Choosing a name for a baby is one of the most important decisions. Even though it’s possible to change, it’s usually not really an option.

So it’s not a surprise that it’s important to think through everything – if there are some meanings that you are not aware of, to make sure that kid won’t be bullied because of the name, that it will not hold them back in their future career and many more aspects. And that’s why it’s better to consult with others and ask for their opinions – maybe they can look at it from the other side and give a neutral answer.

More info: Reddit

If you are asking for somebody’s honest opinion, it’s important to understand that it may be opposite from yours

Image credits: Polina Tankilevitch (not the actual photo)

Woman wonders if she was being a jerk for telling her twin sister that her baby name idea is silly

Image credits: u/Far-Competition2675

Image credits: Heiner (not the actual photo)


Her sister asked for her honest opinion regarding her baby boy’s name idea

Image credits: u/Far-Competition2675

Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)

She sided with her sister’s husband and said that it’s a stupid idea to name the baby Luffy after an anime character


Image credits: u/Far-Competition2675

Her sister got mad and left crying, and since then has been giving her the cold shoulder

A few days ago one Reddit user shared her story to one of the most judgmental communities asking if she was indeed being a jerk for telling her sister that she agrees with her husband and that her baby name idea is silly. The post received a lot of attention and in just 4 days, it had almost 9K upvotes and more than 3.8K comments.


So to begin with, OP says that her twin sister is pregnant with a baby boy. However, she shared with the author that she has been fighting with her husband over baby names. She wants to name the baby Luffy, as in an anime character. Her husband doesn’t agree with this name as the kid will be bullied, so she asked for OP’s honest opinion regarding this name.

To her surprise (probably), the author sided with her sister’s husband and said that this name is silly. She suggested going back to the drawing board and searching for names of less known anime characters if that’s what she wants. Well, the sister got mad and tried to convince her otherwise, but OP said that it’s a stupid name, which led to the sister’s tears and cold shoulder since then.

Community members backed the woman up and awarded her with the “Not the A-hole’ badge. Folks discussed that for an adult, it’s a terrible name, and if she wants, it can be a nickname, not a legal name. “I think she’s losing sight that she’s naming a future adult, not a forever baby,” one user wrote. “Luffy is an excellent name… FOR A DOG. Like, hey everyone, this is my son Naruto Johnson,” another added.

Moreover, Bored Panda got in touch with Taylor A. Humphrey, who is the founder of What’s in a Baby Name and she kindly agreed to share her insights regarding key considerations in baby naming, how parents can evaluate the long-term implications of a chosen name and emerging trends in baby naming.


To begin with, Taylor emphasizes that when choosing a baby name it’s crucial to balance personal preference with potential societal reactions. “Parents should consider factors like the name’s cultural or historical significance, its ease of spelling and pronunciation, and whether it carries any negative stereotypes or associations,” she says.

Image credits: Igor Kirillov (not the actual photo)

Moreover, considering how the name will age with the child is essential as well. Taylor shares that she always advises her clients that if there’s a name that they love and can’t stop thinking about, that’s probably the right choice. Even if the name feels silly or ridiculous to others, parents should always follow their own heart, intuition and internal guidance system. 

Now, speaking about evaluation’s long-term implications, the baby namer says that parents should contemplate the potential impact of the chosen name on a child’s self-esteem and identity formation. For example, researching the meaning and origins of a name can offer insights into potential effects. 

“While I typically recommend against sharing name considerations before the baby is born (as a way to avoid name bullying and name criticism) I do recommend asking teachers or parents of school-aged children about their insights into how specific names might be received by other kids,” she states.

Moreover, Taylor states that baby naming trends are constantly evolving. “Today, there’s a growing interest in unique and culturally diverse names: Names like Isla and Kai, which were relatively unique not too long ago, have skyrocketed up the popularity charts in the US, likely because of their multi-cultural origins,” she shares. 


“Some parents also seek gender-neutral options. In my business, I’m seeing more parents consider names like James and Bennett for girls, and Morgan and Eden for boys.” Taylor says that if you know that gender-neutral names are trending, then you can disregard any name-hater’s criticism. 

And of course, don’t forget to check Taylor’s website, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter channels! 

Additionally, she says that open communication is key. And speaking about this story, Taylor emphasizes that “the author could have discussed their concerns with Maisie more tactfully. Curiosity and empathy about name choices can help people find common ground, as well as new levels of understanding and intimacy.” What do you guys think about this situation? 

Redditors agreed with the post author that this name is in fact silly for a kid