All of us, no matter how kind and open we are, keep secrets from even our nearest and dearest. These are things that we’d feel uncomfortable opening up about even to our closest family members and most trustworthy friends. However, anonymity can help. If you’re feeling guilty or ashamed of something you’ve done in your past, opening up to strangers can help free you of that burden. At least, in part.

That’s where the r/confession subreddit comes in. A massively popular online community with nearly 5.3 million members, it is a safe place for everyone to “admit your wrongdoings, acknowledge your guilt, and alleviate your conscience.” Here, everyone’s encouraged to be kind and courteous to one another. We’ve collected some of the darkest secrets from the sub and other similar communities around the net about the things that people deeply regret doing. You’ll find their stories as you scroll down.

We wanted to figure out why people feel better when they confess their secrets and wrongdoings, so we asked Andrea Bonior, Ph.D., to shed some light on this. Read on for Bored Panda's interview with Dr. Bonior, the host of the mental health advice podcast ‘Baggage Check’ and the bestselling author of ‘Detox Your Thoughts.’ 


I tell everyone the reason I do beekeeping as a hobby is because I want the honey and to help prevent colony collapse. The real reason I started to is because my mother is extremely allergic to them and now she won't come near my home anymore.

throwaway4848834 , Bianca Ackermann Report

Dr. Bonior explained to Bored Panda why confessions make people feel better, as well as what we can do to be more empathetic toward others even if our first instinct might be to judge them.

"The idea of confessing in order to absolve yourself of something has been around, likely, since the beginning of time, and has of course been incorporated into many religious traditions. By admitting to something we are doing, it can help us feel less alone with the secret—and more accepted, even among strangers, rather than imagining that we would be cast aside and rejected because of our secret," the host of 'Baggage Check' told us.

"It helps validate that we are still acceptable as human beings, and haven't driven everyone away. It also just typically helps to put words to our own experiences and feelings, and to have someone bear witness to something difficult—which is part of why therapy can be so helpful."


I Slapped A Child In The Face And Then Shoved Him Off His Scooter. I'm 25

I Slapped A Child In The Face And Then Shoved Him Off His Scooter. I'm 25 So I have a beloved kitty named pixy. She was around 4 when I found her on the street. She had a rubber band tightened on half her tail. I spent 2 weeks feeding her until she was comfortable enough to let me near her, she didn't trust anyone. I took her in, cleaned her up, and got the dead portion of her tail amputated.

After 5 years, she finally warmed up to people and she became so sweet and friendly. It took her years to be comfortable around strangers. Last month, she was out for her daily stroll around the neighborhood and immediately came back in through the kitty door 20 minutes later. Usually she is out and about for 2-3 hours. She had 2 small holes in her chest, and one near her butt. She was completely frightened and was crying/meowing, she wouldn't even let me go near her for the first 5 minutes. I knew for certain that she was shot with metal bb's.

I take her in my car and start driving to the vet, but took a quick detour around the neighborhood, I was going to take the long way to see if I could find the culprit. Sure enough I see a kid on a scooter standing on his driveway, with a Co2 powered bb gun, aiming in the drainage cavity by the sidewalk. I see cats in there all the time. It was then I knew who the culprit was.

I parked the car, got out, walked over to him and said "I'm telling your parents that you are shooting cats." He replied "they are pests, they told me I could." The smug little look on his face threw me over the edge, I slapped the f*ck outta this b**ch, and kick swept his legs out from under him and watched him fall flat on his a*s. I then picked up his gun and smashed it on the ground. A small part of me wanted to finish him off with a stomach kick for good measure, but I'm f**king 25 so I looked both ways before crossing the street, and f*cking bolted. As I hopped in my car and sped away, I heard him shrieking in the distance.

My kitty was treated, and is doing OK. She is a lot more skittish and spends less time outside.

Edit: in case your wondering, I'm pretty sure the cops were called. When I came back I saw a few strolling around, I was sure I was d.o.n.e. I've never been In trouble or done sh*t like this. Anyways, I drove by and literally nothing happened. It's been a month I think I'm good.

PostHistoryMan Report


I Photoshop Every Photo Of My Mom

I Photoshop Every Photo Of My Mom My mom has really had a hard time the past few years. When she entered menopause she gained weight and no matter how much she works out or what diet she tries she cannot drop it.

She is a wonderful person, beautiful inside and out, but I could tell it was really taking a toll on her. So I started (lightly) photoshopping pictures I take of her before I send them to anyone or print them. I just nip a little here and there, slight reshaping. and smoothing out a few wrinkles, nothing drastic, but enough.

Since I have started this she has started acting more confidently and has stopped making negative remarks about pictures she is in. She loves being in pictures with everyone again.

It has really helped. I have not told anyone and never will.

wellsee2 , Mylene Tremoyet Report

According to Dr. Bonior, immediate judgments about other people can be "very natural." However, at the same time, we have to remember that they can be distorted and might not be valid.

"By recognizing that we only have one side of every story, and that we can't automatically assume that we'd behave a certain way in a situation we've never been in, we help remember that although we might have a knee-jerk reaction, we shouldn't necessarily let it inform our behavior," she told Bored Panda that an example of such a reaction might be saying something that is unkind.


"It also might be helpful to think of times in our life when we had our perspective widened because we didn't realize until we were in a situation just how we would behave. Finally, we can recognize that even when someone HAS made a choice we don't agree with, our reactions are often most helpful if we can meet them where they are, and try to understand what led to their decision, and gain some insight from it, rather than automatically condemning them and pushing them away."


I Trash My Coworkers Mugs And Dishes When They Leave It Soaking In The Community Sink

At work we have a kitchenette and at the end of the day, my coworkers leave their dishes/mugs filled with oatmeal and other things left to soak. We even have a sign that states “Do not leave personal belongings in the kitchenette. We are not responsible for lost items”. I stay at work pretty late so I see the night janitor come in and clean. I noticed that he goes out of his way to wash the dishes and mugs, which isn’t a part of his job (our company only contracts them to do floors and trash so it’s our responsibility to clean up after ourselves). My coworkers must have noticed too because they have since stopped doing their own dishes and has been leaving piles in the sink knowing that they will be magically washed and dried in the morning. They even make comments about the “Mexican sucker” that’s cleaning for them. This has been on going for a few weeks now and my coworkers even have the audacity to complain about water spots on their mugs. So throughout the day when I find myself alone in the kitchenette, I take an item or two and toss them out in the building hallway trash so it can’t be found. We work in a building where we share office space with other businesses and there’s no cameras so I haven’t been caught yet. A coworker asked our manager about their items being taken, but my manager just reiterated the policy. I guess I am being petty, but my coworkers are trash and I don’t feel bad.

NonphotosyntheticCat Report

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cathygaines avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The night janitor is too kind and good for your coworkers and deserves a raise!!

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I Give My 3 Year Old Son Counterfeit Fast Food

I Give My 3 Year Old Son Counterfeit Fast Food I save my sons Mc Donald's wrappers and happy meal boxes then reuse them by serving him microwave chicken nuggets and oven French fries in them. I even throw in ketchup packets and a little toy he'd forgotten he had to help sell the lie. He loves it. And I'm not sorry

pru13 , Craighton Miller Report


I am a foot and a half taller than my wife. So when I take a shower I make sure to set the shower head as high as possible. Then when she gets in she can’t reach it to lower it and she has to call me in. So I get to see her naked. She has yet to realize that setting is too high for even me. Not that I can’t see her naked pretty much any time but still. It’s the little things.

gtchuckd Report

The r/confession subreddit was founded all the way back in late 2008. Over the last decade and a half, it’s become one of the most popular communities on Reddit. Members of the sub are encouraged to admit to “illegal or immoral action” that they’ve committed very intentionally. Mistakes or accidents don’t count here. Moreover, you can only confess to things that you’ve personally done—you can’t talk about other people’s misdeeds.


What’s more, every poster has to express regret for what they’ve done and be as specific and concise about what happened as possible. The moderator team running the community notes that they don’t accept posts with limited context. The confessions have to be detailed and accurate.

“Confessing only the barest of snippets or most cryptic of details isn't the purpose of this sub. Understanding what you're confessing shouldn't be like pulling teeth, context is important,” they write.


I fall asleep watching my boyfriend's YouTube channel so he gets more views on his videos because it makes me happy how excited he gets about more views

pateradactyl , Szabo Viktor Report


I'm Dying But Haven't Told Anyone

I'm Dying But Haven't Told Anyone I was diagnosed with cancer a little over two weeks ago, after a regular checkup. Turns out I have a tumour on my colon that has spread to other areas (liver and lungs so far) and will require extensive chemo and surgery for any chance to live longer than 8 months

I'm not having any treatment and I haven't told my wife because she'll only pressure me to get the treatment, which result in months of pain and suffering for a relatively small chance

Instead, I'm making sure our last few months together are filled with only happy memories. I'm starting work later and finishing earlier each day, to make her breakfast in bed and take her on dates in the evenings

My landlord I rent my workshop from has agreed to let me run my business rent free for the next 6 months, which means significantly less financial stress and I can save a lot more, so she has something to carry her over afterwards

I hope she'll forgive me for taking this path

Thrownaway54332 , National Cancer Institute Report


I Hate My Brain Damaged Sister

I can't believe I am actually typing this out right now, it's making it feel very real. And before you say it, I know, I know. I am probably one of the worst human beings on this planet.

Around a year ago, my older sister (27), widowed mother of 2 boys (8) and (5) decided to, against every single warning made, get drunk as s**t and wreck her car into a rock embankment outside of our town. She was life flighted to a ICU, spent weeks in a coma and awoke in vegetative state. In the past year, she has SLOWLY began to see some progress.

Because of this accident, I was forced to quit my job, leave my friends, move across the country and back in with my parents, to help take care of her and raise my nephews. I love them dearly, but I have never wanted to have kids, especially not forced upon me like this.

She had the mind of a child now, argues about silly things, can't cook for herself, cries over everything, can't read, memory loss, partially paralyzed on her right side, has aphasia, and a LIST of other problems with me as her caregiver. She tell me how happy she is to be alive after such a bad car accident. I want to scream that I wish she would have died. Her boys are a wreck after losing their dad recently and now having a f*cked up mom. My parents are spending all of their retirement savings for her treatments. I can see the years getting shaved off my dad and mom from the stress.

I don't treat her any differently, I still tell her stories and laugh with her and do my best, but I hate the way I feel when I look at her. Did you even think about your boys when you got in your car? She is smiling and completely ignorant to the pain she has caused to my entire family. So I guess that's it. That's my confession. I have a deep dark hatred and resentment for someone I love. And I will never let her know.

Edit: I am a female btw.. and some people have said pretty horrid and cruel things and I totally get it. But I already feel pretty f*cking sh*tty about my feelings so you can't really make me feel any worse.

Everyone else. Thank you so much for the support, advice and feedback. I've read and appreciated every comment. Alot of the medical and healthcare advice I will be talking to my parents about and hopefully the financial parts of this can be helped a bit. Thanks guys, much love.

[deleted] Report

Meanwhile, the members of r/confession are asked to avoid posting about politics and relationships. They’re also encouraged to be kind and civil to one another. “If you are unable to discuss without being disrespectful, walk away,” the mods stress.

Something else that all redditors should avoid doing is accusing others of making certain stories up. “Chances are you're not in the best frame of mind to be fielding attacks on your credibility by the vast and uncaring anonymous internet. We instituted this rule to better protect our submitters and provide a more constructive rather than detractive environment,” the r/confession team explains.

“There is a large chance you think a real post is fake. No one will make real confessions if every post has some variation of ‘tHiS iS fAkE,’” they add. In short, the community is all about creating a space where everyone can reveal what they’ve done that’s been plaguing them with feelings of shame and guilt for a long time.


I Secretly Put Money In My Pants Pockets So My Husband Will Do The Laundry

I Secretly Put Money In My Pants Pockets So My Husband Will Do The Laundry I put $5 to $10 a week in my clothes. He thinks he is getting one over on me because we both have a weekly budget. He doesn't know that he is part of my budget. If I even try to do the laundry he is like "No, I got it" Worth every red cent.

Lasybossstager , sweetpagesco Report

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alihmsalehuddin avatar
Ali H M Salehuddin
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is bad. Not so much on the laundry trickery part. More on the money matters overall. You two do need to discuss this like proper adults.

