Nobody’s flawless. It’s a simple fact, but it needs repeating: nobody is perfect; everyone has flaws. In reality, it’s a very tough idea to accept about our loved ones. Especially for parents, many of whom believe that their children are peerless angels and the best people on the planet.

However, some brutally honest parents anonymously opened up about their kids’ very worst character and behavior flaws in a series of r/AskReddit threads. They were very candid about what they dislike about their munchkins, and what they absolutely loathe about the things that they do. From excessive arrogance to compulsive lying and even worse, what follows is a dive into the darker side of parenting.

A small warning for all of you Pandas: this is an article that includes a lot of sensitive posts. Some of them might make you feel uncomfortable. Others might resemble your own family situation a bit too much. Keep that in mind as you start reading.

Bored Panda wanted to learn more about parenting, so we reached out to mom Samantha Scroggin, the blogger behind 'Walking Outside in Slippers.' She was kind enough to answer our questions about the challenges that parents face, correcting 'bad' behavior, and how there's no single right answer when it comes to rewards and punishments. You'll find her open and honest insights as you scroll down.


30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why My oldest son is severely autistic and twelve years old. Imagine someone bound by OCD that cannot talk and cannot understand seemingly very simple concepts.

He can understand some things, but the concept of abstract communication eludes him; i.e., I can tell him to get dressed, but he cannot understand that the 'tag' on a shirt goes behind his neck. So, there is a 25% chance his shirt is on correctly, 25% chance it is on backwards, 25% chance it is on facing correctly but inside out, and 25% chance it is on backwards and inside out. Of course, if it is cold outside, there is a 50% chance he'll come out in shorts. That isn't really too big a deal, but the inability to grasp this portion of communication bleeds into everything, things 99.9% of people take completely for granted.

When he was three, he had an ear infection. We didn't know that, of course, we just knew that he was inconsolable and in pain from *something*. He does not understand questions like 'does it hurt here?', or 'show me where it hurts', or 'does your stomach hurt?' Eventually his ear drum burst out yellow stuff and we said, 'oh. ear ache'.

He has never been given an aspirin for a headache. He's probably had a headache, but I don't know. He can't tell us if he has a headache, or any other kind of ache.

He can use the toilet, but doesn't really get using toilet paper. Or maybe he does, but saw us get upset once for throwing an entire roll into the toilet, so lately he has been going to the bathroom at 5:00 am, then finding clothes, sheets, towels, something, whatever, and wiping his a*s with those. We've pretty much run the washing machine on sanitize about .75 times a day the last two weeks. He's got a reason for it somewhere in his head that makes sense to him, but he can't tell us what it is, and we can't get him to figure out to f*****g come and get us if he's taken a s**t.

We've taken to 'hiding' foods he prefers in the house, given free reign to potato chips, or humus, or cranberries, or f*****g whatever, he'll eat and eat and eat, and then throw up later that night. It's not his fault, he's been on anti-psychotics for a few years now, one side effect of which is weight gain. I hate, f*****g hate, giving him anti-psychotics, but not quite as much as how he acts/acted when he wasn't on them.

As a family, we cannot realistically travel. Interruptions to his routine result in a constant moan / whine / crying / occasional outburst of self injury, or rarely, attacking others. The pain and fear he feels is very real to him, and we are powerless to provide him comfort. Instead, my wife will travel with my other sons while I stay home with him.

He has never had a friend that was not direct family or therapist. I don't see how he ever will. He will never kiss a girl, drive a car, or have a job. I have no idea if he *wants* to do those things or not, of if he knows they exist as things at all.

In the early days of his autism, we threw therapies at him by writing checks against the house and credit card companies to the tune of 30K+/year for five years or so. (insurance has subsequently helped out some with this). We're still digging our way out of that, slowly but surely. Ultimately, however, they haven't really done much in the context of turning him into a person that can life his own life. For example, they are working on having him keep a band aid on; they've had that as part of his program for about six months, and he'll keep a band aid on for fifteen minutes or so. Great. The reality is that when he gets a cut or laceration, it sits open for weeks; he simply will constant tear away any bandages. I'm sure that he has good reasons in his mind for not wanting a bandage on, but he just doesn't understand the concept of 'medicine' making you feel 'better' 'in a few days'; none of those things seem to get through.

He's never been to the dentist. There are some that will work with children like him when he is unconscious. We just haven't felt like giving him anesthesia to take him to the goddamned dentist. It's on the list for this year.

He goes through periods of self injury. When he was a toddler, he banged his head, *a lot*. He broke a few windows in our home. He very likely concussed himself a few times. Lately, he's been punching the table during favorite scenes from Disney films; he has a blood blister about three inches long on both hands. He understands when we tell him, 'don't do that, punch the pillow instead'. He'll punch the pillow for a few minutes, and then start banging the walls again; he is simply a slave to the routine.

When my wife and I die, people that make $10 an hour will take care of him, or not, for the rest of his life.

There's more, so much more, and the thing about autism is that it does not take one m***********g second off. Nobody gets a day off. Ever.

He works harder than anyone I know, harder than anyone reading this thread will ever work, and gets s**t to show for it. He inhabits a world where everything is too loud, too bright, too confusing and too unconforming to his patterns, and is trying as best as he can to navigate through it. He didn't ask for any of this. Sometimes he's got a d******d father who gets mad at him, who resents him for all of these things and a million others that he cannot control. Me. But he deserves better than that, so I'm trying, every f*****g hour of the day to remember that he is the one who got the raw deal, not me, not his brothers, him. I have bad moments, but no longer bad weeks or days. I'm working on it, if only I could work as hard as he does, I'd be golden.

So the answer to your question is autism happened to him, to us.

superThrowtasticChie , Andrik Langfield Report

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julietemily64 avatar
Chaotic-Pansexual (she/they)
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

These are things for why I’m glad I’m on the high functioning end of the spectrum. While, things are still rather difficult and I did get injured a lot as a child (much of my childhood I don’t remember well), being on this end allows me to still be able to navigate the world decently well and my loved ones don’t have to go through this kind of thing anymore, now that I’m older. I feel for those who still have to struggle this way

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Parenting blogger Samantha, from 'Walking Outside in Slippers,' explained that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Every family, every situation is unique.

"'Bad behavior' has become very subjective for me when it comes to kids. I have a son with ADHD, and he can't always control his outbursts. Those outbursts can include cursing or kicking a wall. There was a time when I would have wondered why parents with a kid like that weren't doing their job. But punishment isn't effective with my son," mom Samantha was very candid about some of the challenges that she has to face as a parent.

"Screaming and yelling back only add fuel to the fire. He does better with rewards and consistency. I believe it's important for parents to customize their parenting and consequences for undesirable behavior to what works best for their child. There's no one-size-fits-all punishment for all kids," she said.


30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why When I became pregnant, I had not ever wanted a child. I was not at all happy, in fact I cried so much and became very depressed. I felt very pressured I to going through with it by my husband. He had very good intentions but it was just not something I wanted for myself. We had agreed before we married that we did not want children.
So I was very resentful and miserable. But I absolutely did my best to be a good mother because my baby had no say in this and I beleive all babies deserve loving mothers regardless of circumstances. So I faked it as best as I could and got help. I never wanted to hurt her or for her to feel unloved but it was so hard.

Never did it feel natural to me. I never found much enjoyment out of raising a child, I was exhausted and burned out by all the stuff kids do. I resented giving up my plans, my work, my horse, my whole identity for a child I never wanted.

My daughter is now ten and we have a great relationship. I enjoy her her company now. My harshness has pretty much dissipated and I feel much better about being a parent now. Hoping my early issues have not forever damaged her.

anon , Jelleke Vanooteghem Report

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melanieking avatar
Axolotl King
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You sound like a lovely parent, maybe it's not what you wanted and I'm sure it was incredibly rough but you are giving her an amazing childhood and not putting the blame on her at all. That is so awesome and I hope she recognizes and appreciates that someday

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why Using throwaway because my wife knows my reddit. When she was pregnant with our first and only child, we knew before birth that she was high risk of down syndrome because the gene was quite prevelant in both our family histories. We both got tested and the doctor told us that our daughter had over a 80% chance that she will be born with Down Syndrome. Our marriage up to this point was happy and wonderful.

We dated for 9 months before getting married, and were more of partners than a couple. Everything we did, we decided together. We bought our own business, which didn't cause any fights, but rather we thrived because she was good at what I wasn't and vice versa. I was a messy 'kid' before I met her, and she helped me change my ways. She lacked hobbies before I met her, and I helped her find things she truly loved doing. We were happy, very very happy.

The doctor told us that abortion was a viable option, but we needed to decide within a week or it would be too late. I knew right away that I was for the abortion, but didn't know how to bring it up. When we finally did sit down and talk, I brought all sorts of articles and books on kids with Down Sydnrome. I tried to show her rather than convince her of how hard our life would be if our child actually did have it. It was going to be hard for both os us to have a healthy child, let alone one that needed far more care. We were both busy, and happy.

She didn't want to take out our unborn child, and there was nothing I could really do to change her mind without really really making her mad and ruining our relationship. So reluctantly, I went with it.

As luck would have it, our daughter was born with translocation Down Syndrome. Only 1% of all cases of down syndrome are that, and it has a lot to do with heriditory conditions. I don't want to go into how bad our life became. I really can't even handle typing it out. My wife had to quit her job which she adored. We had to move to a smaller house after a year and a half because of the medical bills. When I came home from work, she was too tired to talk or even see me and went to bed, and my entire 5 hours of free time every. single. day. was spent caring for our daughter in some form or another. I Didn't see my friend for 9 months. Missed my cousins wedding because we couldn't even think about travelling.

Everything changed, and everything changed for the worst. My wife and I only talked when we fought. Either she was too tired and that caused her anger, or I worked too much and didn't help her enough. To tell you my life went to s**t is an understatement, because I can't even imagine how much extra stress my wife must have endured in those first couple of years.

I don't hate my daughter. But I do resent the fact that we had her, even though I knew our life would be this way. I go to the parks sometimes and sit and watch all the happy fathers play with their happy kids. Watch them throw the ball around, or just run around the jungle gym. That's the life I wanted, that I dreamed of, but I will never have. My wife and I are still together because neither wants to burden the other by leaving.

throwheraway19999 , John Looy Report


Bored Panda was interested to understand how parents might deal with their kids lying. "When I catch my kids lying, I try to get to the root of why. And I let them know that lying is a worse offense than whatever they're lying to cover up," blogger Samantha explained how she approaches this with her own kids.

"I believe in setting high expectations for kids as far as expecting them to be good, honest people who are kind to others. And I often communicate the importance of this to my kids."


