No matter how self-confident we may present ourselves to the outside world, everyone has chinks in their armor. You know, these little flaws we find when our inner critic takes control to pick our features apart one by one. Unfortunately, our insecurities can get the better of us and sometimes even start to control us.

Women especially feel pressure to achieve perfection we all know doesn’t actually exist. Many have been lured into believing they have to be secure about their looks, personality, intellect, career, and every other aspect of their life. So sometimes, all we need are little reminders to give us a bit of a boost to conquer any self-doubts we may have.

Recently, user naruturtle created a post on the Ask Reddit community and asked men to share the things women and girls shouldn’t be insecure about. The thread received hundreds of comments that remind ladies to stop needlessly obsessing over imperfections and feel confident in their own skin. Below, you’ll find some of the most illuminating answers from the thread, so upvote the ones you agree with and be sure to share your thoughts in the comments!


30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter I asked my husband this question, so here's his answer:

Weight gain. Not seriously obese or lack of caring for health, but don't worry about a little extra fluff. So go ahead, eat that pizza slice(s) you're secretly eyeing!

This one is a big one for me because I gained due to birth control and a couple years of poor eating when we went through money struggles. Now we're having our second and final child, so I've been extra insecure with all these body changes and gaining weight. Of course he's on board with me wanting to lose weight and get back to where I was, but he always tells me I'm beautiful and he loves every bit of me. He has never made me feel bad for my body

magicrowantree , Huha Inc. Report

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yoescribo avatar
Wang Zhuang
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is probably the number 1 insecurity, and should be number 1 on this list. Incels and the idiots who get rejected on Tinder are the ones who call out women for their weight, but most mature men don't really care. Be yourselves and love yourselves, ladies.

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter I personally want to find the person that told women freckles should be covered up and I don’t want to hurt anyone so I’ll just have a strongly worded conversation with them. Maybe it’s just me, but I have a serious weakness for freckles. From a dusting across the bridge of a woman’s nose to head-to-toe ginger freckles. I think they’re gorgeous.

sloowhand , Chermiti Mohamed Report

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suuspuusje avatar
Susie Elle
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The number of ads I get on Youtube about cosmetics that cover up 'facial impurities' is staggering and all of them are dumb because why are you not allowed to have a mole or something along the line?

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To learn more about female insecurities and how needless obsessions over them affect our lives, we reached out to psychotherapist Sheri Heller, LCSW who specializes in the treatment of complex trauma, narcissistic abuse syndrome, and addictive disorders. "How we criticize ourselves is predicated on whether or not we have a realistic assessment and sense of acceptance of who we are," she told Bored Panda.

Heller explained that when our relationship with ourselves is mired in rejection, perfectionism and self-loathing critical scrutiny of who we are and what we do is a constant source of distress. Way too often, women find fault within themselves and worry about how other people perceive them. And even when they hear words of encouragement to stop self-doubting themselves, learning how to overcome it is challenging.


30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Ovulation and periods. It’s completely natural, and only weirdos and teen boys get grossed out by you talking about it.

Representative-Fig96 , Rebecca Manning Report

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lynnorphillips8007 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So true, my guy get pads and tampons for me, without me asking

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Not a man, but a lesbian, so I think I can provide some input here.

Anything genital related - pubic hair grooming standards, labia size, shape, colour, etc.

Everyone is a little different, and I nor any woman I've ever slept with, or any man in any of the guy talk I've been privy to as a lesbian (always a little weird to be a part of), has ever cared about any of it. Whatever you were born with is completely natural and beautiful. And if you want to rock a full bush, or go completely bald, or do a landing strip, or whatever your little heart desires, you do you and anyone in a position to see it is just going to be glad they're in that position.

Sabrinavt , Juli Kosolapova Report

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bethsito avatar
Beth S
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love the part that says "anyone in a position to see it is just going to be glad they're in that position" - it gave me a chuckle.

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Being a total dork, plenty of guys want a goofy girl that we can be ourselves around

This-Artist-3541 , Brooke Cagle Report

According to a report by Weight Watchers, females are indeed highly self-critical — they were found to criticize themselves at least eight times a day. The survey of more than 2,000 women revealed a worrying trend with one in seven admitting to being regularly judgmental of their body, personality, relationships, money, or career success every day.

An estimated 46 percent admitted having negative thoughts at least once before 9:30 AM. Moreover, a staggering 89 percent revealed they prefer complimenting their friends but not themselves, and 88 percent even said they would never criticize them in the same way.

"Women often get caught up in one-dimensional prescriptives that superficially measure a woman’s worth," Heller said. "This runs the gamut from measures of beauty to degrees of selflessness, popularity, and image."


30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Being bad at sex. If a guy says you’re bad at sex, he’s a piece of s**t. Real good sex comes from an emotional connection. It’s not you, it’s them. They suck.

