Did you know that barcode scanners actually scan the white spaces in-between the lines and not the lines themselves? Yep, it's true. I bet you never really though about it before, huh?
In fact, there are a lot of surprising things that you've probably never thought about before, and Bored Panda has compiled a list of them to prove so. Keep on scrolling to take a look and prepare to be mind blown because once you're through with it, you'll be thinking that you had it all wrong before! Don't forget to vote for your favorites.
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The Truth Is Out Now
And Here I Thought They Just Grow A Pair And Fly Out
And we thought humans were the most advanced life forms in earth. Like gifted things. We are nothing!
This Hurts My Brain
Now That's A Plot Twist
Plus, you know, it takes a pounding all the time. And sometimes a whole human baby passes through it. It's pretty damn tough.
Previously On How To Get Away With Murder
Happy Birthday, Kids!
So This Is What It Actually Means?
Okay - I never realized that until you said it just now. And I'm 72!
You Can Say This Sentence Seven Different Ways
Seems Like The Mongols Could Have Gotten A Little Boat And Just Gone Around
What Do I Do With This Information?
No Tears?
But in the TV commercials they pronounced it "no tears" as in no crying, and depicted kids wiping it away from their eyes with no problem.
Caveman Names Must've Been Interesting
i'm never asking somebody else for their name in the traditional way again. ever.
I Can’t Stop Thinking Of The Position Of My Tongue Now
I Think About This Way Too Much
Toy Story Just Got Disturbing
Now I'm Just Sad
Slang Itself Is Slang
This Is Transcendental
I Always Thought It's About Bulldozers
They Do What?!
Answer Your Own Questions
I Didn't Need This Information
The Joke Takes A Dark Turn
All These Years I’ve Been Looking At The Wrong Side
Pi Backwards Spells Pie
The Magic Is Gone Now
Thanks For Ruining Lollipops For Everyone Ever
It's Like Listening To A Remix Of A Song
Never Thought Of It That Way
That's why I've never bought a perfume based off a commercial, HOWEVER when they used to put the perfume strips in magazines, and it smelled good, I'd rub the page on myself and potentially buy.
Poor Pluto
Because They're Worth It?
Anyone Can Sound Like An Australian
If you say "Khakis" you just said "car keys" with a Manhattan, NY accent!
Watermelons Are Berries? And Strawberries Not?
This is a little too simplistic and doesn't accurately describe anything. Pumpkins and zucchini are squash but can technically be considered fruit. But then again so are beans, corn, coffee, and cucumbers. Strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries are aggregate fruits. Bananas, coffee, pistachios, peaches, and olives are drupes. Well....technically coffee is the pit of the coffee fruit....but still weird. Basically if you are eating the STRUCTURE of a plant, then it is a vegetable. Celery is the stalk, carrots are the roots, lettuce is the leaves...and so on. If the plant produces flowers through pollination, the result is a fruit regardless of what it looks like or how it tastes. Science is cool.
Toad Actually Wears A Hat
Shhhh, we don't speak of that. He's a goddamn mushroom head please don't tell me otherwise :oO
This Is Too Deep
I can't even focus on the caption, because the picture freaks me out to much!
Same With Older Siblings
I Honestly Thought Of Theater First
Gotta Love Paradoxes
Do They Speak Latin Because It's A Dead Language?
Such A Versatile Word
Plants Are Against Cremation Then
Optimal Use Of Chopsticks
Been living in Japan for 10 years. No one breaks them like that. YOUR LIFE IS TRUTH
Pig Beach?
Toaster Code Cracked
That's Bigger Than I Expected
But are you talking of real football or that football Americans play with their hands?
They Hacked The Pavement
I saw that recently and was a bit miffed, CHEATERS this one article-22...32x421.jpg really broke me though.
No Wonder Owls Are Behind A Number Of Cryptids, They're Scary!
But For Some God Forsaken Reason Pony And Bologna Do
I Do Enjoy Hallucinating Vividly
It all is about wording...why not rather put it like this: "We ensure warmness and cozyness through special sleepting cothes, which mitigate our lack of fur, and lay in the most relaxed way, being far away from comatose but rather providing our body and minds with the means to get adapted for another amazing day to come."
There's Nothing Behind Those Towels In The Store
OK Is A Tiny Human
That Drawer Is Actually Not For Muffin Trays
1.86x Stuffed Just Doesn't Have The Same Ring To It
The Arrow Next To The Gas Symbol Shows Which Side Your Tank Is On
You Can Avoid Spilling Your Juice Everywhere
Not All Turtles Are As Slow As You Think
Childhood Ruined?
Pac-Man's With You Anywhere You Go
Step Away, Beethoven
Pineapples Don’t Grow On Trees
And Then Katniss And Hermione?
Completely Different Shopping Experience From Now On
This Is How Cashews Grow
Works Both Ways
It's Called Corn For A Reason
FUN FACT - When the Goelitz Confectionery Company first produced candy corn, it was called "Chicken Feed." The boxes were illustrated with a colorful rooster logo and a tag line that read: "Something worth crowing for."
Just... Pizza
It's Not A Door After All!
The Weasley Twins Aren't Actually Ginger
Try It!
I've Been Doing This Wrong The Whole Time
Mr. Peanut Is Actually A Fashion Icon
Now I'm Just Singing A Mash Of This In My Head
I Hope You Figured Out ArticUNO, ZapDOS, MolTRES As A Kid
We're All The Same Inside
Finish's Powerball Isn't A Ball...
Apparently, You Can Tell If A Cranberry Is Ripe By Bouncing It
Fun fact: Did you know that some Snapple facts are actually false? That is the reason why they're called "Real" Facts, because some are false and others are true.