If hospitals are supposed to help you get well, then they ought to be doing this in every single way possible. From making the surroundings warm and welcoming to providing you nutritious, wholesome, and homely meals so you can get your strength back as fast as possible. Unfortunately, you Pandas and I all know that this isn't the case. Hospital food is absolutely horrid in a huge number of hospitals. And, frankly, we deserve better.
We wanted to show you just how bad hospital food can get all over the world, so our hard-working team at Bored Panda compiled this list that's bound to make you angry like professional chef Gordon Ramsay. Remember to upvote the best of the worst photos and let us know what the food was like during your most recent stay at the hospital.
The reason why hospital food is so bad and so banal it hurts is because of money. Or rather, the lack of it. And let's not forget the fact that often hospitals don't even make the food that they serve to patients and the staff members themselves; they outsource it. As you're about to find out, there are quite a few things that look as lonely on a plate as two tiny sausages with some parsley.
I wanted an insider's perspective, so I reached out to Holly D., a labor and delivery nurse. She told Bored Panda that she's experienced hospital as a patient as well and was very let down by it. "I have been in a patient role in the not-so-distant past and have experienced the dreaded hospital food tray. This often leads the patient to request family members to drop off alternate food to them at the hospital. For me, it was disappointing, to say the least, after laboring and finally delivering my first child," she said. Have a read through her in-depth insights on how to fix hospital food below, dear Pandas.
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This Is The Meal My Wife’s Hospital Had The Audacity To Serve For Nurses Appreciation Week. I Live In Phoenix
After a year nurse shortages, running out of PPE, working employees to the bone without hazard pay.
What You Get For Breakfast In A Hungarian Hospital
Hospital Administration Told Us They'd Be Treating Us To Dinner During Our Shift. "Dinner" Is One Individual, Frozen, Uncooked Meatloaf Per Person. This Is Georgia
Happy nurse's week, y'all.
"At a prior hospital that I worked for, a newly appointed director questioned every patient during their stay to hear our patients' biggest complaints and/or concerns. The recurring theme was 'bad food.' Once we received this feedback, the idea for an alternate menu for laboring/postpartum women was introduced. I couldn’t help but support this brilliant idea, and helped implement the importance of this change in menu with our mothers," nurse Holly explained that even though the food is bad, some staff members are willing to implement changes after hearing out the complaints.
I was interested to get Holly's take on why some hospitals cut corners with their food when instead it should be something filling and nutritious to help them recover quicker. According to Holly, the importance of meals while at the hospital cannot be understated.
"Food is a large part of people’s lives in every culture. It brings people together and in most instances, it is associated with happiness. For the patient, meals become the highlight of their day, especially if their time with us is extensive. In my experience, diet is one of the areas where the budget is kept to a minimum. Nutrition seems to always be met, but not always in a very creative or appetizing way," she said.
Hospital Food Yummy
It's mashed potatoes, something you'd feed to your bunny (or is it some kind of chicken pellets?), and water I guess?
This Hospital In USA Failed
Hospital Food In Italy
What the heck is that? It looks like something that would put you into the hospital!
In Holly's view, the biggest problem with hospital food is the lackluster presentation. "When you are hospitalized, the last thing you want to be presented with is an unappetizing or highly aromatic meal in front of you. Food styles and/or cuisines should be updated. One alternative would be to offer a modernized menu for patients to select from, including choices like a bento box, flatbreads, and/or rice bowls," she suggested.
"Hospitals could incorporate a system that allowed the patient to select an alternative menu or one that includes 'fun' foods like the menu we implemented for our laboring/postpartum mothers. This would astronomically improve these patient satisfaction scores, thereby making staff members more appreciated.
Unfortunately, these alternate menus are not a standard of practice in most hospitals, and sadly it is one of the first to be taken away when the budget is cut," nurse Holly told Bored Panda that even though there are alternatives to the current low standards, sadly, they're all reliant on financial decisions from up above.
A Hospitals Take On Vegetarian Cuisine. Germany
Can You Identify My Austrian Hospital Food?