Master-Frosting-201 , Maddi Bazzocco Report

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konstantin_2 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh yes, that's a big one for me. Sex in itself is not a skill. If you're good with your partner, you're good at sex.

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Wearing the same dress again. Nobody cares except other insecure women.

rubenespanyol , gbarkz Report

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konstantin_2 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Please, pleeease don't throw out clothes after wearing them once. Producing new clothes does a lot of environmental damage and is often done in sweatshops.

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Approaching/getting rejected by guys. We'd say yes to a tree if one approached us first

Loubacca92 Report


"Likewise, there are cultural demands placed on women to not only embody mothering attributes and live up to markers of vanity, but also to achieve success in the marketplace. This do all, be all paradigm sets many women up to be self-conscious about falling short of the impossible," the psychotherapist added.

When self-consciousness finds its way into every aspect of our lives, it can significantly affect our well-being. Heller told Bored Panda that being plagued by insecurities causes a person to live an inauthentic life. "One may attempt to conceal their fragility and wounds and aspire to be someone they are not."

"Moreover, one may go into hiding and not realize latent potentials. Psychologically and emotionally, the person afflicted by insecurities feels alienated and alone. They are disconnected from themselves."


30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Lack of long eyelashes. Literally, no dude has ever cared about eyelashes.

frankwhite97 , Aryan Dhiman Report


30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter I like girls who can be real around me. When they feel comfortable and say whatever dumb s**t is on their mind, I feel like I’m actually connecting with someone. Cliche, but I think being yourself and losing the insecurity, in general, is the most attractive thing someone can do.

jrugz320 , Eye for Ebony Report


30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Brains. Being a nerd is the new sexy.

trzvk22 , Kevin Lehtla Report

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ner_diz avatar
Serial pacifist
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Brains should be a point of attraction regardless if you are a man or a woman. I am a man, but I find it very condescending to conclude that smart women are "sexy", as if they are some rare, extravagant breed, while it is supposed to be some kind of a natural state of men, who are actually proven to be, throughout history, the supreme idiots of humanity.

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It's troublesome enough to feel doubtful about yourself, but often these thoughts seep into our relationships as well. When asked how big of an impact they have on our connection to others, Heller told us, "When we are not at peace with who we are, we cannot adequately engage with others. The inability to authentically express oneself with others leads to co-dependent maneuvering. One might succumb to fawning, people-pleasing, manipulating, and controlling to fulfill dependency needs."


Things I/most men don't care about:

Stretch marks.

Uneven breasts

Breasts that hang/sag (That's actually sexy, in my opinion).

Veiny breasts

It's perfectly fine if you aren't shaved down below.

Your round belly is actually cute.

I love the way you look in the morning.

Imperfections make you unique, and aren't something to be self-conscious about.

In short, if you treat me/most guys with respect; give lots of affection; are dependable; trustworthy; kind; honest; and make us feel good about ourselves, whatever insecurities you have, we likely find endearing/cute/sexy.

Merckx5251 Report


30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Breast size. A good portion of us don't give a s**t about that.

TheBigPasta , Jernej Graj Report

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konstantin_2 avatar
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They come in all shapes and sizes, and they're all beautiful! 😄

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Gray hairs, I love when you own it. Plus the silver streak kinda reminds me of Rogue from X-Men.

Probablyagoodidea , Aine Report


To avoid bringing other people down, everyone should think twice before making unsolicited comments about a person’s looks, characteristics, or qualities. "When men (or women for that matter) highlight things in women which they view as 'problematic', it exacerbates shame," Heller explained and added that a common example of this is body image. Pointing out or shaming perceived physical flaws diminishes self-regard and self-worth.


30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Wrinkles. Every wrinkle is a scar of a thousand smiles.

chucklesbtoken2 , Conscious Design Report


30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Burping or farting around us. I know too many girls that have said they think it is rude or going to turn us off of them. Personally, I would want you to let go of any gas because I know how uncomfortable that is and I couldn’t imagine if you were holding that in on top of period pain or other things. Please just pass your gas and don’t let it be something you think will turn us off.

FaithlessnessFirm646· , Sincerely Media Report


Being the one to make the first move. Especially in today's age, it can be very complex for a man to know if it's even ok to ask anymore...

ReasonsUnkown Report

When our confidence is low and fragile, we have a hard time believing in ourselves. This might lead to ditching our dreams or even cause serious health issues. "Often, this sort of wounding leads to self-destructive behavior such as eating disorders and sexual compliance," the psychotherapist noted.

Luckily, threads like this one remind us how important it is to raise awareness about self-worth issues women face every day. You see, shrinking others' faith in themselves is never the right way, and people should be encouraged to embrace their bodies and silence those inner critics that limit their lives.