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My Wife Thinks I Take Our Daughter To Dancing Classes But I Actually Take Her To An MMA Gym

The dancing and MMA gym aren’t too far apart which is how we have been able to get away with it for 2 years.

My daughter loves it there and everyone is so kind to her.

Before you jump in telling me I’ve forced my daughter into being an elite fighter, over a dancer. I didn’t! At first I took her to dancing classes and she hated it, she said all the girls were already in groups of friends when she started and they wouldn’t talk to her.

So I said “screw it why don’t we both learn MMA, it’s way more useful that dancing anyway”

I can’t tell my wife about it because she hates stuff like that and there literally no reasoning with her on the subject of fighting.

KingNanoBunny Report


I Put My Infant Daughter In The Closet, Shut The Door And Walked Away

I'm so overwhelmed. I haven't really slept in 8 weeks. That's how old my daughter is. She's a beautiful little girl, but she screams and screams and screams. I do everything to console her. I make sure she is fed, dry, not in pain and comfortable. But she almost never stops screaming. My husband left this weekend for a business trip and I was alone with her for the first time. It was going ok this morning, but then the floodgates opened. I held her, rocked her, bounced her but nothing worked. I wanted to shake her

I'm ashamed to type this, but I wanted to shake my baby. I thought I was about to have a nervous breakdown. I was so fed up that I strapped her into her car seat, placed her in our coat closet and shut the door. She was still screaming and I shut the door on her. I set a one hour alarm, went upstairs and collapsed into my bed. I wouldn't say a slept, more like I instantly went unconscious. An hour later my alarm went off and I sprung up and ran downstairs to her. She was sleeping and no longer crying. I picked her up and held her and just started sobbing. It's too much. I'm a terrible mother. I can't handle this.

[deleted] Report

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michellemain avatar
Ms. M
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Please seek help. You are not a bad mother, you are just overwhelmed. And you may have postpartum depression. Please go talk to a doctor and ask a friend or relative to watch the baby for you so you can get some sleep.

michellemain avatar
Ms. M
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Also. Trust your partner enough to let him know what is going on so he can help taking the baby at night. Whatever you do, don’t keep this to yourself.

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shannon-c-m-keenan avatar
Shannon K
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You're not a terrible mother you're a tortured one. You need sleep, you need peace, you need time out for yourself. I think you were quite conscious of the child's safety by putting her in the car seat and everything beforehand and setting the alarm. You obviously care for your baby and love her but you just needed the break.

cheryll_veloria avatar
desireemckinnon620 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Always remember: you put her down. You resisted the urge to shake her. That alone tells me that, while overwhelmed, you are a good mother. That's the bottom line. Sometimes you have to put the baby down and walk away. Although next time, I wouldn't recommend the closet.

mrob avatar
Gardener of Weeden
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The babe wont know or care it is a closet. It was a dark and quiet space. A closet is just a small room, My son used to love the closets, he would crawl into them and fall asleep

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cheryll_veloria avatar
May light defeat the darkness
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If it is too much, yes it’s okay to place her somewhere safe like in her crib/ playpen and let her cry. Crying won’t hurt her.Buy yourself an earplug and walk away or nap like you did. You are not a terrible mother. You need and deserve a break. And seek help.

jasonengman avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My son had colic for like 6 months. 8 plus hours of straight screaming like he was being murdered. Would hold him all night and try anything to help. Multiple er and doctor visits. One er doctor said it was one of the worst colic cases she had seen and told me that if he's screaming he's ok and alive and to step away for a bit. I laughed and didn't think it would help. A month later after not eating, sleeping, etc for so long. One night I put him in his swing on one side of the door, closed the door, sat leaning against it and ate a breakfast bar and drank some water for 10 minutes. When I was done I went back in picked him up and held him screaming until he fell asleep. Seemed silly but it helped me get through the rest of the time, just the 10 minutes a night made a difference

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jgschmidt1 avatar
Jenny Schmidt
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is a safe and sane course of action. Your baby was safe. This is your job. Not something you want to do frequently, but in this case it was a responsible solution. You can also put your baby in her crib to cry. I also had a constantly crying (colicky) baby. Feeding her lactose free baby formula changed calmed her immediately. Most people are at least somewhat lactose intolerant. Turns out both of my babies were. If this doesn’t help, please talk to your pediatrician to see if there is an underlying medical reason. Hugs.

mrob avatar
Gardener of Weeden
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My Son was sensitive (allergic) to apples as a child. Took me months to figure that out... 90% of baby food products are apple based.

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pickled-buckwheat avatar
Dnd Panda
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You’re not a terrible mother! Sometimes it gets to be too much and you need a break. Your daughter sounds like she was fine, and you got to sleep too.

kathrynburnett avatar
Kathryn Burnett
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

1. This was the right thing to do. This is what they recommend for frustrated parents of babies who won't stop crying. 2. I hope OP got some help.

stevecampitelli65 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As everyone is saying, you are not a terrible mother. You need help and support, right now

rfphazelton avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You kept your baby safe when you felt you could have become a threat and that's what matters. People like to act like their newborn never drove them to insanity but it's a reality. Crying babies are f***ing hard to deal with, especially if you have any kind of temper, mental health issue or anxiety. I guarantee that if you seek help, you will not regret it. Doctor, counsellor, therapist, extra support with childcare from a relative or nanny who visits for a few hours.. if you a breastfeeding, find a group in your area that gathers to feed together.. bouncing ideas and horror stories off other mums can make it all seem a little better.. something out there can help you. Baby girl is lucky that she has a smart mama. You're doing something right.

oliviadean avatar
Olivia Dean
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Many of these responses assume that the mum needs help- but as a mother of two autistic/ adhd girls, I can say that the crying etc can also be a sign that the child is overwhelmed. Unfortunately, testing is only possible later when milestones are/ aren't reached, and the cold can respond to testing. Also, like other responses, anxious mums can unwittingly cause babies to be anxious. In any case, time apart is important- if possible x

susansosebee avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think we are saying for her to get help for Post Partum Depression. Maybe look into a daycare that accepts part time students if she doesn't have family or friends who can give her a day to herself. Even trade off babysitting with a friend. They give you a day off and you give them a day off.

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valeriecree avatar
Valerie Cree
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When my daughter was the same age, she had coli so bad I wanted to give up. Crying all the time. A friend suggested taking her to a chiropractor. I did and I wish I new much earlier. After one single adjustment she was free of the colic. Definitely worth looking into.

nikolamurphy_2 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Our daughter had silent reflux, it was a nightmare. Osteopathy was a game changer!

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cathygaines avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Please ask for help! This is a nearly impossible thing to do alone and parents aren't meant to! I wish I lived near you I have over a decade of experience as a nanny and infants. I'd help you 🤍

cynthiac_cutright avatar
The Mom
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My second child cried all of the time no matter what I did. Turned out he was born with an ear infection. He was on and off antibiotics until he was eight months old when his doctors finally agreed he was old enough to have tubes in his ears. The crying made me crazy. I would put him bed and lock myself in my bedroom. I eventually reached out for help and it made a world of a difference to my sanity.

chuckycheezburger avatar
Chucky Cheezburger
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When you reach your limit and there's no one to help...make sure the baby is ok and in a safe place and can't get hurt and step away to cool off. Go to another room and scream and cry and vent.

sarahjaneriordan avatar
SarahJane Riordan
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My first baby was a super-screamy one also. It's fifteen years ago and I haven't forgotten how hideous it was. It does get so that you just want this noise to stop, whatever, however. You haven't done anything bad. It used to be completely normal to leave babies to cry it out once their immediate needs were met, and there are whole generations of us that grew up just fine. Looking after yourself IS part of being a good parent.

hea_c avatar
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I know this feeling. New mothers need to have someone to reach out to without the fear of having their baby apprehended and being scrutinized. Some places have Public Heath Nurses and other programs that have home visitors to help moms figure out baby care. They can give tips that moms may not have known. The Public Health Nurse I had detected a developmental disorder very early in my daughter's life and helped me get her the testing and assessments to determine a diagnosis. They met once or twice a week, and were concerned with my well-being, too. On a more related to OP note, I had similar issues. Teething and excess gas was always the culprit. Good to have gripe water, teething rings on the freezer and Orajel on hand.

gillandbella avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I told my doctor I was scared I would hurt the baby because I was so overwhelmed as he would cry and cry and wouldn't sleep. I was given two bits of advice: 1: once the basic needs are met, it's OK to leave the baby in a safe safe (like a cot) and sleep. 2: Mum's who fear they are going to hurt the child are the ones who don't - but now was the time to get help. I needed quite a lot of medical intervention and therapy to deal with my post-partum anxiety but my little boy was safe and loved because whenever I felt like I was about to hurt him the doctor's words "you won't hurt him, put him in a safe place and walk away" came back to me.

sidda7 avatar
No Diggity
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The stress of parenthood needs to be a normalized thing to talk about. It's still such a taboo subject, yet we all go through it at some point.

kristynelson avatar
Kristy Nelson
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You are NOT a bad mother. It was being a good mother to notice the fact you were struggling so much and avoid anything bad. You are human. You made sure your daughter was safe and took a nap. That was a good decision! I'm sorry you are struggling so much. It might be a good idea to talk with your doctor. NOT because you're not a good mother, but because you and/or your baby may need something.

annejones6050 avatar
Anne Jones
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You are NOT a terrible mother! You are exhausted and overwhelmed. It is not uncommon. Please speak to someone. You need some respite. You are a person, not a robot so you have nothing to feel bad about. Your baby was put in a safe place. It’s not as if you shook her or hit her or whatever. You put her in a safe environment while you calmed down. Sending love.

thisisforstuffonline avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

this isn't postpartum it's lack of sleep when my son was a new born I was alone with him for the first six weeks with him due to my wife having a high risk pregnancy that had complications causing her to have to stay in the hospital, so as a new father I was left with the task of having to look after our new born while I worried about my wife lucky I had some help from my MIL and my mom but there were nights when I was by myself with him overwhelmed that he wouldn't stop crying and me not sleeping I too felt this frustration of "why are you still crying please stop crying" but we got through it and my wife recovered and now my son is this happy little 5 yr old that just wants to be around me all the time it truly is amazing but very hard at first, so no you are not a bad mom you just need to ask for some help.

sfgragan avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had a relatively good baby, no colic, and there were still times I was absolutely at my wits' end. I remember my sister (one if the best moms I know) telling me it was okay to put him in his crib and walk away for a few minutes when I was just completely overwhelmed. Total game-changer. 10 minutes of peace to breathe, collect my thoughts, and then go back to being mommy makes one helluva difference.

ionabutler avatar
iona Butler
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You are not a bad mum! You do need a little more support. Speak to your husband and see a doctor. Try to sleep when she does. Everything seems so much worse when you are sleep deprived. Also know this stage does pass!! Big hugs xx

jessicablankenship avatar
Jessica Blaze
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You aren't a bad mom, a lot of new mother's experience this same thing. The lack of sleep combined with a screeching babe can wreck havoc on your brain. Do u have a best friend or maybe your mom could come over and watch her a couple times a week while you sleep?

laure avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A terrible mother would have hurt the baby, and not care about it. An overwhelmed mother, probably dealing with post partum depression, left on her own for a whole weekend to deal with an 8 week old baby is NOT a good idea. Your husband should not have left you alone! You put your baby in a car seat, in a safe place. This was not ideal, but you still made sure she was safe. You are not a bad mom. Ask for help, it is essential. There structures specifically for moms like you. You are not alone, and help is there for you. I am a mother of a 3 yr old and a 6 weeks old by the way. I hear you

truitt_tammilee avatar
Tammilee Truitt
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Agree with other replies. My daughter went through a couple of weeks of this screaming/crying, not too awful but unnerving at times. It made me feel helpless, etc. Then I found out she was getting severe gas. Over the counter stuff did the trick. Just maybe it's a medical issue. Call your pediatrician and stick to it until you get real answers. It's not normal baby stuff.

rfphazelton avatar
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You kept your baby safe when you felt you could have become a threat and that's what matters. People like to act like their newborn never drove them to insanity but it's a reality. Crying babies are f***ing hard to deal with, especially if you have any kind of temper, mental health issue or anxiety. I guarantee that if you seek help, you will not regret it. Doctor, counsellor, therapist, extra support with childcare from a relative or nanny who visits for a few hours.. something out there can help you. Baby is lucky that it has a smart mama. You're doing something right.

