People say that how we live our days is how we live our life. For many of us, a significant amount of time is spent at work. While we search for the ideal work-life balance by making big and small changes in our daily routine, we might not realize that the biggest morale booster is sitting right in front of us.
Of course, there are countless stories about office bullies and ruthless bosses who can make our days bitter. Yet, we might end up complaining too much and forgetting that our jobs can actually be nice. Especially if we’re surrounded by like-minded and lovely people.
We have compiled a list of some of the most wholesome coworkers many would be delighted to work with. Continue scrolling and upvote the pictures that made you smile the widest! After you’re done with this list, make sure to check out our previous posts to get a full picture of the working experience right here, here and here.
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My 88-Year-Old Coworker Showed Me His Binder Of Love Poems He Writes. 2 Months Of Work And I Got My Coworker Published And Delivered His First Book
I’ve Been Biking To Work In The Cold Every Morning, My Coworker Noticed And She Made Me This Scarf And Beanie
Having great relationships with the people you work with can positively impact your emotional well-being and professional success. Whether it’s venting about your manager or chit-chatting about the weekend plans, close bonds alleviate the stress you might be feeling in your current position.
Bored Panda has reached out to Sharlyn Lauby, a human resources professional, speaker, and the voice behind HR Bartender, a blog dedicated to talking about different workplace issues. The site has been recognized as one of the “Top 5 Blogs HR Pros Love to Read” by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).
She was kind enough to share her thoughts and insights about workplace relationships and what part they play in the office. According to Lauby, having good bonds with the people you work with is very important.
Happy Retirement To My Coworker That Always Brought Us Candy. Thanks For Always Being Awesome, Mark
“Gallup [a global analytics and advice firm based in the United States] has some classic research that says there’s a correlation between having friends at work and employee engagement,” she told us. “It makes sense. No one really wants to spend the kind of time we do working with people that they don’t like being around.”
However, Lauby does feel the need to discuss what makes for a good working relationship. “This doesn’t mean that there won’t be challenges. All relationships have tough moments,” she added. “That’s one of the reasons building good working relationships is important. When you have a good working relationship, you can work through those challenging times a little easier.”
Wholesome Coworkers
Today’s My Birthday. When The Clock Hit Midnight, The Security Guy Who I Barely Know And The Only Other Person On Site Turned The Corner And Surprised Me With This
I work 3rd shift monitoring the machines at a tourist attraction.
A great start to what could have been a lonely day.
The desire to feel connected to others is a basic human need. The positive social interactions we have with each other can boost our mental and physical health. Besides the fact that getting along with your coworkers helps you get through difficult obstacles, it also makes the work environment more pleasant.
“Another benefit ties back to the definition of a good working relationship,” Lauby continued. “Hopefully, you can be yourself. When you build good relationships, this should allow you to feel safe and comfortable being your authentic self. It’s great for you as an individual and it’s great for the teams that you’re working with.”
My Office Has Been Working From Home For Weeks. I Had Sent Out An Email Asking That Anyone Who Has To Drop By The Office To Feed My Fish
I went in today for the first time - someone made a log book. I'm crying.
God Bless The Co-Workers
If you want to improve the way you communicate with your colleagues and make the bonds even stronger, there are some things you should keep in mind. Lauby emphasized that credibility is one of the first things she thinks of when it comes to being a good coworker.
“Do what you say you’re going to do. Deliver on time. Be that person others count on,” she elaborated. “And if for whatever reason you can’t, go to your colleague or team and let them know. Hopefully, before they figure it out. You can ask to renegotiate your commitment.”
The President Of Our Company Is A Giant Kid, So For His Birthday We Made His Office Into A Ball Pit
My Wonderful Colleague Is Having A Baby, So I Made Her A Zookeepers Baby Blanket
On a final note, being a person of your word goes a long way in building relationships. Sharlyn Lauby wants to remind you that all of the things we discussed—strengthening personal bonds, being credible—are important for both in-person and virtual working relationships.
My Cousin Worked At McDonald’s In Northern Ontario For Most Of His Life And Was A Manager There For The Majority Of His Career. He Passed Away Suddenly Last Monday
The 3 McDonald’s restaurants in that area flew their flags at half-mast in his honor. Such a beautiful gesture.
I Work At A Small Family Owned Italian Restaurant And My Boss Let's Me Study When We're Slow So He Brought Me A Small Pizza And Said "Snack While You Study"
I worked a 12-hour shift today and he fed me three times and made me a sandwich to take home. He's an angel walking among us.
A Coworker Of Mine With Down Syndrome Makes Me A Card Every Christmas
My Sister Is Fighting Cancer & It's Been Absolutely Brutal. It's Really Taken A Toll On Me & My Work Performance Has Dropped Significantly, I Feared I'd Get Fired
Instead, my coworkers presented me with this care package to comfort my sister through chemo, a hand-painted card & a $750 donation.
To Have A Boss Like This
New Friend/Coworker Of Mine Couldn’t Afford A New Computer. I Built A New One And Gave Him My Old One For Free. He Was So Happy He Asked Me To Take His Picture
Tomorrow Is My Last Day At My Current Job And My Coworkers Knew I Liked Anime So One Of The Older Ladies Made Me An "Anime" Quilt
A Note From A Coworker During A Dark Time. It's Been 3 Years And I Still Look At It When I Need A Pick-Me-Up
Sometimes that’s all a person needs. You can’t force them to open up to you, but can can let them know that, when they’re ready to talk, you’ll be ready to listen—-then keep it on the downlow and leave them be.
I Took Care Of My Colleague’s Snail While She Was Gone And It Unexpectedly Had Babies. I Threw A Baby Shower For Her To Come Back To. Congrats, Loki
Today Is My Birthday. My Coworkers Know I’m On A Diet But I Told Them They Were More Than Welcome To Still Get A Cake For Themselves To Enjoy
Instead, this was waiting for me when I got to work. Truly made my day and was quite delicious!