30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Honestly, damn near everything. It’s sad seeing beautiful women treat themselves like s**t because their cheekbones aren’t right or their thighs are slightly red or whatever. Ladies: guys DO NOT CARE IN THE SLIGHTEST about these things. They will love you for who you are. And the guys that do make a big stink about physical 'abnormalities' aren’t worth chasing after in the first place.

icerope1199 , Waldemar Brandt Report


Not wanting to be a mom.

Zealousideal-Way3105 Report


Small breasts, contrary to what most would have you girls think, there are plenty of guys out there that love, if not even prefer, smaller breasts over larger breasts.

Frankieo1920 Report


30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter I grew up with older sisters. There were so many things they would be insecure about but I always assured them they shouldn't. Please dont be so stressed about your hair first of all. Your weight, please don't be so hard on yourself. Your clothes, please. The differences are small to notice to most men when you stress about those little things. Please, take it easy

Hicbjorn , Darya Ogurtsova Report

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pigasus1 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Love yourself, love the world, and the world will love you.

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Some of the smartest women I know will too often concede the room to loud but dumber men.

TheOvy Report


Being afraid to make the first move. I can't tell you how fantastically guys would respond if women just dropped this "men have to make the first move" mentality. If they just walked over and said "hey you're cute and I like your personality, wanna go out sometime?" Men would go nuts. A lot of Women, not all, act like this is an insane idea, but tbh it's very refreshing and a really attractive quality. Fuck the bs of norms.

AustinFest Report

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skara-brae avatar
Skara Brae
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh yeah.This! Ladies, if the guy you like inexplicably won't ask you out, it could be they like you, but are afraid it would ruin your friendship if you say no. Also, obvious hints aren't as obvious as you think, especially for guys who haven't had a girlfriend yet.

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter How much sex they’ve had. As long as it’s done responsibility and you’re loyal to your established SO, I couldn’t care less how many came before.

Largicharg , Womanizer Toys Report

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naesil avatar
Naesil 🇫🇮
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We have a saying in finnish that could roughly translate to "You can't dry/wear out a lake by rowing"

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Most girls I’ve know look better without it

MusicIsLife003 Report

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evachainz99 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

it makes me feel more confident because the last time i didnt wear ppl called me out and called me ugly. But i realised i looked ok without it, now i just prefer to wear it because i personally like it, not bc others do.

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Cellulite, stretch marks, anything that might be seen as a 'blemish.' My girlfriend has all of the above and I never noticed any of it until she said something about them.

CilliamBlinton· , Nenad Stojkovic Report

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saragregory0508 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Blame Photoshop and all the media that sets the standards and expectations for what women should look like. Throw in pron magazines and we're up against impossible images. I realise many, many men can tell the difference between the false images and reality, but a lot of the damage to our self worth happens in our teen and pre-teen years from boys who *haven't yet* worked out the difference and make us feel less worthy. (And pre-teen magazines aimed at girls)

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Their body hair. It's natural to have body hair.

ty_perry_much , Billie Report

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blue1steven avatar
Donkey boi
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My wife said it's weird that body hair on women doesn't bother me in the slightest, but on men I find it disgusting. I couldn't care if my wife grew her hair like Cousin It, but I'm shaving my armpits, I'm waxing my chest, I'm trimming my pubes!

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Acne on the face, back, or wherever. None of us really care. I had bad acne growing up and at some point, I learned that any respectful person will not judge you for it because you can’t really control it.

u/YeetThatLemon , Saluda Programa de Salud Report

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micah_2 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They really try to shame teenagers into getting any number of products to combat a normal effect that comes from hormonal or other biochemical changes.

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Your weight has nothing to do with self-worth.

afi931 , i yunmai Report

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andreavilarmelego avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Again not true in this society. It should be true but it isnt. People judge women (and men) for rheir weight and attractiveness all the time. Specially doctors, they never take you seriously if you are not skinny.

zoponex avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

SO true! If you're not slim, every problem you have with your health is blamed on your weight and they assume your weight is because you eat fast food and candy all day. Even fat doctors do this!

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isaacharvey81 avatar
Isaac Harvey
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you judged me solely by my weight/looks throughout 2017 and 2018, you wouldn’t know that I was having chemotherapy for childhood brain cancer.

jujubejess avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ummmm. Not true. Always been a bigger woman and I can't tell you how many men liked me but admitted they were too embarrassed to date me because of friends/family/coworkers. Or how many men would say I would be so pretty if I was thin. This is absolutely not the usual male response to a size 14 or larger woman.

constructgirl avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

💯 true! Someone told me on my wedding day that he really wished it was him with me and he wanted to tell me not to get married, but can’t, because I’m overweight. It is one of the few open ways humans are discriminated against in really shameful and humiliating ways, and society for the most part is ok with it.

