can just ring the number you would use in your own country and you will get through... 911/111/999... it is so that in a situation when you are panicking, you dont need to remember a new number to get help.

Bagpuss45 , oneinchpunchphotos Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Cows have best friends and when paired together, their heart rates are significantly lower and they experience less stress overall <3

becceroni_loves , hokietim Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day The Netherlands sends Canada 20,000 tulip bulbs every year to thank them for their help during WWII.

Naweezy , Nikolaydonetsk Report

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carolyngerbrands avatar
Caro Caro
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In 1945, the Dutch royal family sent 100,000 tulip bulbs to Ottawa in gratitude for the three-year Canadian protection of the future Queen Juliana and her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands in World War II.

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50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Whenever you see something go wrong in the world -- either a natural disaster, an accident, or a man-made crisis -- it's very easy to focus on the negatives. The tremendous loss of life. The monsters who thought an act of terrorism would help their cause. The mismanagement that made things worse. The people looting and profiteering from other people's misery. It's easy to get disparaged and see only the worst of humanity.

But there are always, *always* people going out of their way to help their fellow man. The people who ran into the towers on 9/11 to ensure that as many people as possible got out. The people who hid Jews from the Nazis during the Holocaust. The Choctaw Nation Americans who sent a donation to Ireland in the wake of the potato famine in order to help in any way they could. People queuing up to donate blood in the wake of a mass shooting or other natural disaster. People who try their absolute level best to change the systems that led to these problems in the first place, throwing everything they can into protests and political action to try and make the world a better place. These actions are almost always done not for glory or rfor personal profit, but because it's the right thing to do. And it happens everywhere, every time, in every country around the globe.

Portarossa , halfpoint Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day In Germany, they have these "frog fences". These fences keep the frogs from crossing the roads and getting run over. At the end of the day somebody comes by and gathers the frogs and helps them cross the road

Naweezy , Carol VanHook Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day First one that comes to mind is something along the lines of this

During the Second World War an American B-17 (I think it was the Flying Fortress) was trying to make her way back home heavily damaged.

A German 109 (fighter) saw it and decided to investigate. The pilot noticed the guns weren’t manned and the insane amount of damage the plane had (a good chuck of fuselage was missing along the side). Flew up beside the bomber and caught eye-contact with the American pilot. He waved.

The German pilot then escorted the bomber back to American territory where the German pilot waved off.

These two pilots met each other after the war and became friends

The_JimJam , Aussie~mobs Report

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kirstin-peter avatar
Shark Lady
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This was used as a storyline in NCIS. Gibbs' father was the American pilot and a guy called Walter saved him.

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50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Penguins spend a lot of time looking for a pebble to give to another penguin to propose. If the other penguin accepts it, they mate for life.

FrogginBullfish_ , ADDICTIVE_STOCK Report

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yalialolabi avatar
Yali-girl with weird name
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

“And then you would not imagine what he gave me….A flat pebble!” “Omg did you dump him” “Ofcource, at least try to find s round one 🙄

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50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day In Amsterdam, if someone has no next of kin or close family and dies, then a poet will be asked to read at their funeral.

CommercialMain7 , seventyfourimages Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Squirrels will adopt abandoned babies

bettyD95 , nsamenvato Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Blind people smile like everyone else, even though they've never seen anyone else smile. It's just a natural human expression.

-eDgAR- , halfpoint Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day In some countries, they have "wildlife crossings" which are just grassy green bridges running over highways for animals to cross, so they don't have to cross the highway.

I think it's the purest thing in the world

00evilhag , Hagai Agmon-Snir Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Most sharks only bite people because they don’t have hands and are just curious.

Good day mate how are you doing. Just going to give you a nibble to say hi. Oh my god your bloody arm came off my bad. Ooo that looks bad are you ok? You know what I’m just going to leave. Ok so I circled around a bit seams you haven’t made it far. That’s a lot of blood mate here I’ll try to give you a boost. Let me just grab that thrashing leg. Oh come on it’s bleeding now to. S**t you know what I’m done with you bleeding all over my house I’m just going to eat you to clean this mess up. Nothing against you.

anon , belladonnasola Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day That when you pet a dog and then they put a paw on you, it's them reciprocating the act. Dogs can't actually preform the "petting" motion so the just put a paw on you.

