30 Times People Uncovered How Fake Some Pics On Instagram Are And Just Had To Share (New Pics)
Most of us are probably guilty of polishing our social media accounts. Some, however, don't stop there. They go above and beyond, inventing a totally new self. Luckily, the subreddit r/Instagramreality is dedicated to exposing these fakes, and allow us to see their true colors. With 598k active members, they regularly post new findings that sometimes look too bad to be true. Yet they are. If you're done scrolling and wish to check out more similar pics, fire up our other Instagram vs. Reality posts here and here.
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That Cloud Wont Leave Her Alone..
A Strong One
Good Old Fashioned Facebook. These Are Going To Give Me Nightmares
Don’t Doubt It
He “Travels” The World And He Has His Own Personal Fence Following Him Around The World
When You're Influencing So Hard You Grow A Second Bellybutton
Going Hiking
A hike to the back yard. I also do it sometimes. Mostly when picking up my dogs poop.
The Longer You Look, The Stranger It Gets.
Same Day Comparison
People Really Think They Can Photoshop Themselves Ten Pounds Lighter And Then Walk Out In Public Like No One Will Notice
Spotted On Twitter
Her Booty Just Melts Into The Seat
I Started Paying Attention To The Clouds Ever Since I Saw The Post On Here..
Tbh a picture doesn't need clouds to be good. A clear sky might be even better. I'm not saying they have rlly bad taste, im just saying that they might be trying to hard.
All Her Pictures Look Like This
Not Insta But... I Can't Even...
This Sub Summarized In A Picture
Devil Really Is In The Details
When You Facetune Your Skin To Oblivion But Forget To Adjust Your Claw
Smooth Criminal
How Do You Breathe With A Nose This Thin
Me On Instagram vs. When You Walk Into Me At The Supermarket
100% White Swedish Influencer (Blackfishing)
This Hurt My Eyes
The Longer You Look The Stranger It Gets
Not Getting This Voldemort Nose Trend
The Razor Burn Is Real
Why would you even wear these with those burns?? On insta you can filter them out ok but it is burned in our eyes forever. Can't unsee...