When you think of it, the Christmas holiday is really the perfect time to crack a joke or two, or go on a full-on week-long comedy bender. Everyone, yourself included, is kinda in a good mood, so the chances of offending someone are at yearly lows (unless you step into politics or decide to school the anti-Covid-vaxers, of course). After all, it’s all about having fun, and fun is in the eye of the beholder, right?
So this time, Bored Panda compiled a festive list of people having the time of their lives thanks to a smashing sense of humor, overall good spirits, and a dash of absurdity, which is always a big part of Christmas.
Get ready to relate a whole lot, and don't forget to upvote your favorite pics! And after you’re done reading this one, don’t forget to check out our previous humorous posts with 42 people having a worse Christmas day than you, and a priceless compilation with 45 Christmas memes.
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My Aunt’s First Selfie With Her First Ever Smart Phone She Got For Christmas
A Buddy Of Mine Put This Up As His Christmas Tree
"My Cat Is Afraid Of Tangerines, So I Created A Force Field To Protect The Christmas Tree"
Chances are we will be remembering the Christmas holidays: 2020 edition forever. One of the most awaited celebrations of the year has undergone a dramatic shift due to the coronavirus pandemic, with many staying behind closed doors, opting for virtual conversations with friends and family.
On the other hand, living in the times of the greatest public health crisis in modern history may feel like a perfect time to cut back on holiday-related excesses, like mindless shopping and overabundance of food. According to The Atlantic, “people often identify holiday profligacy as a modern problem, hastened by malls and chain stores and online shopping.”
But it turns out that the history of indulgent celebrations is as old as the history of civilization itself. For example, the ancient Roman holiday of Saturnalia, a days-long December feast, was already criticized for being too materialistic at the time.
My Wife And I Are Expecting In The New Year. My Sister’s Name Is Emily. This Worked Out Well
Celebrating Christmas With My Wife’s Family, When Suddenly
Special 2020 Feature
These days, Christmas has become a part of our personal and cultural identities that go hand in hand with the capitalist modus operandi. Dell deChant, a religion professor at the University of South Florida, told The Atlantic that in that sense, Christmas is a great normalizing experience. “If we’re not able to consume, then, to a certain extent, we’re marginalized—within the culture, as well as in our own minds.”
But if other years, indulging in the gifts galore and holiday sales shopping was part of the whole experience, this year may be an excellent opportunity to rethink our priorities and turn to what’s really important. After all, an endless sea of discounted candy or perfumed soap isn’t going to make us any happier, but a call to a family member will.
Every Picture Tells A Story
I Saw The Apron While Shopping, And Decided To Do A Remake Of My Mother’s Favorite Picture For Christmas. 23 Years Apart
Did A Christmas Scavenger Hunt. This Is What My Grandpa Sent For 3 Wise Men
The Real Heroes
Until Karen with their Homeowners Association sees it and the passive-aggressive nasty notes start, that is. Some people just have no imagination. Or sense of humor.
I'm No Longer Allowed To Help With The Xmas Decorations
My Sister Thought My Leg Could Use More Holiday Spirit
Merry Christmas. I Spent An Hour This Morning Turning My Hair Into A Christmas Tree For A Costume Contest At Work. I Have No Shame
Christmas 2017
Mom Listens, Mom Delivers
For Christmas, My Mom Got My Dog And I Matching Pajamas
Look What I Found
Christmas 2020
Me And My Cat's Christmas Card Was Deemed "Sacrilegious" By A Few People. What Do You Think?
Happy Solstice
And if we don't do things differently in 2021, next year will be EVEN LONGER..
My Annual Christmas Photo With My Housemates
Winner Of Best Christmas Card
This Christmas Card I Thought Everyone Would Enjoy
My Son's Letter Santa. I Think He Knows
How To Get Everyone In The Family Picture
Merry Christmas Beard
My Daughter's Christmas List I Just Read. I Almost Choked On My Burger
Math Teacher Is So Smug
If You Ever Feel Useless, Remember You Can Turn On Subtitles For The Yule Log. Merry Christmas
Meanwhile In Australia
This Year's Christmas Card With The Roommates Turned Out Better Than The Expected
I endorse this trend. Uncomfortable roomate photos, waaay better than cheesy family photos.
We Know The Teenage Kids Will Never Find It In Here
Not until they decide to do that one good thing for the end of the year to help you guys, and turn on the dishwasher with this in it :)
Merry Christmas From My Hilarious Coworkers
Our Christmas Card This Year
I Asked My Husband To Take On Some Christmas Cards This Year. My Sister Just Sent Me This Picture Of What He Wrote
My Friend's Christmas Card
You Can Tell The Age Of A Tree From Its Rings
Day Five Of Sneaking Things Into The Nativity Scene Until Someone Notices
My Mom Got Fed Up And Said She'd Cancel Christmas If She Finds The Blocks Rearranged To Spell Anything That's Not "Holiday Themed"
I Got My Little Brother A Ghillie Suit For Christmas And Now He Wont Stop Hiding Behind The Tree
My Cousin Has No Idea Why People Are Laughing At Her Deer
True Christmas Spirit
My Wife Told Me To Get Dressed Up For Professional Xmas Photos. Think I Nailed It
"The Perfect Christmas Tree For 2020 Doesn't Exi-"
Friend’s Christmas Sweater
My Daughter Always Steals Printer Paper To Draw On So For Christmas I Wrapped A Pack Of 500 Pages Of Paper. Easiest Present Ever
She started running around screaming with excitement.
Best present I received as a child was a ream of paper, rolls of tape, paperclips etc. I built soo many things.
So After I Bought This House I Was Informed My Neighbors Do It Big For Christmas. I Spent A Lot Of Money Already Buying A New Tree And All The Decorations For The Inside, So I Talked To My Neighbor And We Came Up With The Perfect Solution
I promise i'm not really a grinch!