30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why My middle son (19) stole a 9mm pistol from my 82 year old father. When I confronted him about it he said I didn't understand, he needed the money and if I had given him more he might not have done it. 2 months later got caught on video stealing the candy money jar from a Mexican restaurant, again says if I'd had given him money ( because he's completely cut off at this point) wouldn't have done it. Downward spiral continues, he takes no responsibility for anything . He's a selfish a**hole who won't take care of his kids much less himself. I never thought I'd say this about my own child but F**K THAT GUY.

jjon670 , Fa Barboza Report

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bridgetnewell avatar
bruh JJ’s
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow, that is hard! Sorry you’re dealing with such a complicated situation. .

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why My feelings changed the moment my (then 17 year old) daughter sucker punched me on side of my head during an argument about her cleaning her room. If I wasn't holding my 1 year old at the time I'm positive I would have knocked her the f**k out. I guess in my mind she did something taboo. You never, ever hit your mom...but she did. I love her but she broke my heart that day and I can't seem to get over it.

lovdatcowbell , Julia Taubitz Report

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soggy-teabag-89 avatar
Charlotte Grace
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I feel that. Although my (high functioning autistic) 13 year old and I have gotten into a lot of physical altercations, when he punched me in the face and I had to call the police a definite line was crossed, and I don't think things will ever be the same.

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why My son told his friends that I was abusing and molesting him because he wanted the attention. We were very close. Child services were called and then the police. He stuck to his story. I don't hate him. I never could. Sometimes I'm very angry but mostly the betrayal gets me. I would never have believed he would do that. After several awful months I think it's going to be alright legally but the legal fees and stress has been overwhelming. Things will never be the same between us. He is a teenager btw

throwawaymine75 , Aarón Blanco Tejedor Report

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emmuzka avatar
Emma London
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What a way to destroy your relationship with your parent forever - For teenager's crave for attention.

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Samantha agrees that we tend to become more empathetic towards others as we grow up. "I know I have become much more sensitive to the plight of others. Maybe this is due to having kids myself, and feeling a little bit like everyone's mom. Or just an increased awareness of mortality and people's differing life circumstances. But empathy is a good thing. Most of us could probably use a little more of it," she said.

Very recently, Bored Panda spoke about kids’ capacity for empathy and (the lack of) kindness with psychologist, author, and mom-of-four, Eileen Kennedy-Moore, Ph.D.

"Children learn from observation of what others do, but also through explicit teaching and explanations, and through experience and observation of how others respond to certain actions," Dr. Kennedy-Moore explained to us, adding that we tend to develop more empathy for other people as we grow and mature.


"In general, we become more empathic at 19 than we were when we were at age 9, and that continues, so we're more empathic at 29 than 19, at 39 than 29, simply because we've experienced more of life, so it's easier for us to put ourselves in someone else's shoes," the psychologist said.


30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why I made an account just for this question. I beyond resent my son. He's seven. He lies all the time, never listens, and does harmful things to others. His father took off before he was born. The state say they can't find him without a SSI or address for me to receive support. I've been living off the state for over six years. I work and go to uni full time. Every day is an argument and fight with this child. There are no fun times. There are no happy moments. He makes me miserable. All I want to do is graduate with my bachelors in engineering. Every morning he makes me late for class because he refuses to listen to a single word. I've tried all the ways of disciplining or rewarding to get him on track. He's in special education for speech and math support. The doctor diagnosed him with ADHD last month. We are working through getting the right dose. But, for now- he made me miss my calculus class again because he refused to get out of bed this morning. I don't think I love him anymore. I feel like he's sabotaging my life and chances for getting out of the welfare system. I'm miserable with him in my life.

Shizilly Report

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merilynhorton avatar
Merilyn Horton
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why don’t people consider adoption when they have an unwanted pregnancy?

estellaleighfranenberg avatar
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nowhere did she say it was an unwanted pregnancy. Unplanned and unwanted don't have to be synonymous. She is singlehandedly raising a child that for whatever reasons is an unrelentingly difficult little person. She is doing the best she can trying to elevate both of their lives and the child is unable to give her any emotional succor that feeds her soul and lifts the burden weighing on her even temporarily. Yet, she hasn't abandoned him or harmed him. She is still struggling to make things better. She deserves our support.

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jaynekyra avatar
Jayne Kyra
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

OP on Reddit 6 years ago regarding a care facility: I've considered it. I've also considered the fact that it may be me. I've thought things through over and over. Analyzed it every which way. I've begged for help from the school and the doctors. For them to test him. No one did anything until he got suspended from school in kindergarten for punching another kid half his size in the face. My family and friends pushed us from their lives because of how bad his behavior is. I flinch every time the phone rings, wondering if he hurt someone or stole something again. His behavior isn't normal. I've gone for counseling and parenting classes. I just don't know how to deal with him anymore. I'm hoping we find the right dosage of meds to calm him down. I don't want him to end up in the bad behavior school. But, at the rate he's going, it's going to happen. Im not going to give up on him yet. I wanted him and loved him so much as a baby. But who he is becoming is horrible.

jeanpeterson avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I am so sorry i spoke before I read this. I wish there was a way i could support you now. I cannot imagine what that is like and I'm sorry for the judgment. Please let me know if there is anything i can do

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veronicasjberg avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

She sounds to be struggling and feel alone and depressed. Of course, I don't know, but I think a lot of this could be depression talking, not that she doesn't want her son. She just sounds like she desperately needs support. I wouldn't judge her too hard. Though I do hope she reach out for help. In my country at least you can get help from social services who can give you alternatives to get some help, especially if the kid has special needs (not adoption or foster care). The child could live with another family (that work with social services) every other weekend or so so she can have some time to recharge. I hope things will work out for the two of them.

heatherlambie avatar
Heather Lambie
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You are BOTH struggling. Please look at the world through your sons eyes…. constant battles, arguments, resentments, even if he does have ADHD he does not have a mom who loves him unconditionally, but a mom who resents everything about him. I understand you are trying your very best, but, he is only seeing the worst.💔😕

avgeyr_1 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Please get help! It sounds he is desperate for your attention and will do whatever it takes to get it. Your education is very important, I agree. But your kid has not asked to be put in this world, you decided that! So find a way to support him first and then you go and look out for yourself!

mlgeiger avatar
AK to LV
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It looks like she's tried getting help. She isn't just throwing her hands up and saying 'oh, we'll. My life sucks and there's nothing I can do about it'. Read tigerpacingthecage post. They went and looked up the original Reddit post.

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myhre0724 avatar
Lisa Whipp Myhre
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh honey...hang in there. My son is ADHD/ODD and seven/eight was That Age when I just hated him. He was in special ed, on meds (Focalin), and the only thing I could do was have a ton of patience, repetition, and keep him on a schedule. I'll never forget what an aide told me though: "Puberty is a game-changer" and all I could think was I am never going to last until he hits puberty. But things started getting better in fourth grade...then fifth. Now he's a sophomore in high school and tells me he wants to go to college to study coding. (And I'm all WTF???) And even still, he'll still have problems, but nothing like when he was younger. And yes, sometimes I still can't stand him. It's been a hell of a long road (and I'm a lone parent as well). But you are his advocate and with that AND working AND school? Holy cow, girl. Try to give yourself some grace. And get that SSI as soon as you can!

idrow avatar
Id row
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

All these posts are making me so grateful I chose not to have kids.

michaelswanson avatar
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

“ Why don’t people consider adoption when they have an unwanted pregnancy?” In regard to this specific post, what a stupid thing to say. As others have pointed out, she never said she didn’t want the baby. I doubt he lied and never listened when he was 18 months old, and she probably loved him very much then. Hell, I was a very nice, very loving little boy, but then became a holy terror at 12 or 13. Nice kids can turn bad.

mariahermida2016 avatar
María Hermida
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why did you change? Did something happen to you, or in your family? Or something "clicked" in your brain and it just happened? I tend to believe there's a reason for everything, but I don't know. Your point of view would be interestingvto consider.

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anxietyriddenwife avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

God, this thread is getting to me. My daughter was the same. Everyday was a fight. I begged for an IEP, I didn't know what I know now. The school failed her. She started by not wanting to go to school so to avoid the fight, I'd let her stay home. Then I started standing my ground and making her go. She'd then proceeded to do whatever it took to be sent home. She climbed a file cabinet and quacked like a duck. She was 8. As a teenager, she would just get up and leave class causing the whole of the administration team to look for her. She quit at 9th grade. She's so different than me I don't know how to help her

leetjake avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Some people can't or won't understand because they have never been in that situation. Opinions are like assholes.

covenellie avatar
Ellie J
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Your child is never going to change for the better when it's so obvious his mother doesn't like him :(

ksarfo avatar
K Sarfo
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We have to learn that we cant have it all. Sounds like its not all about the son misbehaving, but also mom has to much on her plate and son is not a priority, and has not been for sone years with full time work pluss full time engineering study. Kids act out when they are ignored too

mlgeiger avatar
AK to LV
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Read the post from tigerpacingthecage. They went and looked up the original Reddit post.

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alice_harb avatar
Rosa Harb
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This child needs the mother and more time with her, he's begging for attention. I think you overwhelmed you Need to get Some help

lyone_fein avatar
Lyone Fein
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People need to stop blaming the mother for the child's behavior and problems. We do not pop into the world as blank slates. The boy has a genetic code that is the source of his problems.

frauvonduh avatar
Frau von Düh
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In none of your sentences you take responsibility for the situation. You are the adult but you think your child is responsible for you getting late etc. Wake up, seek help.

3rainbow avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You need some support and help to deal with this. So does he. I hope you can find some where you live because it could make it easier for both of you.

dan_31 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Going to work and engineering school and there's no father? Just wow. That is so much to do! No-one can ask her to do more than she's doing, but how about a little understanding for why the kid is having behavior problems!

rlwstream avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What you are describing is typical ADHD behavior - and infuriating. Usually, it runs in families; have you been tested? There are a lot of tiktoks dealing with adhd behaviors and how to counter and or cope with them, as well as helping to understand your own. You don't hate your child, you just haven't learned how to work with his developmental issues; you'll get there.

denicelley avatar
Deni Liketherestaurant
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I went through that with my son. Couldn’t stand the little sh*t for a few years and felt really guilty about it. But I loved him best I could, tried not to take him personally, and hung on one day at a time. Mine outgrew it and we’re super close now. I believe yours will too, it sounds so similar! Hang in there, let him know you love him even when he’s not being lovable, and go easy on yourself. Moms are people too.

nirvanation_99 avatar
Viviane Beaucaire
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope that you will get help, mostly for the sake of your child who didn't ask to be born with all those difficulties, and who isn't responsible for his father disappearance. He's only 7, if he doesn't get good attention from you and love and support through his challenges, he will seek other forms of attention. I understand you want to be other things than just a mother, but for him you are all he has for now, and he just want to be your son and for you to love him... I wish you could try and see things from his point of view... his father left and didn't want him, he struggles with so much that he thinks he's not good enough, and he tried to find a way to get your attention with things that works and are quick : bad behaviour. If he don't want to get up in the morning, maybe it's because the day to come seems too difficult to face. Please find some help for him and you 💕

benicia_99 avatar
Azure Adams
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You will need to put him in residential therapy for behavioral issues. And get the state involved. I've had cases like yours. There is not a medication that will make things easier, maybe thorazine. It does not get better. This is the real truth.