My Wife Made This Last Night For A Coworker That Had Her 10-Year-Old Chihuahua, Lucy, Passed Away Unexpectedly Of Heart Failure
Apparently, she seemed completely fine on Sunday, but Monday she was gone. As anyone who has experienced the loss of a beloved pet knows, it can be traumatizing, especially when you have no time to prepare for it. She missed work on Monday (I would've taken it off too) and then told my wife about it yesterday.
My wife being the sweet person she is came home later that day and told me the sad news, then got out our iPad and started working on the picture above. She claims she has no art talent, but I think she did a pretty great job. The ears on the top are an outline of Lucy's ears.
My Mama Retired As An Emergency Room Nurse Yesterday And Her Coworkers Threw Her A Huge Party
The Restaurant I Work For Is Closing Until Further Notice. My Manager Gave Me A Gift
I Have The Best Coworkers In The World. Down With Lymphoma For A Bit And They Just Made Day
A Co-Worker Makes These Boxes For Charity On His Lunch Break, And He Needed Leather So I Asked If He’d Like My Departed Dad’s Jacket, And He Came Up With This For Me Today
I work with this amazing gentleman that spends his breaks and lunches making these beautiful boxes for charity auctions (I know - so sweet!) He took me aside to show me his first box of 2020, and I asked him if he’d be interested in my dad’s old leather coat since I’m having a hard time getting rid of his stuff. Well, today he brought me this black walnut box made with the leather from my dad’s favorite jacket. It brightened up the office and all of us were so touched. What a sweet man!! This is such a cherished thing for me. Yes, I am definitely making him an authentic British shepherds pie and some English treats to thank him (he’s English, but we live in Canada). I hope this cheers you all up during this dreary and frightening time! Good people exist everywhere!
The 66-Year-Old Receptionist Where I Work Prints Out Memes On Paper And Puts Them On The Wall
I’ve Been Snapping Selfies On Unattended Phones At Work. Today My Coworkers Gave Me Photo Albums Of The Selfies They Found On Their Phones
One of the most heartfelt birthday gifts I’ve ever gotten.
Today Was My Boyfriend's Last Day At His "Big Box Mart" Job. The Company Itself Did Not Acknowledge His Last Day, But A Coworker In The Bakery Made Him This
The Janitor At My Mom’s Work Bought Her A Fancy Christmas Ornament With This Written On The Box
He is a very sweet elderly man. Since he and my mom are such good friends, he made her this.
Gorgeous kitty, He nailed that natural look of mischief combined with cuteness in the eyes of the cat.
Coworker’s Wife Spent 10 Hours Making This For Me After My Cat Passed Away
Me As A Boy In 1965 With Newly Completed Model Airplane Minutes Before Destroying It On Maiden Flight. Also Me 56 Years Later With Surprise Christmas Gift From Coworker Of Identical Replica
Additional info: It's a control line plane, it flies in a big circle, it's not a remote control. You have a handle and two steel cables to control the elevator, pull the top of the handle back the plane goes up, push it down it goes down, do it wrong it crashes violently.
Yes, I work at a wonderful place with some terrific people and consider most of them dear friends.
He mentioned that he was building planes with his kids, and I showed him a lo-res version of that old picture I had received from my daughter. He contacted my daughter, got the hi-res, then acquired all the parts necessary to build the plane over several months (the propeller came from Uzbekistan). Then, surprise!
This Was My Face Of Pure Happiness When A Coworker Brought Two Kittens By The Office Yesterday. Sat There For An Hour While They Cuddled On My Lap
Boss:What project did you work on today? Me: Kitten cuddling. Boss: Keep up the important work.
Told My Coworker A Story About My Brother Eating All The Charms Out Of The Cereal Box Before I Got To Them Growing Up
I literally thought you had to be lucky to get charms. He dropped these in my office today.
His Wife Called In To Sing Happy Birthday Over Video Chat
My 72-Year-Old Grandma Not Only Cleans Schools, But Cleans Schools Better Than Everyone She Works With. Her Teachers Always Make Sure She Knows
My Girlfriend’s Boss Makes Her Healthy Lunches Because She Has Fainting Spells
My Wife Had To Cancel Her Baby Shower Due To Corona, So Her Co-Workers Threw Her A Surprise Mini One In The Break Room
The Other Day I Slipped And Fell At Work As I Was Wearing Old Worn Out Shoes, So My Coworker Gave Me A Fresh Pair Of Non Slips When She Found Out About The Incident
Couldn’t Afford New Work Boots, These Were On My Workbench This Morning
They got my size and everything. $179 I just could not afford at the moment.
Everyone wears them in the company. Also, they are the best!
I’ve been struggling with my old pair and just had a week off with a planter wart in my heel. It was removed but I’ve been unable to fully walk properly for a while.
Boss Is A Marvel Fan And Recently Had Open-Heart Surgery, So A Co-Worker And I Got Him A MK 1 Arc Reactor
I Draw Little Pictures Daily For My Coworkers To Find In The Morning After I Leave Third Shift
We Were Surprised By My Coworker Who Put Together This Dinner Date Table For Us, Complete With A Personalized Menu And Three Course Meal
Was supposed to be celebrating my honeymoon with my wife in Italy this week. Extremely thankful!
My Coworker Blessed Me With A Christmas Miracle. $500 Cash
The card says: "Hey Boo! Okay, so I might have felt awful when you told me that you would walk all the way home from work, so I set up a GoFundMe (don't worry, I didn't use exact names). I managed to raise a bunch of money, hoping you could set it aside for a car, but now maybe it can help fix yours now. Merry Christmas!"