underachvrnproud avatar
Satan Laughs
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I feel this and this was me. Not everyone has a support group or family to help watch the baby. She did the right thing. The baby was completely safe because of what she chose to ultimately do. She should consider herself smart in a chaotic situation.

jennyjames avatar
Papa Patata
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Noooo. You're tired, you need help, if you wanted to shake your baby, get help from anyone you trust.

sarahturney87 avatar
Sarah Turney
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Please don't beat urself up for this. U could have gone with ur initial feelings and shook her and u didn't. I suffered terribly with post natal and would think about throwing my daughter out the window alot. I would leave her in her bed shut the door and go and sit in the garden for an hour then go back. Please get support ur not alone

melloncollie avatar
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I fully feel this poor mother. I have been in this very same situation (not a closet and a car seat, but a crib and 2 shut doors between me and my baby). I am happy she put her daughter in the safest possible place at that moment (probably, because she did make sure the baby was safe) and removed herself from a potentially life-threatening situation for the baby. She herself was being a potential threat. I also fully agree on getting help. But the mom did the right thing in that very instant.

tmarek13 avatar
just me
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You did exactly the right thing for yourself and your child. Babies don't die from crying, but they can from being shaken. It's okay to let your baby cry and walk away for a bit. If anyone wants to see something rough, there's a documentary called 'Forever Shaken' we have to watch each year at work. It's on YouTube.

justinrogers avatar
Justin Rogers
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Mothers leave their cubs in the den for a reason. As long as you make sure they are fed and diaper changed it does no harm, my brother didn't get this treatment and he was incapable of being alone...ever. it takes a village, drop them off at the inlaws or grandparents for a break and possibly some advice/ rest. Better to put them in a safe place than shake them like a salt shaker

three-crow-studio avatar
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I promise you what you're feeling is normal. Is it nice to have those thoughts? No! You are exhausted. Babies are exhausting. Babies with colic are the most exhausting. If you're breastfeeding, try to stop eating milk products for awhile and see if it helps. If you're formula feeding, try soy base. Consult a physician first, of course, not a stranger on the internet who has anecdotal evidence. Screaming all the time is a tell tale of colic and it happens to a lot of babies for a lot of reasons. I didn't sleep until I went lactose free and the horrible colic stopped. It's going to be ok.

sumsmum avatar
Heidi Siebels
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Please spend a couple of minutes trying to think of a few people who would love to help you for a few hours. I know many people would, and I hope you have some of them in your life.

swastimukti avatar
Cooking Panda
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was home alone with my baby a week after birth because my husband had to work out of town. So I had to cook, clean, do the laundry, on top of taking care of the baby. Everytime I feel overwhelmed I just let her cry for a few minutes in a closed bedroom (made sure she's safe) while I enjoy a cup of coffee & snack. Do what you gotta do to stay sane. I hope you get help & believe that things are getting better

joepublique avatar
Joe Publique
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You. Are. Not. A. Bad. Mother! As long as baby is safe and well, it's ok to put her down. Maybe look into buying a crib or other safe environment where you can leave her for a while, but still keep an eye on her. Also, as someone else said, tell your partner how you feel.

abigailstrong avatar
Curly Q
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That sounds horrible. You may have postpartum depression because of this. Seek out a doctor or therapist for your mental and physical health.❤

saradagrape avatar
Lady of the Mountains
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

After ensuring baby is comfortable, fed, dry, clean, and comfortable, Strapping the baby to a car seat and leaving them alone while they scream it out is not abuse or neglect. Sometimes babies just cry, and after you have done all you can, just waiting for them to exhaust themselves and fall asleep does not make you a bad person

terayarnell avatar
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

YOU DID THE RIGHT THING! You saved your daughter's life is what you did and it took a lot of courage! But you do need help. Tell your husband, get close friends or family to step in. You are an awesome mother. Don't forget that.

brittenelson_1 avatar
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My sister would put my nephew in the laundry room because of the vibrations from the washer and dryer. When he asked my brother in law what he was like as a baby, my brother in law told him directly, "You were a butt head."

pennykemper avatar
Penny Kemper
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Why didn't you try a car ride. Also have you tried swaddling? And maybe talk to her Dr because maybe it's her formula? If bouncing doesn't work. Bouncing and peppermint works for colic. My son cried around the same time everyday ( 3 re child) my other 2 never did this. Someone said it's stress, some baby's get stressed late in day. It was summer so I took him outside and would calm down then sleep. No he didn't cry much rest of day and this only last til he was 6 weeks old, then he slept through the night. Is really be worried if I had a baby that cried all the time. Something is wrong. Had a friend of a friend find out after a month her baby had a dislocated hip is why he cried all the time. Happened at birth.

ellanor-sr avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You are not terrible. As a mom of two I know what you're feeling. And this option is way better than shaking.

andrabarnette avatar
Andra Barnette
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is normal! She may have colic. My son had it for 4 months! I had to leave him crying for 20 minutes sometimes, too. There’s a difference between people who think about shaking the baby and those who do. I’m serious.

clairebauling avatar
Crouching hippo hidden panda
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh bless you I’ve been there, completely understand that feeling. I’m finally in therapy six years too late, wish I’d sought help before but was so ashamed of what I thought was failing. I was just exhausted with an absent partner and a preemie baby who screamed constantly

dianerpeek avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm sure this mother needs help with finding someone who can help her. If it was me, I wouldn't know how to find help.

deeper_creed avatar
Holly Stevens
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My daughter was the same. She had severe behavioral problems, I never had a child before, I thought it was normal to scream endlessly until a public health nurse noticed. Tell your doctor, because endless screaming isn't normal,

nharkness avatar
Nina Harkness
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

sounds like my first child. I knew where all of the adoption agencies were. The doctors said it was Cholic. I am not sure - now I think it was a lactose intolerance. Taking the baby for a care ride put her to sleep. I am told putting the baby on the drier while it is running does the same thing. The vacuum noise also put her to sleep while in a front carrier. So check with the pediatrician and your doctor. My daughter is almost 40 and I spent weeks with her helping with her baby crier.

zanemathewsallen avatar
crowspectre (he/they)
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is literally fine. She did the best thing for the baby, if she hadn't done it there's a chance she would have killed it

vgbishop421 avatar
Diemond Star
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sounds like both of y'all really need to go see a doctor. You probably have postpartum depression and maybe your daughter has colic.

rileyhquinn avatar
Riley Quinn
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm so glad you didn't shake your baby. That's something my mother did with all her babies, and it's how my TBIs began. I strongly urge you to talk with a professional because you need help. I'm also very curious what the father's role is in this relationship.

kayrose avatar
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

OP, needs help. She's obviously extremely tired, suffering from postpartum depression. She's not a bad mother. Baby may need help too, I was like this as a baby, I would scream the house down. It turned out I was lactose intolerant and couldn't be breastfed or have regular formula. After being switched to a lactose free formula, things did settle down a lot, or so my mother tells me.

jaidefoster avatar
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My poor lovey, I feel for you. Please seek help, whether it's a friend, family member, or a professional. I know you feel bad, wrong, and alone now, but you are not a bad mother for feeling like this. Even taking an hour to walk outside can help, but giving yourself permission to give yourself a night elsewhere to sleep with another person in charge of the tiny human can work wonders. You have to take care of yourself in order to better enable you to take care of that little life... And know that you really, truly matter; you are not just a walking, breathing life support system for a baby.

rosachrisp avatar
Rosa Carone-Prendergast
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1 year ago

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leanne_jones avatar
Cheeky chicken
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You had reached the absolute end point of what you as a human being could handle. This is not a failure, this is a perfectly normal reaction to a stressful situation, we can only carry so much stress and exhaustion. You realised you needed a break, congratulations on recognising this, some don't and try to push through. You understood you needed to keep your baby safe and so you made her safe in a safe place and then did what was needed for yourself to be able to continue. You are not a failure. You did what all medical advice says to do when parents become overwhelmed with their babies. I repeat loudly that you have not failed your baby or yourself. Your next big important job for your baby and yourself is to speak to your husband, your family and tell them you need more from them and that you HAVE made an appointment with your dr/gp/health visitor to ask for help and support. Telling people this doesn't make you a failure it actually means you are a good mum

leanne_jones avatar
Cheeky chicken
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Cnt..... who can see past the supermum bs we are bombarded with and see it for the unrealistic pile of steaming c**p it is. Finally please know you are not the first, last or only mum going through this. If it helps, I'm typing this from my bathroom while having a 5 minute break from the 7000th why question so far today....don't panic dad is home so the mini one is perfectly safe and can pester him for a mo x

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jamieagl avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Put her in her crib..put your earphones in and just let her cry it out....she'll be fine and you'll feel better

koolmudkips avatar
kool mudkips
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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've definitely had to walk away from my kids before. When they were babies, l

jzinsky avatar
Andrew Bridge
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12 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No child ever died of crying. As bad as it sounds you did the right thing by refusing to do the very wrong thing.

bcpagan avatar
Brenda Coe
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12 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This might have already been said but maybe the baby needs medical attention? Is it normal for an 8 week old infant to "scream" incessantly?

janehower_1 avatar
Jane Hower
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Get help, and have her checked for issues that may be causing the crying.

olavarria_carla avatar
Carla Olavarría
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So sorry to hear. On top of the guilt you feel (about a completely normal feeling, in my opinion), you can’t openly talk about it especially to “enthusiastic moms”, who try to convince everybody that pregnancy, breastfeeding, and everything related to motherhood is wonderful, that you should feel happy, grateful and fulfilled all the time, an that your kind of behavior is horrible, unnatural, and that you’re a monster. This process isn’t this wonderful for all women, it is excruciating for some, and this “toxic enthusiasm “ makes it even worse. Wish I could hug you

windbiter avatar
Catherine Spencer-Mills
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have never shaken or hit one of my babies. Let them scream sure. Buy a rocking chair we both could sleep in sure. My middle son had colic and stomach gas would send him into screaming fits. (Still does as an adult, but at least he doesn't scream.) I would sit in my very comfortable rocking chair, put him over my lap, and rock. And rock. And rock, gently patting his back. Most sleep we ever got in one uninterrupted stretch for 18 months. You are not a bad mom. I understand regretting taking on this child. Every mom has times and days like this.

skyem_ avatar
Ariadne Toms
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You are definitely not a terrible Mother. We have all done things that are less then ideal as parents and beat ourselves up over it. My daughter was very similar and I swear the first 3 months nearly killed me. You need more support....your Mum? Husband? Daycare? Sisters or sisters in law? You can't give from an empty cup and you can't think straight with all that crying. I did it alone and I don't know how....but research shows that you only have to be a great parent 30% of the time and your children still thrive and have all they need to develop into well rounded adults. Be kind to yourself Mama. Nobody knows what you are going through and how hard it is for you but you <3

zakley4640 avatar
9 animals and counting
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had to wear my kid like a belt the 1st 8 months of her life. If I wasn't holding her she was crying. Turns out she had colic and I just had an idiot for a pediatrician. I switched to a different one, he got her on medication and boom. No more crying.

