ADVERTISEMENT has boomed in popularity this days. With its quirky jewellery, designer vintage and per-loved clothes from boutiques and stores all around the world, a new craze has evolved.

Whilst vintage clothing has been hugely popular for over a year now, the novelty of being able to purchase designer clothes at a large discount still definitely has not worn off. If you are someone who is on the fence about purchasing from for whatever reason, we have outlined some main reasons why you should hop off the fence and onto our side:

•It’s Unique

Buying from means that you don’t run the risk of buying something that someone else you know already has. What you buy will be unique to you which is what will make your purchase extra special.

•You can Buy Designer Clothes at Huge Discounts

Some sellers on such as designer clothes at hugely discounted prices. Not only are these vintage clothes one offs, they are also exceptional value. Hollister top for PS8 anyone?

•Large Variety of Brands in One Place

When shopping for vintage or preloved clothing, it is difficult to get a big variety of designer brands to choose from, whereas allows you to browse numerous different brands in the one place.


Usually when buying vintage clothing, one will walk into a vintage shop which has a variety of great stock but no organization. On, you can shop by type of clothing and price range which organizes the usual chaos which is vintage clothes shopping!

•Great Value for Money

Considering that every product on is sold from individual sellers and boutiques so items are not mass produced and are therefore unique, the prices are great. You can also specify price on the site which is unusual when purchasing such individual and gorgeous items.

ADVERTISEMENT was set up to fill a gap in the market for individual sellers and boutiques to have the opportunity to sell their products on a popular and highly credible online site to give their awesome products the opportunity and exposure they deserve. The popularity of such products has skyrocketed over the past two years with people yearning to have more individual items of clothing and jewellery with some sort of story rather than something off a high street store – whether or not you want to call this ‘hipster’ is up to you!

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