It’s always great to see how far you’ve come. Even if you can’t recognize what you’ve accomplished, someone else will. And they’ll be so thankful that they know you.

And Bored Panda has collected all the most heartwarming moments that people realized just how proud they felt of themselves or others. Ranging from small successes to huge achievements, it’s not so much about the end result itself. What matters most is seeing people work hard and put something on the line for what they believe in.

See all our picks here and vote for your favorites! Plus, read on for our two interviews with a psychotherapist and a motivational speaker on how we can learn to appreciate our pride in the best way possible.


My Sweet Girl Is Cancer Free Today

My Sweet Girl Is Cancer Free Today

Postremedial Report

Bored Panda spoke with Megan Logan, a psychotherapist and author of the #1 best-seller Self-Love Workbook for Women. The book empowers women to focus on their own emotional health and make positive changes by nurturing self-compassion. Although targeted to women, there’s great advice in it for everyone who wants to learn how to appreciate themselves better. 

That’s why we asked her to indulge us with her expert knowledge and views on why we feel pride. To start with, I asked Megan what pride means to her and she said, “Pride comes from our ego-based view of ourselves and our achievements, accomplishments, and the internal and external qualities that we believe make us worthy. Having a sense of pride allows us to appreciate our gifts and strengths and permits us to share in our relationships and the world around us. 


My Mom’s An Anti-Vaxxer, But I’m 19 Now And I’ve Gotten Myself All Caught Up On My Immunizations As Of Today

My Mom’s An Anti-Vaxxer, But I’m 19 Now And I’ve Gotten Myself All Caught Up On My Immunizations As Of Today

0dumn Report

We also spoke to Charles Awodu, author of the Wisdom Series On Humility, Pride and Strength and President of the Word of Light International. The organization has been at the forefront of inspiring, motivating, and effectively turning the lives of people around with their message and use of faith.


Charles told Bored Panda, “Pride is an instrument for motivation and commitment towards achieving success, as well as a dangerous trap for downfall when wrongly exercised. It is a double-edged sword or emotion that can make or mar the possibility of making a difference in life.” 

He explained further, “We have good and bad pride. Good pride drives you towards a life of excellence and reminds you that there is potential in you that needs to be discovered or maximized. Bad pride limits the extent of your impact and conditions your mind to oppress or disregard the good works of yourself and others.” 


I Have Cerebral Palsy, Which Has Always Made It Difficult For Me To Run And Jog. Today, Despite My Disability, I Jogged 3km And I Couldn’t Be More Proud Of Myself

I Have Cerebral Palsy, Which Has Always Made It Difficult For Me To Run And Jog. Today, Despite My Disability, I Jogged 3km And I Couldn’t Be More Proud Of Myself

karlbarxalot Report


Proud Son

Proud Son

devonte601 Report

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nataliespray avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh I just love this! What an amazing journey for their family.

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So, as long we can identify what ‘good’ pride is, it can be very beneficial. It’s taught to us early on in life for our development. Maybe it was your parents putting your little, scribbled drawings on the fridge or getting a sticker for finishing a fun run. Although these weren’t works of art or comparable to completing a 26-mile marathon, it’s important to receive recognition for our skills and talents.


Maybe in later life, we don’t receive as much recognition. What was once considered an achievement is now just an everyday task. You tidied your room without being asked? Great job, you want a medal or something?


After 4 Years, 75 Rejections And 164 Days On Anxiety Medicine, I Published My First Fantasy Book

After 4 Years, 75 Rejections And 164 Days On Anxiety Medicine, I Published My First Fantasy Book

Wordsmith_Rypht Report


Proud Dad Moment

Proud Dad Moment

We’re driving down s60th st near Morgan and my two sons aged 10 and 6 asked me to pull over because they just saw a guy in a wheelchair trying to shovel his corner lot and they wanted to help.

Daniel Medina Report

But it’s not to say there aren’t impressive milestones that can be completed as adults. And everyone has their own struggles and dreams—goals that they want to reach. Some want to buy their first house or make their first million. Others may just want to find peace and be happy with who they are.


Everyone defines their achievements differently, so that’s why it can be hard to appreciate your success when you compare yourself to others. And there are times when you feel proud, but something inside you forces you to push down these emotions instead. It feels like there’s no winning with it.


My Brother Just Self-Published A Children’s Book So His Daughter, Who Was Born With A Limb Difference, Could See Someone Like Her As The Hero Of A Story

My Brother Just Self-Published A Children’s Book So His Daughter, Who Was Born With A Limb Difference, Could See Someone Like Her As The Hero Of A Story

I’m just so proud.

jammies Report

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samlomb avatar
Samantha Lomb
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's important to have diverse stories so kids can see that people like them can be heroes.

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My Husband Entered His First Art Competition And Won Second Place In People's Choice, I'm So Very Proud

My Husband Entered His First Art Competition And Won Second Place In People's Choice, I'm So Very Proud

moonmom614 Report


Depression Hit Me Hard A Few Years Ago. I’m Finally Taking Steps To Fight It. It’s Not Perfect, But I Have My Room Back

Depression Hit Me Hard A Few Years Ago. I’m Finally Taking Steps To Fight It. It’s Not Perfect, But I Have My Room Back

LoneMasamune Report

I asked our expert Megan why this is and she answered, “Some may struggle to recognize achievements because they feel like they are being arrogant or self-focused if they acknowledge it. They may also struggle with feelings of low self-worth. These feelings come from internalized societal and cultural messages, and even familial beliefs.”


It can be difficult to overcome these feelings, that’s for certain. But you can see the people here have opened themselves up to sharing their accomplishments, and we’re glad to see it. So, how can others learn to do the same? 