83nsdidc9hgv avatar
Justin Thyme
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

reach out, you need help-- you are way overstressed, and may be suffering postpartum depression-

ayelet-cooper avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You did the exact right thing. Put the baby in a safe place. And remove yourself for a break.

karen_jones avatar
Karen Jones
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Desperate times..., has she been checked out medically & maybe 🤔 you could bring in a babysitter occasionally ti get a decent sleep.

mmehomebody avatar
Mary Elizabeth
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Former NICU and Pediatric nurse. There are some children who for some medical or mental reason scream unbearably. Humans are wired to go on alert to crying. We TOLD moms to check everything, try to comfort, then put the baby in safe position and walk away. We couldn't handle it for 12 hours, and you've been doing this for how long? If you were upset and an adult you care for said "I'm exhausted and overwhelmed today. Please give me a minute, need to walk away." you'd think they did a wise and mature thing. Please talk to your pediatrician and your OB/GYN about this to make sure neither (or both) of you have something treatable going on. Then ask them for coping strategies I guarantee will sound just like what you did. You instinctively did the right thing. You know why your baby fell asleep? You left her warm and safe so when she was cried out she fell asleep, knowing you love her and would be back. God bless, good mom.

mmehomebody avatar
Mary Elizabeth
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Former NICU and Pediatric nurse who's taken care of babies who screamed so piercingly we put them in an isolation room and rotated in and out every 4 hrs so baby got care and love and snuggles -- and the adults could stay sane. We TOLD moms to do exactly what you did. You made sure that even when you literally couldn't stay on your feet a moment more, your baby was safe. That's love, not neglect. Please tell your pediatrician and your own doctor. You have the right idea -- not the closet, but to check on her, try to comfort her, then the car seat so she can't choke or get hurt. And you step away. Imagine you are having a discussion with an adult you love and they said "I'm sorry, I'm stressed and overwhelmed. I need a break to pull myself together for both our sakes." Isn't that a mature decision? That's why the baby fell asleep - the noise in her head stopped for a bit, she was safe and warm -- and she knew you'd be back. You're a fine mom in a hard spot. Please ask for help.

lauragillette avatar
Laura Gillette
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

OOF I remember those days. When my husband had to go back to work after his parental leave (I was already unemployed when we got pregnant, lost my job early in the pandemic) I asked my mom and his mom to come by whenever they could. If he had to go out of town on business, I had my parents stay overnight. I know not everyone has that support system nearby, but humans did not evolve to take care of newborns alone! We are supposed to be in a community. It's NOT shameful to be overwhelmed if you have to go it alone. It's ROUGH.

lauragillette avatar
Laura Gillette
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Also, it's not harmful to the baby (pediatrician-approved, even!) to put the baby in a safe spot and let them cry for a while. And apparently that was what this baby needed, since she fell asleep after being put down.

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carmandavis1963 avatar
Carman Davis
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'd take the baby to the doctor myself. That much screaming is NOT NORMAL!!

karentaylor_1 avatar
Karen Taylor
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1 year ago

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marcoconti avatar
Mario Strada
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Check if she is allergic to her food (either natural or not). My daughter had the same issue and drove us crazy. Turned out she was allergic to my wife's milk. Switched to formula and she became the perfect baby.

benji_fleenor avatar
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My mom told me stories of how she did stuff like this when we were babies.... she would sneak NyQuil into our bottles sometimes too. I'm sure a lot more people do stuff like this but never admit it. Or maybe I just had a crappy mom.

jenniebrown1308 avatar
Jennie Brown
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It doesn't make you a bad mother being overwhelmed, but like a lot of the comments, I hope this person seeks some help. Postpartum depression can be very dangerous

douglasgilanyi avatar
Douglas Gilanyi
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No, I have 5 kids and you reach that point no matter who you are. I've said out loud that I would never shake a baby or hurt them, but I understand how people get there. Fed, clothed, warm, clean diaper, not in pain, you ticked all the boxes. An hour in a car seat won't hurt. The baby was going to scream and cry either way. What was done kept the baby "safe" and let mom regroup. Maybe the closet was a bit overboard, but the baby doesn't care how big the room is. Not a terrible mother. A human who needed a break.

fransescanewman avatar
Sweet Taurus
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You're not a terrible mother. I went through something similar. Not sleeping will make anyone lose their mind. Add a non stop crying to that and.... you're suffering from postpartum my dear. It's perfectly normal. Take you and the baby to a dr. Something is going on with the baby as well. They don't cry constantly like that for no reason. And it's okay to put the baby in a safe place and walk away for a moment to collect yourself. It's soooo much better than what could happen. Do you have family or close friends who could take the baby occasionally so you can get some sleep? I feel for you so much because I went through the same thing for almost 2 years before I got help.

amydbaker avatar
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Post pardum. Go to your doctor and tell them how you are feeling . This is extremely common andany many of us have felt this way.. no sleep, hardly eating . Trying to run life. It's overwhelming.. talk to your doctor.. it really will help you..

cshinaberry78 avatar
Crystal Pearson
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Feeling like you want to do something doesn't make you a bad mother, acting on it would but it wouldn't make you a bad person it would make you a person in desperate need of help. Infants do not scream like that just to scream they're telling us something is wrong I would seek medical help for her to make sure everything is ok. In this day most parents bottle feed and some of those parents prop bottles which is not only a risk but they don't realize it takes away much needed infant/mother bonding time and children who are held during those times tend to cry less. I have 3 children and my older two weren't nursed not by choice but because of circumstances. with my youngest I nursed her and noticed with holding her during nursing she never cried to be picked up or held outside of that time.

noname_23 avatar
No Name
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If she's screaming that much, she probably needs to be checked out. Just because mom is doing everything right doesn't mean there isn't a problem. I apparently had horrible colic as a baby. Turns out I have a connective tissue disorder that affects more than half a dozen bodily systems. The only effect that was correctly assessed before I became an adult was the mental aspect, and because that manifested as an anxiety disorder, that just solidified my parents' perception that they had been right to treat me as someone whose feelings were not to be trusted.

abigailferguson avatar
Abigail Ferguson
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You are a good mum you kept her safe even when you were desperate. But ask for help Please x

tanya3003 avatar
Tanya Venter
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My baby boy cried every moment of every day until I took him to my GP he then Immediately got a Neurologist to see him. He had fluid on the brain and it caused headaches. He had a shunt fitted and it was removed when he was 6. Sometimes it could be something medical. I one put him in the garage for about an hour, the crying really overwelmed me. Get some support. Sending you love.

donnamok avatar
Donna Cheung
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Please get some help before something bad happens. You are not a terrible mother, but if you don't seek help, the situation will spiral out of control and you will end up doing something you regret.

kjazwiecki1 avatar
Karen Jazwiecki
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

21 years ago I did this with my first kid. She was crying so much, I hadn't slept in weeks, I was overwhelmed and had undiagnosed post partum depression. I left her safely in her crib and locked myself in the bathroom and cried for about 30-40 min. She was safe. She wasn't dying, but I wasn't sure what I would do at that moment. It was the right thing to do and I recommend any parent do this if they feel like they may lose it.

kyriadenton avatar
Captain Kyra
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Better to walk away for a limited time than do something you will never be able to undo. It could also be that the baby is over stimulated because they fell asleep. Talk to your doctor and when anyone asks how are you, tell them you need a nap, ask if they will watch the baby so you can sleep for 90 minutes. Best gift ever for a new mom.

krista_mueller avatar
Carlotta Müller
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This was a good thing. You wanted to shake her, but you did not. You put her in a save place and got some peace. You need more time where you can rest. Are you all alone? You will not be able to go on like this. You need help! You are a good mother! :-)

erikaraymond_1 avatar
Nimbus Stratosphere
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You did the right thing in that moment, 100%! I went to prenatal classes and the nurses coached us to do just that - if you ever feel like you're going to snap put the baby in a safe place (crib, car seat, bassinet) and take a break. One hour is very reasonable, especially if she was clean and fed, and it's not a regular thing. My cousin was shaken as a baby, and she went from meeting all milestones to needing a caretaker for life. Yes, seek medical help and family/friend assistance. But know in that moment, you made an excellent, loving choice!

dorothea_lamb avatar
Dorothy Stovall
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is what professionals tell you to do if you're overwhelmed. There's nothing here to be ashamed of. As long as she's fed, diapered, and comfortable (and safe), there's nothing inherently wrong with leaving her safely buckled into her car seat for an hour. Of course, you need to tell your husband and pediatrician so they can ease the burden.

lynnethorp_1 avatar
lynne thorp
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017's Colic...had one myself! Thank God someone told me or he probably wouldn't be with us! After you've done everything, strap in a baby swing and let him scream, it won't hurt him to scream and eventually they wear out and fall asleep...they grow out of it about 6 months

jenniferalbritton avatar
Jennifer Albritton
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Give yourself a break. You put your child in a safe place, you have yourself a 'time out' and used it wisely.wjat you did any psychologist would tell you was ok. You found a way to cope

thepinkrobot avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You're not a terrible mother. You are overwhelmed and frustrated and this is exactly when reinforcements need to be called in. You are aware of how badly things could go and you don't have to suffer.

stacykearney avatar
Stacy Kearney
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Please talk to your doctor. You are not a bad mother. You love your little girl. Getting the help you need is an act of love for you and for her. You can do this.

amydubois_1 avatar
Amy Face
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was loving most of these comments before literal d***s showed up.

juliaford19 avatar
Julia Ford
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They say that’s the best thing to do if you feel the urge to shake them. You made sure she was safe and took some time to chill and get it together. This isn’t bad!

noinfo avatar
no info
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I would just suggest not the car seat because of positional asphyxiation can happen to babies if in car seat that's not in a base maybe place the baby in a playpen or cot next time but walking away if baby is in a safe place is perfectly ok and the better option than losing it on your infant you're a good mom and bad moms never worry if they are bad moms the fact that you worry shows you care xo

fkizito1 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nah, you are not a bad person. You took a chance though. My firstborn used to bawl just for the fun of it. I will ensure he is dry, fed and in no danger then lay him down. Else you lose your sanity.

estellaleighfranenberg avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It feels like you're alone. You're not. You feel like a bad mom; you are not. Your instincts are good. The empathetic comments here tell the story. Many of us have walked in your shoes. It gets better. Sometimes seemingly overnight. Be kind to yourself.

i_p_mitchell avatar
Paul Mitchell
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You have to train children to sleep. If they cry and you respond the cycle never breaks, and both you and the child get no rest. I think in the circumstances you did the right thing. Neither of you suffered for it, in fact you both got a bit of shut eye!

anbe avatar
An Be
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

From another story similar to this, with the baby crying and crying, take her to a chiropractor. It could benefit both you and the babe.

jessicahuth avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This happened to me too. Out of frustration I called a nurses hotline and the first thing the nurse said was to put the baby down and walk away, even if she's crying. I would never hurt my baby, but I had no idea what to do. My daughter screamed bloody murder for hours every night no matter what. She needed a new formula and we fired it out but it was HARD. Be nicer to yourself, it won't last too much longer.

jnjulian1983 avatar
Jessica J.
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There is a parenting technique that allows for a parent to leave a child alone to cry. She did just that. She needs to seek help so that she has professionals telling her what she is feeling is normal, and what she did was also normal.

cashackney avatar
Cassie Hackney
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's ok to walk away occasionally as long as they're safe. We all need a break. I had to do the same thing. It doesn't make you a bad mother! You are a good mother for recognizing that you wanted to shake her and walked away. Talk to your Dr about post partum depression. It's very real and very serious. It has to do with the massive drop in hormones. My daughter had it so bad she thought about committing suicide. Please talk to your doctor about it.

nangulo12 avatar
Nikki Angulo
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Never, never, NEVER let a child fall asleep in a car seat that is not in a car! In a car, the car seat leans backwards. If it’s not in a car, the child (especially a young child that can’t hold their head up yet) can asphyxiate because it’s head can roll forward and it’s windpipe will be blocked! Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help!

morg6543bellsouth_net avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The Christians sure do ignore this issue as well the hypocrites fascists

becky-copeland avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And have a look at - for precisely this. x

morachilis avatar
Mora Chilis
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Good job! You did exactly what you needed to do. Placed her in her car seat and walked away. I am not sure what type of closet, but even another room is ok. Having those feelings is totally common. Most parents have similar. You didn't act on them. If you have family or friends, please get support. Your husband might need to take some time off to help as well. Please go to your doctor to get screened for postpartum depression as well. You've got this!

maryscharbo avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Take her to the pediatrician and check for GERD (acid reflux). I had the same situation with my daughter and it was HORRIBLE and EXHAUSTING. A dr heard her crying and told me she needed to be checked. Once she got the medicine it was like a light switch was turned off. She was a completely happy, quiet baby. I didn’t even know you check for that. And as others have said, get help for yourself, the hormones and healing are rough enough, but the exhaustion takes out to a while other level of misery.

tjr avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You are NOT a terrible mother. You recognized you wanted to harm your child and instead of doing that you made sure your child was tucked away safely and walked away to help the both of you. It's actually something written by professionals to do in those situations.

danatrahan696 avatar
Dana Trahan
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You are NOT a bad mother. At some point,especially in the first few months of being a mom is VERY DIFFICULT. I do think you need to get someone to come in and give you a hand when your husband isn’t home or you go out and get some help. Also need to speak to her doctor about the crying. It will get better mom.

deb-nicholson avatar
Debbie Nicholson
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You need to seek help for your baby as well as this can be remedied. This happened to my third child. My doctor told me that it was a good thing that he was born to me as this was a cause of child abuse, with other parents who didn’t know what to do. You will get through it with patience with both of you. Please seek help, take your child to the doctor, seek help for yourself, and you both will be OK.

purpledaisycat avatar
kitteh floof lover
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

my second baby cried all the time. found out she had colic, common in infants. maybe have her checked out at the doctor.

kraneiathedancingdryad avatar
Kraneia The Dancing Dryad
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Completely normal. There is help out there. Please get it and save your sanity. Dad needs to help too

mrob avatar
Gardener of Weeden
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You are NOT a bad mom. Bad mom = shake the baby... Good Mom = find a way to keep baby safe. Now is the time for you to be a fantastic parent and seek some extra help. I once locked myself in the bathroom while the kids pounded on the door. I knew they were safe, but I needed to distance myself from them ( and called a friend to talk me down).

brianogrady avatar
Brian O'Grady
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not just a bad mother but also guilty of child neglect and child abuse.

brianogrady avatar
Brian O'Grady
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The reason I say neglect and abuse is that at 8 weeks old a baby has no control or strength in neck muscles, so if head tips forward they can not right it and suffocate

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jcrocks2008 avatar
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1 year ago

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There are safe havens for babies. Drop her off at one before you end up killing her. Then, go get help.

asgxii avatar
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1 year ago

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Empathy is great and all but don't lie. This is horrible and she needs help. She's on the verge of shaking her damn baby and people are like it's fine, everything will be okay, all that matters is you got your sleep. I bet they'll coddle her feelings after she kills her kid.