Nogard_Ruler_Brynn , Alan Levine Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Otters hold hands to keep from drifting apart while they float.

WatchTheBoom , Joe Robertson Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day When your cat narrows their eyes at you it’s their way of letting you know they care about you and are happy to see you.

SnarkyLeprechaun84 , sergeyskleznev Report

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rhilee1986 avatar
Cthulhu is Alive
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

One of my cats used to stick her tail up in the air and wiggle it quickly whenever she saw me. She also, when she saw us come home, ran out the backyard, jumped up onto the patio roof, jumped through the bathroom window, ran downstairs to greet us at the door just inside when we opened it every single time we got home. I miss her.

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50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Red pandas use their tails as blankets to keep themselves warm!

throwawayaccount062 , SteveAllenPhoto999 Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day I've got a pair of cardinals that come to the feeder every day. I noticed that sometimes the male feeds the female. The female quickly shakes her tail feathers and the male responds by picking up a seed in his beak and feeding it to the female. I learned that this is part of their mating behavior. It allows the male to "practice" feeding because he'll have to fill in for the female when she occasionally leaves the nest with the hatchlings in it. Plus it's just adorable.

Wide_Ocelot , marisap7 Report

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msonntag1028 avatar
Delta Dawn
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

One time my kid thought two crows were kissing, so I had to explain it was actually a parent feeding a fledgling, not two birds kissing. She was of course equally grossed out by a baby bird eating their parent’s barf. I mean, fair enough.

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50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Billy Joel never sells front-row seats. Instead, he gives them away for free to fans who can't afford them.

Back2Bach , David Shankbone Report

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monscul avatar
Green Tree
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This happened to me but not as described. We had gotten to the venue early and our seats were up in the nosebleeds. Somebody from Billy Joel’s team came up to us and asked if we would like to sit up front (second row), of course we happily agreed. From what I remember though (20+ years ago) it was about us being young and bringing ‘energy’ rather than a helping the poor thing

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50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day You know when babies are smiling and laughing, but then they suddenly turn away? They’re having a happiness overload! Basically their brains can’t handle all the excitement they’re experiencing by what they see, so the only remedy is to just not look anymore.

qeqilia , OlgaKhorkova Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Mr. Rogers was riding with a chauffeur and the chauffeur mentioned that they were driving by his house. Mr. Rogers asked to come meet his family and spent the evening having dinner and played the piano while everyone sang songs.

MynameisMatlock , PopSugar Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Volvo was going to patent the modern seatbelt, but they revoked the patent in the interest of saving lives

Tiberius-the-Cuddler , Alex Kehr Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day This probably isn't the MOST wholesome but it's the first I thought of. In this era of evil corporate overlords let's remember Saran Wrap. Have you noticed that Saran Wrap kinda sucks these days? It seems like it barely sticks like it used to and doesn't preserve food as long. You might think this was due to cost cutting measures to line investor and executive pockets, that's the usual reason products go to c**p.

The actual reason is that the key chemical used in its manufacture was determined to be bad environmentally. They were unable to find a replacement that provided the same performance. There were no regulations requiring them to change the formula and changing it would surely hurt their market share. They did it anyway without any fanfare and it was a big hit to their bottom line, but they stuck to it because it was the right thing to do.

sharrrper , mikey winsor Report

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acey-ace16 avatar
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wrong/ The main reason that cling film, as It was known outside the US, was modified was that it's not safe for use in Microwave ovens (releases carcinogens when heated) and despite warning labels people were still doing so. In some areas of the world specific non-microwavable cling film still exists along side the safer, but less clingy, version.