A good guess might be "depression", but actually, it was some sort of cow paste (it immediately fell apart, it was basically the consistency of mousse) in paprika sauce, mashed potato, and mushy pea purée.
Dinner In Irish Maternity Hospital
Financially speaking, feeding people well is expensive. And the thinking tends to be, why bother giving someone nutritious, healthy, costly meals when you can get away with a piece of bread and a sad chunk of cheese? After all, a hospital is all about helping you get better, not feeding you.
However, that line of thinking simply doesn't work when you consider the huge importance that food has on our health. In fact, have a think about how you feel when you've been eating fresh food for a while versus how lethargic you feel when you've been consuming plenty of sugar and fast food. The difference is night and day.
"Lasagna" According To Adventist Hospital
Celebratory Steak Dinner Offered By Hospital For Proud Mother And Father
Since We're Posting Our Hospital Meals (UK)
You got all kinds of stuff, to the left and right of your tray.....and even your tray of food would look good, except it looks like somebody dngaf when it was time to put the green stuff on, and just poured what was left on your plate. Thank god you don't have to pay for it, right? But yeah, that's ridiculous
According to ‘Wise Geek,' hospital food is a subset of institutional food which focuses on cutting costs and appealing to the widest number of customers as possible. Though, to be fair, it's tough to imagine how the bland/disgusting food that's served is meant to appeal to anyone.
Is it enough for you to survive in a tight spot? Probably. Is it something that's going to rouse your spirits and give your body the necessary nutrients to get stronger quickly? Doubtful. The secret ingredient might be love, but there's not much of that around!
This Veggie Burger Was Served To Me In The Hospital. 10/10 For Presentation
Hospital Lunch In Romania
This is probably one of the better ones so far... and as a Irish/Romanian mix, my Irish side is screaming far more than my Romanian side, because at least this isn't questionable gray mud.
My Hospital Food Memories Are Scary. It's Lithuania
For the majority of us, hospital food will only ever be a quirky anecdote to tell our friends. But we forget about the people who stay in hospitals for weeks, months, and even years at a time. Imagine having to eat that swill every day. Food and cooking are important parts of being a human being and a member of your local community and society at large.
I'd actually argue that by feeding people bland, ghastly, and shocking food, you're depriving them of one of the biggest joys of being human. And that can't be good for your health. Physical, emotional, or spiritual.
Yesterday's Hospital Breakfast In Chicago. The Garnish Really Makes It
My First Meal In A Week, At A Hospital For Meningitis, Entertain Me, Please. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Well today, we have chicken a la sweetcorn, with a jus of coagulated grease ..
Vegetarian Meal Sent Up For My Friends Hospital Meal
If nothing else she can beat it to death with that rather solid looking baguette.
Groats With Vomit, From My Stay At A Polish Hospital
I could have taken the exact same picture a week ago in hospitalisation. That’s exactly what it looked like. I mean, you know it’s food because someone diced the ingredients and heated everything up - but other than that I would never tell it’s meant for human nutrition.
The Toasts One Of My Patients Got At The Hospital For Breakfast
Hospital Breakfast
It's baked eggs covered with American cheese.
Chicken Teriyaki Given To Us For Nurses Week By My Hospital
Vegan Hospital Food: Potato
Hospital Dinner In Germany At 16:30
Third Week Of Living On Vegan Hospital Food And I’ve Lost 10 Kg. I Have No Idea What This Is
Hospital Food Looks Like The Opposite Of Food. America The Great US
Pretty sure your meal got mixed up and should have gone to the lab instead
This French Hospital Food Is Getting Worse - Potatoes And What I Think Was A Boiled Cabbage
I think it's endive/chicory. It's an acquired taste, as it's a bit bitter. Well prepared it's quite good, my favorite preparation is first boiled, then seared in a pan with a bit of brown sugar. The sugar breaks the bitterness.Quite common in north of France and Belgium as a winter vegetable, as it is grown inside.