When two chefs meet, it seems they always have something to teach each other. Even when Gordon Ramsay stops at a small roadside joint in Malaysia, the local auntie preparing a beef rendang has a trick or two to show him.

So, in an attempt to expand their horizons, Reddit user Freedfg made a post on the platform, asking everyone to share their best-kept family cooking secrets.

From scrambled eggs to chicken salad and beyond, here are some of the ways you can add a flavorful twist to your beloved dishes. Or at least trick others into believing it!


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets This made me think of this thing I read a long time ago.

A woman makes a ham for a holiday every year, and she always cuts the end off before baking it. Husband asks why, she says that's the way it's always been done, it's a recipe passed down in her family and she's never questioned it. She asks Mom, who asks Great Grandma, and turns out Great Grandma just couldn't fit the hams into her pan.

Idk the takeaway from this exactly but there it is lol

Humble_BumbleB , wEnDy / flickr (not the actual photo) Report

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majandess avatar
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5 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Literally the ham butt problem from a TED talk by Erin McKean (I'm sure it's elsewhere, too). My family uses this as a model for talking about things that we've always done a certain way without knowing why, only to find out that there's no real reason to keep doing it because circumstances have changed.

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My family's cookbook is a thick scrapbook that was kept next to the family Bible that had the family tree in it.

Handwritten notes in German from the before WW I. Typed pages. Cutouts from magazines. Notes added from whoever felt a note was needed (Can't get suet? Don't make this).

It's a story book. Every recipe has a tale. One is literally, "Your omma and oppa won this recipe in a bridge game". Is it true? I like to think so, but it doesn't matter.

I don't have the book. I'm not really part of that family any more. But I have index cards of important recipes with instructions on the front, and stories on the back. Every card is a memory from when things seemed better. Christmas dinners. Potlucks. Nights making preserves. Laughter around a cutting board and a mixing bowl. Every card is a potential new memory. I've copied cards for friends, stories and all, and hope they're out in the world making new stories

UnBe Report


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets In Romania we make a cake that's just fluffy cake batter dipped in chocolate and rolled in coconut flakes/chopped walnuts, we call it tavalit. It's one of the dishes of my childhood and everybody made it because it's cheap, easy and finger licking delicious. I made it, brought it at a potluck at work in the Netherlands and a colleague from New Zealand jumped up "Lamingtons, oh my god I love these, do you have family in New Zealand?". Wat... I still don't know where the recipe originated, pretty sure neither in Romania nor in New Zealand, but it was so surprising to see a dish revered in countries so far apart by distance and culture and we both thought it was our own.

spiritusin , Karen Laårk Boshoff / pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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kylie_2 avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As an Aussie, as soon as the image scrolled up I went Lamingtons!

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets Received my grandmothers recipe box. I was so excited… it was almost exclusively the clippings from the back of quick-cook foods.

anon , Carol VanHook / flickr (not the actual photo) Report


I introduced a new 'secret' at an elderly care facility I used to work at as a cook while I was there. They got GFS (gordon food service) bulk items, which I actually really like to use, good quality. They would use cake mix for many deserts, but the cakes always came out very dry. When I came in, I noticed after the first couple times. Usually to make enough cake we used 4 bags of mix, so I dropped it to 3 bags of cake mix and 1 bag of pudding mix. Exact same cook time, no other changes, and the residents starting going nuts and complimenting us on the new cake recipe.

I got a small raise out of it.

Menarra Report


I was doing genealogy research and I was able to trace the exact village my ancestors came from by researching a family recipe.

I had always assumed it was a "back of the box" 1960s thing, but it had a funny name and nobody knew why it was called that. Turns out, it's a special holiday food in that region and each "village" has their own twist on it. I recognized a lot of other dishes my grandma would make too, and had no idea they were passed down in the family.

throwaway80814 Report


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets I begged my grandmother for her banana pudding recipe and 30 years later, people still beg me to make it. I've had drug dealers trade me drugs for it (back in the day lol). I discovered about 10 years in, its the f**king recipe off of the Nilla wafer box.

knave2none , Sam Craig / flickr (not the actual photo) Report

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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i cab just imagine it "yo. bro, I ain't got no money but I got that nanna pudddin for some of that good good you know I like" wtf bwaaa hahaha.

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets The recipe on the back of the tollhouse chocolate chip bag, follow it to the letter. Everyone thinks I have the best of the best chocolate chip cookies.

countessvonfangbang , Mike Mozart / flickr (not the actual photo) Report


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets Lol, my wife came back from Norway in love with this MAGIC spice and we searched everywhere, finally found some, had it shipped international.