annparks2012 avatar
Anne Parks
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2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ice bucket challenge for a few days will have him out of bed. Ur the adult. You don't argue with a child.

annparks2012 avatar
Anne Parks
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2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Use ice bucket challenge to get him out of bed. By day 3 he'd be ready to go!

amyharvey avatar
amy harvey
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3 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My brother had ADHD and that was the reason he and I got into foster care. Another reason is because our mom was an addict and we didn't have our dad around. My life's good tho.

pennyhiltman avatar
Penny Hiltman
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have 2 daughters and a stepson with ADHD while dealing with ADD myself. I have never once thought that I cannot stand my kids. My stepson does get extremely violent and punches holes or kicks holes in the wall I knew he had ADHD before his dad finally took him for a diagnosis. It does take a whole lot of patience. I do have to realize they are all completely human too even if things they do are inconvenient.

lizkalliebobo avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’m sorry but this person sounds and acts like a child herself . A child can’t be to blame for an adult’s inability to plan ahead.

wmdkitty avatar
Shawna Burt
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Gee, maybe OP should PARENT the kid instead of backing down and whining "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!"

coolspacemonster avatar
Cool SpaceMonster
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Need a licence for a dog or a fishing rod where I live. But every ding dong can have a child no questions asked. Why is that? I blame religion.

johnteeple avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

ADHD affects everything. It isn't (just or primarily) bouncing off the walls energy. It is a neurological disorder. The overarching symptom is lack of self-regulation. It is strongly linked to addiction/substance abuse, violent crime, vehicle accidents, lower life expectancy, etc. In the U.S. it is almost solely classified and treated as a "learning disability," and under most insurance plans it is difficult if not impossible to get coverage because "learning disabilities" only affect school (right????). And adult ADHD? Forget it. Might as well not exist, as far as the insurance industry is concerned.

christycharbeneau avatar
Christy Charbeneau
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What are people supposed to do in this type of situation? You hear a lot of parents saying they feared their child knowing there was something wrong and that they were going to be a burden to society one way or another there's got to be something that can be done to help parents like this

ctrteresa avatar
Teresa Taylor
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You can contact social services and see about placement and giving up parental rights.

joann_in_cali avatar
Joann Martinez
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Get your child into counseling with a counselor that specializes in children with issues like his, that may help you develop a better relationship with your child. BTW also go into counseling yourself

gladyshayessoutherland avatar
Gladys Hayes Southerland
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You need to get into counseling pronto. Without help, you will end up hating your child, then hating yourself BC you hate your child. Y'all have 11 more years together so you must be in a better position to handle this situation. Make sure the counselor sees both of you together, not just your son alone. Both of you need help.

overflow0406 avatar
Margie Johnson
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’m so sorry this is your life. Have you had him evaluated for autism? And get someone who SPECIALIZES in autism! There are a lot of unqualified people who wouldn’t recognize autism if it shook their hand.

milagro_garza avatar
Milagro Garza
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Give him to a foster program so that someone that has love and time for him can deal with him.

tamptk avatar
Tammie Braggs
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Something else is going in here. Kids know when they’re not wanted or loved. She sounds as if she’s resented him from day one.

josephinegriffin avatar
Josey Griffin
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We had one like that. Same issues. Didn’t like having a shower. One argument after another, over showering. Tried everything. He eventually left home, so he didn’t have to shower. He stinks, he is dirty. Sometimes homeless.

ginafoote avatar
Gina Foote
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My daughter has ADHD and everyday was a bad day trying to get her up and out of bed or even to do anything she didn't want to do. The day I had finally had enough she was 9 and I couldn't take it anymore I went straight to her doctor and told them they would have to call the police to get me to leave and I was going to sit there until the saw her. I was able to get her medication changed to Jornay PM which is taken at night and starts to work 12 hours after being taken so when kt was time to get up in the morning her medicine had started to take effect 1 hour before she got up and let me tell you it was a life saver to finally have her off of the amphetamines and have a happy child instead of a miserable child and she was actually able to focus in school and within 2 semesters she had went from being of 1st grade level to 3rd grade and by the end of the following school year she was were she needed to be in school

hmbohot avatar
Holly Bee
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

....yeah it sounds like he'd be better off with people that actually have the time and the emotional bandwidth for him. I feel sorry for you both.

hmbohot avatar
Holly Bee
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There comes a time when you'll have to decide between yourself, and the child you chose to keep. And you'll have to live with whatever decision you make. Depending on where you are, there are resources for this kind of thing. Ask around, Google need more than just medication. I would suggest a sabbatical and your undivided attention towards him. Classes. Therapies. It really does sound like he's picking up on your vibes., and its just turned into this vicious cycle. If you're burned out, then so is he. Good luck.

jvdauterive avatar
Juliette Dauterive
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

ADHD is real and I can so relate to this. I spent 10 years hating my kid and faking it the best I could. she checked every thing on the psychopath list except hurting animals and that’s because I kept her away from them. Meds -and maturity really do help. But a lot of damage can be done before a parent gets on top of it. My daughter is 15 now and has a good head on her shoulders. You still can’t get her to do much but she seems to be turning out OK.

rubyiat100 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I feel like this person is quite immature. Definitely need outside help with this child but she seems more concerned about her classes and herself than her child. Unfortunately when you have a child they come first. She needs to get some help for her child and also for herself. Family therapy as a starting point.

sussanmercurio01 avatar
Susan Mercurio
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My daughter turned out to be exactly like your son. I was so happy at first but she changed by the time she was three. I could feel the love being squeezed out of my heart. I stopped loving her by the time she was eight. She's an adult now and I don't speak to her at all. I don't miss her, either.

jeanpeterson avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm pretty sure the kid knows how you feel and acts accordingly. The most important thing in a child's life and well being is that safety and love from their caregiver. He acts out because he has no safety and no love. Jesus,please get some help, there is help out there, it's not too late

cathie_hardy avatar
Cathie Hardy
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

See if there is some way you can give up your parental rights and get him placed elsewhere. The current situation is doing neither of you any good.

pmrazz3 avatar
Pamela Randazzo
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I feel for you and sincerely hope it gets better…..for both of you.

kstone326 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

any parent going through this, please, read this book: Transforming the Difficult Child by Howard Glasser. I’ve always been offended by the idea of self help books, but I was willing to try anything and I’m so glad I did. Just… try it. What’s the worst that will happen?

driz1 avatar
Donna Drizin
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just think of the people out there that would love to be his parents.

krista_mueller avatar
Carlotta Müller
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

He will know that you don't love him and he will know that you never really wanted him.

brindlenutter avatar
Camo Pena
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2 years ago

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amydotrobinson avatar
Amy Lou
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I created an account in order to post this reply. I recently found myself needing to learn about how ADHD affects people. It's a lot more complicated than we are led to understand. I completely sympathise with your situation and what feels like deliberately destructive behaviour. Obviously I don't know you or your son and this might not be right for you at all but... A lot of the behaviour you describe absolutely reflects some of the impacts of ADHD. These include, inability to regulate emotions (think toddler on their worst day), inability to remember even simple tasks and plans (which often leads to lying to cover up), time blindness (the inability to accurately judge the passage of time, or how long something will take) and cortisol levels so high that even the simplest task or human interaction can feel massively traumatic. It may well be that, if your son is experiencing some or all of these things, he really isn't able to function as either of you would like. But now that he has been diagnosed, and will hopefully be able to get treatment, you may well find that things get better. And, at the very least, it might be reassuring to know that his behaviour isn't personal, and he isn't trying to hurt you. I really hope things get better for you.

gglenn666 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This poor kid. With ADHD, many of the things he does or the way he acts out are beyond his control especially at such a young age. With no dad around, and a busy overworked mom he probably needs and craves more connection and time from his mom than she has/wants to give. Maybe she should look into a big brother program for him and educate herself more on hos diagnosis.

bushra_gules avatar
Bushra Türk
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You are selfish.Only thinking of your goals,your child needs an attentive you.You should not have had a child.A child needs a selfless parent.

sallybrown168 avatar
Sally Brown
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Your child is a psychopath in the making. Adopt him out now, change your name, move countries so he can never track you down.

kaylaj avatar
Kayla J
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2 years ago

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This was really hard to read and I hope she gets some help/therapy because it sounds like she resents her life because of what the child's father has put her through and may be kinda sorta taking it out on the child.

carmandavis1963 avatar
Carman Davis
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2 years ago

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I know a lot of ppl will disagree with me but SPANK the child. Hold onto your boundaries, be consistent!! Spanking a child on his but is NOT CHILD ABUSE!!! Beating a child is. If not spank then swat him on the but every time he does something. Always remember: YOU ARE THE PARENT he learns it all from you!!! Don't let your guilt get in the way. If he's doing this at age 7 imagine what he will be like at 13. Plus kids love boundaries.

veronicasjberg avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is horrible advice. Please never do this, we know better now. Spanking/abuse only create fear - fear of someone that is supposed to love you. That creates trauma and broken adults. You will not raise better humans that way.

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suzannerichard avatar
Suzy the observer
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2 years ago

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This child has serious issues that require pro help. Good thing I chose not to have any kids. I would spank the little piece of ...

lemjohnson avatar
Lem Johnson
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh yeah, abusing him will definitely fix the situation, can't see that making things worse at all.

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I recently gave up all parental rights to my only child, a son, after 13 years of dealing with his mother's lies, accusations, criminal and family lawsuits based on lies.

I truly loved my son. I was an excellent father who did everything possible to teach him the value of truth, kindness and honesty in life.

I have been accused of starving him, beating him, doing cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin (none of which i do). I have had to invest thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend against false claims.

My son has picked up her lying manipulative ways, as well as her desperate need for all attention to focus on her. He has become a liar just like his mother, who supports her falsehoods with his own voice. He has threatened to shoot me, and himself with my business protection firearm.

For the safety of myself, and the safety of my wife, i have severed all ties, and allowed him to be adopted by his stepfather... who is an evil and manipulative man just as his mother is... he is on his own, in a world i know little about. I fought hard for him, but he continued to lie, not only supporting her outrageous claims, but also coming up with some of his own, for added flair.

After 12 years of crushing heartbreak, i gave up.

Life has been so much less stressful and crushing since. I do this knowing that I gave 150% of my self to parenting so my burden of guilt is minimal.

**EDIT:** Lots of people pointing out that I am not perfect. Agreed. I definitely have my faults.... Numerous, as humans tend to be. None-the-less... The level of hateful alienation exacted by this woman defies all logic. None of her drug claims were true. believe it or don't... The facts are facts. None of the abuse claimed was true. I never even spanked this child, for fear of the obvious; She would call CPS at the first possible opportunity.

he and I spent each visitation together, hiking, biking, reading, motorcycling, learning, traveling, camping, preforming kitchen science experiments for fun answers to random kid questions.... I don't claim that this makes me a saint. I do, RIGHTFULLY, claim that this makes me a good parent. more so than many modern parents offer to their children in the age of "electronic babysitting". I paid my child support for 13 years, never missing, While she told him I refused to pay or help her.

