There’s hardly any better feeling than rescuing a pet in need, bringing it to its forever home, and giving it all of your love so it can live its best life. Well, get ready to go ‘aww’ and have your heart melt because Bored Panda has collected this month’s most wholesome adopted pet photos.
The silent heroes helping people rescue adorable pets in need are animal welfare organizations and shelters. So we reached out to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to talk about pet adoption, as well as how animal shelters are rising to the challenge presented by the coronavirus pandemic. Adoptions Promotions Manager at the ASPCA, Kelly DiCicco, told Bored Panda all about the immense strain that American animal shelters are under right now.
Scroll down for the full interview, upvote your fave pics, and share photos of your own rescue pets in the comment section below. And if you’re having a particularly tough day at school or at work, then we’ve got some great news: you can overload yourself with cuteness with our earlier blessed rescue pet photos from June, May, April, March, February, and January.
Warning: Top-tier cuteness below!
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We Adopted This Cute Boy And For The Past Couple Weeks He Has Been Super Shy. Today For The First Time He Plopped In My Lap An Did This
I Adopted This Cat When He Was 18, Thinking We Would Have A Few Months To Give Him A Good Retirement. He’s Going Strong At 20.
I Adopted The Saddest Looking Cat At The Shelter Three Years Ago.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of unwanted animals all over the world. In the United States alone, around 6.5 million companion animals enter the country’s shelters every single year. Roughly half of these are dogs while cats make up the other half. Though this is grim news, the situation has actually gotten better: the number has dropped from 7.2 million in 2011.
We spoke to DiCicco from the ASPCA about the biggest issues that people tend to have when considering pet adoption and what can be done to alleviate any worries.
“It should be expected that you’ll experience lifestyle changes over the course of the pet’s life, such as moving, having children or getting a new job, so it's important to consider how you will care for your pet during those changes before you add that pet to your family; many shelters offer various forms of support to answer questions you might have before you adopt, or afterward,” DiCicco explained.
When We Got Them The Shelter Said They *had* To Be Adopted Together. They Demonstrate Why On A Daily Basis
Adopted A One Eyed Cat Today. Everyone Say Hi To Nick Furry
First Time Being Carried After Being Rescued
“While each shelter is different, pets are generally assessed and then introduced to potential adopters based on the likelihood of compatibility. Every animal is an individual—even those within a specific species or breed—and shelter staff are experts at making matches that work. If you ultimately determine that now is not the best time to adopt, fostering can allow you to change an animal's life for the better and is a rewarding experience for those who choose to become caregivers.”
She continued: “We always encourage adopters to keep an open mind and heart when visiting a shelter or rescue; as you may walk out with a pet you'd never considered before, like a senior animal or an animal who looks nothing like what you originally had in mind. Adopting an animal from a shelter or local rescue organization saves more than one life by freeing up space and resources for another animal in need.”
I Adopted Her When I Was 15 And Living In California. We Loved Traveling Together, Even Living In A Campervan. Now I'm 25 And She's 11, And We're Still Adventuring. Now Living In Europe. People Say, "It's Awesome That You Brought Your Dog When You Moved!"...but Not Bringing Her Was Never An Option.
My Dog The Night We Adopted Him.
My Cat Was In A Shelter With A 84% Kill Rate, & Was Denied Transport To A No-Kill Rescue Bc He Was "Too Ugly". He Was So Sad And Just Wanted Love. His Story Was Posted To Fb & He Was Saved! I Adopted Him A Month Later (In 2018). He Is So Loving And Such A Sweetheart. Every Life Is Worth Saving!!
Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic has affected lots of American animal shelters. “Since it began, COVID-19 has put an immense amount of strain on animal shelters across the country. Because this is an ever-changing situation, each shelter is facing unique challenges specific to its community,” DiCicco explained to Bored Panda.
“Many shelters have reduced staffing due to social distancing requirements, which has meant reductions or limits to the number and types of services offered to the public. Additionally, shelters have felt the financial impacts of the pandemic, with reduced donations and an inability to host in-person fundraising events, which often play a key role in annual fundraising efforts,” she said.
Had To Say Goodbye To Becker. Adopted Him At 18 Because He Needed A Final Home And He Surprised Us By Being The Most Loving Cat That Ever Lived. Never Missed An Opportunity To Get Pets And Would Always Greet You At The Door. I Don't Think He Ever Stopped Purring. #adoptdontshop
She Was Somehow The Last Of Her Litter To Be Adopted
My Rescue Cat Just Had Six Kittens On My Six Month Sober Anniversary. I Am Taking This As A Sign That I Will Be Able To Do This.
The coronavirus crisis has created lots of problems. However, shelters are rising to the challenge and are using modern technology to overcome them and to help animals find their new forever homes.
“With hundreds of thousands of animals across the country currently in shelters, with rescue groups and in foster care, animal welfare organizations are implementing innovative solutions, including virtual or socially-distanced adoptions, online meet-and-greets using video chat, and minimal-contact drop-offs or pickups to help these animals find adoptive homes.”
After Rescuing A Puppy From Across The Country, We Found Out That One Of His Brothers Also Got Adopted Near Us. We Set Up A Play Date For The Two, Here's A Picture Of Them Together.
Meet The Newest Member Of The Family, Dutch!