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its illegal to own just one guinea pig in switzerland. you have to own two because they get lonely by themselves

edgy_fawn Report

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newbookscast avatar
ginny weasley
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I got my last cats i got two from the same litter and that has worked out well. they keep each other company while I am at work and play together. many animals are happier in pairs

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50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Your body's immune system will fight to the death for you no matter what you do.You can smoke,drink and do drugs but your immune system will keep up with all of that without complaint.I like to think that whenever i feel no one likes me.

vapera , Pressmaster Report


Gunfire around Dublin’s St Stephen’s Green during the [1916 Rising]( was stopped every day to allow for the ducks to be fed.

Park keeper James Kearney would enter the Green daily to feed the waterfowl. Every time he did this, the opposing sides of the Irish Citizen Army and the British forces would cease firing to allow him to do so.

anon Report


Most humans are inherently good and willing to help you in any way. You've been helped by a stranger more often than you've been hurt. (Online too)

We just remember the bad ones.

fat_strelok Report

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popapach avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why can't we be kind? And if you don't want to help, at least don't do anything. I think it takes much more effort to be hurtful :/

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Penguins can form homosexual relationships, and will even adopt orphaned penguin chicks. Happened at the Central Park Zoo, where some zookeepers gave them an abandoned egg and they ended up raising the baby to maturity. That new penguin ended up being lesbian, and paired up with another female penguin.

Zoos in Germany, the UK, and even China have copied this with other gay penguin couples and abandoned eggs.

XxsquirrelxX Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day This will probably be buried, I don't think you guys would think it's super wholesome but to me it is. When Ringo left the Beatles during the White Album sessions, the Beatles wrote him a letter, telling him to come back and even calling him the best drummer in the world. And, when he came back, George Harrison decorated his drum set in flowers. I think its sweet because even though tensions were high in the studio, you can see that they cared about each other.

tragicalmysterytour , Eva Rinaldi Report

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acey-ace16 avatar
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And despite jokes over the decades, he was/is a superb drummer, creating a signature sound that became known as 'backbeat', much mimicked by later pop and rock artists. Remember Oasis's "Wonderwall"? Yeah, that's who/what they are talking about.

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50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Children who are deaf, and raised by deaf parents will sign repetitive sounds and words at about the same rate hearing babies acquire language. Deaf babies basically sign goo-goo ga-ga the same way hearing children babble when developing language.

eternalrefuge86 , YuriArcursPeopleimages Report

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alihmsalehuddin avatar
Ali H M Salehuddin
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Even cats do this. A deaf man communicates with his cat in sign language. His cat replies in sign language too.

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You know how rain smells good? Rain doesn’t actually smell like anything, but water will amplify scents. The earth smells really good all the time, but we just don’t notice until it gets boosted by the rain.

Maddie-Moo Report

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karenlhoth avatar
Kat Hoth
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That smell has a name. Petrichor (/ ˈ p ɛ t r ɪ ˌ k ɔːr /) is the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil. The word is constructed from Ancient Greek πέτρα ( pétra ) 'rock', or πέτρος ( pétros ) 'stone', and ἰχώρ ( ikhṓr ), the ethereal fluid that is the blood of the gods in Greek mythology.

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While dogs see us as equals cats see us a clumsy deaf babies and thats why they get annoyed at us

dicdic777777 Report


A baby porcupine is called a porcupette.

cardiovts Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Somewhere in the world someone is recovering from depression

zahaaaa , olgar23 Report

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therealpandazog avatar
lyone_fein avatar
Lyone Fein
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

For those of us with life long depression, this is a daily thing. I have been taking antidepressants now for 30 years. This medicine has been a lifesaver. I know that if I stop taking the meds, I will suffer severe pain and suicidal symptoms. My body just doesn't make the right chemicals for my brain to function properly. I consider myself lucky to have been born when these medications are available, and not at some earlier point in history. Being notdepressed is a whole life project. Meditation. Therapy. Self awareness. Medicine. Diet. Living a healthy balanced life. It's all necessary for getting through each dayweekyear.

laugh avatar
Laugh or not
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I am happy that I was able to stop the medication, mostly because we were never able to find one that didn't have adverse effects on me. I am very afraid of a new episode because I know I have gone through most of the options, except lithium. I try meditation from time to time, but I can't find one that I can stick to. My cat is my best remedy.