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However, it’s very natural and even human to judge others for their decisions, behavior, and looks. It’s something that people do automatically, as well as consciously. Being judgmental of others has its downsides, as well as some upsides.

On one side of the fence, people judge others to feel superior, find flaws in others, and feel better about their own decisions. Others might judge others and themselves to figure out where they fit in, what results they want, what they’d rather avoid in life. Putting someone’s flaws under the microscope can help people readjust the way they live their own lives. It also helps us become more self-aware of our own decisions and how they impact the world around us.


I Sold Fake Drugs

I Sold Fake Drugs At a party in high school i found a bottle of vitamin C pills in the bathroom and decided to tell other drunk kids that it was ecstasy and sold it to them for $20 a pill. I ended up leaving with about $200

u/ehell_ , Yvette Report

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cathygaines avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Honestly, if they didn't know any better, I guess it was for the best. They got a placebo high, a little immune boost, and were safe from street drugs. It's a win win

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I Made My Brother Think He Has Alopecia For The Last Fifteen Years

I Made My Brother Think He Has Alopecia For The Last Fifteen Years This is probably the pettiest thing I have ever done, and I regret it to this day. When I was fifteen years old, I got my first job and started to have some money of my own. I used my money to spoil myself and purchased nicer thing like clothes, shoes, makeup and salon brand shampoo.

My brother used to sneak into my bathroom and constantly steal my nice shampoo. He would use them and most of the time he would leave them open in the bathtub. This would result in the rest of the shampoo going down the drain and leave me with empty containers.

This drove me completely insane and I hated him for taking my things. I tried to speak with my parents about this, but they told me that I should just learn to share.

One day I went out and purchased hair removal cream. I mixed this into my shampoo bottle and left it in my bathroom. I gave him a verbal warning not to use my newly purchased bottle, but he stole it again anyway. Over the next few days his hair slowly started to fall out and small bald patches started to appear.

Seeing what I had done I immediately emptied the remaining shampoo. I felt terrible and I truly didn’t think it would have as a dramatic effect as it did. My mother took him to the doctor to get check out and they diagnosed him with Alopecia. He than had to start using this special and terrible smelling shampoo to combat this.

His hair did grow back but I just recently found out that he is still using the shampoo in order to prevent another Alopecia flair up. It has been 15 years now and I have never told my brother that I caused him to lose his hair.

Brightside256 , cottonbro studio Report

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loriwojo avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I never believe these hair removal cream in the shampoo stories. Have you ever smelled hair removal cream? It is acrid, and it takes 5+ minutes to work - who leaves on shampoo that long?

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I Fake An Accent At My Job

My heart is pounding writing this because I literally haven’t told anyone this. So I work at this one store, and I work on the sales floor; but before all that, I was just one person interviewing for a position at the store. Before I arrived for my interview, a friend of mine dared me to interview in a British accent. I said I’d do it only if they paid me, and to my surprise, they sent me like $10 through venmo (which was more than enough for me). I went into the interview with the mindset that I wasn’t gonna get hired and they inevitably hired me on the spot. Accent and all. I was nervous because I had already talked to a whole bunch of higher ups with the accent and decided to just go through with it -thinking it was only going to be a summer job. I was so wrong. It’s been like 7 months that I’ve been working there and I still use the accent to this day. When people ask me where I’m from I just tell them my hometown because I have several brits from that town whom I grew up with. The accent hasn’t really posed a problem until now cause my bf is friends with one of my coworkers so I’m gonna have to find the right time to come clean.. thanks for coming to my TedTalk

butterluna Report

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cathygaines avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

How about you slowly phase it out and just be as perplexed as everyone else when it's gone? Then nobody thinks you're a liar, just acclimating to a new area.

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Though we all carry secrets with us, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re bad people. There’s a difference between secrecy and privacy after all. It’s fine to keep some things private. However, if a secret has a huge impact on others, it’s best to opt for transparency. When in doubt, put yourself in someone else’s shoes and consider whether they would like to know the truth or not. Meanwhile, if you’re feeling guilt or shame, odds are that you’re being secretive, not private.

Rebuilding trust after sharing the truth might be hard to do, but it’s not impossible. It will take time, effort, and consistency.


I Leave Fake Parking Tickets On Cars That Deserve Real Ones

I ordered a batch of them off Amazon and leave them wherever. Sometimes if nobody is around I make an effort and fill in all the details on it to freak them out before they get to the bottom and see it's a fake.

Sometimes I just write something dumb in the comments and leave the rest blank.

I've left them on cars at my university that aren't technically illegally parked, and on cars that are parked in no parking zones at my grocery store. I especially do it when somebody is parked in a handicap spot that's not supposed to (no plate or hang-tag).

Local laws are sketchy on this, some would argue it's misrepresenting itself as official and therefore illegal, but at the bottom of them they say they're fake. So others would argue the worst they could get me on is littering if the police actually cared enough to do something.

u/Fr3shBread Report


I Stole Over $20,000 In A Very Creative Way In The 90's

I Stole Over $20,000 In A Very Creative Way In The 90's I worked at a fast food chain in the 90's when I was in high school. When I worked there they were in the process of phasing out denominational gift certificates. ($5, $10 & $25) The way is worked was if you spent more than half of the certificate they gave you the cash back. So if you ordered $5.50 worth of food and gave them one of the $10 gift cards, they gave you the $4.50 back in cash. My manager was in charge of destroying all the existing certificates as we transitioned to the more traditional credit card looking gift cards.

So my manager said he shredded the certificates like he was supposed to, but one night when I was closing I found two boxes of the gift cards tucked deep in the dry storage room. They were FILLED with the certificates that were supposed to be shredded. So, I scooped them up, brought them out to the dumpster in trash bags and threw them away. After we closed, I came back and recovered the back, and brought the certificates home. I counted them. There were 1,000 $25, 1,000 $10, and 500 $5 certificates. None of them had expiration dates. Total haul was $40K in fast food certificates. My manager never said a word, he couldn't. He had reported them destroyed weeks earlier.

Over the next three years my girlfriend and I toured every location in our state, and the next 4 states ordering food, and getting the change. We never kept track on a spreadsheet or anything, but we got good at knowing what menu items were just about half.

After the first year, we started saving the change in a shoe box, and let it build up.

I bought my first car for $7,800 cash from the change. And for some reason A kiddie cone was $1.05, if you gave them a $5 cert they gave you $3.95 back. We threw away a lot of kiddie cones.

u/AlBundy758 , Toshiyuki IMAI Report

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beckisaurus avatar
3 Owls In A Coat
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Good! I like this one. The corporation can afford it and already budgeted for every/most tickets being used.

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I Posted Fake Jobs On Internet So I Could Build My Own Resume

I Posted Fake Jobs On Internet So I Could Build My Own Resume When i was 19-20 years old I was looking for jobs and could not find any and people would tell me to build a nice resume. The problem was, I did not know how to do it so I posted fake jobs on internet and would get resumes. I used those resumes to build my own using the skills that I liked on their resumes. I could also tell who was competing with me for those jobs that I posted. I feel bad for those people that thought it was genuine and applied.

I am 33 now and have a nice job. Those resumes truly did help me build my career.

mapleleafsf4n , Bench Accounting Report


I Lied To A Blind Neighbor And Told Him I Moved Away

I Lied To A Blind Neighbor And Told Him I Moved Away Many years ago, I was standing on one of my balconies when a taxi driver was obnoxiously blowing his horn out front and yelling for a blind man to "walk toward my voice" from his own townhouse. That direction was toward traffic. My roommate and I went down and helped him to the taxi and scolded the driver for being so rude. I made the mistake of giving the blind neighbor my phone number so that I could give him a ride in the future.

Then the phone calls came... and never stopped. And when I gave him a ride, he would ask for various detours. I'm very calculated by nature, if he had told me beforehand where he wanted to go, it would be cool, but no... we'd be driving along and he'd throw in 2 - 3 extra places on each ride. And it came to be every day that he wanted rides... and he'd even call me to remind me to give him a ride, not that was ever late or backed out.

Finally I had enough, so I gauged how blind he was. His response was that he was "blind as a bat". A week or two after he said that, I told him I had a job interview in the next city. A week after that, I told him I got the job and was moving away in a month. After I "moved away" It was strange as hell walking by him in silence as he stood on the sidewalk.

[deleted] , CDC Report


I Run A Fake Restaurant On A Delivery App

I Run A Fake Restaurant On A Delivery App I registered a company, bought all the take-away boxes from Amazon, signed up for a few delivery apps, made a few social media acounts and printed leaflets that I drop in mailboxes. I re-sell microwave meals...On some meals I add something to make them look better, like cheese. So far it’s at around £200 a day in revenue.

Nobody suspects a thing, soon someone will come for higene inspection, but I’ll pass that check without any problems. It’s not illegal to operate out of your own kitchen.

Should I feel bad? I feel kind of proud to be fair and free as a bird from the 9-5 life.

pisicka , Erik Mclean Report

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janetbest avatar
Jake B
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, you do have a business license right? And you had your county health certification right? And you have your food handlers card right? And your Serv Safe other food safety person in charge certification right? And you’re paying your taxes quarterly, yes? Do you feel anything yet? Maybe some worry after you’re sued when someone falls ill and you haven’t got insurance. You do have it right?

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I Pavlov'd My Girlfriend

My ex used to use a specific shampoo and over time i noticed that every time i smell this shampoo on other people i automatically think of her and this got me planning..

For my current girlfriend, every time we got down to business i put on a cologne that i saved specifically for those times. No matter how spontaneous the action was, i found the time to put on a puff or two of this perfume secretly and then continue.

After weve been going on for couple months, i began to do tests - i put this perfume on when casually walking in the kitchen past her, and just sat down in the living room. Soon enough, after couple minutes she got here and initiated sexy times!

Now i use it ocassionally (im very careful not to overuse it so it doesnt spoil the effect) when i want to get hee going, and it works well enough :)

My favorite is putting it on before going out to a public place, and watching her get super worked up and unload at home

ThrowawayABCJ Report

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oliviadean avatar
Olivia Dean
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's pretty obvious that a person has just sprayed on smells- I think what was actually happening is that you are signalling to her when you are interested, and she is responding to your cues.

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My Boss Pissed Me Off So I'm Catfishing His Wife

My Boss Pissed Me Off So I'm Catfishing His Wife My boss is generally a d*ck.

I noticed his wife (who also works at the company) came up as a recommended friend on Snapchat, I copied the user name and added her on my burner Snapchat.

After a few messages and a few fake selfies she has told me she is single and sent some damn good reveling pictures.

I feel a bit guilty now but damn she is hot.

yomumsahoe , Souvik Banerjee Report

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cathygaines avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah, you shouldn't be messaging her just to get back at your boss, but she's the one in the relationship and is really doing the harm.