I love the videos of Arnold feeding his donkey in the kitchen from his own plate
Today I Adopted A Stray Kitten. Meet Astrid
Bored Panda wanted to find out how the adoption rate in 2020 compares to 2019. According to ASPCA’s very own DiCicco, there are some positive trends despite all of the difficulties.
“Adoption and foster rates vary throughout the year, depending on [various] factors, including the population of animals in an organization’s care and whether or not it’s feline breeding season when shelters see an influx of kittens.”
She continued: “The ASPCA did see an initial spike in adoptions in early March, although overall, we saw a decrease in adoptions amid the COVID-19 crisis. This is partly due to the fact that out of an abundance of caution related to the effects of COVID-19 across New York City, we have temporarily closed the ASPCA Adoption Center to the public. More recently, the ASPCA has been leaning on technology to place animals in loving homes safely using video conferencing, and our adoption process has shifted to meet the needs of pets and potential adopters in alignment with the CDC’s guidelines around social distancing.”
The Local Shelter Only Lets You Adopt Kittens In Pairs. I'm Starting To See Why
Buddy The Sable Is A Smiley Pet That Was Rescued From A Fur Farm (Sable Is A Close Relative Of Pine Marten)
I Always Thought I Adopted A Stray Cat, But From Time To Time She Just Looks Like A Little Bunny
DiCicco said that the first few weeks of the stay-at-home orders across the US brought out the best in Americans. “We saw a heartwarming and heroic response from people looking to temporarily foster animals, including a nearly 70 percent increase in animals going into foster care through our NYC and Los Angeles foster programs, compared to the same period in 2019,” she said.
“As the pandemic stretches on, we continue to see growing interest from the public to temporarily foster animals in need. Those looking to foster or adopt should contact their local animal shelters to see what their specific needs are and how they can best help.”
So if you want an adorable rescue pet of your own or simply want to lend a helping hand, give your local animal shelter a ring or send them an email, dear Pandas.
We Adopted A Friend For Our Parrot Today And They Already Love Each Other
Got A New Kitten And My Daughter Thinks Its Her Baby.
I Just Adopted This 8 Years Old Beauty In Petco
Always Wanted A Cat Growing Up But Wasn’t Allowed. Today At 30 I Adopted This 4 Year Old Kitty Named Draco!
I Can Finally Adopt A Cat, It's One Of The Happiest Days Of My Life. Welcome Home Apolo
I Named Him Rorschach. My Kids Call Him Rori. He’s A Rescue.
Adopted This Lil Guy A Few Weeks Ago, He Was The Last Of His Litter Adopted Because He Was So Shy. Now He Won’t Leave Me Alone!
Last Week I Decided To Adopt A Kitten... There I Learned The Kitten I Was Adopting Had Been Found In The Woods Curled Up In A Log With Her Sister And They Had Been Inseparable Ever Since... Needless To Say I Ended Up Adopting 2 Kittens... Meet Ash And Ember...
I Was Told You All May Be Interested In Meeting My Little Prince Oakie. He's A Super Senior! 20 And Going Strong :) (Adopted At Age 18 By Me)
Juno, The Scottish Rescue Dog.
We're Adopting My Friend's Senior Dog Who's Not Allowed On Their Couch. I Think He's Going To Like Laying On Ours.
Meet My Absolutely Wonderful Dad With His Two Adopted Children Mephisto And Sophie.
I Was Worried How My Cat Would React If I Adopted Another Kitten. I Think They'll Be Ok.
Just Adopted This Chonker. 100% Going On A Diet Today
Dad Had Always Said No Pets, Until My Sister Adopted One Behind His Back. This Was Their First Encounter.
Rescued This Boy After He’d Been Dumped In A Petsmart Parking Lot. He’s Been Much Happier Since Coming To His New Home With Me!
How humans can just dump living beings is beyond my comprehension. Thank YOU. XX
This Is Jethro! We Recently Rescued Him From Alabama, And He Is Very Good At Falling Asleep With His Tongue Hanging Out.
A Friend Of Mine Who Is A Veterinarian Contacted Me Today And Told Me If I Wanted To Adopt This Little Guy. I Said Yes And As Of Today He Is My New Puppy
Adopted This Nugget A Day Before She Was Going To Be Put Down For Being "Too Anxious". She Was Just Gassy From Bad Food.
This Is Bear. We Adopted Him On Saturday. This Photo, Taken Yesterday By My 4 Year Old Nephew, Was The First Time He Was Willing To Look At The Camera.
Just Adopted This 10 Year Old Floofy Boi Cooper
My Parents Adopted Hoagie When She Was 14, And They Got Her A Hat.
The Day After We Rescued Our Puppy, Zelda. She Thought Her Big Sister, Chloe, Was Her Momma For Several Weeks.
My 7 Week Barn Rescue, Ashby
Drove Six Hours To Rescue This Pitsky Pup Today - Totally Worth It
Our New Yet To Be Named Baby. Rescued From A Potato Farm
My Grandmother Adopted This 14 Year Old Angel That Howls At The Top Of Her Tiny Lungs And Wears Dresses Made From T-Shirt Sleeves
This Isn’t A Fancy Video Or Anything Really Cool, Just My Newly Adopted Ex-Racing Greyhound Rescue Max.
Friend adopted a greyhound, first meeting his paws were on my shoulder and he was looking me right in the eye. LOL