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clanmorello avatar
Lynn Morello
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I am too old for any judgmental comments, but I have often put myself through hell trying to lose weight.

izabelawilson avatar
Izabela Wilson
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If it makes you to feel better about yourself is your call 😊 I'm rowing this boat too

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becki_errington avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'd love to believe this, but there are too many men in the real world that snicker, joke, make rude and insulting comments, and show disgust among other things at fat women for me to believe this. When people say this, they generally mean its ok, up to a certain point. Chubby is ok. Big in certain areas of your body is ok. But an overall large woman or a "fat" woman is generally not accepted as OK.

9360swilli avatar
Susan Williams
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Obesity is a harmful/fatal disease. Morbid obesity is usually caused by emotional issues. Any help these people can get must be presented in a positive manner. There's already too much negative self image in their lives.

laurabrown_3 avatar
Laura Brown
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That should be reality but it isn't. So many peoples' self-worth is tied to being thin, which is what they're conditioned to believe is attractive...women have been bombarded with images of what "beautiful" is, buying into a lie perpetuated by the media and the Kardashians and all the "influencers" on social media...damn it, just love yourself for who you are and others will too...anyone who doesn't isn't worth your time.

lillianjanecooper avatar
Lillian Cooper
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Where I live people judge me all the time cause I’m a bigger girl my tummy hangs my butt is kinda flat my boobs are uneven fat in my arms I’m judged cause I’m not a petite pretty woman we are judged

cammywilsonaz avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

According to my ex-husband, it is. Hence the “ex” part…

mikenolan avatar
Mike Nolan
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

To be fair, weight can be a significant health risk. I know because I'm dealing with it now. I don't want to lose weight because I'll look better, I want to lose weight so that I stay ALIVE, longer

facebook_42 avatar
Peter Korsten
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nonsense. Too much weight is a problem (I know all about it) and a health risk. It's not easy to lose weight (I know all about it, again), but this whole "body positivity" thing is a load of rubbish. There's nothing positive about being overweight.

giustizia avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No, it's a problem and hardly anyone likes being fat. But you shouldn't comment on that. Just leave the person alone if you are not interested. No comments. Being positive is about loving self when fat. It's easier to change things when you love yourself. I know about that.

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jon_steensen avatar
Jon Steensen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The scale may be a good indicator of the direction your body is in general moving in, if you remember to correct for all the noise (have you just been eating before, then expect your weight to go up and amount equal to the weight of the food, have you just emtied your bladder, expect your weight to be unaturally lower etc.). However weight alone is a bad meassure for how healthy you are, and drawing your height into into the calculation to get BMI only makes things a litle better. What really matters is the amount of surplus fat you are carrying around. So two of two people with equal height the one with a weight above the recomended BMI could be the healthy one, given that he has a high muscle mass, and the "normal" once has a very slim bone structure and few mucles so there is room for a beer belly in the calculation without busting the magic number.

adamchang avatar
Adam Chang
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2 years ago

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robertduran_2 avatar
Robert Duran
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've only cared about weight if it has an adverse effect on your health and you CAN do something about it, yet you don't.

kitayawolfe avatar
Mizz Kitty
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This. It's fine to be chubby. But that's *only if* you aren't putting your health at risk. I hit 300 lbs at one point and felt like I was dying. I'm 250-ish now and feel much better. If I lose any more weight than I have, I feel sick. The weight I'm at right now works for me but it may not work for others. Everyone is different and everyone loses weight differently. However, every person (big or small) deserves to be treated with respect and not be put down because of the amount of fat on their body.

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kyle_simmons avatar
Kyle Simmons
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As long as you're not morbidly obese or a big fat disgusto el barfo, it's ok. A little fluff is fine and dandy.

wendillon avatar
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2 years ago

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Uhh yes it does? You don't get to decide what does and doesn't have anything to do with my SELF-worth.

suuspuusje avatar
Susie Elle
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think what OP means is that for lots of women their weight is an issue regardless of what the number is

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I had a GF who was insecure about the shape of her breasts. To me they were fantastic.

Kingibew136 Report

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dhdjdjdjspssp avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah society has taught us that National Geographic boobies are just not ok. Must be Playboy boobies or else! Pretty freaking shallow.

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Don’t be afraid to look stupid. Or embarrass yourself asking a seemingly dumb question. It’s way cooler if you want to learn something, than say ‘I wouldn’t understand it’.

Not looking/appearing ladylike. Just get in there and destroy that burger. Or make a fool of yourself. Many guys will prefer a girl who’s goofy or brave. (Not that you should validate yourself in guys eyes, it’s just this post asks for men’s opinions.)

PotatoBestFood Report

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mariancochran avatar
Me Oh My
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Most of the guys I know find girls with big appetites hella sexy.