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sepantt avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I probably will be for the rest of my life. Hopefully too, since it would mean I won't slide into the darkness again.

spectator136 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Someone? Depression is becoming a huge problem. In a lot of countries more than half of the population becomes depressed at least once in their lifetime.....

loubinstine avatar
Louisa Johnson
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Somewhere someone in the world is living with depression as does not remember a time when they didn't. But the show must go on for those we love. My thoughts are with you all fighting those demons even if some days when your partner has a day off you need to climb in bed and sleep off the sadness. I wish there was more support, I could never leave my kids but I have known a few people now who unfortunately could not face their demons anymore and left holes in the lives of their loved ones. I always remember a saying, the pain never goes away, it just passes on. Xx

sapphire_starlight avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Unfortunately there's no so-called "cure" for depression and other mental illnesses. However, there are plenty of ways to help cope with living with it.

starhawkhunt avatar
A. Starhawk Hunt
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Likely numerous people, at any one time. That’s not hard to be a part of, recovering from depression. But it’s not straightforward; one may be recovering from depression, but likely they will be recovering for the rest of time. You never seem to be able to finish.

stephaniehodge_1 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Trying to patiently wait my turn. I'll get there just not today.

xolitaire avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sadly there is no "cure". I've been living with clinic depression for years and it sneaks up on you once in a while. But as long as you know how to deal with it, it will work out.

terryltobias avatar
Terry Tobias
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I wish I could say I was recovering. But I'm getting up right now to take a shower (it's been about a week since my last one) so I hope that I'm doing better.

david2074 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Or not. I'm one of the roughly 30% of folks that antidepressants don't work on.

webmaster_8 avatar
Paul K. Johnson
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And even more place are people who aren't recovering from depression.

usmcr7 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

somewhere in the world someone is revering from diarrhea

lhmcd1 avatar
Louisa Spoke
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I take my meds. Do exercise, eat good, have a routine and I still have it. I cry every day. I’m 58 and have been depressed since I was about 3. I say life’s a beach and then you swim.

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If you have a routine work schedule and dogs, they can tell when you're about to get home by how much your smell has faded in the house.

Gioia_BiNb3 Report

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JoJo Anisko
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That, or they are psychic. I had an irregular work schedule, but according to my mother, my dog started acting expectant about 5 minutes before I got home each night.

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Mr. Rogers began announcing that he was feeding the fish in every show because a father and his blind daughter would always tune into the show, and they wrote to him to explain that she would get very concerned that the fish were not fed on the days that he didn't announce it.

maleorderbride Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day Looking into your dog’s eyes produces the same brain chemicals for you and the dog that mother’s feel when they stare at their babies.

Edit: And I’m pretty sure they’re the only (or one of few) animals we have this connection with.

anon , LightFieldStudios Report

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foogel avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Cats appear to have the same emotional connection to humans as dogs. And almost all animals seem to enjoy being pet. A lot of research has been done on dogs, not so much on other animals, we just don't know yet. Why would you say you're 'pretty sure' about something if you actually don't know?

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My favorite is the Christmas Truce of 1914. Basically during the Christmas Eve and Day German and British soldiers had multiple soccer games against each other in no mans land during the cease fire. Just shows that soldiers are people and not extensions of their countries ideology

Sarnick18 Report

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hate this example. The fact that they still were willing to see the others as human and still went back to shooting each other right after just makes it all so much worse

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50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day When your body does that weird-falling-thingy when going to sleep it's because your body is not sure if you are dying or falling asleep and gives you an adrenaline boost just in case. Something about it makes me feel great.

PinkFlamingoAlex , stokkete Report

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50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day People in long-term relationships (whether romantic, friendly or professional) subcobsciously form a macroorganism together. Your brains work together to determine each other's strengths and assign tasks accordingly to become a more efficient and tightly bonded functioning unit, where your skills are maximized and you can save effort on the stuff your partner kicks a*s at. You share a joint superbrain

Jetztinberlin , gstockstudio Report


Lab Rats love playing hide and seek with their scientists and “squeal with happiness when found”.

