Finding a job is rarely a simple or quick task. Crafting an impressive résumé, sending it to potential employers, getting an interview, and reaching an agreement often take months. On the other hand, losing it can take just a few seconds. All it takes is one pivotal mistake, and you’re out the door. 

Recently, redditor TeddyBabyyy was wondering about a similar thing, which led them to ask an online community the question, “Managers of Reddit, what's the worst thing an employee has done to get themselves fired?” And, well, people had a lot to say, from causing clothes to catch on fire to shoveling money out of the cash register. 

Scroll down to find more stories of workers who got sacked for the strangest reasons and a conversation with the person who started this discussion in the first place. 


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Not a manager, but have been in the restaurant biz for 30 years. Worst I saw was a 40+ chef hitting on and basically attempting to molest our 16 year old hostess. I caught him myself. He had her cornered in the dish room with nobody around. Even though he was a full chef and me just a sous, and 10 years my senior, I basically kinda fired him. Told him if he didn't leave now of his own free will and never come back, he would be leaving on a stretcher, possibly in a bag. Poor girl was in tears. It's been somewhere around 15 years, and it still infuriates me to think about.

She pressed charges, it was all on camera, and he was arrested. Got off light though on a plea, which also infuriates me. Got a couple months in jail (not even prison), years of probation, and didn't even have to register on the sex offenders list. Which also infuriates me until this day. He was never a chef anywhere around here ever again though. We blackballed the f**k out of him.


Sorry. Had to get that out.

EDIT: I'm not a hero guys. I'm just what every adult should be. Zero tolerance to bullies and people that ignore consent.

WileEPyote , Jason Leung Report

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hughcooks avatar
Hugh Cookson
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm an ex Chef with 35 years in front of the stove and have seen this sort of scenario too many times over the years. When I eventually ended up in senior positions I made it very clear to all the staff in whatever capacity, that not only would harassment, sexual or emotional, and bullying to whatever degree, would NOT be tolerated and if reported they'd be facing a good kicking, then they'd be out of a job (and in some cases out of somewhere to live as many of my staff lived in), they'd also lose whatever tips were in the communal pot and finally they wouldn't be able to find work within a 20 mile radius as my contact book was quite full. Oh, and they'd not get a reference. Harsh, but it worked. I only had to do this 3 times over a 20 year period.

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“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Cart associate at Walmart was playing on his phone while using the cart mule to push a large line of carts. He ran over an elderly woman breaking her leg and hip. Was immediately fired. Not sure what all happened to him legally, but he was out of our store.

Prestigious-Area4559 , Markus Spiske Report

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bogdanchelariu avatar
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tori Ohno
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My mother is elderly. The thought of that happening to her leaves me murderous. He'd be paying for her house after that.

johnluckmann_1 avatar
John Luckmann
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was a cart pusher for years. How does that even happen cause the mule stops like instantly. Did he just ignore any noises around? Cause even with not looking you should be able to immediately stop the second you hear something weird. If I imagine her leg straight up first the cart mule had to hit her, then it would take another second for her to fall to the ground, thats 2 seconds he had to simply remove his finger from the button before it started to go over her leg.

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“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Guy xerox copied multiple pics of his d@#k, put them in envelopes, and placed them under the windshield wipers of the female employees. Total creep.

voyeurheart , IamLeRichards Report

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andreadevine avatar
Full of Giggles
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Recently fired one of my farm hands because he had exposed himself to one of our intellectually disabled employees. He denied everything and had the audacity to ask if I was going to believe a “r****d” over him. It took every ounce of energy I had not to punch him in the throat.

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Bored Panda reached out to redditor nicknamed TeddyBabyyy, who started this discussion in the first place and was kind enough to answer a few of our questions.

Naturally, we were curious to know what inspired them to take such a matter online. They told us, "I recently had to train a new employee. We work at a seafood restaurant. He lasted a week after he was caught defecating in customer food."

Trying to see the light in such situations, our interviewee believes that losing your job isn't always bad. "Sometimes losing a job lights a necessary fire under you to straighten up. Although the trainee had to have been on drugs."


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Removing the high limit switch on a dryer causing the clothes to catch on fire.


TAC1313 , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Literally just shoveled money out of the cash register into his pockets with 3 separate cameras looking at him. He took several thousand dollars.