The most ridiculous thing must be the thigh gap

Statakaka Report


That little belly bump seriously it don’t make you look fat it makes you look human

buffkirby Report


Not being in elite athlete shape.

The fixation on abs and no body fat is annoying af.

Would rather chill at the beach with nothing but Mom and Dad bods.

I know the time and commitment it takes to be perfectly fit. For 99% of us that is time taken away from more important matters.

Hooliken Report

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ii_3 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

time and money , trying to bulk up costs a fortune in extra protein , either eating more or protein powders are needed and it adds up


30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Frizzy hair! It’s really fun to look at. Some women seem to try to straighten or curl their hair but I think going with what your hair wants is best. I know there are always those shampoo commercials with impossibly silky hair, and that looks nice, but there are so many different ways to have beautiful hair. I think genuine hair is often beautiful hair!

MQ116 , Drew Coffman Report

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shannondaley avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have silky hair and I hate it bc that mf will do NOTHING I tell it to- 😐 I would kill for some texture man

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Their laugh. If you snort like a piggy, go on girl. Most of the time it's cute.

CasualOddBall Report

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jitkasedova avatar
Jitka Šedová
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My husband loves my snort laughing. He oftrn tries to make me laugh hard enough to snort and then we both laugh even harder (and I snort even more :D)

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I dated a girl once who had a larger than average labia. She hated it, the first 3 months we dated she didn't want me to even look at her parts bc she was so insecure about it. We'd been playing with each other for ages so obviously I'd felt it and didn't mind and the first time I saw it I was about the go down on her and she started crying bc she thought I wouldn't be attracted to her anymore. I never minded though, and we had a conversation about it and how it didn't matter, I'd noticed it before and it didn't turn me off at all. I loved her and a little labia wasn't gonna stop that

Unknown_Captain Report

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cultofsplint avatar
Trond Øien
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Give me large labia over the barbie doll look every time. Who knows where this madness came from.

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Being assertive. There's nothing wrong with a person being assertive, man or woman. There's no reason to be self-conscious about competence and knowledge. And assertiveness is just the expression of those."

DuvalHeart , Sarah Cervantes Report


Height and being older than your partner.
If someone's gonna be with you all these "trivial" things won't ever matter, believe me...

Maybe that's just me but I do prefer to not really ask those 2 specific things among others, if they want to share then all good (at least height will be kinda obvious but my point stands lol)

As for being older, that freaking double standard and taboo about the guy having to be older is ridiculous and it kinda hurts the feelings of so many girls it's sad.

TCSK8 Report

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terybriggs avatar
Mama Panda
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Height has always been an issue for me. Of course I am 5'11". I have tried to date men shorter but I just can't handle feeling like a giant. Age on the other hand is not a problem. I have dated younger men and have had just as much fun as with older men. I think it's more of a maturity issue if anything.

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter how much you eat (eat what you want but like your doctor would say, have balance)

Illustrious-Fault224 , Priscilla Du Preez Report

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blue1steven avatar
Donkey boi
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'd rather see you enjoying what you're eating than concern myself with what or how much you are eating.

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Brand names. Most single guys have no idea the difference between a handbag from Michael Kohrs vs Louis Vuitton.

Jim105 Report

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jon_steensen avatar
Jon Steensen
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

...and many of us find designer bags rediculously overpriced, and see them as a sign of weak personality, since they indicates you can be manipulated to pay a redicoulus amount of money for something worth far less than that. Even if you have so much money that you can spend them carelessly, flashing that fact by wearing the badge of a wellknown brand, can come of as bragging, and can send some a*****e vibes. Don't just follow the mainstream route, but show off some of your own personality and be a little creative with the objects you choose to surround yourself with. Be brave and put some effort into it, instead of just going with the secure option where you are leaching on an establish brand. And don't let your entire life revolve around a material good, but get a proper perspective on what is important so you don't whine on the internet like a spoiled brad, and performs a stupid media stunt, when Chanel won't trade with you.

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter The nose. I don't understand why almost every girl who doesn't think they have a 'perfect' nose, will at some point consider operating for that. We don't give a s**t about the small hump on your nose or if the tip is pointing slightly up or down.

Daviex7 Report

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john_a_carr_1 avatar
John Carr
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love my partners cute little nose. I didn't know until a lot later that it's slightly crooked because her ex broke it.

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Grey hair on a woman is kinda hot.

FuckOffJenn Report

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carolyngerbrands avatar
Caro Caro
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Thank God for that :D. My hair is dark blond/mousey in the winter and you can see the grey coming through (not much but still). In the summer my hair gets lighter and then you don't see the grey... I love the summer for so many reasons ;)

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Nipples. Me, the male, very excited to play with your boobs in general. Literally do not care what they look like. Boobs are great and wonderful, playing with them also usually leads to sex which is also pretty great. Hurts me when partners dislike their bodies over something you can’t really change.

