Julia Kaye is a 28-year-old cartoonist living in Los Angeles. She's already famous from her webcomic 'Up And Out', but last year a big change came to her life - she became a transgender woman. This was clearly a very hard step to make and Julia went and is still going through many challenges that bring both melancholic and optimistic feelings.
With encouragement from her friends, Julia started to make comics about her transition. The series focuses on her feelings, moments of insecurity or triumph while reaching important personal milestones, such as buying a dress for the first time, learning how to use eyeliner, and talking about her transition to her family and friends.
The artist found this process very therapeutic - "It got me to set aside time at the end of my day to reflect on how I was feeling. And because I was making the comics for myself, I allowed myself to be more honest than I might have been otherwise." Eventually Kaye decided to share the comics publicly, realizing she could give other trans people content that they could directly relate to, and the feeling that they're not alone, as well as give others insight into what it's like to live with gender dysphoria. Check them out!
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I've got tears, thoughts and smiles.. A real empathy booster and an awesome, brave and talented artist.. I adore Julia! Hugs from denmark
Save your vitriolic b******t. No one here cares about your narrow minded opinion. Rejecting a fundamental aspect of one's identity would be to repress who they truly feel they are, day after day, for a lifetime. Gender is about more than private parts, and if you don't know that or can't grasp that then you have no business contributing your opinion.
This series is giving me back some faith in humanity. Thank you.
There is an universal truth in this. Too often, we develop anxiety about something, only to realize that we worried for nothing. Story of my life...
😱💜 this is great, just changing "when you were a guy", to "when I thought you were a guy" makes the phrase change from underhandedly transphobic, to a way of showing validation while discussing something from before being out. What an amazing friend!
people like to say that external validation shouldn't mean anything... but it soooo does for everyone. Of course i want other people to like me, and not put me down, or invalidate my experiences because they haven't had to deal with them. The downer to being a social species... but also an upper when you gain a support network that can help keep you up when others get ya down.
You know, sometimes people are just tired or distracted ;) I've been called "Mr" by a cashier last week and I am a cis woman, I have long hair and currently huge tits thanks to breastfeeding. These kind of professions see a lot of people a day and repeating the same sentences again and again.... They are likely to make mistakes, you know, just like the kids that call the teacher "Mum" ;p Yet, I understand it can hurt your feelings. You don't need to grow a thicker skin for that (I'm affraid you're armor will have better use), you just have to realise you're a beautiful woman and that those kind of error are just scatterbrain mistakes.
I have to admit. Its a little hard for me to accept transgenders or, their lifestyle choices. But one things for sure: judging isnt an option. They are people, and not creatures like some people treat them as. Im glad Julie has loving friends in her life :)
Weren't you "Julie" in another comic? Or just a nickname perhaps. That name would be harder to mishear.
Welcome to the world of tall and insecure girls. This thing was so normal for me but i went over it.
I can never get it right. I struggle to the point that I get two different thick lines and get irritated
They're probably just trying to be nice and upset you 😔 I've seen it in person
Spent a Saturday night at a police station once, about a year and half into my transition... The officer refused to accept that my drivers license was mine...
I was washing up in the ladies' room last week and the lady using the sink next to me turned to me and said, "I just love your hair!" The effects of HRT are starting to show. Even at age 66. It's amazing,exciting, and wonderful!
I know many women that wear and buy guy cloths so I'd say wearing them occasionally would still be acceptable unless it makes you feel awkward then do what you need to do.
of course not! there's plenty of women with deep voices. think of cher! wonderful voice and nobody would question her femininity for that! :)
Sweetie, unfortunately, we girls have this talent for being our own worst critic.
You've discovered one of the unfortunate truths of female life. Welcome to the new normal!
It's so odd how people (includong me at times) add needless gender markers into our passing comments to strangers. Never realized this as much until I started transitioning.
I wish these weren't posted out of order with her transition timeline.
But... you're a woman ! That's why :D Every woman thinks like that, lol ! <3
This also happens to women who change their last name when they get married - takes forever to change everything over - seems like an endless process.
Unfortunately it comes with being a woman in our society :) sad, but women do have a hard time accepting compliments. And when we do - we are considered conceited (who does she think she is? She ain't all that). You are gorgeous!
Walking past a shop-facade can be hard those days... Now, 20+ laser treatments in, I'm finally all but free from dark facial hair...
That means you really are a woman, because all of us feel insecure (woman's beauty standards are so unreal and depressing for each of us).. Just never forget to love yourself for who you are ! You are so strong and brave, keep going forward girl !
Omg, what it's like to talk to a therapist? I never talked to one, i feel like they are just like everyone, they point their finger to their head and they say: "Your problem is you, not your body". Idk, does a therapist at least hear us and confort? They seem like they are there to say: "You are transgender" or "You are not transgender" , I don't want to talk to someone and say: "I'm 100% sure is this what i want" so they let me be who I'm. If I say: "I'm not really sure, this is so confusing", it looks like they will say: "SO YOU ARE CONFUSED, YOU ARE NOT TRANSGENDER, OUR SECTION IS OVER, NEXT"
As someone who had a close friend transition it was a little hard switching pronouns and I felt horrible but eventually we got there.
I just started my transition five months ago, and it feels like it's barely moving at all...your comics are enormously helpful and reassuring to me...oh, and inspiring!