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I Added Tabasco To Wendy’s Chili And Used It To Get Second Place In A Chili Cook Off

I Added Tabasco To Wendy’s Chili And Used It To Get Second Place In A Chili Cook Off Title basically says it all. This wasn’t a professional organized competition. There was some bmx event with a couple hundred people and they always have a chili cook off. I’m not much for cooking so I thought it would be funny to throw a bunch of Wendy’s chili in a crock pot and see if anyone noticed - they didn’t.

I’ve been a vegetarian for roughly twelve years so this was a long time ago.

hostilecarrot , Ricardo Bernardo Report


I Stole A Pregnancy Test Bc I Couldn’t Afford One Today

Hi. I feel awful. Anyways long story short I only have $7.49 in my bank account I am a full time working student and test these days are 45.99!!!!!! And then cheapest one was 11.49. I just took one and I feel so bad I want to cry. But I really need to know- as I sit here on the toilet and type this waiting for the results.

pink420 Report

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janetbest avatar
Jake B
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Planned parenthood is free. Also check for other community health care services.

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I Stole A Girls Ipod Touch And Then Sold It Back To Her A Month Later

I Stole A Girls Ipod Touch And Then Sold It Back To Her A Month Later It’s 2011, I’m in Year 7, it’s my first year in high school and I got sent somewhere where I literally only knew one person, and we never spoke.

A few months into the year and I’m sitting in Math class and this one girl who I just could not stand (and who also bullied me on and off) kept just interrupting for the stupidest of things, and just generally kept getting on my nerves the whole lesson.

Part way through the lesson the teacher tells us to leave our things in the classroom so we could go to the computer lab, and I was the last to leave the classroom. Note that most kids hid their iPods under their pencil cases during class so they could get away with using it, and I knew for a fact she’d left it there.

I don’t know what possessed me to steal her iPod, but I did. She never found out.

But now, I leave school, the iPod is still in my shorts pocket. Nobody knows what I’ve done. The girl thinks one of the guys was screwing with her and doesn’t suspect me at all.

Now the one defining feature of her iPod was that the back was completely covered in small circle stickers. Ones that had gotten so worn down they’d almost fused with the device. So I did what I could and I scrubbed those f*ckers off until it looked brand new.

I didn’t use it at all, in fear of my mum seeing it and screaming at me for being a thief. So it just sat in my room gathering dust, until about a month later I overhear her asking some people if they know anyone selling an iPod.

One week later and I’d made $150 by selling a girl her own iPod that’d just been factory reset and scrubbed down.

u/onmywaytoday , He Junhui Report


I Messed Up My Local Eco System By Setting Hundreds Of Californian Ladybugs Free And Never Told Anyone Even After I Started Noticing The Changes

I just recently was reminded of this story by the man on TikTok who let millions of frogs go in his backyard. Someone in the comments mentioned the story of a man who let out ladybugs and a wave of regret hit me.

When I was about 13, my science teacher let us choose our own final projects. My friend and I wanted to do research on [m]etabolism, and after searching around the internet we discovered that ladybugs would be the best test subjects for our experiment. We somehow got approved by our school to order 100 ladybugs from California for the sake of science. However, when they finally arrived, it turned out that my teacher had ordered wrong and there were 500 lovely little creatures waiting for us in a box. We got a bigger container to hold them all and ran the experiment as planned. Spring break finally rolled around and my teacher assured us that he would take care of the ladybugs while we were gone.

However, when we returned, the box sat unmoved on the table. Our teacher had forgotten to feed them and they all lay on the bottom, dead from starvation. You would think that having done an experiment on the metabolism of these organisms that can withstand crazy temperatures and prolonged starvation we would have realized they could still be alive, but no. I cried and felt terrible for leaving all of them to die. My teacher reluctantly gave me permission to go "bury" them to respect their loss.

I opened the container and a swarm of ladybugs took flight, dissipating into the air. Some were actually dead, but the majority had left the container. My teacher watched this happen, and although a lot of the details are fuzzy, I'm 99% sure that my teacher told me to keep it quiet.

The next years to come came some of the worst ladybug-related disasters my small town had ever witnessed. They CRUSTED the windows of every home and ate foliage like crazy. People who were unfortunate enough to have poor insulation (including me) would find them in every nook and cranny in the house. In such a tightknit community full of farmers and gardeners, word spread fast. And I just watched it all happen, knowing full well who was responsible. Years went by until the population of ladybugs seemed to go back down, but they still run rampant. I'm not sure what help could have resulted from my confession, but it certainly would have cleared up what had happened for the dozens of townspeople who didn't understand why this was happening to them.

I feel absolutely terrible and wish I had confessed sooner. I know it seems like an unfortunate mistake, but in hindsight it was reckless and I should have told someone sooner. I have told a few friends since the story re-entered my mind, but I just thought I needed to apologize to the public.

JustEemers Report

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jojothecatlady01 avatar
JoJo Anisko
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Seems like the teacher was the one at fault? OP didn't know they were still alive.

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I Have Been Sleeping With Both Partners Of A Married Couple. Neither Of Them Are Aware The Other Is Cheating. The Wife Doesn't Know The Husband Likes Men

I Have Been Sleeping With Both Partners Of A Married Couple. Neither Of Them Are Aware The Other Is Cheating. The Wife Doesn't Know The Husband Likes Men The wife came onto me first but I didn't sleep with her out of respect for her husband, til he messaged me on grindr and I realized they're as bad as each other and I may as well have some fun with it. I even popped the husband's bootyhole cherry. I might tell them one day but ehhh the sex is fun.

popcornandsoda2 , Womanizer Toys Report


I Overcharged Over 5,000 People

I Overcharged Over 5,000 People Back in high school I used to work the concession stand. In my school the booth was a little folding table where I would sell water, pop and chips.

To anyone that was a visiting team I would charge $.25-.50 more on the items they wanted to buy, and I would keep it.

I ended up making somewhere around $3,000 doing this for my high school career, and no one ever found out because I didn’t charge anyone from the home team the same amount.

u/Nymmash , Meaghan O'Malley Report


I Sh*t On My Neighbors Door Step

I Sh*t On My Neighbors Door Step So back when I was ten my dad asked me if I wanted to make 20$. I accepted. The catch I had to sh*t on our neighbors door step. It was clear my dad had beef with this woman. She woke in the morning and tried to blame our Chihuahua. My dad yelled at her saying that the sh*t was bigger then our dog. Impossible. The point is I don’t feel bad. Forever daddy’s girl.

Sharleena88 , James Balensiefen's profile James Balensiefen Report


I Stole Money In Junior High School With A Fake Fundraiser

I Stole Money In Junior High School With A Fake Fundraiser When I was in junior high and it was perfectly fine to go door to door and ask for donations for sporting events and stuff, my sister had a typewriter and I would make up a fake sign-up form and ask for donations to a team going somewhere with my school. Easily [made] [one] hundred bucks in one day. Never forgave myself lol

[deleted] , Annie Spratt Report

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beckisaurus avatar
3 Owls In A Coat
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I apparently did this once with my twin when we were like 5. I went to my neighbours house and asked for money for “heart cancer.” I was apparently inspired by our Halloween UNICEF donations, which you might remember if you’re a millenial/Gen X. The neighbour mom gave me a toonie and then instantly called my mum and was like “I think your children are robbing people” 😅 we got punished, neither my twin or I remember doing this at all but it’s a story we keep hearing and it makes us laugh. What a couple of bratty little arseholes eh lmao.

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I Used To Throw Out Food So My Mom Had To Cook Again

When I was a kid I used to live alone with my mother, she always cooked more than necessary at lunch so she don't need to cook again for dinner. Food usually was enough even for the next day lunch. I hated this, in my mind, there was no need for that. She was just lazy. I threw out the food so she had to cook a new one, this last for a month or so, obviously she realized what I was doing but never said a word, she just took the "hint" and cooked less.Looking back, she was so f*cking busy. Single mother having to take care of a child and work at the same time. Honestly, this is not something I cared that much until last week when she died, everything came back. All the sh*t I've done in the past that made our life difficult

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rachel_raynor avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow what a judgemental kid. Mom sounds efficient rather than 'lazy' and the op only realised this after she died. Wow

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I Stole A Microwave From Walmart Out Of Desperation

I while back while I was still in college I lived with my then fiancée in a very over-priced apartment in a relatively big city. At the time, my job was only paying about $7.50/hr and I was studying and working full-time just to pay the bills. Basically a decent yet expensive apartment, and just enough money to pay the bills.. not much wiggle room.

Well one night my S/O was at work and I was at home, heating up some leftovers for dinner in our microwave and as I go to take the plate out, it slips and hits the door of the microwave on the inner edge and completely shatters the front of the microwave. So I'm freaking, expecting my S/O to come home mad at me and/or just stressing about having to buy another one. And then I saw a walmart receipt on the counter and I went to walmart.

It was probably around 9pm, my S/O was going to be getting off soon, so I'm rushing. I walk in, find the exact same model of microwave that we have, and grab it off the shelf. I took the receipt out of my pocket and held it with the microwave, and just walked out the door. After getting it out and setting it up I told my S/O I cleaned the microwave. Never told a soul about it. That was probably about 6 years ago... still using the microwave :/

philosopher-z0rk Report

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bethchristian avatar
Screaming Pumpkin guts
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ok im probably going to get downvoted for this but, i know it's stealing but you gotta do what you gotta do, especially with a low paying job

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I Along With My Siblings Destroyed An Awesome Collection Of Vinyls Our Parents Collected Over Several Years

Our parents owned original records from their young years. Led Zepp, Pink Floyd, Beatles, ABBA, Carpenters, Bee Gees, and what not. It was our elder cousin's idea that it'd be fun to break them. They were just black/grey disks for us. We had our fun back then. I still remember the look on my uncle's face. He was stricken dumb.

I regret it every time the word vinyl comes up. So does my older cousin because they love rock as well. It was her idea to just break them. We were a mischievous lot. But there's no excuse. We would have been heirs to an amazing collection of vinyls but we chose violence

u/idleinsanity9 Report

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piercejeremy2 avatar
Detroit Citizen
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

OMG! Me too. This was in the 80's. My mom and her long term bf at the time had hundreds of records. As with any 80's boys, me and my best friend used them as frisbees, "throwing stars (lol, just got the pun 40 yrs later lol)", anything. We just liked to throw them. The adults werent mad. I cant remember getting in trouble. Well when my friend and I tried it with my older sisters CDs (right when they first came out, somewhere in the late 80's), she whooped us both. I guess the GnR Use your Illusion double CD set was rather expensive. She never forgave me, even though I replaced it when i got older. To my sisters dying day, that was a rift that never healed. Im sorry sis, I was just a dumb boy who didnt respect others stuff.

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When I Was A Kid I Would Wipe My [butt] With Towels That Were Hanging Up

When I Was A Kid I Would Wipe My [butt] With Towels That Were Hanging Up This is something I’ve never admitted to a single person.

I’m not sure at what age I stopped doing this, but throughout most of my childhood I had this OCD compulsion where every time I would finish wiping I would stand up, walk over to the towel rack and give it one or two more thorough swipes. I couldn’t not do it. I felt unclean if I didn’t.

It wasn’t until I got a little older that I realized just how f**king f**ked up it was. My older siblings spent their entire childhoods drying their faces off with my shi**y remains.

I’ve been mortified about it for years but I’m actually in tears of laughter writing this out right now.

TheFlightlessPenguin , Lukas Schroeder Report


I Faked A Shellfish Allergy To Get Out Of Work Early

I’m a 18 (m) and I was serving at Olive Garden at the time. My managers know that I have shellfish allergies and I serve many tables who order seafood. One day we were super busy I felt like sh*t and wanted to just go home. I ended up purposefully touching a piece of shrimp to make me break out but not cause my throat to swell up. I told my manager I must of gotten seafood on me and insisted I must leave to get medicine. They were all worried and let me leave and I drove home feeling like a high schooler hooking up with a hot girl for the first time. I got home smoked a bowl and watched some rick and morty. I feel ashamed but I would without a doubt do it again.

u/Twowheatbuns Report

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Riley Quinn
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Still young enough not to fully understand how he put all his co-workers in a lurch... right up until the last line. Then he revealed himself as a selfish brat.

