What's funnier than a hedgehog enjoying a car ride? Or a bear climbing onto a bird feeder? A wild boar making a nudist bather chase it all around the beach by stealing their laptop, of course.
Animals never cease to find new ways to make us laugh. Luckily, we regularly capture them and share the footage on the Internet for everyone to see.
However, finding them online can be a hassle. So to save you some time, Bored Panda has put together a list of some of the funniest animal photos online, and they're all waiting for you below! Enjoy.
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Every Year This Mama Duck Brings Her Babies To My House And I Help Her Take Care Of Them. This Morning I Opened My Door To 13 New Peeping Fluff Balls
However, the animals themselves probably won't be able to fully enjoy these photos.
Take dogs for example. They see their owners all the time in photographs. They even recognize their owner's faces. And while dogs are not able to fully understand photographs, and can't recognize things in all photographs, they are still more advanced than any other animal at facial recognition.
Pooches can respond to a number of gestures, such as pointing. In fact, they can do this better than chimpanzees. To put things into perspective, full-grown dogs are said to have the intellectual capabilities of a 3-year-old human, and toddlers can begin retrieving objects based on photographs.
A Beautiful Hummingbird's Nest With A Leaf Roof
Research has shown that dogs can use photographs to gain information. Let's say there's a photo of a ball. The dog will likely be able to recognize that photo if it is in another room. Even though dogs certainly don't understand all pictures, they recognize items that are familiar to them.
So if you're enjoying these pics, feel free to share the article with your friends and family. If you show it to your pet, however, chances are they will just sniff the screen and move on with their day. Sorry.
A Friend Nursed An Injured Crow Back To Health After It Got Trapped In Her French Quarter Courtyard. These As Some Of The Things The Crow Has Been Bringing Her As Apparent Gifts
This Little Dude And I Have Had Breakfast/Lunch Together Everyday For The Last 4 Weeks, Always Bring Him Something To Eat And He Just Sits Next To Me For My Entire Break At Work
Nice Old Next Door Lady Left This Note At My Parents Front Door
Quokkas Are The Face Of Happiness
Mummy Quokka and baby sharing a laugh - so did you hear the one about the kangaroo and the platypus?
Winter, When The Leaves Have Fallen And The Trees Are Bear
Big Derp. Huge
Deal With The Devil
Here’s My Favorite Picture Of Me With A Snuggly Capybara
The Look On That Seal's Face
Let’s Take A Moment To Appreciate This Lovely Cow
Auto Synchronization
Norwegian Police
The Reason Water Wasn’t Coming Out
I Post This Old Christmas Photo Because I Just Noticed My Pocket Square Is My Sister’s Hamster
I Was Photobombed By An Iguana While In Puerto Rico
Safety First
Look, It’s Me
The Way My Chameleon Hides On My Military Backpack
A Very Polite Lioness. I Imagine Her Saying, "Why, Thank You For The Compliment!"
Looks Like This Pigeon Has A Pretty Intense Phone Call
That’s A Weird Looking Bird
My Sister Accidentally Caught This Pikes Peak Proposal On Camera
Fluffiest Cow
She's Wearing Her Crown
This Little Man Made Himself At Home While I Cleaned His Enclosure. He Didn't Want To Let Go When I Was Finished, I Guess He Enjoyed My Warmth
They Got Photobombed By Raccoons On Their Wedding Photo Shoot
Pool Party
These Two "Students" Startled Me On Campus, But Then Adopted This Position To Let Me Know They Were Sorry
No Talk With Me Im Angy
Who Knows, Maybe She's Barn With It
It’s Gonna Be A Looong Car Ride
A Friend's Chicken Needs A Hairband For Its Chicken-Fro
I'm Volunteering In A Bear Refuge In Croatia And I Thought Like Sharing This Photo Of A Chillaxing Lad With You Guys
Quarantine, Day 14. Me And My Boyfriend Spent The Whole Day Setting Up An Art Gallery For Our Gerbil
My Cousin's Hamster After Eating A Ton Of Popcorn
Horse Lady
I Came Home Last Night To Find This Thief Just Standing There Menacingly
My Brother And I Have Pet Frogs And They Don't Mind If You Put Stuff On Them So We 3D Printed Little Hats
Little Helpers
First, we load the dishwasher, THEN we feed the cows. We do it this way every morning. Doing dishes has never appeared more riveting.