Getting comfortable in your own skin is something we all strive for. The tricky part is that the journey of getting there is different for each person. Like most, Renata Neia, a secretary from Colinas do Tocantins in Brazil, had a few detours before reaching this Holy Grail of self-love.
Renata gained a lot of weight after her second pregnancy and it started bothering her. So she started dieting. Eventually, Renata decided to track her progress with pictures. But she also wanted to make the process a little bit more fun, so she started posing like famous people and publishing the images on social media.
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To her surprise, these celebrity photo recreations blew up. Thousands of people appreciated Renata's honesty and her fanbase has been growing ever since. Even actress Giovanna Antonelli, who Renata is a fan of, started following her. The best part is that all of this made Renata accept her body and she started feeling beautiful the way she is.
Apparently holding on to a bunch of bananas on a stick makes you grow hair out your a*s. Never do that.
Why would someone pose in lingerie wearing stilettos on a motorcycle in the the first place?