This Online Group Is Dedicated To The Obscure Details And Easter Eggs Found In Movies, Here Are 30 Of The Most Interesting (New Pics)
Filmmakers love using little details to send their audiences secret messages. They're called easter eggs and finding them in movies is a great pleasure; it's like you're communicating with the artist through a secret language, not bound to the constraints of time and space. All it takes is keen observation and a little experience.
However, there's a way to enjoy this visual lingo even if you're not fluent in it. As we at Bored Panda have already shown you here, here, and here, there's an online community where attentive viewers share all the hidden gems they uncover. It's a 2.8-million-member subreddit called "Movie Details."
Since our last publication, these folks have made plenty of new discoveries, so we thought it's about time we paid them another visit. From old classics ("Jaws") to recent hits ("Blade Runner 2049"), continue scrolling to learn more obscure facts and trivia about some of the most beloved productions.
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In Jaws (1975), The TV Reporter Is Played By Peter Benchly, The Author Of The Book
In Thor (2011) One Of The Asgardians Is Played By Walt Simonson. He Wrote The Thor Comic Book From 1983-1987
Again, we managed to get in contact with Niiue, a moderator of the subreddit who routinely takes the time to tell us all about the community, and they agreed to do it one more time.
Since "Movie Details" is so massive, I asked Niiue if the mod team has to 'police' it much.
"Honestly, not a whole lot. Most of the time, all we have to do is remove reposts and posts that aren't movie details," they told Bored Panda. I guess cinephiles are a cultured bunch!
In Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 (2018), The Old Couple Taking Photos Are The Parents Of James Gunn. They Are Credited As "Weird Old Man" And "Weird Old Man's Mistress"
Ego? I had this vision of Ratatouille's Anton Ego putting down the poison pen and taking up more direct weapons.
In The Princess And The Frog (2009) The Villains Shadow Turns This Wallpaper To Skulls And Crossbones In This Scene
Some Good Advice In The End Credits Of The Naked Gun (1988)
As you can see from the pictures, all sorts of movies contain easter eggs, and from what they've seen moderating the sub, Niiue agrees that they're pretty universal.
"I'm not sure if any genre has more easter eggs on average than the rest," they said. "Some genres get featured more often on the sub, but that could have a variety of explanations (e.g. certain genres being more popular with the userbase)."
Niiue said that if there's one piece of advice they can give that can help people uncover these storytelling elements, it's rewatching a film. Once you are familiar with the characters and the plot, your eyes and mind have more time to scan around them.
In Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), Han Drops His Parka On The Floor When He Arrives At Starkiller Base
When he leaves, Chewbacca hands it back to him, and he reacts with confusion. This part was improvised by Chewbacca's actor Joonas Suotamo, who went off script, confusing Harrison Ford.
In Wonder Woman 1984 (2020), The Blond Man On The Right Is Gal Gadot's Husband, Yaron Varsano. And The Little Girl Is Maya, Their Younger Daughter
In Bohmian Rhapsody (2018), The Trucker That Eyes Freddie Is Played By Singer Adam Lambert
Since 2011, He Has Been Touring With Queen As Their Frontman
But easter eggs are not limited to the big screen. The earliest known instance in a video game, for example, is in Moonlander (1973), in which the player tries to land a spaceship on the moon. If they fly it horizontally enough, they encounter a McDonald's restaurant and if they land next to it, an astronaut will visit it instead of standing next to the ship. More elaborate easter eggs can include secret levels and entire developers' rooms - fully functional, hidden areas of a game.
The Google search engine famously contains many easter eggs, activated by the user typing in certain search queries. Search for “askew” and sure enough, your results will be displayed slightly akimbo. They still function as 'normal' search results. They just look crooked. Pretty neat!
In Spider-Man (2002) After Recieving The News Of His Dismissal From The Board Of Oscorp, Norman Osborn Goes Through The Five Stages Of Grief In A Microcosm
In Zootopia (2016), Bellwether Is Wearing A Little Bell. In Real Life, A Bellwether Is The Leading Sheep Of A Flock, With A Bell Around Its Neck To Help Direct The Other Sheep
Have you noticed how her eyes are carttoony and humanoid, whereas the rams she works with (spoiler oops) all have the standard horizontal pupil that sheep and goats have irl?
In Charlie And The Chocolate Factory (2005), Its Shown That Willy Wonka's Distant Father Had Framed Highlights Of His Sons Life
This was inspired by a trip Tim Burton took to visit his dying mother in 2002. Despite their relationship being not great, she owned framed movie posters of all his films.
