The people in our lives have a lot of wisdom to share with us—so long as we’re willing to listen. However, while some tips are incredibly helpful, others might no longer be all that useful for surviving and thriving in 2023 and beyond. 

One Reddit user sparked an interesting but provocative discussion online. They asked members of the younger generations to share what pieces of work and life advice they’ve gotten from older people that they feel might be outdated. You’ll find their opinions as you scroll down.

Keep in mind that this doesn't automatically mean that everything suggested by members of older generations is 'wrong' or that younger people are always 'right'... or the other way around. The world's far more nuanced than that.


35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them *If you work hard, show up on time and give your heart and soul to a company, you'll get promoted and be financially successful.*

In 2023, if you work hard you will never get ahead and die in the harness.

Local_Sugar8108 , Arlington Research Report

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Mohsie Supposie
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In 2023, you can give your heart, soul, kidneys, lungs, both arms and both legs, liver and even your butt to the company, but you still not getting anywhere!

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Bored Panda reached out to Sam Dogen, the host of the Financial Samurai blog and the author of the bestseller, 'Buy This, Not That: How to Spend Your Way to Wealth and Freedom.' He was kind enough to shed some light on adapting to an ever-changing world and shared his thoughts on what employees can do to continue to stay relevant in the job industry.

"Each generation operates in its own world, but may erroneously extrapolate how things were with how things are today. If one thinks this way, this shows failure to adapt to an ever-changing world," the personal finance expert told us via email.


"Work overtime, holidays, nights, weekends, whatever you can. The boss will be so impressed by your commitment that you'll get a promotion and a raise!"

Nope. He'll get the raise. I'll get f**k all. And then I'll be expected to stay over every time. Goodbye, family, friends. Goodbye, work-life balance. Hello burnout.

ezekial_dragonlord Report

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dionemaddern avatar
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

More like the boss will come to expect it then come for you when you start to burn out.

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them If hes / she’s picking on you, it means they like you

NYTX1987 , mstandret Report

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eyelessonex avatar
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is just as wrong and delusional as "If you ignore the bully, they'll leave you alone."

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"For example, I grew up in a world before the Internet for 18 years. Only until I got to college was I able to start surfing the web. If I was stuck in the past, I'd still be going to the library to do research instead of Googling for credible sources online!" he said.

"People need to change with the times, otherwise, they will get left behind. One thing I wonder is why we still need to spend four years or longer to get a college degree if we can now research and learn much quicker thanks to the internet? It makes no sense that the cost to attend college is also skyrocketing when most information can be found for free online," Dogen, the author of 'Buy This, Not That,' pondered.

"As a result, expect more and more people to reject the notion of going to college in the future."


35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them “You can buy a house. It’s so easy”

tashrader , Kindel Media Report


35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them dress for the job you want, not the job you have. b***h, i work in a factory. cant be wearing a suit and tie with all this machinery trying to kill me. also, osha said i couldnt.

indeedicus18 , Kateryna Babaieva Report

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sbarber999 avatar
John Harrison
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Okay, but do you really need the words "Use your head to see if this applies to you" tacked on to the end?

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them Go right into the store and ask for the manager. Give a firm handshake, look them in the eye, and get the job.

mzialendrea , olia danilevich Report


Meanwhile, the host of the Financial Samurai blog revealed that the best way to stay relevant is to keep networking with people in your industry, as well as to keep your skills sharp and updated.

"I also recommend everybody build a brand online by starting their own dynamic website where they can share their thoughts freely. Having social media profiles on LinkedIn, X, and Meta are not good enough. You want to own your brand by owning your website to show your creativity, knowledge, and skills."


35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them Work a summer job waiting tables in the Hamptons and you'll have enough money to pay for a year of college, room and board, books, and still have extra spending money for the weekends.

Flaturated , Kate Townsend Report


35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them As an older person, this is hard.

Here are my best guesses for the worst old people advice:

1. Vote Republican. They are good for the economy and for national defense.
2. Keep some dimes in your pocket to leave for tips.
3. Don't bother to vote. They are all the same.
4. You don't need a union. Only losers need unions.