My mother has showed up to her home to pick him up for visitations, while she and her friends and family would hole up inside her home, and call the police to report that I was "storming down their door". Meanwhile, the police arrive and find that my 67 year old mother was out in the car, alone, not me... Imagine the sheriff's surprise! Why was my mother there instead of me you ask?? Because 2 weeks earlier the police showed up to my home, after i picked my son up, saying that i had pushed her down and slapped her.... again... believe it or not, i just didn't to these things. it's a fact, so i don't need approval on it.

There is, in this world, a growing disregard for what is right and moral. This woman, and those she surrounds herself with are part of that toxic society. It goes far beyond simple family discord. Remember, this child has already made a LETHAL threat of grave bodily injury to himself, and me. This is not to be taken lightly in our current times. I believe that this general loss of respect for others is exemplified in this woman, and the way she has chosen to approach our *former* parent/co-parent/child relationship. This toxic child-rearing has destroyed his chance at a normal perspective on life. he will always view the world through a lens of deceit and anger. I genuinely tried to help, but when he won't help himself, and goes further still, hurting me and my wife... I must draw a line somewhere.

Believe it or don't, I'm a good human being.

my_truth_account Report

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mcalad avatar
M Calad
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I feel for this man. Hate can turn people into horrible human beings. I hope he finds peace.

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why I have a 7 year old daughter. I think she has some kind of personality disorder. Some days she’s her normal loving, goofy self. Then there are other days where she is manipulative, mean, and hysterical. She says things to hurt you on purpose and will freak out if she doesn’t get her way, hurting herself in the process. But if I call her dad and FaceTime with him she stops on a dime and says I was lying and I hit her and don’t love her. I didn’t even know a kid that young could lie like that. She does this to me, my husband, and her stepmom. Her dad honestly believes we are all lying when we say something is wrong. She’s been to 3 therapists and they all act like we’re crazy because she puts on a good act. It makes me sick sometimes that I am happy when she goes to her dads house. I have a 1 year old son with my husband and I don’t want her to do to him what she does to me or her other family members. I don’t know what to do

[deleted] , 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič Report

The psychologist explained that kids need 3 ‘ingredients’ in order to respond to others in a caring way. First, they need to be able to imagine how others think and feel. “The ability to imagine accurately someone else's perspective generally begins around age 4 and grows with age and experience.”

Second of all, children need to learn to manage their distress. In short, when they’re feeling overwhelmed, they tend to not have the ability to be overly kind. "Kids don't have the bandwidth to respond kindly to someone else if they are overwhelmed by their own feelings."

Lastly, children need to firmly believe that they are capable of helping others. "If they don't think they can help or don't know how, they're likely to freeze or avoid situations where someone is upset,” Dr. Kennedy-Moore said.

"Parents can help by talking about people's thoughts and feelings as they come up in books, movies, or real life. This gives children a window into people's internal life that helps with perspective-taking. Parents can help children manage their own emotions by naming those feelings as well as teaching specific coping strategies such as distraction, deep breathing, counting to ten, or using words to ask for what they want," she told Bored Panda.


30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why Because after his mom died , I stopped disciplining him. I thought if I gave him everything I never had ; coolest clothes , shoes, toys , dirt bikes, game consoles etc would make me a good parent. I was wrong. He's about to turn 18 and i can't even stand to be in the same room as him. He's manipulative, mean, arrogant and condescending. And it's all my fault.

dakipsta , James Kovin Report


30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why Throwaway because my husband knows my Reddit name and I am not sure how he would take this.

I remarried a wonderful man, my soul mate about 2 years ago. I have two kids of my own. One son and one daughter. One is 14 and the other is 21. He has a daughter. She is almost 8. We met when his daughter was about 3 and a half. It is bad to say, but personality wise she hasn't changed very much the last 4 or so years.

I don't necessarily dislike my stepdaughter all the time....I have just had to distance myself a bit. She has no manners, no respect, she is spoiled and will whine until she gets her way. For example I overheard her tell her great grandmother to shut up. I also heard her tell her mom "You are the most disgusting person I ever met". When they "scold" her she always tries to say she was "just joking" and then she will start crying and saying "nobody wants me around" and stuff like that.

I know this is turning into a long post and I has just been building up so long. I try my best with her and I had such high hopes for a close relationship with my step daughter. But I have found that our personalities clash. And I am used to having respectful kids. My husband tries his best to make her act right, but every time she goes back to her mom's or her grandparents it gets worse. They give her everything she wants no matter what and they allow her to talk to them anyway because "she is still little and we may not have anymore kids/grandkids." So I don't blame my husband, I feel bad for him because he is tired of having to be the bad guy all the time.

Oh and she likes to torment my cats. I tell her all the time to be nice to them. Pet them gently or better yet! Leave them alone. But she likes to chase them, pour water on them, throw dirt at them....etc. She has plenty of toys in her room and also electronics and games. But she will cry and whine until my husband lets her use his laptop. She likes to watch toy commercials on Youtube and tell us what she wants for Christmas or her Birthday. She makes these 5 page long lists of what she wants all the time. And then if she doesn't get it, she whines that she never gets anything she wants. Her mother told us she picked out a 50.00 Halloween costume last week. She said she told her that was way too expensive to pay when she is only going to wear it a few hours. Well step daughter proceeded to cry and say she doesn't have anything and never gets anything and she needs new parents.

One more thing that makes me mad....if adults are in the room trying to have a conversation she will interrupt repeatedly until they stop talking and listen to her or watch her do some little something that could have waited. This child gets more attention that any child ever so I know its not lack of attention that causes it.

I could go on and on but no one wants to read a two mile long post of me complaining so I will end it here. Thanks for letting me vent a little.

One more thing I thought of! About a year ago I had my little grand daughter over at our house. She was about 9 months old at the time. Step daughter got caught trying to give the baby rocks. We all get onto her and tell her how dangerous it is to give a baby rocks, babies can choke and get injured or even die...all that. Well, a few minutes later I catch her putting the rocks in my grand baby's pocket and I go mental. After telling her she could choke and die if she gets ahold of a rock she is putting them in the baby's pocket!! Just one more example of there is something not right with this girl.

TL;DR Step daughter has no manners or respect for adults and even tried to harm my grand daughter once. My nerves just cant handle it anymore.

throwthisstepmom , Caleb Woods Report

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lulugrepe avatar
dream of delusion
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

okay i was getting a little annoyed at the “i was just jokingg” part but if you’re abusive to animals or babies or parents or anyOne that’s where i draw the line - i know she’s 8 but she should still have common respect by then

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why I am a step parent. I love my son. Love him like crazy.


He's a slob. And he married a slob with two slobby children and they had another child who is our adored grandson and likely also a future slob.

Their house is always filthy and by filthy I mean FILTHY. They have 5 dogs and at least two cats inside the house. The dogs are untrained and so they chew through everything and c**p on the floor. It smells like a cat box, dishes are never washed and sit caked with food just wherever they leave it. Laundry is piled high against the walls in the bedrooms and you have to pick a path across the living room dodging toys, dishes, dog c**p, and the cats who are always trying to stay one step ahead of the dogs.

The smell of cat p**s is so strong my eyes literally watered when I walked in. Beds not made? Yeah, they don't even have proper beds (we've given them three - don't know where they went). They sleep on bare mattresses on the floor - sheets optional. A floor that is covered with dog feces and dirt. I am astonished none of them have developed ringworm or typhoid. The kids smell like a dirty litterbox and go to school in wrinkled dirty clothing. It's humiliating for us and frightening. They've been reported to DFS, but I don't know what DFS did because the house is still a shithole. The whole situation makes me so angry I don't trust myself with either of them. The urge to shake them and scream "You stink! Clean your f*****g house!" is nigh uncontrollable.

It makes me sick that he and she allow this to go on. Neither of them were raised in dirty houses. I don't like either one of them, but I love them all very much.

Maxwyfe , Greta Schölderle Møller Report

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dispwned_wog avatar
Aidan Pite
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That sounds like a psychiatric issue, honestly. I hope they all get the help they need. Even if that involves foster care.

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"Parents can guide children toward seeing themselves as helpers by talking about how children's kind actions impact others. For instance, they might say, 'That was kind of you to help your brother with his block tower. He was sad when it fell down, and he felt happier when you helped him build it up again.' Or, 'Thank you for helping me put away the groceries. I'm happy that we got the job done quickly.'"

According to the psychologist, everyone makes mistakes and ends up doing something that isn’t kind. It’s inevitable that everyone will mess up at some point in their lives. That’s why parents shouldn’t jump to conclusions: they shouldn’t assume that a single mistake is an indication of “terrible things ahead.”

"Instead, acknowledge good intentions, describe the other person's feelings, and focus on moving forward. For instance, you could say, 'I know you're excited about going on the swings, but your sister also wants to swing, and she's sad that she hasn't had a turn yet.' Then, to move forward, you could ask, 'What can you do to help her feel better?' or 'What would be fair to everyone?'"


30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why I know this comment will probably be buried at the bottom but I'm gonna take this chance to get some stuff of my chest.

First of all - I don't hate my daughter - far from it. I love her with all my heart. Instead I hate the life we have.

My daughter has a rare chromosome disorder and is also on the autism spectrum (not full on autistic though). She'll soon be 5 and still doesn't speak. She has a hearing loss so she has to wear hearing aids. By not being able to speak (except for some words like yes or no) we can't really communicate with her. Everything is done by us asking her questions which she says yes or no to. Sometimes she shows us what she wants by pointing, using sign language (she knows some signs), or she goes and fetches something to show us. This covers her basic needs. But we can never have a discussion with her. Asking how her day was at pre school etc. We can't talk about stuff. She doesn't really have any friends and she just recently started "playing" with other kids at pre school. I could go on and on about this. But I'm terrified for the future. I can't really think about how her and our life will be when she gets older without tearing up. So many things she won't be able to experience - even though I don't even know if she would like to.

To summarise - I don't hate her. Far from it. I hate that she has this disorder. At the same time - her disorder has made she who she is. And I hate myself for looking at other families and being jealous for what they have. Hearing friends talking about how they discuss events with their 3 yo etc. Seeing other kids playing together and making up games and stuff while my kid is so far behind.

The worst part is that I sometimes wish myself or my family to be in an accident so there would be an end to this. I of course don't really wish for this but I sometime long for the life I didn't get. Before getting kids - this was my worst nightmare - having a kid with a disability.