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I’ve Spent Close To $2000 Dollars Of My Parents Money On League

I’ve Spent Close To $2000 Dollars Of My Parents Money On League i hear stories like this a lot but i wasn’t even that young, 14-15 and over the course of 2 years i spent $2000 on riot points. f**king stupid of me. the card was linked to my acc and ten dollars there twenty here hundred there and boom $2000.

mom and dad i’m sorry

u/wiskj , Alexander Mils Report


When I Was 9 I Started The Biggest Fire My Town Had Seen In 150 Years

When I Was 9 I Started The Biggest Fire My Town Had Seen In 150 Years When I was 9 my older cousin (14) stayed with me and my family for a couple weeks. My cousin was a troublemaker and her parents had hoped that sending her to ours would keep her out of trouble for a little while.

One day while she was over I asked if we could go to one of our local forest areas and make a fire to roast marshmallows. When we got down there we made a little makeshift campfire out of newpaper and sticks all on top a rock. Eventually my curiosity got the better of me and I started chucking different things into the fire. Leaves, sticks, pinecones, anything I could find in the little area we were in. Then I wondered what a leaf on a tree would do if we set fire to it. My cousin got her lighter and lit a small leaf on a near by tree. I stared at the reaction in awe and my cousin set a group of leaves on fire. We laughed as we watched the fire slowly engulf the branch. Once the fire burnt itself out we carried on setting fire to bushes and branches and then we realised that the fire wasn't dying out. In fact it spreading.

My cousin started to freak out as she realised the fire wasn't stopping. The summer heatwave had made everything so dry that it was catching fire extreamly quickly. She grabbed my hand and we ran to the dirt road that was on the outskirts to the forest. But instead of calling 999 we just stood there. Watching it as it spread and spread and spread. My cousin almost called them multiple times but I kept telling her I didn't want to get into trouble so she never did. It had eventually spread so much that the fire department had trouble controlling it and had to order an evacuation of a nearby village. It was said to be the biggest fire the town had seen in 150 years. No one was hurt but it did take 10 hours to get under control.

It wouldn't have been as bad if hadn't stopped my cousin calling 999 when we first lost control. Both I and my cousin had promised not to tell a soul but 12 years on and my guilt is still here, I still feel terrible about it.

u/anonymouspossum99 , Egor Vikhre Report

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cathygaines avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Thank goodness nobody was hurt! And I hope you learned a lesson that it's better to act fast and call for help in an emergency.

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My Friends And I Silly Stringed A Guys Convertible And It Was Bad

When I was in 10th grade me and some friends thought it would be a good idea to go egging house and spraying silly string on cars. We waited until the weekend and we all went out and bought a few cartons of eggs and a can of silly string for each of us. Later that night we all went out, we decided not to do it in our neighborhood because we thought people would know it was our group of friends. As we were walking we saw this convertible with the top down and I said “this top is down let’s spray a bunch of silly string in it” so we sprayed a bunch of silly string in this guys car and I mean we basically went through each of our cans. After we were done being menaces we had to walk past the same car we silly stringed and the owner was out there and he was pissed, he was holding a crowbar and pacing back and forth. When he saw us he immediately knew it was us but what would he of done? Beat all 5 of us 15-16 year olds with a crowbar? Looking back I feel awful about the entire thing, I can’t imagine how difficult it was to clean up

InfamousRunner1324 Report

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piercejeremy2 avatar
Detroit Citizen
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Back in the day, so long ago the day is forgotten along with the type of car in this story, myself and some friends got some petty revenge. We shrunk wrapped a bullies car and made it impossible for him to get it out of a parking spot. The bully drove a tiny Geo Metro. He was just unbearable. Long story short, we worked in a 24/7 resturant. He left with his gf for a while. We (entire kitchen crew) shrunk wrapped his car. Several layers deep. Then we found out we could pick up either end and move it with six of us. We "parked" it the opposite way of the parking lines, then used four cars and blocked him. The owners of the fours cars and the rest of us went to strip clubs in Canada. We were 19 y/o Michiganders. We were gone till our next shift the next night. Sorry not sorry Brian

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I Lied About My Height For Most Of High School

So once I stopped growing I was at a happy 6 foot even, but that wasn't enough for me, I needed more. I would tell everyone I was 5'10". I noticed there was a large population of guys who claimed to be 6 foot but were just under the mark, so to really drive the point home. I'd argue that I'm under 6 foot and since they're shorter than me, they can't be 6 feet tall. Watching the panic in their eyes as they tried to defend their height was the highlight of my highschool experience.

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joepublique avatar
Joe Publique
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen on BP. It doesn't even make sense.

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Served Potentially Toxic Fast Food

I really need to get this one off my chest. I think I've done something immoral.

When I was in high school, I worked at a local fast-food chain. I initially started working since I was told it was a good idea to get a job. But as I started working, the reality kicked in. I became more and more jaded, realizing that I had basically become a robot, and absolutely hating every second of my life at the workplace. Everybody I talked to hated working there. And I didn't know what to do.

The idiot I am, absolutely bored out of my mind, [I] starting finding ways of amusing myself. One way was to put ice cubes in frying oil, which would make it pop. This kind of activity slowly devolved into putting paper receipts and… plastic straws and bags into the oil. I liked seeing the effect it would have on the paper and plastics as it would crumple into itself. It didn't pass my mind that this would possibly release toxic chemicals into the oil. While I don't know what kind of toxic material this would've released, I now realize how dangerous this is.

I was caught by the manager, who simply said “don't do that.” Who in hindsight should've fired me, scolded me, and completely dumped and refreshed the oil or something. I assume he was too busy, although I didn't continue doing it after he said that. I left the workplace a few months later as I hated working there so much.

I hurt and poisoned people, who had no idea, strangers, meaninglessly, out of boredom and pure foolishness and stupidity. As far as I know I could've given dozens of people cancer.

tldr, I put plastic in frying oil out of boredom

[deleted] Report

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I Faked My Resume And Now I'm In The Sh*t

Throwaway account for obvious reasons. Since I started High School, my parents stopped checking in on my grades and their mentality was basically "we don't care as long as you get into a good university" and they've carried on this mentality to when I got into college and they didn't really checked on my grades and gave me free rein as long as I majored in the subjected they wanted and graduated on time with good grades. Well basically what happened was that I failed my first year and had to switch my major. I didn't tell them and they didn't ask so I thought as long as I got my sh*t together and not drop out I'll be fine. One day out of the blue last semester my dad asked me to write up a resume. I panicked and wrote up a resume but changed the GPA and major and made up some sh*t and thought I saved myself. Welp, this winter break my dad dropped it on me and told me he knows people in a big company, he gave them my resume and everything and wanted me to intern there. So I am f**ked. They'll probably figure it out and let my dad know and I'll probably get disowned or something, and best case scenario they don't check and give me the job, and I have to live with the guilt that I got a job that I didn't deserve cause of nepotism, this sh*t is depressing as f*ck and I'm typically an easy going guy but this whole ordeal is giving me anxiety like nothing else. I feel like an a** for failing and lying to my family about it and now I'm on the verge of being blown and I thought maybe making a post here will make me feel better but I honestly don't know.

throwaway1529069 Report

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Russell Tilling
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just deal with it. They sound a bit dictatorial tbh so just make the most of it. Accept the worst that can possibly happen and then work hard to make amends, and try and build better outcomes from where you are know. People have done worse things. Own your mistakes but don't ask other people to fix them for you.

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I Used To Steal Coffee From Starbucks

A couple years ago I downloaded the Starbucks app and signed up for the membership to save my card and orders and such. After signing up, you get a coupon in your email for a free coffee of any make/size. At first, I didn’t know you had to load it to the app after ordering, so when I went up to the counter and ordered my usual venti caramel Frappuccino with an extra pump caramel and extra caramel drizzle. I proceeded to show the barista the code I had in the email, and he said, “it has to be loaded onto the app.” I honestly had no clue how to use the code, but instead of going through the whole process on the app, he just let me have the free drink. I took this knowledge and used it on other Starbucks throughout my town for almost a year. Now, I’m not a total dirtbag because everytime I got a free drink, I’d buy a square of lemon cake and leave a couple dollar tip

u/buttwhat123 Report

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livlisbon84 avatar
Olivia Lisbon
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I read about a guy who got coffee somewhere where they were known for “free coffee on your birthday!”. He made 366 accounts, and has a “birthday” every day…of course this would only really work if you had 300+ branches in the area.

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I Used To Eat My Coworkers Apple Chips At Work, Then Tell Him That I Was Allergic To Apples So He Wouldn't Accuse Me

Just to be clear, this wasn't because I was particularly hungry, its because my coworker was an absolute a**hole. He was really creepy toward the girls in the office and always said some pretty weirdly racist sh*t to our other coworker who was from mexico. He was just a crude, horribly annoying person who seemingly took enjoyment out of making everyone around him uncomfortable. He was like a mix of Todd Packer from the Office and Tony Soprano. He always brought these apple chips into work to eat for lunch, and occasionally I would go in, take the apple chips, and go to the nearby park and eat them for lunch. He would go around asking everyone if they took the chips and would act all pissed off because he knew someone took them.

Instead of just flat out telling him I'm allergic to apples, I put on a little show. He was eating his chips 2 days before I started to take them, and I asked if I could have one, and I took one and almost took a bite, then said "these aren't apple flavored are they?" and he said they were, then I quickly put it back on the plate and went to go wash my hands and I said I was allergic. Much more believable than me just flat out telling him.

This went on for about 2 months. I must have taken his chips like 10~ times or so.

u/willmaster123 Report


I Got Mad At My Girlfriend Today And Opened Her MacBook Air I Had Wrapped Under The Tree And Rewrapped It And Addressed It To My Son

Girlfriend and I got into an argument over our kids' Christmas spending budget. We both have a kid from a previous relationship. Her daughter and my Son. We have an agreed budget of $1000 for each kid. We have met that budget for both kids last week.

Today she tells me she wants to get her daughter a phone and wants to buy her an iPhone XS Max easily putting her daughter close to $1200 over our agreed Christmas budget.

We have a shared bank account so it’s not quite the “it’s her daughter and her money so what’s the deal” kinda thing.. we argued for three days over the issue, we couldn’t afford to spend another $1200 on my son to even out the budgets again at a ludicrous $2200 each.. my son would have never if know we spent an extra money on her but that’s not the point.. it’s unfair and in my opinion it’s favoritisms..

After another very heated argument over the issue. I walked over to the tree, grabbed her present. Opened it in front of her, and then rewrapped it and addressed it to my son. Now the budgets are mostly equal again give or take $100...

Merry Christmas.... B*tch

P.S the MacBook was purchased on my personal Credit card so she wouldn’t have known about it.

Twizzels Report

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staceygluchman avatar
Apathetic Bovine
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This… does not sound like a healthy relationship. In so many ways. Plus, $1,000 BUDGET PER KID???

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I Graduated At The Top Of My Class By Stealing Smart Students’ Homework

I Graduated At The Top Of My Class By Stealing Smart Students’ Homework I was definitely smart in school. I was the type of student where I could take an exam and score [an] A without any time spent studying. But when it came to homework, I would do anything to avoid it, and I figured out a creative way to get myself through all of my tough classes without any critical thinking. The way my high school worked was everyone in the school had a [G]oogle account that all of your assignments were supposed to be turned in through. The username had the same criteria for everyone: first two letters of your first name, last four of your last name, and your graduating year. The password was your student ID number followed by the school district. Once I realized that I could easily figure out my classmates' ID numbers without suspicion, life was a breeze. I’d make friends with a smart kid, pull out my student ID card and make fun of my photo on it. Then I’d ask to see what theirs looked like and sneakily take a picture to remember their number. Other kids would have their card hooked to their backpack or they’d have to take it out to buy lunch in the cafeteria and I’d take photos of it that way.

I had about 10 of my most hardworking peers' accounts saved on my computer and all of their final work was my rough draft. I’d jazz it up to add my own personal flair, and change it a decent amount to the point where it was nearly impossible for a teacher to notice a similarity between our assignments and often turn it in to get a better grade than what they did. I ended up ranking top 15 of my class, was in the National Honors Society and won awards in a few of my classes. I’ve never told anyone before and I’m definitely not proud of it, but I’m not sure that I would’ve graduated otherwise.

scorpiohoe98 , K8 Report


Deliberately Organised A Bad Work Xmas Party So I Didn't Have To Go

This happened a while ago (obviously) and was pre-COVID.

