Who is the person that always helps you? The person that hugs you when you feel like you'll never gonna be happy? When? Who?


my mom or my 6 year friend...


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Average Grizzlies Fan
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Keep that friend. They sound like a great friend. I had a bunch of friends before COVID hit, and then they seemed to abandon me. I've tried contacting them multiple times (group chats, individual chats, texts), and they've ignored it. I'm starting to wonder if they were actually my friends or if I'm reading too much into the situation.

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Not a human but my dog.



I have to say, there's no one I know who can ALWAYS make me smile. I tend to overthink a lot so I've always got that mentality of "What if they are actually annoyed with me? Should I just shut up? What if they really hate me..." and all that *great* stuff... However, there's one person that helps me escape from that anxiety, that helps me know she loves me. My best friend. She can usually make me happy. Just being around her makes me giggly and thankful and happy, I just love being around her so much. I'm hoping we stay friends for a long, long time. My mom (45) has 2 best friends she often meets up with on weekends, and they've known eachother since 3rd grade. I have hope, and I'm really looking forward to all of the crazy, dumb, and possibly cringey things I'll get to do with her. Thank you so much, A.W.


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My friend is always there for me



my mum! she was there for me the whole year, fought cancer with me! drove me to my therapies, took over the paperwork for me when I was too weak. she is severely disabled herself and in early retirement ... She is the strongest woman I know! I love her!


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A new friend who goes to my school but we became friends during online so we haven’t ever talk in person. He always makes me laugh and is the sweetest guy. I have a small crush on him but he likes someone else. But he is the best.

-A Girl


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My best friend lives 2,000 miles away but has always been my constant since we have known each other. We have a strong connection and can feel when the other is hurting even if we haven’t talked. When I have had a bad day, she will send me cupcakes from post mates, will drop everything when I call, and when things were so bad last year and I didn’t know how I was going to afford to eat, she literally sent me her last dollar. She is my entire heart and one of the few relationships I have that is completely reciprocal.


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My dad. Whenever I'm sad he just has to say ONE thing and im lmao


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My dad. He is the only one that talks NBA with me, and I always enjoy our debates on which player is better, which team is better, etc. It always cheers me up because he has extensive NBA knowledge, and I like learning more. I always enjoy a nice, 20 minute debate on the NBA.


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It would have to be my friend, let's call her Kai. She was the first person I came out to and she has been really supportive of me. Tomorrow I am going to come out to one of my other friends. I told her I was really scared and she told me that it will be alright and she will be there for me. I am really glad to have her in my life. When I am down, I go to her for help and she always knows how to cheer me up. We are both really sarcastic so her texts make me laugh and make me from being down to happy.


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My mother. I love hearing her voice. She calls me anytime she and my stepfather go shopping—she drives/he shops/she calls me. Recently, I got them signed up for In-Home Social Services because they’re in their mid-80s and there’s a lot of stuff they can no longer handle themselves...sadly, I think shopping is one of these since she hasn’t called me since that started. Sigh!


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The first time I held my daughter, I knew that my life would never be the same. They are the most wonderful, sweet, goofy, funny person I ever met. We just got off Zoom - they opened the Christmas presents I sent and we talked a bit. Looking forward to seeing them in person again when it's safe - after we get vaccinated and such.


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My boyfriend. He knows that I have anxiety problems and just lets me vent without a care in the world (other than losing me, he says).


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My Parents, Sis & My Panda


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So this one is a little weird but my best friends girlfriend ended up becoming my best friend to she’s been through a lot of the same stuff I have, and she is always there for me, as well as my other friends and my superhero mother.


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My BFFs let's call them 1,2,3, and 4. 1 can always make me smile and she always know just what to say at just the right time. 2 always knows the practical and smart things in life a d she can turn any small saying into either a joke or a argument. 3 is really my other half she is nothing like me yet the exact same, she is lesbian 🏳️‍🌈 and I might be a little as well? And last but not least 4. Oh wow 4 lol he is an amazing person all around and he can be annoying but he always has something funny to say and if you are sad he will do everything to make your day better. I love my friends and wouldn't be alive without them honestly! 😍❤❤❤❤


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Han Solo (she's a puppy)


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My mother and sister are always able to cheer me up when I am feeling down. They both help me to realize that whatever is going on is not that big of a deal.


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My sister's. I love both of them very much, both are badasses. One I refer to as baby girl the other I refer to as Beelzebub or All Daughter of Satan. It fits. Baby girl is technically older than Beelzebub. I'm the only one who seems to realize that she's organizing an army of evil to take over the world. You should be seeing why the two make me Grin whenever I think about them.


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My ex roommate. I suffer from a mental disorder and whenever I have suicidal thoughts, she'd be the one person I'd confide in. Despite working for the same ministry, the nature of our jobs don't allow us to meet often, but she maintains regular communication with me. I'm beyond grateful to have her as a friend.


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It's a toss up, so I'll call it a tie. My parents (because after 43 years of marriage), they still find time to be silly and joke around with each other, and seeing that make me believe there's still much love and good in the world. My small cohort of covid friends (which due to new restrictions I'm not longer able to see until further notice), whether in person, zoom, or over the phone, whether something silly thing like rewriting the 12 days of Christmas,going for a hike, or showing up on a zoom call in a weird getup, really makes the days a little brighter.


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My best friend, we always make up the most random stuff, and randomly laugh at stuff 🤣🤣🤣


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A close friend of mine is a teacher and she use to tell me stories about funny things the children said or did in school in her unique way of story telling which always makes me giggle no matter how bad I feel that day to the point that when we hang up I am in a good mood.


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