It's MSG.

sifumokung , bossco / flickr (not the actual photo) Report


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets My grandma's recipe has been passed down for generations and we have the original text to prove it! And it's just as sad and bland as it ever was.

atlantis_airlines , Phil Roeder / flickr (not the actual photo) Report


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets If I cook anything that requires breadcrumbs, I use chicken flavored StoveTop stuffing. I also use them as mini croutons in my salad.

Liakela , Jason Lam / flickr (not the actual photo) Report

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jill_rhodry avatar
Jill Rhodry
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yep, everyone loves my mini chicken meatballs- my secret is also stuffing instead of breadcrumbs.

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When making banana bread, I use overripe bananas. Nothing unusual, right? Nope. But what takes it to the next level is I first freeze the bananas—for days, for weeks— and then thaw when it's time to bake. I read somewhere that freezing bananas make them sweeter. Try it. You'll be pleasantly surprised

ncgirl105 Report

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yettichild avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I always freeze bananas that go past the eating stage to the banana bread stage, but that's just because I'm lazy and don't want to make the bread right away.

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets Your cake needs salt. So do your cookies. Stop leaving it out.

starlinguk , Scotty Turner / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets After my grandmother passed, there was some fight back and forth over her pecan pie recipe. Turns out it was on the back of the Karo syrup bottle the whole time.

Heyladyerin , ROMAN ODINTSOV / pexels (not the actual photo) Report


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets My grandmother is from Italy. People are always like “you must make such great Italian fooooooddd!” And like yeah, I guess. But the “family” sauce recipe is super basic. Anyone could do it. What makes it good is just making it a billion times and letting it simmer all day.

People are amazed that I can make gnocchi, but it’s really not hard at all. There’s just some practice involved in getting the right texture to them.

These days with the internet, anyone can make super authentic food from any culture. We no longer have to rely on special handed down recipes, methods, and tools.

IrrawaddyWoman , Alesia Kozik / pexels (not the actual photo) Report


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets My secret fudge recipe that's been under lock and key for decades is literally just melting chocolate chips and dumping condensed sweetend milk in. Everyone in my fam thinks I'm this pro fudge maker

Addicted_to_Nature , Frédéric Dupont / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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fredneobob90 avatar
Huddo's sister
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love condensed milk fudge! Last time I made it it didn't work though. Maybe because I used coconut condensed milk instead, because I can't have milk anymore.

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets And if you inherit your grandmas cookbooks you will learn that Betty Crocker and Fannie Farmer apparently were your ancestors because that’s where the family recipes are published!

anon , natalie's new york / flickr (not the actual photo) Report

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ami-ainsworth avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My family had to start using Betty Crocker cookbooks because my great grandmothers never had recipes. They just knew what they were doing and how much of everything to add. My grandmother was the first one to have a recipe book (yes it was a Betty Crocker recipe book) and now it's mine. I'm sure one of my sisters will get my mother's.

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets Lol, I just found out this year the recipe for my husband's grandmother's FAMOUS fudge that he grew up eating and the whole family raves about comes straight off the Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk can. These people beg her to make it every Christmas and they gobble it up, but apparently none of them ever bothered to ask for the recipe. I emailed her to ask so I could bring it to my own family's Christmas dinner, and she was like "Oh, yeah, it's the one from the can label, it's not a secret. They just assumed and nobody asked." And you know what? I haven't told any of them, either.

AncestralFoil247 , Sincerely Media / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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Lunaofthenest (She/they)
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A lot of nanas, grandma's, abuelas, etc got their "secret" recipes this way. My grandmother made these amazing, delicate cut out sugar cookies for every holiday. Yeah, those are Betty Crocker but after trying it, there's still an art form involved in getting the consistency *just right* that cannot be mastered overnight. R.I.P grandma Elise 🥲

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets My amazing chocolate cake is from the recipe on the back of the hershey's cocoa mix box. People love it every time, though!

donac , Marta Dzedyshko / pexels (not the actual photo) Report


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets I got my grandmother's cookbooks when she died (all handwritten recipes). That's when I learned that her famous baked beans start with a can of baked beans.

HuntingIvy , Scott Veg / flickr (not the actual photo) Report

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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

1 can baked beans add ketchup mustard brown sugar, bacon if you like it.

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets Authenticity is overrated. Food is like language, it’s dynamic, which means that recipes change over time under certain factors such as availability of needed ingredients. No recipe of the same food is better than the other because, after all, taste is subjective and food should be enjoyed by the one eating it.

anon , Alex Lvrs / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets Stop.





Supermarkets/butcher shops.