Nuttonbutton , Radek Homola Report


Not a manager but HR here... had a male employee who would heavily flirt with a female coworker (to the point of causing disruptions in training classes and meetings) stop his work vehicle next to this employee at a worksite where she was sitting due to not feeling well. He offered to drive her to the sector office, which she accepted, then offered her an "asprin" and water, which, unfortunately, she also accepted. Yeah... he roofied her on the job, in a work vehicle, at a worksite. Thank goodness she demanded to be let out of the truck once she realized she was feeling really strange, and he actually complied with her request to let her out.


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missal_warrior_0c avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hope he went to prison. That’s not even a spur of the moment s****y choice that requires planning to get the d***s.

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Indeed, there is a big chance that something much better is waiting for you out there, and losing a job doesn't mean the end of the world. Most likely, the fear of losing your position is much worse than the loss itself.

Researchers at the University of Michigan have found that those who feared being dismissed from their role reported poorer health and more symptoms of depression than those who had actually been laid off.


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Mechanic of 32 years got fired for disabling the RF entry card readers on the back side of the warehouse, so he could throw parties in it after warehouse hours, nobody batted an eye until they mistakenly invited the plant manager to it.

Mobile-Physics-3507 , Pixabay Report


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Not a manager but a carpenter with several employees but I had a worker doing a window replacement I'm a person's home. The room he was working in had a fully stocked bar. Employee drank a 400$ bottle of liquor and homeowner found him passed out in their guest room.

bigfatfish5000 , Adam Wilson Report


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Supposed to drive a car from one city to another on a Friday. Probably 2 hour trip? Took it to Mexico and partied for a weekend and delivered the car on Monday. This was not even a border state.

Difficult_Image_4552 , Justine Camacho Report

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davidmelcher avatar
Javelina Poppers
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3 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

One young co-worker called in on monday during spring break and said he was in another town visiting his sister and his car died and it was going to take a couple of days to get the part to fix it, so the boss gave him an excused absence and told him to hurry back when he could. That night on the evening news they were doing a story on the college spring break madness on a beach in Mexico. Guess who was front and center falling down drunk for the live close up.

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“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Someone got fired because he went in the bathroom on his break and huffed the bottle of canned air and passed out.

He was a good employee too, what a waste.

TheBigC87 , wikipedia Report


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Dumbest, maybe not the worse: A mechanic in my chemical plant wrapped expensive copper tubing around his chest and put his coat over it. It was a really cold day and it started drawing up to where he couldn't breathe - just as he got to the guard gate. The guards had a good laugh unwinding the soon-to-be-unemployed mechanic.

p38-lightning , Ra Dragon Report


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Guy was just hired, he asked to go home on his second day because he [pooped] his pants. Alright, s**t happens, a little tmi but what can you do? He must be an honest soul. Went home for the afternoon, came in on the third day [pooped] his pants again and asked to go home. There was no fourth day.

OmegaChadAlphaMale , peus80 Report

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ritchat7 avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Maybe he had a chronic illness like morbus crohn? Then I would feel very sorry for him.

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“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Had a guy who was late one day…who then called and tried to get coworkers to bail him out of jail on the drunk driving charges he got…on the way to work that morning.

TheBimpo , Report

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glennschroeder avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had a coworker who got thrown in jail on Friday night, called the boss to bail him out (which the boss did), and then didn't show up for work on Saturday morning. Not a good career move.

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“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Manager of a store (mid 30s) stole around $1,000 of our store bank and used it to pay for his trip to meet up with his 14 year old girlfriend multiple states away.

natralala , yousef alfuhigi Report


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired I had one dude writing creepy fantasy stories about females AT WORK.....on the WORK COMPUTER 🤦‍♂️.

DarkKnight77 , Anna Shvets Report

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luke-branwen avatar
Luke Branwen
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

While I (God forbid) don't write creepy incel erotica, writing on the clock is totally something I'd do 😅

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“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Maybe not the worst, but drinking beer during a Zoom call while on camera. At 9am. After asking for accommodations related to your problems with alcohol.

Brother_Farside , Gabriel Benois Report

See Also on Bored Panda

“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired One employee was constantly stealing food from the refrigerator, that other employees placed in there for lunch and late work-night dinners. Eventually, after weeks of complaints the IT department set up a hidden camera and caught the woman taking two yogurts, a weight watchers TV dinner and a can of coke in one swoop. 

boxingfan828 , cottonbro studio Report


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired I was a newly hired manager at McDonald's. The guy before me was working the cash register. This store was very highly trafficked, it was right off of the interstate right on the border of city and middle of nowhere. It was the first place to stop and get some food for travelers coming in, and the last place to stop and get some food for travelers leaving out.