I was the office manager and I was told to organize the work Xmas party for about 30 people.

Everyone would need to pay for themselves AND it was outside of work time. Both a big no from me, but surprisingly, there were some people kinda interested in an after-work dinner/drinks outing.

Our Xmas parties were voluntary and normally I didn't go to them because I'd rather spend my time and money elsewhere, but if I was the organizer I kinda had to go. I had been there a few years, no issue with the people, but I kept work/social separate.

So, I was a bit of a foodie, nothing big but started hamming it up a bit more at work - [m]ention[ed] the fancy restaurant degustations I'd go to or some of the different cuisine I was trying on weekends.

So I chose a cuisine that wasn't weird, but unfamiliar enough so people were out of their comfort zones (Portuguese).

Because it was Xmas, restaurants were only doing set menus. So I found one that was a bit pricier but not crazy expensive to look like I did it on purpose ($70 per person without drinks - we're in a no-tipping country).

Different food + expensive menu = 3 RSVP yes and a canceled Xmas party.

It was entirely deliberate, sorry but not sorry.

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kb0569 avatar
Karl Baxter
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Trying to organise a meal out for those sort of numbers is usually doomed to fail. Someone can’t do Fridays, someone doesn’t like Indian food, someone is allergic to tomatoes, etc. so you wind up going to a Latvian restaurant on a Tuesday and no one’s happy.

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I Stole $40 From My Mom To Buy A Can Of Pringles

Back in grade school when I was about 10 I stole $40 from my mothers purse to use whenever I wanted to buy something. Once I got to school that day though I saw one of the other kids had a can of dill pickle Pringles which are still my absolute favorite to this day. So my stupid 10year old self gave him all $40 for that single and enjoyed every single of those delicious f*ckers.

When I came to school the next day though the same kid I bought the Pringles from, gave me back the $40 while crying because apparently his mom screamed at him to give it back and now he couldn’t buy candy with it because his mom wouldn’t let him keep it. I held on to that money for a couple days until my mom started looking around and asking if I had seen the money laying around since it wasn’t in her purse, so once I realized how I’d get my a*s beat if she found out I hid it under the couch and ‘found’ it about 30 minutes later. I never got caught but still look back on it and laugh that I essentially got some Pringles for free from the whole ordeal.

Not_so_slimshady Report


I Pretended To Be A Homeless Teen To Make Money Panhandling

I Pretended To Be A Homeless Teen To Make Money Panhandling I was 18. I had a sign that said I got kicked out for being a lesbian. One time a gay person on broadway gave me 100 bucks. I just wanted to make enough to wander around Europe. The day I got my visa, I got robbed and took it as a sign to stop. I’m really sorry, gay community

u/amandax144 , Ev Report


I Gave A Lactose Intolerant Customer Dairy On Purpose

I Gave A Lactose Intolerant Customer Dairy On Purpose I know this sounds weird but when I worked at Starbucks, there was a regular customer that was very difficult and rude. I was warned of this customer on my first day of training. She came in every morning and would try to rush the workers on doing their job and makes other customers feel uncomfortable. 3 months into working, she came in one morning and caused absolute hell. She was complaining about her drink while one of my coworkers was making the drink. As soon as she got it she accidentally “spills” it and asks for a completely different drink. I was so fed up. She wanted a Frappuccino. She went to the bathroom while we were making the new order. I switched with my coworker and made the drink. Instead of almond milk I made the Frappuccino with regular milk. The drink was ready by the time she left the bathroom. She takes the drink and takes a sip and didn’t complain. 5 hours later she calls the Starbucks from the hospital and I was the one who picked up. She got in a car accident trying to rush to a bathroom. She said she sh*tted her pants. I couldn’t be anymore happier that she was safe but got her karma.

SuperSlimeySlime , Victor Rutka Report

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joepublique avatar
Joe Publique
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Could potentially have killed someone over some petty nonsense. The only 'karma' that's coming is for you. You're a real a*s****.

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I Charged A Kid At My School 40 Dollars For 2 Bottles Of Fake Prime Hydration

This happened yesterday. Last week, me and my family went on a family vacation to California. We are originally from Canada, so we don't have access to KSI and Logan Paul's new energy drink, Prime Hydration. While in the US, I took the chance to buy and try out all of the flavors, but wasn't able to bring any back home because the bottles are over 100ml, and airports don't allow you to take anything over the limit with you. So, I decided to bring the empty bottles of Prime I drank from while in the US with me back to Canada as a souvenir, as it was the next best thing. When we got back from vacation, I sent pictures of the bottles to a group chat with kids in my school in it. I didn't think much of it until one kid, Let's call him Alex, messaged me asking how much he could buy them from. I thought about telling him the truth, but wanted to see how much he was actually willing to buy them for. He told me he could give me 40 dollars if I could give him one of the orange and one of the lemon lime flavored ones. This was an amazing deal since I bought them for about 3 dollars each. So I told him it was a deal. Not knowing what to do, I decided to fill the empty bottles with Gatorade and try to pass it off as Prime. Well, it worked. He bought them without realizing and that was that. And, to add insult to injury I found out after I sold them to him that he planned to give them to his brother for his Birthday.

I can't stop thinking about it and feel really guilty for doing this. I don't think I would have done it if I knew what they were for

SuperPizzaLuigiYT Report

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kb0569 avatar
Karl Baxter
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If people are stupid enough to fall for this sort of marketing they deserve to be ripped off. A shop near me sells this drink for £20 a bottle. I asked the owner if anyone buys them and it seems that they do. He’s as mystified as me as to why but he’s a businessman and if people are prepared to pay silly money for them then who is he to argue.

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I Tried To Miscarry My Baby And Hurt Her Permanently

When I was 15, I got myself pregnant unintentionally. I was a very promiscuous horny teenager and I wasn't exactly safe about it. Sometimes I used condoms, sometimes I didn't. I got really worried when I started experiencing the usual symptoms of morning headaches and nausea and skipped my period, so I took a pregnancy test and what I feared was true, I was pregnant.

I had no idea how to react to this. For one I was utterly terrified and I wanted to get rid of it. In a way it felt parasitic, the thing inside me with the power to f**k my life up. I have very Christian parents who would have disowned me for having an abortion, but I knew they would actually love to raise this kid. However, I hated the idea. I had problems with eating at the time and didn't want to gain the pregnancy weight and I just didn't want a child.

I guess I'm making excuses, even now. I started a smoking habit very promptly, since I'd heard in science lessons that one of the effects of smoking can be miscarriage. I barely ate at all, and if I did I threw it up, all in the hopes of starving it as if I was trying to get rid of a fever. It didn't work. I gave birth to her far too early and as a result she is blind. I gave her away and haven't heard from her since, she's 8 by now. My parents were surprisingly supportive and I got the help I needed for my eating disorder and I still go to regular therapy. I just had to get it off my chest.

Viracocha Report

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hea_c avatar
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Pregnant teens need all the support and help they can get, with no judgement. I don't know what resources she had. I have opinions but I don't know if they're relevant. What's done is done. This poor baby was abused inside the womb by a mom who didn't want her to live. Was abortion an option? I don't know. But that would have been a better option. At least she's being raised by loving family, now. I was a young parent and I had met many other young parents. Some of them terrified me how they talked about being pregnant and their babies just being immature. I had the opposite feelings towards my pregnancy once the shock and fear died down.

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I Stole So Much Ketchup From My School That They Had To Switch From Packets To A Dispenser

I don't regret this but I find it funny. One day my friend gave me 5 bucks to go up and take all of the ketchup, and another 5 to do it again right in front of the lunch ladies when they refilled it. This became a habit of mine, emptying the ketchup into my jacket and leaving everyone else with none. We were debating what to do with the packets but in the end decided to keep them, I think we had 1200+. One day though, I just took the entire basket that the ketchup was in as well, and put it on the table next to ours as to frame those kids. The janitor found it and took it back to the lunch ladies, who looked pissed. We had no ketchup for a couple days, then we got a dispenser. I stopped stealing condiments after this. And no, I don't like ketchup.

I don't believe I made the lunch ladies jobs harder, but looking back on it I do feel a little bad for the kids that wanted ketchup.

theWhitestPerson Report

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livlisbon84 avatar
Olivia Lisbon
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You did make it harder. They probably had better things to do than endlessly refill the ketchup.

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When I Was 15 I Pushed My Father Down The Stairs While In A Fight

So my room didn't have a door because it was broken and my room was next to the bathroom. My sister was in there for a very long time and he wanted her to get out because it was around 10PM but she didn't. So he looked into my room from where he was standing for a while and while i was playing a game he pulled the wire from my mouse in a very hostile way, we then said some things to eachother and i pushed him out of my room and then he tripped and fell down the stairs.

Instead of helping him i felt so good and powerful, it was a scary feeling thinking back about it. That night he slept on the couche and i didn't say a word to him. The next day he went to the doctor and it turned out that he had a shifted vertebra.

u/THRAW_02 Report


I Got Someone Fired And Never Told Anyone About It

I Got Someone Fired And Never Told Anyone About It I used to work for this job where we drove trucks around. On one day, I was driving a truck and I had to squeeze in between a small gate. I got through the gate fine, however on the way back I scratched the left side of the car. I didn’t report it because I didn’t think anyone would notice it.

A couple days later, I get called into my boss’ office and they have me fill out a report saying that I didn’t know about this damage and I drove the truck before it happened. Apparently, someone else drove the truck after me and it got reported while they were driving it. It was also his third strike and he got fired after that. I never told anyone that I caused the damage to the car. I didn’t think someone would get fired cuz of my damage. I worked at that job for another six months knowing I got some dude fired and I would feel bad when they would bring him up and say that they miss him. Well I don’t feel that bad . I didn’t cause the two strikes before it.

Additional-Strike603 , Shay Report

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susangreen_2 avatar
Susan Green
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So you got someone fired because you were too much of a coward to admit it was your fault? You should feel bad.

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I Stole The Class' Marbles So We'd Never Fill The Jar And Get The Pizza Party

In grade 6, we had a glass jar at the front of the classroom. When we behaved, the teacher would take out a marble from her desk and put it in the jar, or remove one if we were misbehaving. The teacher promised that we'd get a pizza party if the jar was filled past a certain line, except we never did, and it was because of me.

I disliked a lot of my classmates because they were annoying and rude. I hated the idea that little Jimmy, who would constantly moan and make weird noises for attention, would get rewarded just because everyone else in the class was behaving.

And so, every time we earned any marbles, I would ask to go to the washroom during recess and go to the classroom to take out a few of them. Then, I would go back to recess and throw the marbles over the fence so that we never reached our goal. Eventually, I think one of the teachers caught on because she went to buy new marbles, but I kept doing the same thing.

Oh, and I also don't like pizza anyways, so it was a win-win for me

[deleted] Report


I Cheated To Get My Bachelors And My Masters Degree

I Cheated To Get My Bachelors And My Masters Degree Yeah I cheated. I didn’t write any of my papers, I didn’t do any of the work myself. I stole a lot of work. Took only classes anyone I knew did and used all their work for it with minor changes. I made it through 6 years and got two degrees. I got a scholarship out of high school by cheating, I cheated during the SAT, I cheated most of my life and I feel a little bad but not really.. Thanks to a couple real ones for holding it down for me, wouldn’t have made it this far without you

Musky-Chan , Brett Jordan Report

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oliviadean avatar
Olivia Dean
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And you just repeatedly cheated in exams? Only a few subjects don't have exams, and lecturers / tutors are well aware of students who display little knowledge in class, or don't show, and then hand in work done by others - as a post grad lecturer, this is just not possible for a whole degree, comprised of say 20-48 different subjects. I call b******t.

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I Sometimes Steal The Drink On Doordash Orders Because I Get Thirsty

I Sometimes Steal The Drink On Doordash Orders Because I Get Thirsty I’ve been a driver for a couple months and I only do it 1-2 times a week for 6-7 hours and make around 230ish after gas. That being said, I get thirsty and hungry af towards the end. Sometimes I will simply hide the drink and 50% of the time they notice and call or text and I will tell them they can contact DoorDash for a refund or voucher, the other times I get no response. I also still have a 5 star rating

u/benje17X , ODNAE Productions Report