Just Really Wanted To Show Off This Paint Job I Did Today. I'm Really Proud Of Myself On This One And I've Tried Showing A Few People And They Just Ignored The Message

Just Really Wanted To Show Off This Paint Job I Did Today. I'm Really Proud Of Myself On This One And I've Tried Showing A Few People And They Just Ignored The Message

Gyngerbredman Report


I Am Proud Because I Just Became A US Citizen. I Just Wanted To Celebrate With My Loyal Little Friend Whom I Found At My Patio Six Months Ago. She Made Me Be A Cat Lover

I Am Proud Because I Just Became A US Citizen. I Just Wanted To Celebrate With My Loyal Little Friend Whom I Found At My Patio Six Months Ago. She Made Me Be A Cat Lover

Cesaramoga Report

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samlomb avatar
Samantha Lomb
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My cats are credited in the acknowledgements for my book. Kitty friends are a great help

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I posed this question to Megan and she said, “Increasing awareness and becoming more mindful of the negative self-talk, can allow someone to replace these beliefs with more helpful and encouraging messages. Having a positive relationship with ourselves allows us to keep going when we face challenges or roadblocks which leads to our success.”

Megan shared her feelings with us on how she looks at pride in her own life. It goes to show that it’s something everyone needs to assess about themselves. She said, “I've learned to appreciate my values aligning with my efforts and my internal qualities and talents that allow for success, rather than the actual accomplishments themselves."


The First Painting I Have Made Since I Quit Drinking 93 Days Ago. I Thought I Would Never Paint Again

The First Painting I Have Made Since I Quit Drinking 93 Days Ago. I Thought I Would Never Paint Again

matter472 Report


My Brother Was The First To Graduate With A Master's In My Family. My Dad Couldn't Stop Crying

My Brother Was The First To Graduate With A Master's In My Family. My Dad Couldn't Stop Crying

Jay_no_pho Report


4 Years Painting And 1 Year Perfecting This Style, Very Proud Of These 2 Pieces

4 Years Painting And 1 Year Perfecting This Style, Very Proud Of These 2 Pieces

KingSteven11 Report

We asked Charles the same question and he gave us his perspective on it. Continuing on from his idea of positive pride, he said, “Many struggle to recognize their achievement as good pride because of the orientation they have about it. For instance in religious settings, whenever the word ‘pride’ is being mentioned, it is most often about the negative kind of pride. This has destroyed the potentials of so many people because it made them see their strength as bad pride—made them think less of who they are.”


I Don’t Really Have Anyone To Share This With So I’ll Share It Here. My Little Ollie Graduated From Training Class Today And I Couldn’t Be More Proud Of This Very Good Boy

I Don’t Really Have Anyone To Share This With So I’ll Share It Here. My Little Ollie Graduated From Training Class Today And I Couldn’t Be More Proud Of This Very Good Boy

smallbiz_girl Report


225,718 Tires Removed From Osborne Reef Off The Coast Of Florida. I Couldn't Be More Proud Of My Company

225,718 Tires Removed From Osborne Reef Off The Coast Of Florida. I Couldn't Be More Proud Of My Company

micro_sharticles Report


My Language Delayed Son Called Me Mommy For The First Time In Nearly 3.5 Years

My Language Delayed Son Called Me Mommy For The First Time In Nearly 3.5 Years

Waterlilies1919 Report

Charles agrees with the need to assess ourselves and our relationship to pride. He continued: “It must be noted that the need to remind people about the positive sides of pride will help ignite their consciousness towards living their best life. There is nothing wrong with recognizing the role you have played in attaining any success. As long as you live, you will always have a part to play in order to achieve your desired change.” 


I Created A Dads And Daughters Hair Class To Help Other Fathers Learn About Doing Hair. So Proud Of These Dads For Stepping Up And Building A Better Bond With Their Daughters

I Created A Dads And Daughters Hair Class To Help Other Fathers Learn About Doing Hair. So Proud Of These Dads For Stepping Up And Building A Better Bond With Their Daughters

We had a small class full of dads that learned basic brushing, ponytails, braids and buns. The turnout was great!

MashedPotatoh Report

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samlomb avatar
Samantha Lomb
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It would be great to see a class on Black hair care for mixed race families or people who adopt as Black haircare is very different

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Seeing A Wonderful Community Of Amputees As Of Late - This Is Mine! Lost To Cancer 2 Years Ago And Still Fighting Multiple Relapses. Very Proud Of How Far I've Come

Seeing A Wonderful Community Of Amputees As Of Late - This Is Mine! Lost To Cancer 2 Years Ago And Still Fighting Multiple Relapses. Very Proud Of How Far I've Come

sammichmachine Report

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robwoodman avatar
Rob Woodman
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The person that posted this at reddit—2 years ago—mentioned a new untreatable cancer...with probably a few months left. Hasn’t posted there in a year. Beautiful lady...25.

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My Husband Painted Flowers To Cheer Us Up During Lockdown (And I Took This Proud Pic)

My Husband Painted Flowers To Cheer Us Up During Lockdown (And I Took This Proud Pic)

insignificantjump Report

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mihaimara avatar
Mihai Mara
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That looks incredible! I really love the colours he used and the way the flowers resemble the milky Way.

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Megan also gave her views on the other side of pride, just like Charles has mentioned. She told us her views on what it means from a psychological perspective. She said, “When distorted in meaning, pride (just like self-love) can seem negative and perhaps even arrogant. I believe that this kind of pride, rooted in insecurity and shame-based beliefs about ourselves, leads to an over-compensation and over-focus on external measures of success.”

“Having ‘too much pride’ shows up sometimes in being unable to ask for or accept help, or boasting about external achievements as the complete measurement of self-worth. Pride works best when balanced with gratitude and a focus on how our values align with our efforts.”


