Artist Paints Pop-Culture Characters Into Old Thrift-Store Paintings
Idyllic rural thrift-store paintings, while perhaps pretty, might not be the most interesting paintings in the world. David Irvine, however, has set out to change all of that by collecting thrift-store paintings and “re-directing” them by adding various pop-culture book, movie and TV characters.
Some of the characters that Irvine (behind the “Gnarled Branch” website and store) has added to his “Re-Directed Paintings” seem to clash with and invade their surroundings, but others seem to fit right in. Impressively, he works in a variety of media, and does a great job of copying the original artist’s style in almost every painting he “visits.”
To see more of the multi-talented Irvine’s work, or to buy his prints, check out his website!
More info: gnarledbranch.com | Facebook | Etsy | Redbubble | Society6 (h/t: twistedsifter)
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