I want to cry. Despite the estranged relationship, she still love her
In Knives Out (2019), Ransom's Sweater Has A Ripped Collar And Several Noticeable Holes
The costume designer added this detail to show Ransom’s nonchalance towards his wealth and disrespect for his family.
In Bttf Part 3 (1990), The Photographer That Takes A Picture Of Marty And Doc Is Played By Dean Cundey, Who Was Director Of Photography On All Three Back To The Future Movies
In The Little Mermaid (1989), You Can See The King And His Advisor From Cinderella (1950) At The Wedding
Disney... They recycle their sequences and let their characters have cameos in other movies. I love it! 🤣🤣🤣
In Harry Potter (2007), Ralph Fiennes Asked For A Hook To Be Added To Voldemort's Wand So That He Could Move More Fluidly And "Snake-Like" Without The Wand Falling From His Hand
In Despicable Me (2010), The Number On Gru's Ticket Is 072069. Aka July 20th 1969, The Date Of The First Moon Landing (Which Gru Watched In A Flashback)
In Pulp Fiction (1994) Tarantino's Smiling Globe T-Shirt Is For A Detroit Magazine Called Orbit
They were the first magazine to ever interview him about being a filmmaker and he wore the shirt as a 'thank you' to them.
In The Truman Show (1998), The Couple At The Table Are Daryl Davis And Robert Davis, They Are The Founders Of Seaside, The Town Where The Movie Was Filmed. They Agreed To Give Filming Permission, In Return For A Cameo
They agreed to give filming permission, in return for a cameo.
So the town was founded recently? So that the founders are still alive?! 😯 My european brain cannot process such information... WOW!
In Hp And The Half-Blood Prince (2009), A Newspaper States That A Witch Named Amelia Bones Was Found Murdered At Her Home. She Was The Witch That Defended Harry In The Order Of The Phoenix (2007)
In Knives Out (2019), The Type Of Phone That A Character Uses Hints At Their Guilt Or Innocence
Apple doesn't let villains use iPhones on camera. Ransom, the murderer, doesn't use an iphone
In The Matrix (1999) In The Real World Both Cypher And Mouse Are Bleeding From Both Ears In Every Scene
It’s a hidden detail in the original script.
“MORPHEUS This will feel a little weird.
There are several disturbing noises as he works the needle in.
We MOVE IN as Neo’s shoulders bunch and his face tightens into a grimace until a LOUD CLICK fires and his ears pop like when you equalize them underwater.”
When you enter the Matrix, your ears pop. Scuba divers often can get blood in their ears from this effect. So, the “jacking-in” causes the ears to pop. If repeatedly done (to talk to the machines or to see a woman in a red dress) would mean repeatedly popping your ears—causing them to eventually bleed.
The Opening Scene Of "Bladerunner 2049" (2017) Shows Giant Solar Concentration Farms, Which Are Based On The Real-Life Ivanpah Solar Electric Generation System In The Mojave Desert
You actually drive right past it if you take the Interstate 15 from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.
In Joker (2019), Arthur Performs At Pogo's Comedy Club. It Was Named After Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy. Gacy Would Regularly Entertain Children As "Pogo The Clown"
This nickname has been with my family for generations. Wayne Gacy didn't help.
In Weird Al's Movie "Uhf" (1989), A Man In The Audience Gets A Mouthful Of Whipped Cream
This is Dr. Demento (Barry Hansen), the novelty radio host who made Weird Al famous and launched his career. Hansen has also appeared in several Weird Al music videos.
In Shrek 2 (2004), The Kings Bedroom Has A Tapestry Of A Lily Pond
It foreshadows that he is the frog prince.
Shrek is hilarious! Sooo many adult jokes and popculture references! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The Phrase "There's A Snake In My Boot!" That Woody From 'Toy Story' (1995) Says Is A Reference To A Common Hallucination Suffered By Alcoholics In The 19th Century
In Pearl Harbour (2001), Michael Bay Gave His Dog A Cameo. He Was Named Mason, And He Was 5-Years-Old During Filming
In The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe (2005), If You Look Closely At The Lamppost, You Can See It Has Roots, Like A Tree. This Is Because In The Narnia Books, The Lamppost Was Grown From An Iron Bar Torn From A Similar Lamp In London
In Die Hard (1988), The Scene Where Uli Pockets A Candy Bar Was Improvised By Actor And Stuntman Al Leong
Writer Steven de Souza said “That assured him a longer life. I was killing somebody every eight or 10 pages but that moment made him interesting. He's one of the last guys to die.”