After 7 Years Transitioning, My Husband Still Struggles With His Image. He Thinks He Doesn't Pass As A Man. But Look At That Beard. I Couldn't Be More Proud Of Him

After 7 Years Transitioning, My Husband Still Struggles With His Image. He Thinks He Doesn't Pass As A Man. But Look At That Beard. I Couldn't Be More Proud Of Him

Charisma-77 Report

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samlomb avatar
Samantha Lomb
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't think anyone would know he was trans without the explanation. But I also think transpeople who can't "pass" still deserve to be recognized as the gender they identify as and I would love to see society be less gender focused in general

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A Proud Fatherly Moment

A Proud Fatherly Moment

KahlonRav Report


Went From Coma To Four Months Sober From Cocaine And Opiates, Proud Of Myself

Went From Coma To Four Months Sober From Cocaine And Opiates, Proud Of Myself

BlakeBarnes00 Report

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dross97124 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Thanks to the doctors and nurses who kept you alive, and congrats for staying sober

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I Wanted To Share My Super Talented 11-Year-Old Brother's Art. Super Proud Of Him And Love His Taste

I Wanted To Share My Super Talented 11-Year-Old Brother's Art. Super Proud Of Him And Love His Taste

mhill3996 Report


My Step-Daughter's Painting. She's Super Proud Of It

My Step-Daughter's Painting. She's Super Proud Of It

chefphelps Report


I'm A Lone Dad That's Shaved My Head All My Life, I'm Learning How To Do Different Hairstyles For My Daughter With The Help Of Youtube Videos, I'm Proud Of This Plait

I'm A Lone Dad That's Shaved My Head All My Life, I'm Learning How To Do Different Hairstyles For My Daughter With The Help Of Youtube Videos, I'm Proud Of This Plait

allthekos Report


I Just Had To Share That I Am 13 Months Off Meth. I’m Proud Of Myself. Just Had To Share It With Someone

I Just Had To Share That I Am 13 Months Off Meth. I’m Proud Of Myself. Just Had To Share It With Someone

sgabe1010 Report


In 2019 I Got Way Too Drunk At The Office Christmas Party And Bet My Coworker That I Would Spend 2020 Getting Fit. I Kept My Promise And Won The Bet. I Am Proud

In 2019 I Got Way Too Drunk At The Office Christmas Party And Bet My Coworker That I Would Spend 2020 Getting Fit. I Kept My Promise And Won The Bet. I Am Proud

Asalami_Laykum Report


Same Mirror, But One Year Apart. Anorexia Recovery Has Been Hard But Seeing These Pictures Makes Me Proud Of How Far I've Come

Same Mirror, But One Year Apart. Anorexia Recovery Has Been Hard But Seeing These Pictures Makes Me Proud Of How Far I've Come

thepeelofanorange Report

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bonitacyra2_1 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well done! It must have been hard, but you look fantastic! All the best for future x

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Proud Dad After Kid Nails It At Work

Proud Dad After Kid Nails It At Work

tyco09 Report


Proud Of My Daughter. 10 Days Before Her Wedding She Became A Bone Marrow Match. Doing A Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Donation For A Leukemia Patient

Proud Of My Daughter. 10 Days Before Her Wedding She Became A Bone Marrow Match. Doing A Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Donation For A Leukemia Patient

Roadwins Report


He Guarded A Bird With Broken Wing Under My Truck For Four Days Before It Could Fly Off. Very Proud Of Him

He Guarded A Bird With Broken Wing Under My Truck For Four Days Before It Could Fly Off. Very Proud Of Him

Had to bring them both food and water because he refused to leave its side day and night.

MasturbatingMiles Report


This Is My Mom. She Spent The Past 23 Years At Home Raising 6 Kids. Her Only Personal Outlet Is Singing, And Today She Got Signed On As The Lead Singer In A Cover Band

This Is My Mom. She Spent The Past 23 Years At Home Raising 6 Kids. Her Only Personal Outlet Is Singing, And Today She Got Signed On As The Lead Singer In A Cover Band

It's never too late to reach those dreams and I'm so proud.

MSobel00 Report


This Amazing Photoshoot Of My Uncle Joshua Along With All Of His Special Olympic Medals And His Very Proud Mother

This Amazing Photoshoot Of My Uncle Joshua Along With All Of His Special Olympic Medals And His Very Proud Mother

Keira-Fite Report


Just Finished My Latest Pencil Drawing. Exhausted And Proud To Be Done With It. "Discomposure"-2020

Just Finished My Latest Pencil Drawing. Exhausted And Proud To Be Done With It. "Discomposure"-2020

Jonodry Report


My 90-Year-Old Neighbor Hasn’t Walked Her Dog In Years So I Volunteered To Do It For Her. So Proud Of Buddy’s Weight Loss

My 90-Year-Old Neighbor Hasn’t Walked Her Dog In Years So I Volunteered To Do It For Her. So Proud Of Buddy’s Weight Loss

strikeoutsteph Report


Today At 28 Years Old, I Was Adopted By My Step Father Of 25 Years. He Took In My Mother, My Sister, And I. I Am Proud To Honor His Family Legacy

Today At 28 Years Old, I Was Adopted By My Step Father Of 25 Years. He Took In My Mother, My Sister, And I. I Am Proud To Honor His Family Legacy

And boy did I put him through hell growing up. No matter the situation, he endured... And as I matured we grew closer and our relationship stronger.

cgrabowski Report


My Friend Has Been Cleaning Up The Waters In Sweden Since April 2016

My Friend Has Been Cleaning Up The Waters In Sweden Since April 2016 Report


This Is My Mom. She's Been Working Up To 16-20 Hours A Day At A Nursing Home In Full PPE Because Someone Broke The Rules And Introduced Covid To The Residents

This Is My Mom. She's Been Working Up To 16-20 Hours A Day At A Nursing Home In Full PPE Because Someone Broke The Rules And Introduced Covid To The Residents

She may not be the best at selfies, but I'm damn proud of her.

