Cats are elegant and graceful creatures. Except when they're not. As you probably already know if you have one (or saw our articles 50 Hilarious Examples Of Cat Logic, 161 Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Choices, and 50 Overdramatic Cats Who Deserve An Oscar), felines can be really silly too. And we have more pics to prove it!
Found on the subreddit r/AnimalsBeingDerps, these images show that no matter how high you're able to jump or how well you find your way in the dark, once in a while you will still land on your butt or bump into a mirror.
Continue scrolling to meet the critters and check out more derpy cats here.
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Give My Compliments To The Chef
Oliver Can Be A Bit Clingy
While these derpy "accidents" are just cute innocent hiccups, they provide us with an opportunity to talk about a more serious topic. A cat's behavioral changes might actually indicate that there is something wrong with it. So if your kitty starts acting weird, it's a good idea to try and determine the reason why. In these cases, the experts at Acoma Animal Clinic suggest considering three options:
Stress. Did you recently move to a new place or undergo a major life change? Chances are, you're not the only one feeling anxious about it. Your cat might be experiencing difficult emotions because of it, too. Since cats are sensitive creatures, it is not uncommon for this animal to feed off of its owner's stress.
Plus, even the slightest change in a cat’s environment can disrupt its mood as well. Too much noise, car rides, and the addition of another animal or human to the family dynamic can all act as causes for heightened stress levels in your cat.
A couple of symptoms of a stressed cat may include over-grooming or being extra needy. Other signs to look for are a decrease in appetite, aggression, and withdrawal.
In these cases, you can help your feline friend by creating stress-free environments. Providing your cat with quality food, hiding places and scratching posts are all ways that can help in alleviating stress.
This Was Supposed To Be A Plant Progress Post Showing Off My Oxalis But Henk Stole The Show
He Do A Danger Dance
The Love Of My Life
Depression. Just like their owners, cats also go through episodes of depression. Even bigger changes in the environment, feelings of loneliness or someone's death can all bring about this state.
Signs of a depressed cat can include irritability or hissing, as well as laziness or wanting to be left alone. If your cat has been known for its affection and playfulness but it began scratching or ignoring you lately, those might be indications of feline depression.
The good news is that you can help your pet. Keeping your cat busy with plenty of toys, leaving the blinds up or open when you are gone, and showering it with attention whenever you can, can help to ease the animal back into normal life.
He’s Feeling The Halloween Spirit Too
The Great Hunter Stalks It's Prey
Sickness. Like many other animals, cats have learned to hide their illness from prey in order to survive. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult for their owner to know when they're ill or in physical discomfort.
That means that a sick cat may not be easy to spot until its symptoms are no longer able to go unnoticed. One change you might spot is major weight loss or gain. This will often go alongside a decrease or an increase in the animal's appetite, so be aware of any major change in your cat's diet.
Changes in your cat's bowel movements, such as diarrhea, or urination, and vomiting, are also signs to call or visit your local vet.
While these things might sound scary, remember that you know your kitty best so keep your eyes open and trust your heart.
Heeeelp Meeeee
My Cat Trying To Eat Fake Grass
Mistakes Were Made
5 Minutes Ago They Were Chasing The Laser
Got My Cat A Tent, I Think He Likes It
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome
My Indoor Cat’s First Time Experiencing Heights & He Instantly Regretted It
Derp Moment Right Before A Zoomie
Kevin Took A Visit To The Land Behind The Dryer
"I Hope My Disguise Works!"
Kitten Inherited Her Mama’s Curiosity
Caught My Cat Just Casually Living In A Different Realm Of Gravity
Boss: "Why Is Your Work Productivity So Low"
Bobo (17 Yr Old) After Getting Some Head Rubs
Just Bought An Ac. He Sleeps All Day With His Butt Facing It
Kitty Is Unsure About The Printer
Sometimes I Just Wanna Be "Cat"
She's Just Trying To Pay Her Student Loans
My Kitten Likes To Stick Her Tongue Out (She Thinks She’s A Dog)
Looks Confy
Whenever I Make Spaghetti For Dinner My Cat Finds An Un-Rinsed Dish And Ends Up With Marinara Blush
“Are You Going To Do Something About This?”
"The Hell Is Wrong With This Guy"
You Pet Him And Not Me? Instant Jealousy
Dropping A Hint To My Human
Not Sure What's Going On Here
Our Kitten Crawled Into My Girlfriend's Sleeve
Love It That Cats Have No Idea How Hilarious They Look When They Do Stuff Like This
The Kitten Will Only Stop Crying If I Hold Him Upside Down
Smile For The Camera
Why's My Lecturer Gotta Use A Laser Pointer ?!
He Is Really Enjoying
Our cat loves that too - she also enjoys it when you throw her out of the shovel into the air with the snow.
I Present To You My Spirit Animal
This is Maru the cat! Look him up at youtube. So many gorgeous videos.