Hi! My name is Amanda and I am the owner of Hey Meeko.

I have always been into creative hobbies. When I was 11, I started creating jewelry pieces such as necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. I then moved on to creating polymer clay charms and Perler beading.

When the lockdown began in 2020, my workplace was closed, and I wasn't able to work anymore. For a while, like many others, I was playing Animal Crossing on Nintendo Switch, not knowing how to occupy myself, until l started looking for a hobby.

I started learning how to crochet with the amigurumi technique. After a few months of trying, I gave up, until I decided to pick it up again. From there, my journey of creating crochet Animal Crossing or Pokemon characters started. Soon enough I started making chubby-style animals such as whales, which is one of the more popular crochet plushies.

I began to share my work online, created an Instagram account, and decided to start a side hustle to see how it would go. I have since branched out to have a table at anime conventions and markets, and I started accepting custom orders as well. I love creating cute, chubby crochet creations that people can squish, cuddle, or 'cute up' a part of their everyday life with.

More info: | Instagram | Etsy

What inspires me is a variety of things. This could be anything from a cartoon, animations or even just photos of cute animals.

My customers also give me loads of inspiration in the things they request! Sometimes when I make a custom, they request something that I've never worked on before and it inspires to make more characters or designs!


Our Other Popular Item, Chonky Dinosaur

Our Other Popular Item, Chonky Dinosaur

HeyMeeko Report


Started Off Crocheting Pokemon Like Oddish

Started Off Crocheting Pokemon Like Oddish

HeyMeeko Report

Sometimes I create polls to engage with the community to see what they would like to see created from me and create new designs from there.

At first when I started crocheting, I faced challenges in the types of yarn I was using and making sure I was counting rows and stitches correctly! To be honest, I still make mistakes and have to unwind the project and restart again. It definitely takes practice and I do owe it to my determination back then to keep improving and finding a style that suited me that makes me enjoy crocheting and creating even more.


Custom Order Idea From A Friend That Wanted A Giant Whale Crochet Plush, It Is Now One Of My Most Popular Plushies

Custom Order Idea From A Friend That Wanted A Giant Whale Crochet Plush, It Is Now One Of My Most Popular Plushies

HeyMeeko Report


Crochet Pot Plant Sprout Buddy

Crochet Pot Plant Sprout Buddy

HeyMeeko Report

It can be a balancing act when creating customs and working on inventory for my conventions.

I currently have a waiting list for custom orders and let them know an estimate timeframe on when I am able to work on their order.

I tend to prepare as much as I can with conventions but as I also have other work, I have to balance life and work and set time aside - it can be stressful at times thinking I may not have enough stock! But I enjoy every step of the way!


Crochet Pot Plant Sprout Buddies

Crochet Pot Plant Sprout Buddies

HeyMeeko Report


I hope that I can start creating and selling my own patterns for Hey Meeko in future! I have been asked a few times and I am terrible at writing down patterns (they are usually just stored in my head) but I definitely would like to do this one day and share my cute chubby creations to the world. I would love to branch out to some cute crochet baby wear but that may take awhile before I get there!


Cute Tiny Bunny

Cute Tiny Bunny

HeyMeeko Report

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ekclove11 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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Crochet Pot Plant Sprout Buddies That Don't Need Water

Crochet Pot Plant Sprout Buddies That Don't Need Water

HeyMeeko Report

See Also on Bored Panda

Size Comparison Of Mini Keychain Whale vs. Giant Crochet Whale

Size Comparison Of Mini Keychain Whale vs. Giant Crochet Whale

HeyMeeko Report


Teacup Sized Crochet Whales

Teacup Sized Crochet Whales

HeyMeeko Report

See Also on Bored Panda