PlotTwizted Report

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angelina-black avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What an amazing influence of a mother. A real shame she was put into that situation because stupid people couldn't follow rules.

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My Friend’s Older Daughter (6) Dressed Her Younger Daughter (1) For The Winter, And She’s Just So Proud Of Her Outfit

My Friend’s Older Daughter (6) Dressed Her Younger Daughter (1) For The Winter, And She’s Just So Proud Of Her Outfit

hidden_thunder Report


When I Was Born, The Doctors Told My Parents I Wasn't Supposed To Live To My First Birthday. This Is My Cardiologist And I; In A Month I Start My First Semester Of University

When I Was Born, The Doctors Told My Parents I Wasn't Supposed To Live To My First Birthday. This Is My Cardiologist And I; In A Month I Start My First Semester Of University

lilcheeze Report


My Mom Has Been Protesting Nearly Every Day For Months In Her Rural Colorado Town. Proud Of Her

My Mom Has Been Protesting Nearly Every Day For Months In Her Rural Colorado Town. Proud Of Her

wowbobwow Report


I Got To Marry My Best Friend And Love Yesterday. I’ve Never Been So Proud To Call Her My Wife. Plus, I Think We Make A Pretty Cute Family

I Got To Marry My Best Friend And Love Yesterday. I’ve Never Been So Proud To Call Her My Wife. Plus, I Think We Make A Pretty Cute Family

sendpuppypicsplease Report


My Dad, Earning His Bachelors Degree, At 62 Years Young. He Is So Happy And I Am So Proud

My Dad, Earning His Bachelors Degree, At 62 Years Young. He Is So Happy And I Am So Proud

Winencats Report


Being Proud Of Their Accomplishments And Embarrassing Them All With The Same Outfit

Being Proud Of Their Accomplishments And Embarrassing Them All With The Same Outfit

_BindersFullOfWomen_ Report

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sue_lynn_chan avatar
Sue Lynn Chan
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If i were her, i would say thank you before burying her in the forest.......

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Proud Moment For Me: My Movie Comes Out In Theaters Today. I Spent Every Day Since I Was 12 Waiting For Today

Proud Moment For Me: My Movie Comes Out In Theaters Today. I Spent Every Day Since I Was 12 Waiting For Today

jimmycthatsme Report


My Daughter Earning Her Medal For 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten. So Proud Of Her. Sadly, And Awesomely, She's Been Through More Books In Her Life Than I Have

My Daughter Earning Her Medal For 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten. So Proud Of Her. Sadly, And Awesomely, She's Been Through More Books In Her Life Than I Have

LeftHandedToe Report


My Husband Reached 10,000 Days Of Sobriety, So We Threw Him A Surprise Party! He’s Amazing For So Many Reasons But Mostly For His Strength

My Husband Reached 10,000 Days Of Sobriety, So We Threw Him A Surprise Party! He’s Amazing For So Many Reasons But Mostly For His Strength

When things would get particularly tough, he would say, “I’m going to be so proud of all those days I didn’t drink…” 

wonderwhyi Report

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fijinole avatar
Chris Hardtke
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This really underlines the struggle. You might think, “nearly 28 years, it’s not an issue anymore”, but it can still be a challenge every day.

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Finally Became The Proud Owner Of This Beautiful Little Guy Yesterday. Always Wanted My Own Pet And I Finally Did It. One Of The Happiest Days Of My Life So Far

Finally Became The Proud Owner Of This Beautiful Little Guy Yesterday. Always Wanted My Own Pet And I Finally Did It. One Of The Happiest Days Of My Life So Far

SpotlessEternalSun Report

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bonitacyra2_1 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Gorgeous duo! Congrats! And enjoy the many years of adventures and memories!! 💜

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My 6-Year-Old Daughter. She Sees What's On The News, We Explained What Happened To George Floyd And She Was Mortified. She Made A Sign And Is Doing Her Own Peaceful Protest

My 6-Year-Old Daughter. She Sees What's On The News, We Explained What Happened To George Floyd And She Was Mortified. She Made A Sign And Is Doing Her Own Peaceful Protest

I am so proud!

Felix_48 Report


After Years Of Darkness Today Marks 12 Months Without Drinking. I Never Thought I Could, And I'm Proud Of Myself

After Years Of Darkness Today Marks 12 Months Without Drinking. I Never Thought I Could, And I'm Proud Of Myself

dorfmcpumpkin Report


Depression Was So Bad I Couldn't Do My Dishes For Months. Today Was The First Time Both My Sinks Have Been Clean Since March. I'm So Proud Of Myself

Depression Was So Bad I Couldn't Do My Dishes For Months. Today Was The First Time Both My Sinks Have Been Clean Since March. I'm So Proud Of Myself

NateMan1996 Report


I Want To Post This Here Because I'm Proud. But I'm Not Finished! 7 Months And 125lbs Down

I Want To Post This Here Because I'm Proud. But I'm Not Finished! 7 Months And 125lbs Down

leetstreet101 Report


This Is My Dad. Since I Saw Him Last He Lost Both Of His Legs. This Is The First Time My Dad Has Stood Up Without Having Someone To Help Him, And I’m So Proud Of Him

This Is My Dad. Since I Saw Him Last He Lost Both Of His Legs. This Is The First Time My Dad Has Stood Up Without Having Someone To Help Him, And I’m So Proud Of Him

WelshOkie Report

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nfrlprdpr avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You go bro!!! Don’t let those new legs slow you down, the may be different and may take a bit to get used to, but I know of people who hike and swim etc. Go find your new dreams to realize

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My Wife's Incredible Weight Loss Journey, Words Cannot Possibly Describe How Proud I Am Of Her

My Wife's Incredible Weight Loss Journey, Words Cannot Possibly Describe How Proud I Am Of Her

rjbriggs26 Report


My Dad And Brother Are Also In The GOC. Not Only Do They Help And Support Children That Have Been Abused, They Also Make Them Honorary Members

My Dad And Brother Are Also In The GOC. Not Only Do They Help And Support Children That Have Been Abused, They Also Make Them Honorary Members

Staying with them through the entire court process and checking in on them after. I am so proud of my family.