Jikate Report


Being more competent in something than colleagues, friends or SOs. The insecurities of others around you shouldn't affect your own behavior and make you downplay your own abilities and strengths.

vapeorama Report

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skara-brae avatar
Skara Brae
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Please don't hide your skills. The world needs all the competent people we can get.

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Height! As a 5'9'' guy, I love girl's my height and even taller, so stand straight for God's sake!

Shot_Scheme2504 Report

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woollyresearch avatar
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2 years ago

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I'm attracted to people who can use an apostrophe correctly, so this one wouldn't work for me.

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Lips and eyebrows. We don't really care. Every guy I'm friends with agrees that lip fillers make a girl instantly less attractive and as long as you're not completely missing your eyebrows, we don't even think about them.

u/DocerDoc , Malik Skydsgaard Report

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ii_3 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

lip fillers are the dumbest thing ever , like WHY ?? they make you look like a cartoon character

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We don’t care what you look like when you eat as long as you follow basic table manners. F**k do I care if you want a big a** bloody hamburger. If you’re hungry eat! I never got that. You go to a restaurant to eat not to nibble on rabbit food.

DaMoltisantiKid Report

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Basically anything that is out of their control. You shouldn't be insecure about body parts that we can't change, or disfigurements or medical conditions. Imperfections are perfect in my eyes.

I think insecurities should only exist in situations where you know you can make that change for the better but you don't take that step, being insecure about something like that should encourage self improvement.

level 1 [deleted] Report

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Muscle. There's no shame in being or wanting to be muscular. Getting in shape is attractive and anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about or care about other people's appearances too much.

blueking13 Report

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naesil avatar
Naesil 🇫🇮
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And you dont turn into a pro female bodybuilder by lifting weights, I have heard that as a reason to not lift weights because they dont want to turn super muscular.. hell majority of men wont look like that even if they train seriously.

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Wearing glasses (prescription not sunglasses), I don’t know why many feel embarrassed using them and go all day at school mainly and struggle. 9/10 you look even prettier with them

Kev1225gms Report

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jon_steensen avatar
Jon Steensen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A pair of well chosen glases often makes people look smart, and smart people are often much easier to be around, as they can focus on the important parts of life and you do not constantly have to correct for their mistakes, or spend a lot of time making them follow your train of thoughts.I know it is stereotypical thinking, but I think a lot of people make the same set of connections, and hence find glases attractive. Furthermore it is often just a matter of getting used to the look, and in most cases when you know someone who usually wear glases, they look odd without them.

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Having a woman that is confident in making her own decisions is great. You don't need anyone's f**king permission to do a damn thing that doesn't directly involve them. Asking someone's opinion or input versus their permission are two different things. Girls, ladies, women, anyone hear this: Confidence is far more beautiful than any makeup or clothing. I love the inner beauty that radiates out! I've seen dolled-up women that were rotten to the core. Love yourself and love will find you!!!

iamme_72584 , Ruben Ramirez Report

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Their face without makeup. I've been told that makeup isn't about impressing other people and is more of a self-confidence/self-love thing, but the only reason it's even a thing is because it impresses other people.

seniorfrito , Radek Homola Report


Eye Color!!!!! I know so many girls who are upset they have brown eyes instead of blue or green. Brown eyes are very attractive!

pappa-wheezy Report


First of all women stop being doormats or second class in relationships. If you want to go to KFC say it. It doesn’t make you look fat. It makes you look hungry.

Also my GOD stop saying you are fat. Unless you are actually morbidly obese 90% of guys are not gonna give one single iota of a F how much you actually weigh.

thatonepingu Report

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loramad avatar
plain bOrEd not panda
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is actually so very true, but women realize it much later in life when settled down. While I was a teen and in my early 20s, I had crushes on guys I thought were way out of my league, because I always considered myself on the bigger size (looking at my pictures now I say to myself "Damn, what a hot piece of beauty and so much slimmer than I remember myself being!"). Surprise, surprise, all of these guys ended up with much bigger girls than me, and also not as pretty and a father or themselves have told me a few times what crushes they used to have on me in their 20s. So if you're not obese, the only person who is judging your weight is yourself and your "girlfriends", it is never a good reason not to have the self esteem you are in these guys' league.

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Stretch marks

Velocity9876 Report

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Their tummies. Some of us like a tummy on a woman.

SuggestionRelative94 Report

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jon_steensen avatar
Jon Steensen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Men are preprogramed to like a curvy lines that sets a woman apart from a man. Distinguished abs are something most people asociate with the male figure and hence a sixpack on a women is a turn off for many men, who would prefer a bit of a round belly over that.


Everything about your body.

Your not a super model and we aren't expecting you to be. We aren't male models either. Real life isn't p**n.

