Did you know that Ben Affleck is 6'4 (193cm)? And that Margaux Hemingway was as tall as her grandfather Ernest at 6'0 (183cm)? It would've probably taken the majority of us to stand 2 minutes behind them at a concert to start to envy them, thinking they must have the world at their feet. But that might not be the case.
Tall people have problems. In fact, they even created a subreddit to prove that they don't have it as easy as short people think. From having to almost kneel to use the ATM to folding themselves in order to fit in an airplane seat, you gotta admit, some of the photo evidence they provide make the case pretty compelling. Continue scrolling and check out the images.
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They Wanted Me To Get In My Co-Worker’s Car For A Mr. Incredible Moment. I’m 6’7”
If we were to get serious for a bit (this will only take a moment, I promise), we would see that poor nutrition and illness in childhood limit human growth. Which means, the average height of a population strongly correlates to its living standards. Thus, the study of human height becomes relevant even for historians who want to understand the history of living conditions.
Even though human height is used as an indirect measure for living standards, experts emphasize that it is not used as a direct measure of well-being.
My Colleagues Sometimes Get Mistaken For My Children.
Human height has been steadily increasing over the past 2 centuries across the world. It is in line with improvements in our health and nutrition during this period. Generally, the data for these studies comes from soldiers (conscripts), convicted criminals, slaves and servants. It is, in fact, the reason why so many talks on human height focus on men.
When You're 6'5" And Date Someone Who Is 5'5"
During a 100-year period between 1896 and 1996, the largest gains in height were recorded for European and Central Asian men; their mean height increased by 11 cm (4.3 inches), overtaking North American men in the process. The smallest absolute gains were seen for South Asian men; mean height increased by only 5 cm (2 inches).
There are only 2.5K members in the r/TallPeopleProblems subreddit, but I guess the bigger it gets — the more people experience these issues — the better?
My Dad Made This Raised Cutting Board For My 6'8 Boyfriend. No More Hunching Over The Counters!
Took Away The Spotlight
Prom Pictures With GF And Her Dad
Me And My 6'4" Date To Our Rowing Formal. I'd Say We're Pretty Cute
Japan Wasn’t Made For Us (6’7”)
Thought You Guys Would Enjoy This One
Smashed My Head On The Guatemalan International Departures Sign, Came Crashing Down. Wasn't Made For Tall People...
This The Season To Be Clotheslined By Christmas Decorations At Work.
A Nice Surprise At A Restaurant - A Secondary Mirror Specifically For Us Tree-Folk.
Just A Tall Tourist Using An ATM In South East Asia..
6’3” Lived In A Traditional Japanese House In Japan For Two Months. There Was Lots Of Exposed Wooden Beams
Brain.exe Has Stopped Working
Friend Of Mine Had A Photo Booth Set Up At His Wedding... Probably My Favorite Picture Of My GF (6’2) And I (6’6).
Went To Prague With My Friend Who Is 7’ 4”
You Know It's Bad When The Shower Is In The Ceiling And You Still Don't Fit
Jumping On The Work Desk Bandwagon
After Many Years Of Marriage, It's Still Nice That We Can Sit At The Table And Just Hold Hands.
Don’t Mind Me, Just Passing By
How Miserable.
My New Apartment Has This Shower Head, And I'm Only 6'1"
Who's Doing Dishes Like This? 🙋
I Love My Job, But Can't Wait To Get Hired Into A Larger Airplane.
Tired Of Looking Out Of Place In Most Of My Pictures With People
Be Your Own Door
New Apartment... I Present To You My Mini Fridge
When I Stand Up In The Stall I Make Eye Contact With The People Washing Their Hands. Is It A Little Awkward?....yeah
With The Current Trend Of Others Wearing Tall People's Clothes, Here's My Former Colleague From The Philippines In My Coveralls
I Don't Even Care That I'm 7'8", I'm Going To Enjoy The 'Little' Things That This World Has To Offer!
Door Frames Get You Once, But Ceiling Fans Get You More Than Once...yeah, Walked Into A Ceiling Fan.
Getting A Shirt Tailored In Vietnam.
I Present To You My Crappy Design Bathroom And How I Like To Use It
My Team Mate And I Are Both 6’10...now I Know What I Look Like Using An ATM.
A Mess Only We Can See. ( Top Of Vending Machine )
Getting Requests To Do Hand And Feet Comparisons At Parties Is Just Routine Already
I can't stop noticing that that dude in the background's eye contours perfectly to the other dude's mouth. I can't unsee it.
Tall Girl (6’3”) vs. Door Frame. Grrrreeeeaaattttt.
Hey, Check Out This Cool Place We'll Never Be Able To Enter.
Just climb it on your hands like a dog. I still go up my mom's stairs t home like that sometimes out of childhood habit.
Dear Delta And Faa, Tell Me Again How This Is Safe, Let Alone Humane...
This isn't a tall person issue. I'm short but have long legs and have the same problem on planes.
I Made Something To Reduce Back Pain In The Kitchen
I had the worktops set about the much higher when I changed the kitchen - saves a lot of grumbling. That hob looks painfully low.
I Can Forgive Short Mirrors Since I'm Ugly, But I Will Never Forgive The Evil That Is Aku! (Manifested In The Form Of A Short Shower Head)
He ain't ugly, he just hasn't noticed yet because he can't see himself in a mirror.
Everytime Sidewalk Ever.
This is so annoying. Walking on the sidewalk like it's an obstacle course