CaptDickHed Report


After Almost 2 Years Of Dealing With Traumas And Depression I Finally Got The Motivation To Clean My Room Entirely. It Almost Took 9 Hours. I'm Proud Of My Work

After Almost 2 Years Of Dealing With Traumas And Depression I Finally Got The Motivation To Clean My Room Entirely. It Almost Took 9 Hours. I'm Proud Of My Work

used_air Report


My Wood Maps Won The British Cartographic Society Awards This Year. So Proud

My Wood Maps Won The British Cartographic Society Awards This Year. So Proud

Davvyk Report


Today I Took My Dad To Costco To Buy A Laptop For Him, And The Costco Person Helping Us Recognized Him - He Was A Patient Of His When He Was A Kid (My Dad Is A Pediatrician)

Today I Took My Dad To Costco To Buy A Laptop For Him, And The Costco Person Helping Us Recognized Him - He Was A Patient Of His When He Was A Kid (My Dad Is A Pediatrician)

We also encountered a second patient, who also went to him, while on we were waiting in line. Proud of the lives he touched.

cenriqueortiz Report


My Dad, A Retired Salesman, Pursued His Dream And Published A Book. I’m Proud Of Him

My Dad, A Retired Salesman, Pursued His Dream And Published A Book. I’m Proud Of Him

toebeanbindery Report


This Month I Graduated From College, Bought My First Car, Got Engaged, And I’m Now On My Way To Start An Internship With Nasa! This Is The Happiest I Think I’ve Ever Been

This Month I Graduated From College, Bought My First Car, Got Engaged, And I’m Now On My Way To Start An Internship With Nasa! This Is The Happiest I Think I’ve Ever Been

Inge14 Report


My Dad Built This Entire Shed By Himself! He Started Building It In May And Finished In November. He Is Very Proud Of It

My Dad Built This Entire Shed By Himself! He Started Building It In May And Finished In November. He Is Very Proud Of It

psychedsound Report

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ner_diz avatar
Serial pacifist
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

He's got every right to be. It's darn awesome with the outside fireplace.

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Today I Hit A Massive Milestone. I Struggled With My Weight And Bipolar, Manic Depression And Anxiety All My Life

Today I Hit A Massive Milestone. I Struggled With My Weight And Bipolar, Manic Depression And Anxiety All My Life

I'm still way off my target weight but today I ran my 1st ever 5k and it was in full sweats and thermals. I'm so proud of myself.

decnew95 Report

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bonitacyra2_1 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And you should be proud! That's an amazing achievement!

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My Gramma Has Gone Two Weeks Without Smoking A Single Cigarette

My Gramma Has Gone Two Weeks Without Smoking A Single Cigarette

haleyparys Report


Ran My First 5k Yesterday. I Came In 22nd Out Of 300+. Puked At The Finish Line. Never Pushed Myself That Hard Before And I’m Really Proud

Ran My First 5k Yesterday. I Came In 22nd Out Of 300+. Puked At The Finish Line. Never Pushed Myself That Hard Before And I’m Really Proud

FisherGleek Report


200 To 123. I Have An Autoimmune Disorder, A Two-Year-Old And I’m 45 Years Old. I’m Pretty Proud Of This

200 To 123. I Have An Autoimmune Disorder, A Two-Year-Old And I’m 45 Years Old. I’m Pretty Proud Of This

Gooncookies Report

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bonitacyra2_1 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You looked amazing before and you look amazing now! All the best! x

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My Mom Found My Book In Her Local Library And I Can’t Get Over How Proud She Looks

My Mom Found My Book In Her Local Library And I Can’t Get Over How Proud She Looks

dljennings Report

See Also on Bored Panda

My Mom Graduating With Her Phd In Social Work From Tulane. Her Goal Was To Graduate By 60 And She Did It With A Year To Spare. Super Proud Of Her

My Mom Graduating With Her Phd In Social Work From Tulane. Her Goal Was To Graduate By 60 And She Did It With A Year To Spare. Super Proud Of Her

liftingtailsofcats Report


It Has Taken 2 Years Since We Adopted Her, But Reba Has Dropped More Than Half Her Weight And I Couldn’t Be More Proud Of Her

It Has Taken 2 Years Since We Adopted Her, But Reba Has Dropped More Than Half Her Weight And I Couldn’t Be More Proud Of Her

OkieDogDad Report

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proteus1203 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! I gonna come stay with you and lose some weight! LOL

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I Am Proud To Do My Part In Paying Forward Our Good Fortune With A Donation Of 6 Nintendo Switches And Games To Go With Them To The Children’s Minnesota Hospital

I Am Proud To Do My Part In Paying Forward Our Good Fortune With A Donation Of 6 Nintendo Switches And Games To Go With Them To The Children’s Minnesota Hospital

Lunar033 Report


Emmett’s Parents Told Him He Had To Earn Money For A New Bike Ended Up Starting A Successful Snow Cone Business Instead

Emmett’s Parents Told Him He Had To Earn Money For A New Bike Ended Up Starting A Successful Snow Cone Business Instead

A few months ago, we had a neighborhood yard sale and my son wanted to make some money to buy a bike. Granted, my wife and I could have simply bought him the bike, but we wanted to use this opportunity to teach him about work, money, and responsibility so we told him he would need to earn money to buy it. He got some old toys and stuffed animals together and put them out for sale but also wanted to sell hot dogs and lemonade. We agreed and got him all set up and he ended up making $70 that day. He made enough to get his bike. The next day, we happened to be walking around Sam’s Club and saw this snow cone machine. He asked if we could get that instead of the bike so he could start his own business and make more money. We took it home and the next Saturday we were out front selling snow cones to the neighborhood. This continued for the past two months now and business has been slowly growing. It isn’t easy for a six-year-old to commit to something like this every weekend, but he does it. I’m really proud of this kid.