RanbeepTheDeep Report

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libstak avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh sure, the squeal is happiness not terror and they are hiding for fun not fear....likely story by a lab rat scientist to his visiting concerned child.

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in a movie when dogs have to act mean but they're so happy that they have to CGI the tales to make them look mean

rlachlancs193 Report

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colinmatthews avatar
Colin Matthews
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

yes the 'ferocious' wolves in GoT had to have their waggy tales CGI turned in to mean growly dog tails.

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Swans only have one partner. If separated they spend their whole life looking for them.

LaceGloves Report


there’s a species of bees that sleeps in flowers called globe mallows, two were photographed cuddling/sleeping together as the surrounding flowers were occupied

nekoshoyo Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day certain types of male spiders when they are trying to attract a mate will pluck a tune on a female's web to get her attention

_mirzapan_ , fotyma Report

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alissa_song avatar
Alissa the Bored Fox
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"Awww Cindy ur so famous look at all those male spiders attracted to u" "Yeah not all day long they just go pluck pluck Pluck PLUCK PLUCK PLUCK PLUCK PLUCK"

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If you applaud your dogs, they start wagging their tails.

MogadonMandy Report


Babies don't lie to you so making one laugh is a great, beautiful thing

waitasecm8 Report


50 Wholesome Facts That Might Bring Some Sunshine To Your Day The voices of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse got married in real life.

Wayne Allwine, the voice of Mickey for more than 30 years, married the woman who voiced Minnie, Russi Taylor.

elee0228 , PoonKaMing Report


The best thing you can do for the environment is plant a garden.

thousand_cranes Report

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Colin Matthews
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes and consider something other than grass, try planting thyme or some creeping ground cover

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Sunflowers always look at the sun bit when it’s overcast the look at each other.

ThreeToTheHead Report


There is this mouse, and it loves pollen so much it falls asleep inside the flower.

YeeterTheYeetman Report

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crybobcat avatar
Natalia Linnik
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Harvest mouse. Another interesting fact: Some of the used Wimbledon tournament tennis balls are being donated to various animals conservatives around Britain who make cute little homes for harvest mice.

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when a bunny feel safe around someone it will flop down on its side near them to show it's trust.

aliceinmurderland Report

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oliveharper_1 avatar
Olive Harper
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My Mom's bunny does this all the time. It's a flemish giant too so it is so funny to watch this giant fat bunny just flop out of happiness.

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Crows will sometimes visit or stay with their parents and help raise their current clutch if they don't have one of their own.


AstralGuardian97 Report


Eating chocolate boosts your mood

itiswhatitiskid Report


Capybaras are highly social and raise their young communally, which makes them good foster parents for other animals.

Edit: see r/Crittersoncapybaras

Rennarjen Report


In the Netherlands we have special wildlife bridges. It kind of look like a hill with a tunnel through it but it is a part of artificially created forest to make sure wildlife can safely cross the highway!

Bobbytrap9 Report

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dc1 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Germany has these, too. Selfdeclared liberals, conservatives and other selfdeclared rational politicians love to oppose them and make sure to call those who support them of having "Bambi Syndrome", where caring about wildlife is seen as imature useless overemotional bollocks, not as useful or even needed. The opposite is true, of course, just the short term cost is higher when taking care and not being as selfish as possibly possible.

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Bee’s dance to show each other where flowers with pollen are

anon Report

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chet44 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They also communicate exact distances and locations, their dances are a very complex language actually

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Some spiders keep tiny frogs as pets to keep small bugs away from their eggs

dart_goblin_69_420 Report


Male puffer fish woo potential partners with art. Pretty damn spectacular art: [](

fruskydekke Report

See Also on Bored Panda

I found out not so long ago, Seal's do something called a 'banana pose' when they are happy, safe or trying to warm up, from what I researched

Mochililies Report


Once a sea horse finds a partner they love each other for life

hidingacorpse101 Report


Some turtles can breathe through their butts

lissyslayer Report


Since the corona outbreak in the US, many Animal shelters have seen a big uptick in adoptions!