Sighwtfman Report

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Whether your bra matches the panties

Illustrious-Fault224 Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

personally, i just like to do this because i like how it looks :)

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Having no sexual experience

Horror_Narwhal_6775 Report


Their career skills. Women second guess themselves so much more than men do. Seriously, f**k that.

u/bigdruid Report

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter Crooked teeth. I think they're sexy as hell.

u/JustBanMeAlreadyOK· , Marek Studzinski Report

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Constantly apologizing. It’s okay to apologize, we probably understand, and you probably don’t have to apologize, and you’re doing just fine, whatever, and however that is.

This being said… don’t stop, it’s adorable and flattering that you care that much.

Adambe_The_Gorilla Report


A lot of those beauty trends. Thigh gaps, that weird bikini gap thing, stretch marks etc, I genuinely don't care. Also apparently some are self-conscious about freckles, I think they look stunning.

SecretSummerMidnight Report

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Stretch marks/mom bod. You created a human/humans. The “perfect” body isn’t flawless or without blemish. Sexiness is more in how you present yourself vs physical appearance 99% of the time.

wrwmarks Report


Almost everything you're insecure about is what other women would judge you for and most men wouldn't even think about it.

Breast or a** size. Stretch marks. A couple pimples. That hair you have somewhere. Height. Those couple extra pounds. Clothing style.

All the surface level s**t doesn't matter.

NoobSkills Report

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jon_steensen avatar
Jon Steensen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In fact a perfect woman can be a bit intimidating. The Russians discovered that their previous strategy of using beautiful intelligent women as "honey pots" did not work when they tried to infiltrate the enemy's programmers. The poor guys were simple too scared to aproach them, and when the women talked to them, they could not establish the all important eye contact. Using more imperfect women had a lot better succesrate, since it leveled the playing field, and made the women more relatable for the men. Knowing that you are imperfect and owning it, while being brave enough to let the world see you for who you are, can be a hell of a lot more attractive, than spending your limited lifetime in the bathroom and nail salon trying to correct any minor imperfection, instead of focussing on what is important.

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Worrying about their boyfriend cheating on them out of instinct due to having bad relationships in the past. I've dated around a dozen women in my life and prior to meeting my wife (of 4 years now) I literally had to break up with women due to such trust issues being projected at me.

One insecure woman punched me in the face twice because she thought I was cheating on her as she thought I was being overly nice to other women despite me just being nice to everyone equally as that's my personality.

I pushed her off me after she grabbed me by the neck trying to force me to confess to cheating (she was a strong person) and she calls the cops so I spent three weeks in jail awaiting a court date for domestic violence that was thrown out anyways.

When I met my wife and noticed she wasn't insecure I married her within 6 months of dating and couldn't be happier now!

Wary-Trout Report

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betinafrost avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My ex-husband left me for someone else, I've had friends betray me with boyfriends, just was a bad judge of character for a long time. So I came into my current relationship with major trust issues. I told him everything and explained I would need help working through it. He was patient with me, still is, and we have a great relationship. So please don't always discount insecure people. If they're willing to be honest about it, they could be worth the effort.

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material possessions you have or don’t have in relation to your peers.

Illustrious-Fault224 Report

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Everything except bad personal hygiene

Of course you can find someone who doesn't care about hygiene but most won't play ball, wash your body especially your privates, only the inside is self cleaning

St34m9unk Report

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Not wearing a bra.

_Ed_Gein_ Report

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jessjakabova avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

All of these sound nice in theory, but I haven't met a guy who didn't care about these. I once dared to go get my food delivery in a shirt with a spaghetti strap w no bra on and the next time I ordered from them the delivery guy brought a friend and they both giggled and ogled me like I was in a window display -.-"

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Getting the latest trendy clothes. Have not met a guy who gives a damn if that hat is half a year out of style. Rock whatever look you like, ladies!

u/Atlas7674 Report

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jon_steensen avatar
Jon Steensen
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

yeah and what is in now, you may think look redicoulus in a year. Fashion is really just something the industry has invented and is brainwashing you with, in order to make you spend more money. Don't fall into that trap trying to buy what is currently trendy, but instead spend your money on building a longlasting wardrobe of quality evergreens, and play with how you pair the items you already posses (e.g. a basic charcoal blazer can be dressed up by wearing it with a skirt, the right scarf and jewlery, or dressed down by unbottoning the top button, pairing it with a jeans and letting the hair down).


their smile, body weight, nose , just everything and anything

GodsSeed Report

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Being a little cubby , not every guy wants to have a girl who looks like she hasn’t ate in four months.

Onelonleyboi- Report

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carolineweston avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I am a literal stick. It is just how my family is. I can eat lots, then be like "Oh look, my ribs." People ask "How?" and I just say "Genetics". Perfectly healthy.