FiveOverFive , Jered Report

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My Daughter Won A Medal At The Special Olympics. There Was A Time Where Doctors Told Us She Wouldn't Survive Infancy. Very Happy Weekend

My Daughter Won A Medal At The Special Olympics. There Was A Time Where Doctors Told Us She Wouldn't Survive Infancy. Very Happy Weekend

beefchariot Report


As A Bald Man, I'm Very Proud Of My 2-Month-Old's Hair

As A Bald Man, I'm Very Proud Of My 2-Month-Old's Hair

brngrhm84 Report


Proud To Be Finished With This Pencil Drawing After Months Of Creative Block

Proud To Be Finished With This Pencil Drawing After Months Of Creative Block

The drawing depicts what it felt like to be debilitated by the huge need to create something.

Jonodry Report

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bonitacyra2_1 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Your talent is amazing! I'm in absolute awe of people who can create drawings... or in fact, any sort of art! Something I wish I could do!

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My Beautiful Girlfriend Is An Avid Knitter And Just Finished Her First Sweater! I Am Unbelievably Proud Of Her And She Looks Gorgeous Sporting Her New Threads

My Beautiful Girlfriend Is An Avid Knitter And Just Finished Her First Sweater! I Am Unbelievably Proud Of Her And She Looks Gorgeous Sporting Her New Threads

broadturn Report


Here's A Set Of Bowls I Made Recently That I'm Proud Of

Here's A Set Of Bowls I Made Recently That I'm Proud Of

Abriantothepast Report


A Year Apart From 320lbs To 200lbs - Big Changes For Me Over The Last Year, Pretty Proud

A Year Apart From 320lbs To 200lbs - Big Changes For Me Over The Last Year, Pretty Proud

prankfurter Report


3 Years Ago I Was Addicted To Drugs, Almost Homeless And Depressed. I Am Now A Proud Single Mom With An Amazing Job And Home

3 Years Ago I Was Addicted To Drugs, Almost Homeless And Depressed. I Am Now A Proud Single Mom With An Amazing Job And Home

gummyshroom Report

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bonitacyra2_1 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Congratulations! I can't imagine how hard that would've been! But you have shown to others it can be done.... so proud of you 💜

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8 Years Ago, I Got Into Some Legal Trouble. I Struggled To Find Work, Going Through Over 30 Interviews. Today, All My Hard Work Paid Off When I Bought My First Car By Myself

8 Years Ago, I Got Into Some Legal Trouble. I Struggled To Find Work, Going Through Over 30 Interviews. Today, All My Hard Work Paid Off When I Bought My First Car By Myself

I’m so proud of myself I just had to share.

ajhw13 Report

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bonitacyra2_1 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well done! And congrats! The beginning of new adventures!

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Big Brother Hugging His Lil Sister At Graduation Because He Is Proud And She Is Crying Because She Is So Happy

Big Brother Hugging His Lil Sister At Graduation Because He Is Proud And She Is Crying Because She Is So Happy

Today my daughter graduated from Pre-K. After the ceremony my son walked up to her and gave her a hug. “I’m just so proud of you” he said. Then of course my daughter started crying. As we wiped away our tears, my husband asked her, “Pumpkin, why are you crying?” She responded, “I’m just so happy”. We are so blessed.

aundreatsmith Report


My Daughter Is A CNA On The Frontlines Of Covid-19 I Am Super Proud Of Her

My Daughter Is A CNA On The Frontlines Of Covid-19 I Am Super Proud Of Her

iGoalie Report


Gon' Jump On The 'New Citizenship' Train. You Are Looking At A Proud New Citizen Of Norway

Gon' Jump On The 'New Citizenship' Train. You Are Looking At A Proud New Citizen Of Norway

vartigern Report


My 4-Year-Old Was So Proud Of The Lunch He Packed For Me

My 4-Year-Old Was So Proud Of The Lunch He Packed For Me

The_Cat_Downvoter Report


Dad Created Plasma In The Basement. He Has Been Working On It For A While And Is Quite Proud Of Himself

Dad Created Plasma In The Basement. He Has Been Working On It For A While And Is Quite Proud Of Himself

It is the 4th state of matter and is created under a vacuum with high voltage.

rhinotjv Report

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I Made The Entire Charmander Evolution Set Out Of Yarn. Pretty Proud Of This One

I Made The Entire Charmander Evolution Set Out Of Yarn. Pretty Proud Of This One

loop.tee.loops Report


My Grandfather Is So Proud Of His Cacti (I'm Pretty Proud Of Him)

My Grandfather Is So Proud Of His Cacti (I'm Pretty Proud Of Him)

applelanche Report


I Finally Published My First Novel After Years Of Half Finished Drafts And Editing. I Can't Remember The Last Time I Was This Proud Of Myself

I Finally Published My First Novel After Years Of Half Finished Drafts And Editing. I Can't Remember The Last Time I Was This Proud Of Myself

BeerMoneyBillionaire Report


So Proud Of My Daughter For Making It This Far. I Want To Encourage Her As Much As Possible

So Proud Of My Daughter For Making It This Far. I Want To Encourage Her As Much As Possible

JamesPerrenoud Report

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bonitacyra2_1 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

She is doing amazing! It may be hard, but the end result will be worth it! I wish her all the best in future 💜