It was not uncommon to have over 1,000$ in under an hour in the cash register and policy was to "drop" money in the safe at least once every hour. So this new guy comes in, works for a few hours, but the manager never did the drops. After about 4 hours, the employee goes to the bathroom and disappears.

Turns out he left with over 4,000$ from the cash register. Police were called because obviously they have the guys ID, address, and information on file. Only to find out that everything was false. He stole someones ID and social that looked similar to him and used a fake address. I don't think the police ever found him or figured out who he was.

unflappedyedi , Nathan Dumlao Report

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michaellargey avatar
Michael Largey
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Poor, poor McDonald's. Think of how many minimum wage hours that $4000 could have paid for.

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I worked with someone that, after a couple months on the job, started leaving early every day. Sometimes a half hour early, sometimes up to half the day. Finally my manager goes to fire him on a Friday afternoon, except no one could find him, he had already left! .

ghetoyoda Report


Just a few weeks ago:

Salesman tells HQ that his very large national customer wants us to use a specific vendor for a multimillion dollar contract.

We set it up but have procurement run backgrounds on the vendor to make sure they are reliable, no slave or child labor, etc.

After digging down many layers, the founding documents for the vendor come back.

It's owned by the salesperson and his sister.

It was done quietly to save face with the customer, but the salesperson no longer works here.

0ldSwerdlow Report


We had an HR woman and a male executive at our company both get fired... They were accidentally walked in on in their executive's office... They were found to be both partaking in lines of c*caine, and the woman was busy playing the man's skin flute... Both were terminated.

Itisd Report


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Faked stage 4 stomach cancer.

Electrical_Patient48 , Anna Shvets Report

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joolee avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had a colleague who faked leukemia. Got 4 months off on full pay, wasn't even asked for a doctor's note. She was a useless b***h anywayl

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Not at my current job but at a previous job a guy got caught trying to bring a heroic amount of c*caine on the airplane and when TSA pulled him out of the line he said “it’s not a liquid what’s the problem?”.

gaqua Report


My stupid sister lied her way up to get an engineering manager job at a boat manufacturer company she has absolutely no education higher than a GED,/ HS diploma.
However boat company decides to give her a company credit card upon hiring and a bunch of projects for her and her team to work on
She has no idea how to do the projects because she is not an engineer. Has no idea how to manage a team as she never managed people before
She doesn't show up to any project meetings, so the team she was hired to lead never knew what to do. Time goes on and the employees that are left hung up with no leadership on what to do start complaining.
The boat company finally tracks her down and turns out she was traveling around the US site seeing and spending money at high end restaurants.
She was fired. Rightfully so.
Not sure if she had to pay anything back or was charged with anything. Sure hope she was tho.

ihideBabies Report


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired He asked a coworker in the parking lot if he could pay him to complete his assigned work. He faked it through the interview process and was a terrible hire.

DoYouSmellChloroform , Frederick Warren Report


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired This was told to me when i first started my job but- someone drove off in a piece of industrial farm equipment. For reference- these are worth like $80,000+.

Selenyt , Jed Owen Report

See Also on Bored Panda

“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Guy took bereavement leave for his grandpa funeral in UK but instead went partying in Jamaica and someone snitched on him providing SM posts as proof.

StrainCautious873 , aboodi vesakaran Report


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Bank. One guy managed the dormant accounts. Incredibly nice guy, everyone loved him, had been there for years.

One day, after an audit, it was discovered that he'd been embezzling money from the dormant accounts for quite some time. Turns out he'd gotten himself into debt he couldn't climb out of and that was his solution. Not only did he get fired, he went to prison.

RaniPhoenix , Giorgio Trovato Report

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joolee avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had a colleague who was a SAHM, her husband was a high flying lawyer. Turns out he'd been embezzling money from clients for years. He went to jail, the family home was sold to recover some of the debt and the woman moved cities and had to get a job to support herself and kids. I felt so sorry for her. She'd had no idea.

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“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired I don’t remember the circumstances but an employee slapped our general manager and walked out. No, the police weren’t called probably because the GM was doing a lot of shady s**t and that’s probably why he got slapped.

Holmes02 Report


“He Faked It:” 30 Times Employees Messed Up So Bad, They Got Themselves Fired Took pictures of women he thought were hot at the target he delivered to, then went to instagram and posted the pictures with a tag @target with the caption along the lines of “you guys hire the most beautiful girls”.

Champingatthebit , Pixabay Report

Note: this post originally had 77 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.