I understand where my wife is from, because most of the meat comes from a wet market and had flies and who knows what else buzzing around them.. But when it's cleaned, packaged, sealed, and refrigerated... You're just spreading bacteria

yycluke , alleksana / pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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Amanda Young
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

First time I was ever asked if I washed my chicken I was like w*t*f are you talking about and why the he11 would you even do that?!

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets My “secret recipe” for green bean casserole is literally the recipe from the back of the fried onion box, with bacon and grilled onions added. It’s a hit every year.

RangerDangerfield , sousvideguy / flickr (not the actual photo) Report

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ami-ainsworth avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I substitute cream of chicken for the cream of mushroom soup. I started doing it because my nieces wouldn't eat mushrooms but everyone liked it so much better that I always make it that way now. It does have more flavor.

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets Only one I can really think of is adding pickle juice to tuna or chicken salad. Adds just the right amount of tartness. I do tell though. Spread the knowledge!

NickyNeptune , SuckerPunch Gourmet / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

believe it or not a little wasabi in tuna salad makes it mind blowing, also chopping up canned peaches and fresh celery will kick up tuna a bunch of notches. Sounds weird but peaches and tuna salad is a Belgian thing and it's bangin

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I've never been the type to have a secret like this, but if people knew how much cinnamon I used they might have questions. I add it to a lot of dishes to add some earthiness and depth, but not in amounts where you can actually taste cinnamon.

NoNeedForAName Report

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otakugirl08x avatar
Melissa Harris
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Cinnamon is used in lots of savory cookery. It's only modern Western European inspired cooking that reserves is for desserts and sweeter dishes.

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets My boyfriend is always amazed at how my scrambled eggs taste so good. He’s convinced I have magical scrambling powers because even when he tries to replicate, he can’t. I finally realized he doesn’t know I use butter, and I feel like I can’t reveal it now. I love being master egg scrambler.

what_the_a , Annushka Ahuja / pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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karmore333 avatar
Jane No Dough
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Butter is the magic ingredient in all my family's favorite recipes!

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If you want really good caramelized onions, you’re gonna have to spend the time to make really good caramelized onions. I swear that every attempt to rush the product results in (at least) a slightly subpar product. So I buckle in, pour a drink, and enjoy the long ride.

InLynneBo Report

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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A friend makes it in his crockpot. It's a long, slow process, but at least he doesn't have to babysit it.

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets My grandma always showed up with her special cheese dip and said It was a special family recipe, two years ago my mom gave me the recipe, a few months later I found out it’s just rotel dip lmao

rosiegirl8903 , Tiana Love / youtube (not the actual photo) Report

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets My grandma’s “secret” fudge recipe is the one on the back of the marshmallow fluff jar

treereenee , Ginny / flickr (not the actual photo) Report


some woman posted a couple years ago about running a successful wedding cake business and being afraid someone would catch her buying carts full of cake mix at the grocery store

mesopotamius Report

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ami-ainsworth avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have a friend who used to have a cake business. She used boxed cake mixes too. She said she never claimed that her cakes were homemade and that her prices were reflective of the time and energy she put into the elaborate decorations.

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets My snickerdoodle recipe. Brother in law LOVES them, more than his mother's (from scratch).

Mine are chunks of Pillsbury sugar cookie dough, rolled in cinnamon and sugar. Stupid easy. I will never tell.

blossomteacher , Jim Winstead / flickr (not the actual photo) Report

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sharleedryburg avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

But.. snickerdoodles are as easy as peanut butter cookies! It's pretty much the easiest cookie to make! (I make some bomb a$$ weedbutter snickerdoodles, too.)

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Cooking a chicken breast in Italian dressing. The dressing will reduce down to a glaze. Super simple and the taste is delicious. This is one of my favorite ways to cook chicken.

cadebasil Report


Jello vanilla pudding powder substitutes half of my sugar in cookies! It keeps them super soft for days and gives them almost a cake interior. Shhhh

Life_On_the_Nickle Report


I worked at Jimmy John's for a while and they had us use a little soy sauce in the tuna salad. I've been making it that way ever since (10 years).

helenfeller Report

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ellenranks avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A little soy sauce will spive up many things. I add a little to pasta sauces.

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my salsa

its just big can of whole toamotes, big sweet onion cut into fourths, one jalapeno with seeds cut up, cilantro and lime juice everyhting into a food processor for aobut 30ish secs add dash of salt at the end.

everyone thinks is so good which it is but i keep telling them its so easy but they dont think it is lol

BooSkylar Report

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acey-ace16 avatar
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5 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Don't underestimate yourself. Just because it's simple for you doesn't man other people wouldn't get it wrong. The 'secret' is how much lime, how much seasoning, how much coriander you use, and how much you blend it down. It may not be rocket science but it's not nothing either.