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Asking a guy out. If you like a guy, don't be afraid to ask him out on a date. Guys only making the first move is an outdated and sexist concept.

selfdoubt5421 Report

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mcborge1 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My girlfriend made the first move, she totally knocked me off my feet and it was wonderful. :)


Body hair, makeup, nails, hairstyle, etc.

Those stereotypes in sitcoms when the wife gets angry at oblivious husbands that don't notice the new haircut; those exist because most of us really don't notice.

Not going to lie and say looks don't matter, but personality, intelligence and empathy are a big part of my attraction to someone.

If you're looking for something to be insecure about, male or female, evaluate how you feel about yourself as a well rounded person.

Nathan-dts Report

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Their noses. An old girlfriend of mine had some deep insecurities about her "big" nose. I thought it suited her face perfectly and gave her a really striking profile and i tried to give her compliments whenever i could. She eventually ended up getting a nose job despite my protests. I told her i thought it looked great even though inside i was crushed because i felt like i had failed in my job as a boyfriend in making her feel sexy and confident.

Leafeyes Report


Your faces. The only people that don't like your faces are you and the cosmetics industry. I would take a natural 5/10 face over a 10/10 makeup face any day. Please try to have the confidence to be natural... anything else is a lie.

unsuitablebadger Report

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Stubble. I had a girl once being too insecure to have sex because she hadn't shaved her kitty in a week. It didn't stop me from closing the deal.

boxingfan828 Report

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-How they look without any makeup. I feel like most guys prefer Women with little to no makeup. I know I do.

-Also height, all the women I've dated were about a foot shorter then I am.

-Your hair, honestly you look great and most guys won't notice or care if your hair "looks bad"

thesenseikermit Report

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Moles on the face

Yurned Report

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saumyathakur2009 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have a mole on my face and I find it GORGEOUS ! Tbh , Moles , to me , are really cute

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Their voice

9/10 times they sound gorgeous

pile_of_dead_babies Report

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brianabibenson avatar
BrianAbi Benson
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Bro I sound like a man sometimes, some dude even thought I was a guy cuz my short hair in public once


Public speaking. You'll do fine!

guaukdslkryxsodlnw Report

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30 Men Listed Common Female Insecurities That Don’t Actually Matter How her vagina looks. We literally couldn’t care less. Outer labia, inner labia. We promise.

White_beetlejuice , Timothy Meinberg Report

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andreavilarmelego avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The vagina is an internal part. Vulva is the external one.

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Messy hair

NotARealTopHat Report

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cultofsplint avatar
Trond Øien
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Messy wet hair and no make up straight out of the shower is peak attractive in my book at least.

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If they're a little chubby or have a few imperfections. That s**t's normal for everybody. Besides, if you were skin and bones backshots would sound like skeletons from minecraft.

Axeman1721 Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

the skeletons literally had me laughing out loud, got a few looks from my class lol


I'm not a guy but Their eyebrows. Literally they are never ugly and it's honestly more disturbing to see ultra thin ones.

Also armpits?? Ok all the shampoo commercials lead you to believe that shaved armpits are sexy but like... If you want to keep the hair, do it it's your body.

smolinga Report


Being seen naked, we can already tell what you look like and we’re into it if it’s at that point.

floog Report

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Thigh size. Everyone's is going to be different. If you try to take care of yourself and be healthy, that's all that matters.

Adrasteia-One Report

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Your career / level of education

Illustrious-Fault224 Report

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woollyresearch avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Plenty of men are terrified of a woman who is more educated or better paid than they are.

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Hip dips

Ok_Scar_8175 Report

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If a guy is actively interacting with you and you start to mention how you're insecure about your looks, don't be.

Guys are wired for looks, for better or worse, so if they're interested in you and hanging around you (and you're ok with that) they more than likely adore your looks, and wouldn't change them for the world.

See so many girls out there doubting their beauty, and it breaks my heart.

RavenX185 Report

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Naesil 🇫🇮
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Men are visual creatures, its just natural, and the proof is in how much money is spent looking naked women every year (billions). But I think generally what we find attractive is not only the socially decided "perfection". Personally I like the uniqueness in "imperfections" more than the perfect barbie look.. have you seen the crooked smile of Natalie Dormer? Damn that is attractive.


Previous relationships which have caused physical or psychological damage to you

baconboi86 Report

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terybriggs avatar
Mama Panda
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This isn't considered to be an insecurity. It's a fear. It's a horribly negative experience that will haunt us until the end of time and men just need to understand that and just accept it. Once a woman (can't speak for men as I am not one) has been in an abusive relationship, we will be cautious, scared, alert, and have PTSD. And if you are a man who is trying to be in a relationship with a woman who has experienced domestic violence, do not negate or minimalize her experiences or force her to talk about it with you. It is a serious issue.

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