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This Guy Continues To Paint Pop-Culture Characters Into Old Thrift-Store Paintings
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This Guy Continues To Paint Pop-Culture Characters Into Old Thrift-Store Paintings


David Irvine is an artist in Toronto who breathes new life into old thrift-store paintings by adding new, often silly elements and famous characters. Since we last wrote about his altered thrift-store paintings (or, as he calls it, ‘Re-Directed Art’), Irvine has come up with a host of new cool paintings that we’d love to share with you.

Irvine, who runs an art store called ‘Gnarled Branch,’ seems to have a fascination with popular culture characters, which makes them seem all the more fun and outlandish in the idyllic, rural paintings that they often invade. Depending on the thrift store find, he will either match the original artist’s style or oppose it intentionally, but he will always leave the original signature clear.

If you like his unique art, check out the prints he sells on Etsy, and if you find yourself in Toronto, swing by the Flying Pony Gallery, where his wonderfully weird art will be on display for the entire month of April!

More info: | Etsy | Facebook (h/t: twistedsifter)

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There is a beast with heart of cold stone that dashes like lightning, shreds flesh from bone. // Bewitched by this beast, I fell to my knees. My mouth babbled madness and mumbled soft pleas. // I stared down the ravenous, gnashing dark maw of a cute cuddly kitten with yarn in its paw

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Author, Community member

There is a beast with heart of cold stone that dashes like lightning, shreds flesh from bone. // Bewitched by this beast, I fell to my knees. My mouth babbled madness and mumbled soft pleas. // I stared down the ravenous, gnashing dark maw of a cute cuddly kitten with yarn in its paw

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