I know I should probably start seeing a psychiatrist.

throwawayaloo , Tanaphong Toochinda Report

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lulugrepe avatar
dream of delusion
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i think seeing a psychiatrist will always help (unless it’s a c**p one) but.. it’s okay to hate a disability. i hate mine, all the time, and i know many people who do as well. so long as you don’t hate the person who has it

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why Throw away because this may be my deepest darkest secret ever and even now it almost brings me to tears to type this. One of my children with mental illnesses has been disturbed and has survived numerous attempts.

There have been times where I have had to sit in a chair in her room and watch her all night while she sleeps. Everything is locked up in our house. I keep cleaning supplies in my desk at work and bring them home only to clean and then take them back. Everything is a battle with her. It's embarassing all the times we have an ambulance or cops come over. There is so much more that goes on.

Anyway, I can remember one really really awful period in our lives about a year ago where I honestly felt like had she not survived her attempts that life for me and her siblings would be easier.

There are a lot of days where I feel like I resent her inside. I just tell myself and try and remember that she is still the sweet girl I remember from her being a kid. What I resent is the person she is on meds and the depressed disturbed and self harming person she is when not on meds.


SalePending , Eric Ward Report


30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why My dad likes to ask me "I bet you didn't know having kids would be so hard huh?" but no, I never in a million years figured how hard, and I by no means have it as bad as some in this thread.

Basically it started at "terrible 2's" normal, ok. But wait no, 3's were terrible, and 4's, and 5's, all terrible. It's a bit of just a bad memory at this point with a few highlights that stand out.

Kindergarten started, the school called every day saying how his behavior was bad. He wouldn't sit down on the bus, wouldn't sit still in class, wouldn't stop talking. During grade school, getting a simple page of homework done took 2 hours because he would hide it, rip it, throw it away.

I couldn't read books to him at night, he would slap it out of my hands, or bounce around on the bed to the point I couldn't finish.

He would go into terrible rages as he got older but still in grade school, threatening to throw up on me, smash the table, turn chairs over. Had no concept of behavior vs punishment or reward. None. We tried everything we could think of. I could say "don't touch that thing" and turn my back for a second, and he was touching it. Short term goals, long term goals, immediate punishment, or 'atonement' in the form of making up for bad behavior with 'good works', nothing matters. Nothing was being learned.

He would steal food. Plenty of health choices were available, want to eat 5 ham sandwiches? Extra dinner? Sure! No. I'm taking eating an entire carton of ice cream, a brick of cheese, 5 Popsicle's in one sitting etc. We tried teaching portion control, teaching how it was unfair that he got 9 items out of a box of 10 when 4 of us were in the house. We tried telling him we needed for instance, a block of cheddar cheese for dinner the next night, but he could have the sliced cheese. Nope, he ate up the block.

He's not allowed to eat food in his room but we find empty cups, plates, bowls, etc everwhere. Bowl under the couch? Check. Old pizza under the blankets? Check. Empty ice cream carton in the closet? Yep. Half eat frozen dinner in a pile of laundry? You guessed it. This has been going on from around 7 until now, at 12.

He was on meds for a while, Focalin at first. His teachers at school called me in one day under the pretense of seeing him read. Instead I got ambushed about how unhappy he was, and how he really needed more reading help. The next day they said he was done with the special reading program. What?

He lies about homework. "I don't have any". Great well the school website says you do, where is it, show it to me? "Oh I forgot it in the my locker/I did it already/I turned it in already". Lies. When hiding it around the house didn't work out, he turned to saying it was at school, knowing I couldn't verify until it turned up as late on the online grade sheet.

He steals, just around the house so far. Can't have soda? That's ok I'll take it anyway. I want to impress a girl? I'll take my moms necklace. My chain broke, I'll take my brothers, even minutes after being told "don't even think about it". I want a game mom said I could have next week? No prob I'll steal her credit card and order it now, or steal my brothers money.

He's currently in detention after school on Weds and Fridays to help him get his work done. He is also grounded. He lied about not needing to go last Wed and didn't show up. He tried to do it this past Friday but I called his teacher and marched his butt back to school. He cried and screamed about that.

I nearly had more than a few nervous breakdown when the school has called me and let me know about terrible things he's told other kids at school. We got into therapy. I took hidden videos when he would flip out, because it was so nightmarish I sometimes couldn't even believe it even the next day.

He's threatened to take his own life because some girl didn't want to date him. We thought we had that talked out with the therapist. Another night when he ran home early which was unusual, and I got a bad feeling. Shortly after the police and paramedics showed up because he threatened to take his own life, and smeared my red lip gloss across his chest and took pictures, and said he had stabbed himself. That was a very expensive bill. The therapist thought we had it sorted out. Nope, soon as he got his cell phone back he messaged the girl saying he was extinct from infection.

He asked repeatedly why the rules are what they are, and even if we lay down the law he'll pester and pester and pester. He'll tell me entirely unnecessary things while I'm working even after being told I need to not be distracted.

We keep tabs on his web activity, xbox, tv viewing, and cell phone usage. We try to provide knowledge of the bad things, but not allow him to bask in it like many on the internet do. I'm not religious but I roll with "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" It's hard. Evil is pretty cool, in many young peoples minds. Trolling is funny to them. Being mean is funny.

We try to keep him occupied with sports and activities, but he needs action and monitoring what feels 24/7 and I can't DO IT.

We have 2 kids and the youngest, who is 8 now, is so much EASIER I want to cry. I would have NEVER had kids if I knew how much work the first one was going to be. NEVER.

Throwitawayok22 , Tim Mossholder Report

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warrickriley007 avatar
Riley Warrick
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This kid needs to go to a treatment center. Unfortunately, OP might not be able to get him in because it's so hard to do if you're not a foster parent, even then it's so hard it's ridiculous. My sister has a kid who has similar behavior (not quite as bad though) and she tried to get him in a treatment center, sent letters, logged every behavior at home and school, even my mom wrote a letter asking them to put him in a center, but because he hasn't hurt anyone or himself, and is under the age of twelve, the judge wouldn't give the order. He would run away in the middle of winter without shoes, pee on his bedroom floor, throw fits that were so bad that they had to put L over and get the other four kids out of the van, and has threatened to kill his whole class (grade 3) and they still wouldn't give the order.

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why I lost all respect when the kid began pushing homeopathic products and therapies. When did this kid become convinced that this literal snake oil is good for people? When did science and logic lose out? What's even worse is that the kid still thinks their views are completely normal and mainstream. Meanwhile, I can't get over the numerous people being hurt by this completely useless hokum every day which my progeny is advocating. All of those 'clients' should be going to a real doctor. My own kid is actually a force for bad outcomes. It makes me ill.

thatcantb , Kelly Sikkema Report

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lakotasilver avatar
Lakota Wolf
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I worked in the vitamins/supplements department of a retail store for 2 1/2 years. We had a homeopathic section. I could not bring myself to lie to customers about them. If they asked where the homeopathic section was, I’d point the way. If they actually asked about efficacy, I would tell them that the principle of homeopathics is that you put in a few molecules of an ingredient, then you “purify” it out up to 200 times, but the remaining pill/oil somehow “remembers” the ingredient that literally isn’t even molecularly present in the mixture any more… and somehow THAT cures you. Yeah, sorry, I trust science, not homeopathy.

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why I dated a guy for five years, and he was the sole parent of a kid. He basically raised her barely above neglect levels. She had food, clothes, a room. But he would basically not do anything to care for her and wouldn't even see her for days on end. She was 6 when we met.

I felt I had to step in and help out, and he basically dumped raising her on me. I was overwhelmed, resented the fact that I had to change my life and lifestyle for her. But when I would withdraw, she basically was left in her room (frequently "grounded" for minor infractions because it meant he had an excuse not to interact).

I tried to make things special for her, planned outings and whatnot. She never expressed gratitude, and would blow temper tantrums that things weren't enough, I wasn't spending enough money, or we went to the local amusement park when she wanted to go to Disney.

her father was manipulative. If I took time for myself, he would tell her it was because I was being "selfish". She picked up on this, and would threaten to tattle on me if I didn't do something or told her to take time. She told her grandparents her grades were bad because I didn't do it for her.

When her father and I split up, it was hard because I knew her dad wasn't willing to parent at all, and I knew she would be neglected. No one deserves that. But I had to get out of the bad, abusive relationship. We kept in touch for a while, but her dad started using her as a weapon. I broke contact.

Now she posts angry messages on Facebook directed at me. She is entering her teen years and blames her problems on me.

Mouse98Hut , Janko Ferlič Report

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urszulat avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This woman did what she could. Really went the extra mile. That is all that can be asked of anyone. I am glad she left the abusive relationship.

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why My mother wanted a boy, had one before me but it was a miscarriage, I was conceived a year after, I was an early delivery, she was in coma for 2 weeks and after that she did not take me or touch me or look at me or even fed me for days. my dad took care of me and looked after me. she still curses me and wishes it was a boy

Powerful-Slice-9 , Arteida MjESHTRI Report


30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why I don't dislike or hate my son but I damn sure have some resentments every now and then. I have a 5 year old with extreme behavioral/rage issues. They stem from a large dose of steroids required for a long period of time for a previous medical issue. I am not in the dark about these issues, I have a psychiatrist and counselor that we pay for for him. However, no one is willing to do anything because he is 5. No diagnosis. Barely medication (the wrong ones). I have had to inpatient hospitalize my 5 year old son twice. I have another child younger than him that was born around the time that all of this started happening and I just watch the difference between the two. I sometimes wish I could have switched and had her first because the only reason for trying again was so I could have a girl. I watch happy, functional families and it makes me angry because we have been burdened by this. We can't travel, we can't go to parks or things of that nature because he targets other children and I don't want to be that a*****e mom on the playground that just lets my son beat the s**t out of other kids. CPS is now involved for the 4th time in 2 years because at school he cracked a kid across the head with a rock because the school refuses to give him an IEP because he is so young. My husband and I have tried every parenting book, behavioral therapy method, strategy, etc. Nothing seems to work. Some days I just turn my phone on silent because I know its going to be the school calling me saying he wont sit still in class and keeps running out of the classroom acting like an a*s. But I have asked them repeatedly for an IEP and they refuse.

Don't get me wrong, I love my son more than life itself, but it f*****g kills me to watch him have to live like this. He is so angry all of the time and sometimes I have to hold him in a full nelson on the floor crying so that he wont hurt himself or anyone else. I wish other parents knew what this torture was like. The constant self-doubt, and wondering where we went wrong. It is slowly killing my marriage and I honestly wouldn't blame my husband if he did leave, in fact I'd probably send our daughter with him just to make sure she was safe.

So yes, I completely understand where some of these other parents in this thread are and I don't judge anyone anymore when they say their kids have pushed them to the edge. I've been there and back so many times, I have the route memorized.

SilentEnigma1210 , Annie Spratt Report

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nuguanugua avatar
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"because the only reason for trying again was so I could have a girl." This is a REALLY bad sole reason for making another child...