BillTowne , cottonbro studio Report

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eyelessonex avatar
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Regarding #1 - I can totally imagine some old German dude in the 1920's/1930's saying "Vote for that Adolf guy - he is good for the economy." In other words - think ahead before you vote!

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them When I was 23, somebody told me I was "significantly behind the curve" because by 23 you're supposed to own a house and a car. I still can't wrap my brain around it. Putting aside how wildly out-of-touch that is, even if you had the cash... who looks back on their 23yo self and thinks "yep, that person is totally ready for the responsibility and harsh reality of homeownership?" Not me, that's for sure.

therearesomebirds , Ketut Subiyanto Report

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outdoorhunk avatar
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If anyone ever tells you you are behind any kind of curve it is their interpretation of what a curve should be. Go make your own.

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It’s vital to keep in mind that just because someone belongs to a certain generation doesn’t mean that they behave exactly like their peers. There’s a lot of variation. Assuming that all Baby Boomers are identically “outdated” in their beliefs would be just as hurtful as telling someone that all Millennials and members of Generation Z are “lazy” or lack ambition.

However, certain general trends and outlooks toward work and life do exist, even if there are plenty of exceptions and nuances.

The viral Reddit thread confirmed that different generations do have broadly different attitudes toward work, family, success, and life in general. And while that’s expected to a certain extent, in some cases, it seems like there’s very little overlap. Well, at least at first glance.


35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them I went to the hospital and somehow managed to stay overnight without anybody asking for my insurance information. Eventually received a hospital bill in the mail for $1200; I was billed the "uninsured" rate.

I asked my parents for advice. "If I submit this to my insurance, it will likely go down, right? Worst case scenario I end up paying the entire $1200 out of pocket?" I said. They told me yes. So that's what I did...

Couple weeks later, I received another bill from the hospital. They had submitted the claim to my insurance. The insurance company negotiated them down to my $6000 out of pocket maximum and stuck me with the rest. I called the hospital and explained the situation, and asked if I could "unsubmit" the insurance claim and just pay the uninsured rate. The representative laughed at me and said something like "I'm afraid the cat's out of the bag now!"

The American healthcare system, ladies and gentlemen.

WittyUnwittingly , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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eyelessonex avatar
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And the saddest thing is that any attempt to change this causes panic cries of "ThAt'S cOmMuNiSm!"

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My older male neighbour keep telling me I can get a girlfriend if I'm persistent and don't take no for an answer and court her at her home and work everyday because that's how he got his now wife, like mate that's F*****g stalking it's not the 60s anymore

Visible_Bus6909 Report

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roxy-eastland avatar
Roxy Eastland
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Who wants a wife that is with them because her life had been ruined and she realised she could never escape her captor? Compared to one that felt an independent attraction from the get-go?

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them My grandma used to tell me never to get tattooes, or I won't find any work. Now I live in a society where even grannies have tattooes and nobody cares. Nobody. Cares. Just don't be an a*****e.

HoboBonobo1909 Report

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Roxy Eastland
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love that piercings, tattoos, and coloured hair are becoming more and more prevalent. One thing that younger generations have done, made it possible for many more people to express themselves with their own bodies.

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Sure, someone telling you that you’ll get a job if you head on over to a store, ask for the manager, look them in the eye, and give them a firm handshake isn’t all that helpful in the 21st century. However, the idea behind the advice—the importance of confidence, body language, and being proactive—is actually timeless. The specifics might change, but the context remains the same. 

What really doesn’t help, however, is if someone tells you just how easy it is to buy property. The economy and job industry have changed enormously over the decades. Unless someone puts in the effort to keep up with the news, they might assume that everyone can afford a house on their day job salary.


CNN reports that US home prices hit a new all-time high in July 2023, as property inventory hit historical lows. Homes in Chicago, Cleveland, and New York saw the biggest price increases in July, as well as June. What compounds the problem, aside from high prices and fewer properties to choose from, are the sky-high mortgages. The average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rose to over 7% in August of this year. This is the highest level in 20 years.


