30 People On Reddit Respond To The Viral “What Popular Saying Is Actually Nonsense” Thread
"Money can't buy happiness," "looks don't matter," "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger": chances are you've heard all of these popular sayings more than a dozen times. Or even said them yourself—but do you really believe them? It's easy to say that money can't buy happiness for someone for whom money isn't a problem. But for someone who struggles to make ends meet and keep a roof over their head, money sure does bring at least some happiness or relief.
This week, one Reddit user asked others to share which popular sayings they find to be complete rubbish. As always, hundreds of people participated in the discussion, mentioning some really common sayings and explaining why they're nonsense. Scroll down below to read the best 45 replies and vote for the ones you agree with!
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"Money can't buy happiness."
Poverty can't buy anything.
Yep. This is the highest order of bullshittery. Money may not buy happiness but it will definitely buy comfort to make me forget about my miseries.
"The Customer is Always Right." Because half of it's missing. The full truism is "The Customer is Always Right in matters of taste."
Guy wants a pint of half baileys, half orange juice? He's paying...
Lady wants to wear a raw turkey as a hat? You do you love...
What it doesn't mean is that Kyle and Karen get free reign to treat people like [crap] because they happen to be handing over money at some stage of the interaction.
"There's plenty of fish in the sea"
You know what else there's plenty of in the sea? Trash.
‘If you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best’
This is like toxic relationship starter pack stuff
This is a statement I have heard when they are ready to bail at the first sign of someone else's problems.
'What doesnt kill you just makes you stronger'..... bull. 2x cancer survivor here, it sure didnt make me any stronger...
"Looks don't matter."
They do. Not always, not completely, but they very much do matter. Humans are kind of superficial in that regard.
"It doesn't matter who started it."
Of course it does. Even legally the concept of who did what first is recognized as vital.
“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
Nah mate, it just gives you trauma.
“Good things come to those who wait.”
Try waiting your whole life and see what comes to you.
I think that's an untrue quote too. if you want something good you have to work for it.
"it's just how I am." Well you're a [damn prick], change your behavior and act like a decent human!
"Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are college dropouts"
Dude they went to Harvard, not community college.!
I hate when people use this one. Although I still agree you don’t need to have a degree to be a successful entrepreneur. But not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. There’s no such thing as a college dropout surgeon.
“Happiness is a choice.” That’s maybe sometimes a little true, but depression is real, and it’s not what anyone chose.
Everything happens for a reason. (Like rape, murder, death of children, starvation, genocide, etc). Or my favorite, God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.
Recently someone told me a string of these statements. The underlying message, it will never happen to her. So, God let me have cancer; because of previous trauma, he knew I could handle it? The God I pray to is compassionate, loving, forgiving, and loves me. Nothing happens for reason, really? Explain cancer, abusive parents, and the rest. Yes I am stronger from surviving all it, so I deserve more? Her smug smile said she believed this was the appropriate response, she was being supportive, and kind. I was speechless. It is was a reminder of how painful words from a stranger can be. A skill I do not want or admire (Cancer was not traumatic, only stage 2, death was not an issue, the months of treatment were just annoying. I cried once. The doctors thought I was brave, I wasn't. My tears, frustration and anger were already used up.)
"Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're gonna get." Every box of chocolate I have seen has a little book that tells you what you'll get.
When someone tells a depressed person "just exercise and drink water." [Hell], I barely have enough motivation to breathe, what makes you think I'm gonna get up to exercise.
Telling a depressed person that they just need to exercise and drink water will only add to their guilt. Sometimes, they just need antidepressants.
"Practice makes perfect!"
I had a teacher that used to point out that no, practice makes permanent. If you practice something in an incorrect way, you're going to perform incorrectly.
“Sleep is for the weak” or “I’ll sleep when I die” Well actually, not sleeping is making you weaker and decreasing your lifespan as you gloat about it right now. Sleep is essential people.
I love my sleep. Anyone who believes these can GTFO and turn off the lights on the way out. Please and thank you. PS: Don't forget the door.
You don't need money to be happy.
Usually this quote is being used by those who are already filthy rich
Money buys food. A full belly feels much better than a hallow aching one. Not everyone sleeps in a bed. Some by choice, others due to circumstances they have no control of. Clean clothes that fit are wonderful. Worrying constantly about having money to pay bills is miserable. No health care! The list goes on. People's life's can be fundamentally changed with a larger fair income. Those with money do not want part with it. They can never have enough and have the power to change the rules to help them keep it. They need lots of money to be happy.
"Violence is never the answer."
It isn't usually the answer. But occasionally...it really is.
Sometimes, it is. My friends and I used to get bullied by this group of boys in middle school (they targeted one girl in particular). One day, we were playing card games when two of them sat next to us, uninvited, and the rest stood by the table, blocking us in. They started making fun of us and being asses, but we tried to ignore them and continued playing, so they took our cards, threw them everywhere and even started tearing them up. The 'ringleader' had sat next to me, and idk WHAT possessed me to do it, but I promptly turned around and SLAMMED his head into the wall as hard as I could. He and his buddies started calling me crazy but they scrambled away, and they left us alone after that.
"A watched pot never boils."
It does, I've checked.
“If you tell me the truth you won’t get into trouble”
Using the phrase, "it's just a few bad apples," to protect an institution when the full proverb says, " a few bad apples spoils the bunch."
Be yourself. If you're a [prick] and even the nice people hate you, then you should change and not be yourself
Hard work never killed anyone
Hmm . . . working fields and building pyramids did not make for longevity.
This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.
“Sleep like a baby”. It implies that babies sleep really well. My second is 4 days old; I can confirm babies don’t sleep well.
Like the old joke: "How are you sleeping?", "like a baby - I wake up crying every two hours".
You can achieve anything you set your mind to.
Only if you are practical concerning your goals. I'm too old to be a gymnast but I can play piano like Elton John.
"It's better to ask forgiveness than permission." Yeah eventually people are just gonna stop forgiving you.
It is a quote from Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, and it is related to being from an underprivileged group. It also does not mean that a person can do anything and then ask for forgiveness. It means that, when a person sees that an important action needs to be taken, they should do it, and not wait for permission. It does NOT mean that you should "borrow" your neighbor's Lamborghini for a joy ride, and then apologize.
If you love something set it free...
Uh no if you love something smother it with affection until you catch the early flight home and catch a couple naked dudes tag teaming your fiancé
I don't know if it is only me but motivational talks demotivate me tremendously.
You aren't alone. I can't listen to that all warm fuzzy bull s**t.
Load More Replies...I don't know if it is only me but motivational talks demotivate me tremendously.
You aren't alone. I can't listen to that all warm fuzzy bull s**t.
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