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why God help me, but I really do not like my son. He's boorish, self-aggrandizing, and prone to pulling together two or three disparate things that have most recently come up in conversation and then crafting them into an absurd anecdote or lie. He has, since even the time when he was a tiny child, routinely let things tumble out of his mouth that mortify me. He's nearly 25 now, thank fuck, but for the entirety of his school years I would go to parent/teacher conferences and watch the same sequence play out, again-and-again... I would meet the teacher, we would shake hands and I would already be able to make out the look of disgust on their face. Their expression would so obviously be "Oh, so this is the prick who formed this little asshole's personality, huh?" Then, as they would spend time with me and realize that I appeared to be an ok human being, they would begin unspooling to me every shitty/awful thing he had said to them and the other kids in his class. One time, my lily-white son was trying to get the attention of a little girl who sat beside him and, when she didn't jump to quick enough for him, he said "Excuse me, BLACK GIRL, may I have your attention?" We tried immersing him with loving, inclusive groups at school, at our church, and any hobby/sport/interest that came along that he showed enthusiasm for... He was never invited to a classmate's birthday party more than once... Worst of all? He continually sees himself as a victim. It's not that the shitty things he says to people are the problem... It's that they are too simple to understand how he really means them. They are simply too stupid to realize how awesome/brilliant/cool he is... Oh, it makes me sad. It truly does. I hate him and he won't go away.

[deleted] , Claudia Wolff Report

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tararay13 avatar
Tara Raay
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Narcissistic people aren’t any parents fault. He’s 25, cut him off.

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Ok. I read through the other answers and am going to give this my two cents, even tough I am the child and not the parent.

This has come up after many years in therapy, mostly classical psychoanalysis.

My mother does not like me because she never got attached to me at birth. A year before my twin sister and I were born, our parents had triplets who all died after a few days. Untreated trauma followed. I was born nearly suffocated and poorly, so my mother, wanting to protect herself from more trauma, never attached to me. She did however to my twin sister who was born healthy and thrived.

Years went by and this initial lack of attached turned into resentment or dislike during my childhood because by the time we were eight years old, our parents were divorced, and I physically resembled my dead-beat father. This only worsened during my teenage years as I was beginning to act up years of neglect and became depressed. She disliked the signs of her own doing neglectful parenting and lack of love in me. I remind her of that.

Ever since we have pretended to get along, but the relationship is never really there. I am a mother of two myself now and have taken all of this on board trying to do better. I am also trying to understand her. That ultimately this was not her fault.

TiinaWithTwoEyes Report

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amytaylor_1 avatar
Amy Taylor
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow.. this sounds like my mother in law. My husband was born with a major staph infection and he nearly died in the hospital. She told me that she wouldn't go visit him in the hospital because she didn't want to get attached in case she lost him. That really explained so much to me about their dynamic. My mom lost her first child at 2 days old and the hospital never let her see him or hold him and that tormented her until the day she died.

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Dear God, where do I start?

Mine is a lying, manipulative user who sucks up every amount of goodwill and charity from people before she turns on them. She is either unwilling or incapable of doing ANYTHING for herself, yet she treats every functioning adult as if they're stupid and have no idea what they're talking about. She lives for instant gratification and is unable to see more than about ten seconds in the future. When that complete lack of motivation and foresight ends up with entirely predictable consequences, she blames everyone around her for conspiring against her.

She got pregnant right after graduating high school and moving out. Upon delivery, she wanted nothing to do with the baby. My wife and I were the ones who took it home from the hospital and have been raising it. Our daughter treats her own child like a plaything and only sees it rarely to show off for people. Otherwise, she's not around.

She recently started a fairly long stint in jail. My wife has been sending her about $50 a week for phone calls and commissary. We found out she's been collecting similar amounts from lots of other people, claiming nobody has been helping her.

Tim_Out_Of_Mind Report


30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why I dont dislike my kids, but I really do hate the life i have. People say the kids don’t need to change your way of living. But they do. They really do. Everything gets more expensive, you can’t be spontaneous in the same way as before kids etc. There are so much things that are so much harder to do now and I feel so trapped and lonely.

sweet-royal-blue , Anthony Tran Report

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David Henry
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

All prospective parents should read things like this and all the other examples first. No more of these bright bubbly cheerfully worded parenting books. Show them the other side, how dark and bad it can get, and how sometimes the lifestyle itself ends up not being for you but unlike a bad career move, that move can't be undone. Even if you put it towards adoption you've given them a memory of the family who didn't want them. Sometimes it isn't the kids or parents fault. Sometimes it's the fact we f*****g gaslight parents into thinking it'll def even out and be wonderful.

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why While my problems aren't as serious as some of yours, I do resent my son. I fell pregnant when I while taking birth control. My husband and I had sworn that we wouldn't have kids, but kept this baby. He fell ill when he was a baby, and it ended costing thousands in bills and caused a lifetime of developmental problems. We treat him as if he is normal, don't tell him why he goes to his therapies, and to anyone who meets him they have no idea that there is anything wrong.

He has put a great strain on what was once a very good relationship. My husband and I were together for 4 years before having him. We rarely fought. After having him, we fight all the time. My husband works long hours to try and pay off all of the medical bills, which leaves me to basically be a single parent. We don't speak to my in laws because they tried to use my son as a pawn to make my husband hate me.

I love my son. I bust my a*s trying to give him a normal life. But I hate what he has done to the relationship I had with my husband. I hate the stress that his illnesses have put on my life.

throwthisoneaway6789 , LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR Report

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fam_schaeffer avatar
Kathi Schäffer
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I get that you're feeling this way. Also, we can't just turn off our feelings. And anger/hate is a feeling. I hope things get better for your family! ♥️

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why My ex had a severely autistic brother. Non verbal except for humming which he would do 24/7. My ex liked to pretend her parents loved her brother but it was super obvious they divorced because of him. They fought tooth and nail on who would keep their normal daughter and who would keep their autistic son. They both wanted her.

CattBooty , Jakob Owens Report


30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why I realized it recently, in therapy.

It's not really them, per se. I realized about myself that I dislike children, period. That said, the presence of my kids in my life 24/7 has led to a great deal of resentment under the surface that I am now finally in touch with, which means now I'm also trying to deal with the guilt of feeling this way about the people I brought into this world.

I want - desperately - to be able to get in my car and drive to Alaska back just because I can. But I can't. I want to be able to have something called a "quiet weekend", assuming there is such a thing. I want to have money in the bank, better prospects for career advancement, the ability to take a risk like starting my own business. But I can't. I need the stable paycheck so that I can keep food on the table for the people in my house who took my wife away from me.

Meanwhile, my oldest is consistently lying to my face, my oldest two are constantly at war with each other over stupid shit, my third is special needs, I've got two in diapers, and this was all stuff that my wife and I walked into thinking it would be wonderful.

Worst of all: for her, it is wonderful, and that makes me the bad guy for having these feelings, since I'm obviously just being incredibly selfish.

You know what? She's right. I do feel like the bad guy for having these feelings, and I do feel like I'm being selfish, but I can't just snap my fingers and make these feelings go away.

I'm just hoping that one day, these children will grow up and get out of my house so I can have my wife back, assuming they don't take her out first.

themage1028 , Ethan Sykes Report

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Emma London
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's fairly common to people to expect a joyous family life and then it's a huge disappointment when the parental joy of spending time with our kids doesn't come. It doesn't help that the perfect parenthood myth has grown to a such a huge proportion that any resentment towards your kids or even wanting to be sometimes away from them is a huge tabu. So most parents just bite their tongue and bear it, thinking that it's normal thing to do. (It's not. Nuclear family is a recent concept, family units tended to larger and it was common to share parental duties and even give kids to relatives and childless couples to raise if things got too complicated.)

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I love my oldest son, but I don't like him. He's a compulsive liar and a self centered narcissist.

BiteasuarusRex Report

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Anna Tribe
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I went no contact for a couple of years then she came and said she needed her mum as her relationship was over. So I invited her in and we drank tea then I started putting my clean clothes away. She got furious, said very little of my clothes suited me and proceeded to throw out 95% of my clothes. She even took them to the junkyard. Then she started complaining about every little thing and nothing I ever did was good enough and she made me feel like I would rather kill myself than her torturing me all the time. So no contact again for a year. Then she told me she was pregnant and needed me. Under the 2 years we didn't speak I'd been shaving my hair totally bald because I was sick of my hair falling out. She was mad at me. I was ugly. I decided to let it grow out and about 2 months later she came to visit and she had bought an electric razor to shave my head. Told her no because I wanted to grow it. Again she got really angry with me. No contact again.

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why I have two children, my eldest son was diagnosed with autism on the day my second son was born. My second son was then diagnosed with CP at nine months so it was overall a pretty sh**ty time for us. We resented our youngest for a while because we felt that if he wasn't born, then we would have been able to focus more on the eldest and his autism would have probably not as severe as it is now. But we let those feelings go some time ago. He is a wonderful younger brother and is doing very well. Our eldest son is also doing well and we can see that he has potential and it is up to us to unlock it. For us the mistake was never that we had children but rather that we were not educated/informed enough to make the right choices which could have prevented a lot of the issues we had during after pregnancy.

jeanpope , Andrew Seaman Report

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eleri-parsons avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Autism can't be fixed or lessened! I think (hope) they probably meant their eldest son would be able to deal better with the effects of his autism, but their lack of focus on it wouldn't have made it more "severe".

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why I love my kids dearly, but there are definitely times I don't like them in the moment. My son has ADHD and maybe a bit on the aspie spectrum (never been evaluated for it but there's things that make me suspicious) and there are some times when he is ridiculously loud, invasive, obnoxious, disrespectful, etc. and seems literally incapable of stopping himself from doing it, or noticing that he's been asked to knock it off, or applying anything he's been told to the next time a similar situation comes up to not get in trouble again for the exact same thing. Then he acts like we're being unreasonable if we get upset or impose consequences for things like continuing to repeat the same loud, inappropriate statement after being clearly told to stop multiple times.

I know he wants to be a good person and cares about others for the most part, but when it comes to actually implementing these things, sometimes he just can't, and between just being annoyed and frustrated with him and feeling at fault for whatever imaginary failing must have existed in my parenting (or more likely his bio dad's genetics) to make him like this, there are times I can hardly stand him.

Still, I'm his mom and I love him and I'm never going to give up on him unless absolutely necessary to prevent harm to myself or my other kids, if he ever gets as bad as his father was about certain things. As more people get vaccinated and we are closer to the "end" of the pandemic, I'm going to start looking for a therapist with some experience with these things.

Dragoness42 , Christopher Ott Report

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Gracie Mae
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think one of the most potent things I've ever said to any of my children (aside from "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed") was once while during a rough time with one, I said, "I love you, but I don't like you right now" & I walked away. I think that hit almost as hard as a slap to the face.

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Not a parent, not my kid, but I've been forced into the role of parent and I can't help but hate him.