“Respect your elders”

I respect everyone until you give me a reason I shouldn’t. You don’t need to earn my respect but that doesn’t mean you’re obligated to it just because you’ve been around the block. The most disrespectful and judgmental people I have ever met or dealt with are all “elders”

HobbesXSV Report


35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them “Don’t say you can’t afford a kid. You always can make do. Our first kid slept in our dresser drawer”

Hot-Bint , Satura_ Report

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stefaniepatterson avatar
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I got this advice from a taxi driver once. It was a double whammy because it is terrible advice and I was suffering through infertility at that time

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them My mother : "Women like it when men take charge and show they know stuff".

Dominarion , Adrian Swancar Report

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daqadoodles_1 avatar
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9 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People like it when people show they know stuff instead of just acting dumb or be ignorant. (At least I do)

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As we’ve written on Bored Panda recently, members of each generation tend to think that they see things far more clearly compared to members of older generations. For one, people tend to think similarly to their social circles. So if you’re surrounded with folks who think that Baby Boomers and Gen Y have outdated beliefs, you’re likely to think that, too. 

What does undoubtedly change, however, is the (rapidly advancing) technology, as well as the culture of the times.


35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them Work hard at your job and you’ll get a promotion/raise.

Give at least 2 weeks notice to maintain good relationships.

Don’t buy Starbucks or Avocados and you will be able to buy a home in no time.

justhereforpics1776 , Guilherme Stecanella Report

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ferrybloemendal avatar
Oerff On Tour
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I can agree with the first 2, but "don't buy Starbucks" is a sound advice. Not only is it overpriced (and overrated), but also the quality of their coffee is so horrible that you have to add a sh!tload of other stuff to make it somewhat palpable.

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them If you're loyal to that company they'll take care of you.

rrrdesign , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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dc1 avatar
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No. They'll grind you to pieces that are easy to brush off. And then do so.

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them 1: go in to apply in person - they are just going to tell you to go online.

2: ask to meet the manage to make an impression - the manager doesn't care and wants you to f**k off so they can work

3: send a thank you note for the opportunity - unless they plan on hiring you, they have already forgotten who you are.

4: go above an beyond to get a raise - f**k that. Act your wage because otherwise they are going to take advantage of your hardwork and never reward you for it.

5: buy a house in cash - literally impossible nowadays

6: all debt is bad - you literally need debt to build up a credit score and you need a credit score to be able to get any kind of housing.

7: don't take days off if you don't have to - look perfect attendance is a lie they hammer into grade schools to make you feel guilty for taking your paid time off that is part of your total compensation. If you don't feel bad collecting your paycheck, do not feel bad taking the paid time off you are entitled to.

sunnysideHate , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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annikperrot avatar
Annik Perrot
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That "building your credit" stuff must be à very US thing. When we bought our house, we were commended by the banker, because we didn't have a single loan pending.

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them People usually reply something about tattoos making you unemployable, but I was once told you couldn't even have a beard or mustache at a job interview.

RagnarHedin , BM Capture Report

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stefaniepatterson avatar
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Some professions, it makes sense. Like if you HAVE to wear a respirator mask with a complete seal

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If you break the law and try to take over the U.S. government, you will never be able to be president.

D_Buc Report

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tamrastiffler avatar
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9 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Apparently you can have 91 federal and state felony charges brought against you and still become president.

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them Save your money, it will be useful in the future. Lol! What money? What future?

Noobeaterz , Karolina Grabowska Report

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domamullen7 avatar
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There’s a difference between being a doomer and a realist. Get a savings account and plan ahead. There’s no penalty for at least trying.

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them I’ll play. My MIL just hit me with “both political parties are the same”, this afternoon on a 2.5 car trip. Needless to say I had a lecture prepared…

SamJackson01 , Kelly Sikkema Report

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eyelessonex avatar
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Both parties may have flaws, but at least one of them hasn't devolved into a death cult.

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My dad: If you want to work somewhere, you have to show up there in person asking for a job!!!

1. I have no company I “aspire” to work for

2. I have a feeling the receptionist would just go, “uhhh I don’t give the jobs around here, please check our online job postings and leave weirdo”

angeltay Report

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jlh1134206 avatar
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As a receptionist, yup. I always take a resume anyway, I always walk it to HR, and I always watch them s**t can it. "Did you tell them to go online?" Yes. "Okay. *trash*" They don't even read the name to see who tried. We legally can't look at any paper resumes anymore. Since we hold Federal contracts, all hiring has to be done the same way, and that way is online.