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The red Betty Crocker cookbook is all my “family” recipes

amwoooo Report


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets Pre crushed garlic in a jar is easier, but flavor is seriously lacking

waitlikewhatlol7456 , Tijana Drndarski / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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Jill Rhodry
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I find adding an extra pinch of salt and a little ginger brings out the flavour of jarred garlic.

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets Worked In a very high end restaurant that locally became quite well known for its cheesecake. It was just cream cheese and marshmallow fluff blended together and put in store bought graham cracker crusts. They also played

anon , Pixabay /pexels (not the actual photo) Report

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Squeeze a lemon in your pot of chicken soup. Adds a nice brightness

juddmeche Report


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets If the dish you prepared is not as tasty as last time you did it, you probably just need to add a bit more salt or oil.

Yeah being healthy is tough.

frankist , Josh Massey / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets I recently saw one of my great grandmothers EXACT recipes on one of those TikTok channels that cooks old school recipes. I always figured it was from a magazine or cookbook. Funny seeing it with my own eyes though.

As he cooking it, I’m like “wait, I’ve definitely made this before”. It was a 3-4 ingredient pie, so it wasn’t hard to remember.

ew435890 , Solen Feyissa / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The ones on Pinterest that originally were Betty Crocker and were passed hand written and now are Grandmas secret recipe. I smile and think Betty was pretty good for a woman who never existed.


50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets It was like family lore when I was a kid. My first Thanksgiving away from the family, and I called my aunt for the recipe, pen and paper in hand, and she said "Take a box of stuffing and throw in a can of oysters!". Weirdly never tasted as good after that

J3ssicaR4bbit , Jessica Christian / unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hey, they stole my mom's recipe!! Actually mom's version also has celery & onion sauteed in butter, and some chicken broth so it's nice & moist. But yes, gotta have me some oysters in Thanksgiving stuffing.


I would make chocolate chip cookies from scratch on deployment and at home. People always raved about them and asked for the recipe. Always seemed shocked when I handed them the chocolate chip bag and said to follow that recipe EXACTLY

Smitty1775 Report

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50 Times People Found Out The Truth About Their Family Cooking Secrets Man do I feel this.
Yeah used to be real hyped about my Grandmother’s Oyster Dressing that she would make every Thanksgiving. I would tell everyone about it. It’s not until she passed away and I started making it for other people that I found out how common it was.
It’s still good but damn.
Also learned that her mother was famous for potato bread. My Great Grandmother would pay people for things with her potato bread. My Grandmother refused to learn how to make it.

DealioD , citymama / flickr (not the actual photo) Report


Nestle Toll House Semi-Sweet Chocolat Chip bag. On the back. That's your mom's cookie recipe.

Even better... the premade dough you buy in the refrigerator section of your grocery store is the exact same thing. My mom stopped actually making cookie dough years ago, and no one ever knew.

dljones010 Report

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dotdot1955 avatar
Dorothy Reiser
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've tried so many chocolate chip cookie recipes over the years and the Toll House recipe is the best.

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Pancakes. Mix or from scratch, just use beer instead of water.

Philaliscious Report


when we have a work potluck or Friendsgiving, I buy some kind of salad at a fancy deli. usually some kind of cous cous salad or broccoli bacon. Then I put it in Tupperware and coat it in MSG. It’s always a hit.

queerfagatron Report


the best brownies are from mixes. even pro bakers know this

eatpaste Report

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kaleidoscope-cove888 avatar
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nope I disagree, I got a killer recipe from a country women’s association book. They are amazing

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For those us home cooks that cook for our families: efficiency, nutrition, and finances are more important than flavor in 80-90% of the food we cook. The vast majority of our cooking is boring.

PreschoolBoole Report

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Jill Rhodry
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5 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nah-uh - I wholeheartedly disagree. Tasty food doesn't need to be expensive or lack nutrition. Herbs and spices are cheap - you can even grow, dry/freeze your own herbs - and they're not bad for you.

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Mayo instead of butter on the outside of grilled sandwiches.

katekowalski2014 Report

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Rebekah Krause
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5 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hate this supposed “hack” the best thing about grilled cheese sandwiches is the buttery flavor. If you need it to be extra crispy so much just use a little cooking spray/oil in addition to butter or cook it a little longer at a lower temperature until it reaches the crispness desired. There is no depth of flavor with mayo- you get greasy crispy bread. Yuck.

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