I've been with my boyfriend for 8 years, I love him dearly and our relationship has always been great. We're young, 23 and 22. Last year his mother passed away unexpectedly due to complications with surgery.

He has a younger half brother who is 17 so he needs a guardian for one more year, can't be too bad right? Wrong.

He is a slob. 17 years old and almost 400 pounds. He eats everything. Literally everything. We decide to have tacos, so we cook up enough meat to have plenty of left overs for the next day, we tell him not to eat it all. Wake up the next morning, it's all gone. A normal person shouldn't eat this much! We still have taco fixings left so we'll have tacos again later on right? Nope, he decides to eat all the queso, just plain from the jar with a spoon and lies about it when confronted.

We have to physically go into his room and make him bring out all the dirty dishes to wash or we won't have enough clean dishes.

I know he's going through a rough time (he's eating habits have been like this forever though) so I try to do nice things, once a grocery store visit I pick up a nice little snack to have in the house. Popcorn seems safe right? Nope, all 8 bags gone in two days. I bought a two litter once trying to be nice, he drunk it all in an hour.

He goes to school, he has decent grades, he's turned down therapy multiple times. He comes home from school and plays LoL all day, I have to threaten to take away his computer to get him to do anything around the house to help out. He eats, sleeps, and plays video games.

We have to threaten to take away the computer to get him to shower. He's not interested in picking up any hobbies. We've tried to include him in so much, I've given up taking him places. I can't stand one more time of finally getting a chance to go somewhere I've been wanting to go, like the zoo for example. We take him a long and he seems happy to go. But once we get there it's just whining about how hot it is, how far he has to walk, how animals are dumb, how he's hungry, how he'd rather be at home. And then the drive home is just him trying to convince us to go to every fast-food restaurant we pass.

I feel like a bad person for resenting the guy, I know he's going through a lot with his mom's passing and maybe I'm selfish, but I hate the strain he's put on me and my boyfriend both mentally and financially. We're young, were trying to pay for college and a house and take care of our selves. We can't keep affording to feed him on these habits.

I've started taking to setting his portion of food aside from the rest of the meal but it doesn't matter, after we go to bed he'll devour the left overs. I can't begin to tell you how nice it would be to have an actual left over night, but we can't, we have to cook every night.

I can't deal with his shinning and crying if he's computer is taken away or how we've "ruined his day/life" He's just so ungrateful it drives me crazy. We've basically put our lives on hold for the next year to make sure he has a normal last year of high school and he's such an ungrateful brat.

He's always been spoiled and given his way while growing up. "He's a growing boy" "he's just a kid" No, he's 17 years old and acts like a 12 year old because all you people have babied him his whole life. You've set him up for failure.

I don't have it bad, I know. I'm only in this for one year and it could be so much worse, I just really needed to get that off my chest. So many other people in here have it so much worse, I can't imagine what it's like for most of the posters here.

Avasyn Report

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lakotasilver avatar
Lakota Wolf
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I would, at the least, put a lock on the fridge and the cabinets that contain food. Provide the half-brother with healthier options that are always available, like fruit. Obviously meals should still be provided… but he needs to be restricted from the ability to eat everything else, as he cannot restrain himself.

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See Also on Bored Panda

I can say there was a brief period in time where I disliked my youngest. I need to say I loved him and would have given up my life life for him but I did not like him. He was preteen and was trying to test the limits of our parenting and would question and/or resist EVERYTHING! It was a trying time but now (17) he is probably my best friend and we enjoy being together and working on project around the house.

Jimmy_Graphite Report


I love my daughter. I really, really love her. It's not her I resent - it's the situation I am in.

I am 23 years old. My daughter's violent father is in prison for crimes against me, and her (I live in the UK, so he only got seven years - one count of rape, one count of sexual assault of a child under 13, he'll be out when he's served HALF of that). She's 22 months old, was 3 months old when he was arrested. She's a blissfully happy child - but she's been living with my sister and her husband for 9 months as I've been struggling to cope with the situation. I've tried to kill myself, I self-harm, I'm on a lot of medication. My beautiful little girl is coming back to live with me at the end of the year - and I am terrified. I have her on my own every weekend and some weeknights, and stay at my mother's every week with her so I have some support. But I don't know what to do. I feel trapped when she's around. She looks so much like her father and having her with me is a constant, painful reminder of it all. She adores me and is very clingy when we're together (totally natural, but I find it suffocating). The guilt and shame is crushing and I struggle with the most basic of things. I have no money (I had to leave my job and am on disability benefits, what Americans call welfare... my current income is less than just my rent and my savings are almost gone).

What do I do? I just want the ground to open up and swallow me so I don't have to face this. I can't be honest about my feelings to family, or friends. They just want me to 'get better' so I can take my daughter home and everything can be all sunshine and roses. It won't be. I wish I was dead.

kitsandkats Report


Sibling here. My mom has told me she flat-out hates my sister — she just has zero patience for her c**p. I honestly don't blame her because my sister is 21 but behaves like she's still 16. She's very dramatic, self-centered, fake, rude, and especially abusive toward family members.

Quirkybumblebee Report

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I can answer on behalf of my parents as I have been first handed informed by them why.

Mom was certified barren. She did not have her period until after she had me.

My dad asked her to abort me as I was unplanned.

She refused as her religion forbade abortions.

My dad refuse to have anything to do with me or be there for her for my birth.

So she blames my dad bad treatment of her on my existence. Many times when she fights with my dad, she will blame me for it and say I was the cause of her husband treating her badly.

Both my parents have always told me I was a weirdo too. My mom always express her disappointment to me that I wasn't her ideal child physical appearance wise.

But yea, basically because she was told she was barren by gynecologists. So in a way, she didn't use protection due to wrong information given by the experts.

It wasn't that she was being irresponsible.

But she couldn't abort because of her deep belief she would be punished for it in after life, forever in hell or something for committing the sin of abortion.

So she resents having to birth me and also suffer her husband's wrath as a result. She said it was my fault my dad stop being loving towards her.

condemned02 Report

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fam_schaeffer avatar
Kathi Schäffer
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm so sorry. No child should have to hear words like these 🥺 It is most decidedly not your fault!

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why Throwaway for obvious reasons. I've struggled with deciding whether to post this, but I'm doing it because I'm hoping someone can offer a word of advice.

I'm a stepparent. My wife has a son from her previous marriage. I'd like to add a little disclaimer before I list the reasons why I dislike/resent him: I'm not a shitty stepparent and actually try hard to be a good one. I "take the hit" in a sense because I'm really not fit for parenting, but I won't allow myself to turn out into a person he will hate later in life.

Like I said, I don't feel like I'm fit for parenting. I don't feel comfortable around children and that includes my stepson. I have a strong feeling that this is because I'm still young and it might change when I grow a bit older... But that's the main reason for my resentment - being responsible for a child makes me feel **old**. While my friends are getting together for parties, trips and whatnot, I'm stuck at home living a life around a school schedule.

It also doesn't help that his personality isn't exactly compatible with mine. I've tried to connect with the kid several times but we're just too different people. I'm introverted and enjoy conversation. My only successful approach with children is trying to teach them stuff or have them talk about stuff they like. My stepson though is more into making messes and speaking nonsense 99% of the time. I just can't connect with that. I don't know how to be one of those fun adults that turns into a child and plays with them.

Another thing that pisses me off is that the kid turns into a total brat on family trips. He complains and whines about everything almost all the time. I don't really feel like traveling with them anymore.

The short periods when he's away with his biological father are so cherished that I wish they'd never end. They allow me to get this glimpse of what life would be like if it were just the Mrs and me.

Someone might ask why I married someone that had a kid, and that's a really good question. As cheesy as this might sound, she is "the one" for me. There's no person I've ever felt so comfortable around and with whom I've connected so well. On top of that, she is very understanding of how I feel about her son... So no, I'm not getting out of that relationship.

Like I said, despite all of that I still make an effort to be a good parent. While I have issues connecting with him, I try to be as supportive as I can, be it helping with homework or encouraging them to partake in activities he enjoys. I also try to teach him good values and that seems to be well received.

throwaway5289539 Report

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jlkooiker avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’m not trying to blame this guy for how he feels. his feelings are valid but I dont understand why you would marry someone with children if you felt this way even if they are ‘the one’. Its selfish and unfair. And that poor kid who probably knows how he feels is stuck knowing his mum chose a man over him.

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why Not my child, but my husband's youngest son from his first marriage. I don't hate him, I care very much for him, but he is impossible to like. He's 12, and completely incapable of entertaining himself in any way. If he isn't pacified with television or some other electronic device, he's wandering the house being as loud and obnoxious as possible because bad attention is still attention. If you give him attention or try to find an activity to do together, he'll simply try to use that as a bargaining chip to get something else he wants later.
He will do anything to play video games, and if you allow it, he will play all day without getting dressed or eating. He will also pretend to be sick to stay home from school to play video games. He has a time limit, but will lie and sneak to try to play longer. Taking away these things does no good. He'll continue to be an obnoxious, annoying s**t until he can play again. Sometimes I let him play so he will stop bothering everyone in the house.
He's a chronic bed wetter, so he frequently smells like urine, he's got issues with s******g his pants sometimes too and swears that he has no idea when or how it happens. He's been to numerous doctors and counsellors who tell us to give him fiber. He's been instructed to change out of dirty clothes and put them in the wash, but he won't admit to it. Instead, when he soils his pants, he'll often hide them somewhere until his disgusting cache is discovered and he gets in trouble. His punishment is usually a video game ban, but his behavior never changes. I love my husband more than anything, and his other kids and my kid are no issue at all, just the ok youngest. I feel like a monster.

Guiltystepmother , Kelly Sikkema Report

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daniel-boak avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Buy some earplugs, lock him in his room without any means of entertainment and stop giving into the manipulation. It's reenforcing this bad behavior, so you're causing your own problems here.

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I was with my dad quite a few years back on a mini road trip when he straight up told me that he didn't love my brother anymore. Yeah, flew right past "dislike" and said he just didn't even have any love for him. My brother has put my parents through hell for years, and continues to do so to this day through means of manipulation and selfishness. I haven't spoken to him in nearly 3 years. I know my mom still holds onto the hope that maybe, just maybe he'll turn a corner but it'll never happen. Not now.

Still, even though I have no real feelings for him, it was weird to hear my dad drop that bomb on me about my brother. No parent, no matter what, ever wants to lose the love of their child.

TheHeyHeyMan Report

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I love my child deeply, and generally I like her very much, but right now she's living with me as a young adult in a tiny space. No doubt we don't like each other much lately. She rightly resents the limits in what I was able to provide for her now and as a child, and I wish she could go make young person mistakes somewhere else, and leave me in peace. But we will be ok.

BlueTuxedoCat Report

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My son is 13, and he is just angry. He mopes around and is only content when he is playing those damned video games. But when we let him play too much he is just horrible afterwards.

When I was his age, I was angry too. So, I understand him better than he realizes.