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My Mother Undervalues Her Skills As An At Home Baker - I'm Extremely Proud Of Her Work

My Mother Undervalues Her Skills As An At Home Baker - I'm Extremely Proud Of Her Work

Halfterlife Report


It Took 3 Years, 6 Months And 18 Days But This Afternoon I Finally Taught My Dog How To Smile On Command. I'm So Proud

It Took 3 Years, 6 Months And 18 Days But This Afternoon I Finally Taught My Dog How To Smile On Command. I'm So Proud

_thecatspajamas_ Report


This Week My Friends Cleaned The Local Beach From Garbage. I Am Very Proud Of Them. Hi From Russia

This Week My Friends Cleaned The Local Beach From Garbage. I Am Very Proud Of Them. Hi From Russia

Naiceks Report


Today My Partner Completed Her 6th, And Last, Round Of Chemo. She Is Very Proud Of Herself! As Am I

Today My Partner Completed Her 6th, And Last, Round Of Chemo. She Is Very Proud Of Herself! As Am I

scott373 Report

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My Dad Just Finished A 13200 Pc Puzzle And He's So Proud About It

My Dad Just Finished A 13200 Pc Puzzle And He's So Proud About It

enislahu Report

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samlomb avatar
Samantha Lomb
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I can tell you do not have cats. Mine like to bite and steal pieces or just go full Godzilla on puzzles. It adds a whole new level of difficulty

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Progress At Work. Between Working The Trucks By Myself And Doing Backstock Every Night. I Am Starting To Get Things Under Control. I Am Really Proud Of Myself So Far

Progress At Work. Between Working The Trucks By Myself And Doing Backstock Every Night. I Am Starting To Get Things Under Control. I Am Really Proud Of Myself So Far

burntbr0wnies Report

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dross97124 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They chaos is gone! I hope they appreciate your hard work.

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In My Wife's First Week Of Working In A New Hospital In California, She Has Volunteered To Care For Covid-19 Patients Like The Superhero She Is

In My Wife's First Week Of Working In A New Hospital In California, She Has Volunteered To Care For Covid-19 Patients Like The Superhero She Is

I am so unbelievably proud of her and thankful to all who are deep in the trenches.

Myco_Crazy Report


My Dad (Left) Got His Art Displayed In Public For The First Time And I'm Super Proud Of Him

My Dad (Left) Got His Art Displayed In Public For The First Time And I'm Super Proud Of Him

LoveMeSomeGoodLife Report


My Friend’s Dad Is Really Proud Of The Banana Tree He’s Been Growing. He’s 5’7 For Scale

My Friend’s Dad Is Really Proud Of The Banana Tree He’s Been Growing. He’s 5’7 For Scale

Enragedocelot Report


Kitchen Manager Made A Burger He Was Especially Proud Of And Asked Me To Take A Picture

Kitchen Manager Made A Burger He Was Especially Proud Of And Asked Me To Take A Picture

maxwellfury Report


I Recently Bought A Small Farm House That Needs A Lot Of Work. This Deck Was The First Big Construction Project, Built With The Help Of My Brothers, And I'm Really Proud Of It

I Recently Bought A Small Farm House That Needs A Lot Of Work. This Deck Was The First Big Construction Project, Built With The Help Of My Brothers, And I'm Really Proud Of It

TheWillicus Report

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dross97124 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Great job. You will never be bored or have "nothing to do" for the rest of you life

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My Wife And I Just Bought Our First House

My Wife And I Just Bought Our First House

ColShvotz Report


After 2 Years Of Racing My Boyfriend Finally Took 1st! His Is The Only 100% Owner Sponsored Car In Its Class

After 2 Years Of Racing My Boyfriend Finally Took 1st! His Is The Only 100% Owner Sponsored Car In Its Class

He has worked so hard for this and I could not be more proud and happy for him!

EmtheEducator Report


My Husband Just Finished Building His First PC And I Captured The Moment He Turned It On. This Is Pure, Authentic Joy And I Couldn't Be More Proud Of Him

My Husband Just Finished Building His First PC And I Captured The Moment He Turned It On. This Is Pure, Authentic Joy And I Couldn't Be More Proud Of Him

HyrulePrincess23 Report

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bp_10 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When you know how much can go wrong when you're building a pc, you know why he is so happy.

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So Proud Of My Life-Saving Wife. Not Only Is She A Nurse Risking Her Life During This Pandemic But She Beat Coronavirus And Is Now Donating Plasma To Save Even More Lives

So Proud Of My Life-Saving Wife. Not Only Is She A Nurse Risking Her Life During This Pandemic But She Beat Coronavirus And Is Now Donating Plasma To Save Even More Lives

PhilTupdiper Report


My Husband Is So Proud Of His Little 80’s Arcade He Set Up In Our Basement

My Husband Is So Proud Of His Little 80’s Arcade He Set Up In Our Basement

Xray_Abby Report


Before And After, A Play Room For My Daughter, Felt Proud And Wanted To Share

Before And After, A Play Room For My Daughter, Felt Proud And Wanted To Share Report


Very Proud Of My Wife Who Met Her Goal Of Donating Over 1000 Ounces (30 Liters) Of Breast Milk In Addition To Nursing Our Daughter

Very Proud Of My Wife Who Met Her Goal Of Donating Over 1000 Ounces (30 Liters) Of Breast Milk In Addition To Nursing Our Daughter

jprime84 Report

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6 Years Ago I Decided That I Didn’t Like How Alcohol Was Making Me Feel, And It Was Time To Stop

6 Years Ago I Decided That I Didn’t Like How Alcohol Was Making Me Feel, And It Was Time To Stop

I had 2 amazing kids, yet my evening glass of wine was the highlight of my day. The last 6 years haven’t been easy, but I’m really proud of myself that I have stayed alcohol-free for 6 whole years!