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them I love how Dave Ramsey will say get 32 more jobs delivering pizzas to pay off debt. Well Dave, I would love to work and pay off my student loans. However, my job takes up 60 hours of my life. I’m salary and make no OT. Then you factor in that I have kids and have to take care of them. school events, sports, and just regular daily being a family s**t. Oh, and while I don’t go to church. That’s part of his bs advice too. Now, please explain to me how I’m supposed to do this?

mrtouchybum , Mike Jones Report


35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them Anything involving bootstraps.

fra_bahlaan , Jonathan Borba Report

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drywell99 avatar
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The expression began as mockery of the idiotic belief that we can simply do the impossible task of elevating ourselves.

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them At this point? Nearly all of it. They give advice for a world they purposely destroyed.

AutisticHobbit , Kenneth Jencks Report

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j-vagabond avatar
General Anaesthesia
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just my opinion ==> Believe that if you want, but every generation wanted their children to be better off than they were. However, the world's population was 1.6 billion in 1900, 2.6 billion in 1953, and only 70 years later it's 8 billion. Purposely destroyed? No. Unwittingly by most, maybe.

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them That we *need* to know cursive.

I use cursive more than I use block/print but that's only because my hand gets lazy and my letters drag anyway. I'm a grown person with a grown up job in an attorneys office. I have never once had to use or read cursive nor have I been asked if I can

asexualrhino , Aaron Burden Report

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Argie Smith
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I do think people should learn to sign their names. You can't go around printing it. Pretty soon people will just put an X. A signature can be as distinctive as a fingerprint.

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them Don’t get divorced

Crystal_Marie_Rose , cottonbro studio Report


35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them ‘Hard work will pay off’

(Simply because there’s a ton of young people who work really hard every single day and they aren’t recognized for it)

Wecanbuildittogether , Report


Drug dealers will offer you free drugs in an attempt to get you addicted.

Hey_nice_marmot_ Report

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My mom LOVES to say people need to walk into businesses with a paper resume, and ask to speak directly to the manager to introduce themselves.

She thinks this will almost guarantee a job at any business. She told my boyfriend to go to BOEING and ask for the manager to introduce himself. When I point out that most places want applications online, or that a lot of businesses have people outside of the manager do the hiring, she gets mad and says that’s just to weed out the people who aren’t willing to put in effort….

VermicelliNo2422 Report

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suuspuusje avatar
Susie Elle
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

How do you just walk into a company, even? If you were to do that at my job, they'd ask you: "What manager? We have several hundreds of manager-type employees, within different chair groups and departments. Do you want to speak to HR? You want a job? We have those online."

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them “Just get a job in the summer to pay for tuition.” Yep

chemastray , Andrea Piacquadio Report


Get a college degree so you can get a high paying job, do whatever it takes, take out a loan if you have to.

verstohlen Report

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outdoorhunk avatar
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9 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I know of welders who make more than doctors. *and who work reasonable hours, are balanced, happy and safe, though some do dangerous jobs. Be smart, diligent and safe and you'll be fine.

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them If you burn your finger cooking, stick it in the butter.

A big, solid car will keep you safe! You know, like a big old studebaker made of steel with no crumple zones to absorb the impact.

Don’t sit close to the TV. The radiation will ruin your eyes.

Circa 1936 -
Lionel Logue: I believe sucking smoke into your lungs will... will kill you.
King George VI: My physicians said it relaxes the... the... the throat.
(From “The King’s Speech” (2010)

blueSnowfkake , jorditudela Report

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eyelessonex avatar
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Better stick your finger into ice-cold water. Will help more than butter.

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35 Pieces Of Advice That Are Useless In 2023 But People Keep On Receiving Them Don’t take a shower or bath during a storm, you can get electrocuted

Agent865 , Hannah Xu Report

Note: this post originally had 65 images. It’s been shortened to the top 35 images based on user votes.