He has always been a sweet kid, and I know that he will be again when we get through this. but right now, we just don't have much in common. So, it isn't that I don't like him. He just isn't very pleasant to be around these days.

mustang-and-a-truck Report

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helenhowcroft avatar
Broad Panda
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2 years ago

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"But when we let him play too much he is just horrible afterwards." Gosh, what a shocker.

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why Well, I have to differentiate "liking" your kid vs loving your kid. I definitely love my teenage daughter, but I also definitely don't "like" her (right now).

My daughter is an only child and has ADHD (diagnosed, meds, etc). She's also extremely smart. And like many (most?) teenagers, she's quite narcissistic. So it's a tough combo - She doesn't want to be around us, mistrusts us, has all of these fantasies about what terrible things we would do in various situations (that never transpire), absolutely refuses to learn anything from us (such as how to drive), or share in her life in any way (such as pleading with us not to attend her softball games). Other stuff as well. She says she doesn't hate us, but in practice she effectively does.

Of course, I don't blame her - We didn't get the ADHD diagnosed until last year so it's been messing things up for a while. Looking back, had we understood her ADHD we definitely would have parented her differently, which I feel terrible about now.

I also know that because her brain/maturity is underdeveloped, that eventually she'll come around and treat us better when she's old. So our current suffering is just "temporary" (as in a few more years).

But do I like the situation, or do I like her? No I can't say that I do, not right now. Mostly I want to get this phase over with, have her move on to college (presumably) such that I don't have to deal directly with her every day.

DR_COOL , Paolo Celentano Report

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I knew someone who obviously disliked her daughter because the child didn’t meet unrealistic expectations: Fix the parent’s life, be convenient, share the same interests, be entertaining, etc. The more disappointed and regretful the mom got, the more she needed to justify her disdain for her daughter, so the regret became replaced with overt dislike based on made-up reasons.

Upvotespoodles Report

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I love my children dearly, but I don't like them a lot of the time. I don't feel as connected to them as I think I should anymore. For the first few years of their life, I was almost the sole care provider, but once they gained some coordination, became 'interesting,' and arguably more durable, their father started taking a more active role. And both times, my relatively well-behaved, moderately quiet children changed. I accept that wrestling, play fighting, and pranks are a thing — but now there's so much attitude, and screaming, and entitlement.
When I stopped being able to be the fun parent, my sway over them ended, and I feel guilty as all hell that I can only stand being with them together for limited periods of time — I low-key dread family activities. I don't want to roughhouse like their father; I can't handle the yelling, screaming, and the damn high-pitched squealing. They are completely different when they're away from their father and sibling. It took a long time to accept the people they are becoming. I'm waiting until being the more conventionally useful parent is a good thing to them again.

Sanairst17 Report

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I feel like an a*s because there parents in this thread with horrible problems and here I am disliking my son because he's a rude, inconsiderate little s**t half the time. I don't know what happened to my sweet little boy, only that he disappeared into a fog of whining selfishness.

anon Report

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nicoletta-karam avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So many parents feel the way you do. Be gentle with yourself and trust that he'll outgrow it in a few years. Your feelings are shared by many parents of pre-teens and teens.

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I love my children to death, and I would never go back if I could. But I absolutely feel it is normal to have a moment here or there where you're not too thrilled to be a parent. It completely changes everything about your life- even when your children are average, let alone have disabilities that make things more difficult. My children have no behavior problems, no problems at school, no health problems, nothing like that. But its still difficult. I still have moments where I am resentful, not necessarily of them, but of the loss of what my life used to be. It would be nice to NOT be a parent every once in a while. And I don't mean send them to grandmas for the day- because even when they are gone, you still have that responsibility.

anon Report

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zarahmcguire avatar
Elvira Dirge
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There is no class, no one book that can prepare a person for all the possibilities and eventualities that parenting holds. It's so romanticized as to make people think it's actually going to fix anything or to be a perfect experience. Parenting is something I've always wanted to do, and it's the number one pride and accomplishment in my life, but it isn't for everybody. Often the only way to figure that out is to have a child and then it's too late, and that child never asked to be brought into the world. As a mom, a teacher, a wife - I totally get it. If I can offer any advice, it would to communicate. Ask for help, talk to people, seek others that understand and may be going through similar situations. Parenting is never easy, but neither is being a kid. I've had to do a lot of work to get through how my childhood screwed me up, and I had four loving parents who tried their hardest but, like any of us, weren't perfect. It takes work. Period. There is no way to do this the lazy way.

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I'm not a parent but my uncle and aunt really hate their son because he's accomplished nothing in life and is a complete failure but still has an ego higher than the Mount Everest. He's always mean to everyone.

6Butcher6 Report

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why I hate my daughter because she has all the bad characteristics of her mother — and none of the good ones. She's mean, aggressive, demanding, hits her classmates, gets violent when she doesn't get what she wants, breaks things that aren't hers, and yells loudly to overpower anyone around her when she can't use physical violence. She actually looks down on everyone around her; it's wild you can actually see it. She's 6.
Obviously, I am not the one who raises her. She's got a hard life ahead of her. Poor girl.

FBreath , Kiana Bosman Report

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merilynhorton avatar
Merilyn Horton
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People should really take a good look at who they’re breeding with.

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why Probably because they're too much like me. I like to think that as a parent part of my job is to eliminate my foibles by helping my children be better than me. My failure as a parent instead has been to create copies; what I dislike about them is also what I hate about myself.

Sometimes the harder you try the bigger you fail.

Canadabigjack , Anton Malanin Report


He invested my retirement in gamestop...

Rribb Report


I love both my kids, and I generally like them just fine, too. But my youngest is almost 5, and she's going through some kind of regression in being able to control her emotions right now. It's not fun.
Her moods are very mercurial, and I feel like I always have to tiptoe around her because the slightest little things will set off a bout of incoherent rage in her.

molten_dragon Report

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fam_schaeffer avatar
Kathi Schäffer
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hmmm that's unusual for her age. Have you considered talking to a doctor or therapist?


Not a throwaway account because you guys are all strangers anyway. So I resent having my daughter because when I got pregnant I planned to give her up for adoption because I was 19 when I got pregnant. I had a wonderful gay male couple in mind. Long story short I had the baby and her father and I were still together when she was born. Got post partum depression / psychosis after I had her. Had to spend 2 weeks in the hospital and as soon as I got home had to take care of her all by myself. I lived with my baby father and his parents and took care of him and the baby all by myself for two years. All he did was sit and play video games for twelve hours a day and ignore me and her. He never fed her, changed her diaper, held her, or even watched. All the while he would lie to his parents and tell them he was helping me with her. I also worked full time overnight shift and took care of her when I got home so he could go to school. He is also 5 years older then me, an army veteran, and went to school on the GI Bill. I tried to plan a wedding while working and taking care of a child and a grown man. After I couldn't take it anymore I left him and the baby at his parents and trying to improve my life. I regret leaving her and now trying to get her back. My bipolar 2 is a huge block for me taking care of her and him.

TL,DR: Wanted to give child up for adoption, convinced to keep her, got post partum psychosis, still took care of him and her, man neglected me, left him and her, trying to get her back don't want him.

somethingthingsome Report

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He is a 12 year old with no concern for personal hygiene and also manipulates me with the best hugs. Wash your feet you disgusting brat.

redseaurchin Report

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I love my child and want her to have a lot of fun and have the best life.

But at her age, kids are super irritating and you can only handle them in limited time periods without losing your mind.

spammmmmmmmy Report


He did terrible in school, became a drug dealer, squatted in a house owned by the family, decided it’d be a good idea to start a METH LAB in the basement of said house, and then hired a crappy tv lawyer to blackmail us into selling the house back to him!

WesternAd9143 Report


My babys mother molded him into something i never wanted him to be and I could do nothing about it. I wanted so badly only to show him what love is but her wicked ways proved too resilient and now hes destined to the life of an outlaw. He never stood a chance

anon Report

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Not all of them, just one. He's a mouthy little know it all 8 year old who will never admit he is wrong and is as stubborn as a mule.... just like his mum.

Amockeryofthecistern Report

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s-e-0705 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just like his mum. How many times did I read that statement on this thread.



He was autistic.

Now, this wasn't my son, but my step son. I started dating, and eventually marrying the mother when he was a baby/toddler respectively.

I can't remember the exact age, but we started noticing he had what we thought were 'hearing problems'. But tests came up negative.

We eventually found out they were cognitive issues. Around 4 he was diagnosed.

I've always believed the point of having children is not to HAVE CHILDREN, but to RAISE FUTURE ADULTS.

After this, I couldn't ever connect with him. He kept falling farther and farther behind. Fortunately he had joint custody with mom and dad, so I didn't have to put up with him often. I would usually view it as a 'chore'. No, I was never mean, or abusive, or anything. I just thought of him as something to be 'tolerated'.

It was one of (Not the only one) the factors in our divorce.

His is late teens now (ex and I stayed friends) and has about the developmental skills of an 8 year old.

I think there would have been a pretty decent chance my ex and I would have worked out if he had either never been born, or had been born normal.

A 'special needs' child is not a 'gift' or a 'miracle'. They are a terror.

KMApok Report

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chkurtzman18 avatar
George washingmashine
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This started not awful, but calling them not normal, something to be tolerated! You are an awful person, even if you don’t connect it is still your job to raise them.

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30 Parents Who Don't Really Like Their Own Children Explain Why I live and breathe sports and activity. His mother was a personal trainer and I was a gym rat, our first date was on a climbing wall. We got married in a canoe. We took trips all around the world. We lived life like a travel brochure.

Our son was born with cerebral palsy and AMC, which basically means the joints in his arms and legs are locked up and will never move or develop. He will never walk or stand, he has limited use of his arms. We will never go fishing, canoeing or hike together. Everything that was so important to his mother and I's lives before him will never mean anything to him. In every way he is so unlike me that I struggle to relate to him at all. When he was born we both were in shock. He got rsv at 4 months and ended up in the picu. He wasn't expected to survive. Honestly? His mother and I discussed it and quietly agreed that it would be best that way. We stopped visiting. He's 11 now.

Mentally, he's above average. He gets As in a competitive private school. He competes in math and spelling bees. I hated school. He is cheerful, kind to animals and unfailingly polite. I was a sarcastic, rude little s**t who butted heads with everyone. For some reason he's still intent on impressing his parents, though I've rarely encouraged him. Despite all his wonderful traits I still try to avoid seeing him because it makes me feel guilty, depressed and disappointed, and I feel like s**t about that because all his accomplishments tell me is how much I should love him. Anyone else would be thrilled, right? If not thrilled about the medical care, at least impressed with his achievements.

I work long hours so that I can provide the best medical care he needs, the best education, anything material he could ever want. And so that I can stay away from him. Because I know he knows. He tries so hard that sometimes I'm afraid it's all a front to make it easier for us to like him.

Amcthrowaway0000 , Victor Freitas Report