IoveIyIadyIuckygirI Report


My Father Was In Law Enforcement For 40+ Years. My Sister Just Graduated From The Academy. So Proud Of Her

My Father Was In Law Enforcement For 40+ Years. My Sister Just Graduated From The Academy. So Proud Of Her

Spudly2319 Report


Here Is My Wife Hard At Work On Her 75th Hat. Whenever She Has Time She Is Knitting Hats For Premature Babies In The NICU Where My Mom Works. Proud Of Her

Here Is My Wife Hard At Work On Her 75th Hat. Whenever She Has Time She Is Knitting Hats For Premature Babies In The NICU Where My Mom Works. Proud Of Her

I think it's amazing that I married someone who takes the time to make something for people going through some of the toughest hardships they may experience.

Snowblind321 , Snowblind321 Report


My Grandma Has Played Wii Fit Everyday For Over 10 Years

My Grandma Has Played Wii Fit Everyday For Over 10 Years

Wanted to update everyone that she has continued to play during the pandemic to stay fit. She is on to her 4784th day now! Very proud of her!

gperk69 , gperk69 Report


This Is My Mom. She Left On March 15 To New Jersey (We Live In Florida) For Two Months To Help Patients Ill With Coronavirus

This Is My Mom. She Left On March 15 To New Jersey (We Live In Florida) For Two Months To Help Patients Ill With Coronavirus

She works 12 hours a day, about 5 days a week. She returns on the 18th this month. I am so proud of her.

Wafflez_Foxx Report


Proud Of My 72-Year-Old Father. After 215 Hours, He Finally Beat His First Console Game Ever, The Legend Of Zelda, Breath Of The Wild

Proud Of My 72-Year-Old Father. After 215 Hours, He Finally Beat His First Console Game Ever, The Legend Of Zelda, Breath Of The Wild

ptrk83 Report

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bp_10 avatar
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Dog's sitting there like "He couldn't have done it without my help."

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My Proud Dad With His Basil Before We Made 3 Quarts Of Pesto

My Proud Dad With His Basil Before We Made 3 Quarts Of Pesto

cremebrulheyy Report


I Participated In My First Craft Fair Today And I’m So Proud Of Myself

I Participated In My First Craft Fair Today And I’m So Proud Of Myself

meganmakingart Report


My Old Man Retired As A 4-Star General After 40 Years In The Military Today. Proud And Glad He’s Done

My Old Man Retired As A 4-Star General After 40 Years In The Military Today. Proud And Glad He’s Done

TheGhostofKennyRogers Report


My Boyfriend Just Completed This IKEA Chair And Proudly Asked Me To Take A Picture Of Him Sitting On His Accomplishment

My Boyfriend Just Completed This IKEA Chair And Proudly Asked Me To Take A Picture Of Him Sitting On His Accomplishment

pokegirl3714 Report


Faced One Of My Few Fears Today, And Gave A Presentation To Dozens Of People About Steven Spielberg, Everyone Went Clapping And A Couple Of People Told Me I Was Amazing

Faced One Of My Few Fears Today, And Gave A Presentation To Dozens Of People About Steven Spielberg, Everyone Went Clapping And A Couple Of People Told Me I Was Amazing

RastaYJZ Report


My 13-Year-Old Brother Saved Up Over $900 To Get The Gaming PC That He Wanted. I’m So Proud Of Him

My 13-Year-Old Brother Saved Up Over $900 To Get The Gaming PC That He Wanted. I’m So Proud Of Him

hideovs Report


My 75-Year-Old Dad Just Got His Dream Job Working Tpc Craig Ranch Golf Course As An Attendant. He Was So Proud Of His Uniform And The Fact He Gets A Hot Lunch

My 75-Year-Old Dad Just Got His Dream Job Working Tpc Craig Ranch Golf Course As An Attendant. He Was So Proud Of His Uniform And The Fact He Gets A Hot Lunch

It’s his first hourly position since he was a teenager. Look how happy he looks.

planotxmom Report


My Parents Started A Family Card Game Business A Decade Ago. Here's My Dad Today Next To The Latest Shipment Of Games. Proud To Be The Son Of Parents Who Dared To Dream

My Parents Started A Family Card Game Business A Decade Ago. Here's My Dad Today Next To The Latest Shipment Of Games. Proud To Be The Son Of Parents Who Dared To Dream

A lot of people, including friends and family, thought they were nuts. 

JephriB Report


I'm A Teenage Circus Performer, I Did Something Recently I'm Kinda Proud Of

I'm A Teenage Circus Performer, I Did Something Recently I'm Kinda Proud Of

IK-S Report


My Mother, Who I Barely See Due To College, Decided To Come Up For My 20th. She Also Never Played A Video Game In Her Life, And Beat Me And Some CPUs At Mario Party

My Mother, Who I Barely See Due To College, Decided To Come Up For My 20th. She Also Never Played A Video Game In Her Life, And Beat Me And Some CPUs At Mario Party

I just couldn't help but feel happy and proud for her when she won.

TheBensonBoy Report


My Soon-To-Be Husband Back On A Skateboard For The First Time Since He Destroyed His Foot A Year Ago. It’s Been A Long Journey But He Made It. So Proud

My Soon-To-Be Husband Back On A Skateboard For The First Time Since He Destroyed His Foot A Year Ago. It’s Been A Long Journey But He Made It. So Proud

littleone_994 Report


I Couldn't Be More Proud Of Her. After A Lot Of Blood Sweat And Tears, But Mostly Fun, My Mother Finished Her First Dark Souls Game

I Couldn't Be More Proud Of Her. After A Lot Of Blood Sweat And Tears, But Mostly Fun, My Mother Finished Her First Dark Souls Game

SaintBenny138 Report